grave-keeping note

4. Color painting

4. Color painting

My second master and I went up the mountain, with a deep foot and a shallow foot. I don't know how many fights I fell.

The second master didn't come out without a flashlight. After we got to the top of the mountain, the second master said.

"Take a break and wait for dawn."

This second master almost didn't make me angry. You know, it's better to do it at dawn, and I don't know what he thinks.

It lasted until dawn, which was uncomfortable. I don't know how much I suffered with the second master. After dawn, I saw a grave behind me, and I jumped up and felt very uncomfortable.

The graves here are buried in a mess. I was confused at a glance. There are so many graves, which one is Meng Yilan's grave, which is not easy to find, not to mention hundreds of years.

The second master was standing in front of a grave half an hour later.

"This should be it."

"How are you sure?"

"Looking at the grave for a lifetime, this is just an experience. Just like Li Fu, he has stolen the tomb for a lifetime. As soon as you hit the eye, you will know that this tomb is an old grave. How many years it has been buried, basically it will not be less than a year or two."

I didn't expect that there were so many words in this grave.

"Open it away."

"With your hands?"

"It's up to you."

Don't you take off your fingers with your hands?

"I don't want to do such a bad thing."

"People have been dead for hundreds of years. Without descendants, you don't have to be afraid."

I found a stick and the stone began to dig graves. After more than three hours, the wood was dug and it was rotten. The second master also jumped in and dug, and the bones were also dug out.

"Look for it. The key should be here."

I have no confidence in the words of the second master. After tossing for more than five hours, the key was found. As expected, it was the same as described in the book. It had no teeth and was made of black iron. It was very thick and a little heavy.


After the second master jumped out, he sat on the side to smoke. The more I look at this guy, the more angry I get.

After I spent an hour to finish the grave, the second master jumped up and left, and didn't let me have a rest.

I followed the second master back to the antique store, and the second master looked at it with the key. That thing doesn't look good, but if you sell it for money, you can really sell it for some money.

I don't know what the second master is going to do next, but I'm sure that the dream will still be done, pointing to the second master step by step to lock the mausoleum. However, I know that it's a bit of a joke to lock the mausoleum with such a key. The mausoleum is not the gate of anyone's house. I don't think it's that simple.

The second master's dream is still dreaming, but he never tells me.

The second master looks at the broken key every day, as long as he is awake. I was bored watching it. Gu Ye couldn't stand it and ran over from time to time. The second master didn't look at the key until he saw Gu Ye's stomach.

However, this is also what I'm worried about. I don't know how the second master will arrange this child in the future. I wanted to ask the number one second master, but I didn't ask, because the second master is not in the mood to tell me about it now. Even if there is, his plan will not be revealed in advance.

That kind of power seems to have been suppressed by the second master, but I still can't see too many sights. The second master is still dreaming every day, and when he wakes up, he writes and draws in it. I think that's what he dreamed of.

The second master met Li Fu in 20 days. He didn't let me follow him. I don't know what he said to Li Fu. When he came back, he told me to prepare and go out the day after tomorrow. Anyway, let me prepare everything I can think of.

I hired a nanny for Gu Ye. Gu Ye didn't want me to go, but there was nothing he could do.

When he set out that day, the second master did not go to the cave, but walked in the opposite direction. I don't know what the second master dreamed of. The son was in his arms and put there at any time, just like he was afraid that someone would steal it. I had never seen him protect anything like a treasure.

I carried a big bag, followed the second master, and entered Changbai Mountain. After two days of walking, I began to walk at dawn and climbed up the tree to sleep at night.

The second master and I had a quarrel, that is, when he saw a ten-year-old mountain ginseng yesterday, he didn't look at me or pay attention to the mountain ginseng. I feel a little pity that it is difficult to find the mountain ginseng now.

I didn't move the mountain ginseng, but I made a mark, and I hope I can find it when I need it.

On the fifth day, the second master stopped and sat down to smoke.

"Today, we came here to find the entrance to the mausoleum. There is a secret road. The hole that those people dreamed of was indeed the entrance to the mausoleum, but that was the entrance to death. It was the revenge of Shuiling. These people destroyed the mausoleum. Maybe the two of us can survive. Is it related to the gravekeeper? Today, the entrance we are looking for is an underground passage and a natural passage. When Shuiling was built, it was used. This is the real entrance to the mausoleum. I dreamed in my dream.

After the second master finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves. I saw three blue dots, but I didn't see any of them.

"The location is one kilometer within this range. Take this as the point. Let's look for it separately and gather here when it's dark."

After the second master finished speaking, he picked up something, got up and left. I saw that the second master had no shadow. I hadn't moved yet. I felt too tired. After lying down for a while, I got up.

