grave-keeping note

6. Absorption

6. Absorption

I don't know what the black thing is. His example is clear, but I still don't understand. The second master took the black thing and went out.

He went to the sarcophagus and said.

"That's it."

He drew the black thing around the outside of the sarcophagus, drew a black path, and then walked to the stone gate.

I had been hiding aside for a long time, and the lid of the sarcophagus was staggered and made a loud noise.

After the coffin was opened, the second master leaned over and took a look and said.

"That's it."

I walked over and looked inside, and there was a big lock hole inside.

"If there is nothing wrong, there should be a key in the sarcophagus that matches this lock hole, but I'm afraid the key is gone now."

"Who can open that sarcophagus?"

"I think you should know that those who built this mausoleum are all capable people. If they don't come in, they can also take away the keys by evil means."

"What are you going to do now?"

"Let that key be useless, and that's it."

"Did you destroy the lock hole?"

"No, you get water."

I brought the water over, and the second master poured into the lock hole and froze in an instant.

"The water will expand. This lock hole should take advantage of the principle of expansion. If it is opened, the key should be the same, but there is no way to rotate it. After more than three minutes, the lock opens another set of locks, and the original key is useless."

As soon as the second master finished his words, the lock hole turned up and changed its shape. The ice was crushed and squeezed out.

"Our task has been completed."

The waterway here was also closed. After our second master went out, the second master said.

"After the water inside was full, the door closed. Everything was the same as before."

"But I don't understand what kind of power is?"

The second master shook his head. He didn't tell me, but I knew that the second master might know.

I think this power should also be withdrawn. The coffin is locked, and there should be no other problems.

After the second master and I got out of this waterway, the second master told me when we were ready to go back.

"I'm back to Xinla City. Be careful of Li Fu and Ji Xiaoqing. They are likely to cooperate."

I didn't expect that the second master suddenly proposed to go back to Xinla City. I can't say anything more. When I returned, Li Fu actually stayed at my house for two days.

After Gu Ye finished talking to me, I didn't ask any reason. It was an electric cannon. Li Fu covered his bleeding nose and said.

"I'm in a hurry."

I still want to hit Li Fu, but Gu Ye stopped him.

"Get out of here."

Li Fu is gone. He said he would come again to calm me down. I asked Gu Ye and Li Fu what are you doing here? Gu Ye shook his head and said.

"I don't know. He just sat here and said he would wait for you to come back."

I don't know what Li Fu is looking for, but I think there must be something big, otherwise he won't stay here.

The next day, I went to the antique store, and Li Fu actually sat at the door waiting for me. When he saw me, he stood up and covered his nose.

"Brother, don't worry, listen to me first."

I entered the store and Li Fu followed.

"There has been a situation on the other side of the lake. Now those people in the city are there, and Ji Xiaoqing is also there. I'm afraid something will happen."

My strange thing is that Li Fu cares so much about Shuiling. Didn't he want this Shuiling to be cracked? After thinking for a while, I figured out that if those people crack it, there will be no part of him. Now they have dumped Li Fu. After using him for so long and without any results, they will definitely leave him.

I can understand that Li Fu did this. In fact, his life was for this Shuiling. Maybe he is not for anything. He has too many things and sees a lot.

People may be like this. When their material desire is satisfied, it is novel. I think so. Li Fu may be like this, but I don't think this person has the heart, and if he were there, he wouldn't come to tell me.

I went to the lake, and it was really lively. I think it was probably caused by the whole lake when we locked the mausoleum.

I'm surprised what happened. If the second master is here, I can ask. However, the second master returned to Xinla City.

I didn't know that Li Fu had always told me this, but I knew later that Li Fu had a purpose.

I sat behind the bushes and looked at the water columns spewing in the lake, one after another. If it were in the park, it was the scenery, but it was a strange thing here.

Now this lake has become a famous lake, and something often happens.

Ji Xiaoqing actually saw me. When she came over, I didn't notice. She spoke to me and shocked me. I looked at her and she told me.

"What the hell is going on?"

"You are an expert, do you ask me?"

I replied that Ji Xiaoqing seemed to be unhappy.

"We are also studying, and there is no result so far."

"It has nothing to do with me. I hope you don't come to me again."

Ji Xiao glanced at me, and I couldn't tell what kind of look it was.

"Actually, it's okay between us, but my work conflicts with yours."

What Ji Xiaoqing said really made you feel uncomfortable at home.