The second master didn't tell me what the entrance should look like. The trees here are dense, and you can't find it if you don't look carefully. It's one kilometer. If it's not big in other places, it's a primitive forest.

I slowly found it and took it as a distraction. Until dark. I haven't gone far. I'm mainly afraid of getting lost. Although I have experience in this side, I haven't reached the level of not getting lost.

When it got dark, I went back and waited for the second master.

I'm worried that something will happen this time. The second master always seems to have a shady face. He rarely shady his face for so long.

The second master suddenly jumped out of the bushes and climbed up the tree. I was stunned for a moment. I didn't know what was going on, but I knew it must have been in trouble. I also climbed up the tree.

I just climbed more than two meters and saw a bear coming out. The bear was not that big. I climbed to the tree and sat down. The bear sat under the tree without moving.

The second master wiped his sweat and looked at me. If it hadn't been for my quick reaction, I would have died here.

I just felt a little strange. The bear stayed for a while and left by itself. Is this also called a bear? I don't know. The second master actually went down and took out the things in his bag and sat there to eat. I couldn't go down. The second master called me, and I didn't go down. The level of the bear is probably the ancestor of the bear. He looked stupid, but he was actually very flexible. That was an illusion.

The second master finished eating and smoked. He almost made himself and went to the tree. I was a little hungry, mainly because I was thirsty. I still went down and climbed up the tree with my bag.

My stupid bear didn't come back all night. I didn't sleep well all night, and the second master went down early in the morning.

After I went down, the second master told me.

"Cont on looking for your side, my side."

The second master pointed to the direction of the bear yesterday.

"No, on my side, on your side."

The second master looked at me and smiled badly, and I felt that there was something wrong.

But if you say it, you can't recycle it again. That's a little too unmanly.

I walked there bravely, and I didn't have the heart to find any entrance at all. Pay attention to the bear. If I go head-to-head, it's really hard.

I didn't touch the bear, but I didn't find the entrance. I got a lot of wild fruits back, and we didn't eat much. When I came back, the second master lay there and fell asleep. This guy was bold.

I touched the second master, and he sat up and asked me.

"Have you found it?"

I shook my head.

"Can you guess?"

Can you guess anything about this? I'm really home in my sophomore year.

I ignored him, and the second master looked at God and said.

"I'm afraid it will rain heavily today. We can't stay in the rain. We have to find a cave."

The second master stood up. I didn't walk too much from here, and I didn't see the cave. The second master walked in front, and I carried my bag.

Obviously, he knows that there is a cave.

"People in the mountains, the first thing they are familiar with is this terrain, so that you have a better chance of living. You don't know anything."

The second master has worn the mountain for a lifetime and has quite rich experience. Every time he went into the deep mountains, he would take a piece of red cloth. At first, I thought it was just for good luck or something. Just like when I went to a funeral, I would definitely put a small piece of red cloth in my pocket.

It was not until later that I realized that it was used when I got lost. The red cloth was conspicuous and used for help. I don't believe that the second master will get lost here.

After walking for more than an hour, I didn't see the cave. The second master stopped and pointed to the other side.

"I think it's a cave. The trees next to the cave are different from other places."

I'm not sure when the second master said this. I put down my bag and climbed up. There was indeed a cave behind the bushes. I waved for the second master to come up.

After the second master came up, he took out the flashlight from his bag and threw the bag to me. The second master took pictures into the cave and got into it. What I was most afraid of was this dark cave. No one knew what was inside.

The second master's eyes are not good. His left eye that can see things in the dark are gone, and the vision of his right eye is not so good. I'm worried about what will happen.

"I'm in the front!"

The second master ignored me. He can still be young for himself. After a while, a mountain dog jumped out and gave it to him two, and he knew the depth.

The mountain dog did not jump out. The second master jumped up. I followed behind and couldn't see the situation in front of me. The second master jumped back and knocked me down.

The second master got up and ran away. As soon as I was about to get up, he trampled me down. Damn it, the second master was like this every time, running away regardless of his life.

I rushed out of the cave, and the second master sat outside gasping.

"What did you see? Is it so scary?"

"I didn't see it clearly."

I almost lost my breath at that time. What's the matter? I didn't see it clearly. Why are you running? I don't want to say anything more about the second master.

"I want to go ahead. You follow me. Don't follow me too close."

"I think it's better to change places."

"Look, this day, it will be off soon. Where else should I change?"

I got up and went in. To be honest, I was also scared to death, but this time was much better than being killed by Ray. I saw that many trees in this place have been struck by lightning. Obviously, this is a minefield. At least I don't know what caused the thunder.

The second master followed, one sentence after another, which made my heart beat.

When I stood, I was really shocked. There was a color painting in front of me, which was quite realistic and full of walls. I think this painting should be thousands of years old.

I think the second master was probably dazzled and misread something. He didn't say anything.