"Get out of here."

Ji Xiaoqing didn't expect me to say such a thing. She stood up, looked at me and left.

When Li Fu came over, I didn't figure it out, but I knew that it must have something to do with me and the second master going into the lockling. The water on the top of Changbai Mountain entered the mausoleum and met hot and cold. This situation may happen, but if it continues like this, I'm afraid it won't be that simple.

Li Fu asked me what was going on? I didn't say anything. Even if I knew it, I wouldn't tell him.

I stood up and walked back, but Li Fu didn't follow me. After I walked out of their sight, I turned back to the tree hole. I'm staying in the tree hole. I'm afraid this matter will be troublesome. This is a consequence that I didn't expect with the second master.

In the middle of the night, it was quiet. I was sitting outside the tree hole and watching the situation in the lake. The water column seemed to be stable, but it was still spraying.

When I got home, it was dawn and Gu Ye had already got up.

As soon as I fell asleep, Li Fu called and said that Ji Xiaoqing had an accident.

"It has nothing to do with me."

I turned off my mobile phone and went to bed. In fact, I really can't sleep. What will happen to Ji Xiaoqing? I don't know. An hour later, I got up and told Gu Ye that I was going out to do something. Gu Ye is good. As long as I don't want to say something, she never asks me what it is.

I went to the lake, where there was a mess, and several ambulances were parked there.

As soon as I passed, Li Fu ran over.

"How did you come here? No one has been found yet.

"What's going on?"

"The water suddenly soared, like a suction cup, and sucked away many people. Now according to the preliminary statistics, thirteen people."

I just felt that something would happen. I walked over and looked at the lake. Now it's calm, as if it's a little scary. Those water ghosts kept going up and down, but no one was found.

I think this matter is going to be troublesome. They are constantly provoking this Shuiling. Shuiling has a power. No one can explain clearly what kind of power this power is and what control it uses.

I heard those leaders say that in a few days, several foreign tomb experts will come to examine Qin Ji Mausoleum, Shayixinda Mausoleum, Hilvan Sha Mausoleum, Jahanji's Tomb, Humayong Mausoleum, Angel Castle and so on. If so, then when they come, this problem will be solved soon.

I'm a little worried. If I don't tell the second master about this, it's also a mistake to guard this mausoleum.

Li Fu called him home for a drink.

"I don't think these experts will be able to do it when they come."

"I don't think so. Almost all of those people have inspected the tombs in the world."

"It's not that simple. This Shuiling has a power that can't be seen or touched, but it can control the situation."

Li Fu is right. Li Fu also knows a lot about the tombs of the world. He has read the information. Although there are strange mysteries, he has not yet reached the situation of Shuiling.

I decided not to tell the second master first. After all, I'm in my 60s, and it will take me more than 40 days to go back and forth to Xinla City. However, I have to go to Shuiling several times a day.

The experts arrived ten days later, and there were four experts, all of whom were foreigners. I didn't see it, I just heard about it.

I don't know what will happen to Ji Xiaoqing? She is now an expert, and such a young expert seems to be rare. I have been waiting by the lake, and Li Fu also followed me.

When those experts came, they looked at the lake and didn't know what they were studying. An hour later, they left. I don't know what else they will do next.

The next day, these experts brought the equipment and began to go into the water.

"Those are the most advanced X-ray equipment, which can show everything within 100 meters underground, and the structure will be displayed."

I think it's a little suspense.

"You have to find a way to get close to them and see if they can do it?"

"I was kicked out by others."

I know that there is no chance to point to Li Fu. I think this wizard is hidden. Li Fu is very shrewd.

We tracked the experts in a villa provided by the city. We can't lean over, and there are a lot of police outside.

It seems that there is no way for us to know what extent they have reached. I'm really a little worried. Since I'm an expert, it's not all bullshit.

The next day, the newspaper announced that these foreign experts had cracked the internal structure of Shuiling and found a lock-shaped opening.

Such a thing is not a good thing for me. They are not talking nonsense. I know that since they have said the lock-shaped opening, it seems that all this is true. I'm going to tell the second master now. I'm afraid it's too late. I didn't expect them to be so fast.

If they figure out the structure, the next step is to take action. However, the newspaper did not report the missing 13 people.

Li Fu and I have been staring at these experts, and two days later, these experts took action. When they arrived at the lake, the city leaders and many experts accompanied them, and even a deputy governor came.

Li Fu and I are in the tree hole and look at these people.