grave-keeping note

14. Meat spirit

14. Meat spirit

When I fell asleep at night, I felt that my face was hot and there was something soft. I touched it and it was really soft. I jumped up and shouted.

Then I heard the sound of "coo-dong..." outside,

The second master pushed the door in.

"What happened?"

"The flesh is lying on my face, and now I don't know where to go."

The second master was stunned for a moment.

"It seems that it needs your help."

"What should I do?"

"After dawn, it will go out, and we can just follow."

After dawn, the meat spirit really lay on the door and kept moving.

When I opened the door, the meat spirit went out. In the sun, it became transparent. If you don't look closely, you can't see it at all. The meat spirit has been flying in front of us.

The second master and I followed.

"Where will it take us?"

"Just follow me."

I thought it would take us to Liu's old house, but it didn't go in that direction. Instead, I went to a garden.

The Xiyuan is located at the junction of the provincial city and the city. There are four pagodas, 21 meters high. Each room is full of urns, which looks a little scary.

The meat spirit actually ran to the tower in the west.

Then it landed on a urn on the first floor.

My second master and I went to see that the photo on the urn was a young man. He seemed to be only in his 20s, and his name was very loose.

I think this must have something to do with this person, so we have to find this person.

The meat spirit lay on it for a while and then flew away.

"It seems that we are looking for this person."

After saying that, the second master took a look at the photo on the urn, turned around and left.

We went back to the antique store, and the second master asked me to find this Yang Kesong.

I asked my friend to go to the Public Security Bureau to investigate, but I didn't find it at all. If this person dies and his household registration is cancelled, it is impossible to find out.

A city with a population of more than 2 million, not to mention dead people, is not easy to investigate. When I went back, I shook my head.

"I can't find this person."

"Then go and guard it."

The second master stared at me.

When I went to Tallinn to guard it for 28 days, a man appeared, an old lady, who set up a bouquet of flowers at Yangkesong's urn and left after a while.

I followed this old lady. The old lady entered the happy community.

I remember that building. After I went back, I told the second master that he would buy something to have a look in the evening.

I think it's a little too rash. Just don't let the old lady scold her. I bought fruit and took it with me in the evening.

I'm going to see what the second master said. When we knocked on the door, the second master smiled. I think it's better not to laugh. When the second master laughed, the old lady was excited.

"I'm a friend of Mr. Yang. I'm coming to see you."

The second master's words surprised me a little. If Mr. Yang comes out, what will you do?

When we went in, we really didn't see Mr. Yang.

The second master naturally chatted about some other things and directly entered the topic.

"Yang Kesong is your son. He was very good when he was a child, but he didn't expect..."

"That's fate!"

"What's going on?"

"It's strange to talk about this. Three years ago, I met a girl who is very beautiful and cultivated. I also like this child very much. However, later I found that this girl was very strange. She always came at night and never appeared during the day, and there was always a strange smell on her body. Up to now, I don't know what it is. They have been together for more than a year, and I think they should get married. They want to meet the girl's parents, but she hasn't mentioned it. I thought it might be before the time, so I just waited. Who knows, just waited for something to happen. That day, Lao Yang and I went there. We saw our son. He was dead. Lao Yang couldn't do it at that time. . I thought it was strange. The girl never appeared again, not once, but Song died at a graveside without any internal injuries. Finally, the forensic doctor said that it was caused by anemia. The blood in his body was only one-third of that of normal people. I was strange at that time. Ke Song's body had always been very good and alive. At that time, I didn't find anything wrong. This place is a mystery, and I don't think about it now.

I didn't expect that the second master guessed that Lao Yang was dead. Probably he listened to me and only the old lady went to see his son, so he guessed that the second master still had rich experience in life.

"What's the girl's name?"

I asked.

"Liu Yingying."

I almost didn't jump up. The second master patted my hand, and I didn't jump up. I was sweating at that time, and Yang Kesong's mother seemed to see my strangeness.

"Do you know each other?"

"I don't know. I just feel strange. I won't bother you today."

After saying that, the second master stood up and left.

When we arrived at the door, the second master asked again.

"Where is that grave?"

"I don't know if the tomb is still on the mountain west of Qinggou."

When we come out, the second master wants to go to Qinggou.

"I'll go tomorrow! The mountains on the other side of Qinggou are full of stones, which is not easy to walk.

The second master agreed. When I returned home, Gu Ye coaxed the child. I picked up the child and felt pain in my heart. I really don't know which of them will go to Xinla City.

The next day, we went to Qinggou and saw the grave.

A lonely grave has obviously not been taken care of for a long time, and it is almost flat.

"What do you mean by Liu Yingying leading us to Yangke Song's house?"

"I can't see it yet, but at least Yang Kesong's death has something to do with Liu Yingying."

"What are we doing now?"

"Dig this grave."

The second master took out a small military shovel from his backpack and threw it to me.

"I always do this job."

"What do you want me to do with an old man in his sixties?"

I have nothing to say.

The grave was dug up, and it turned out to be an empty grave. The second master was stunned. Obviously, he did not expect it to be an empty grave.

"If it weren't an empty grave, whose grave would it be?"

"Anyway, it's not Liu Yingying's. Du Wei said that Liu Yingying's bones were hidden in the tomb of Liu's house, while Liu's landlord and his grandmother were not buried in it, but no one knew where they were hidden. After their death, the bodies stopped at Liu's house. Of course, both disappeared at night. This case was in the public security. It can also be found in the bureau, so this is true.

"This big landlord Liu is really pitiful and rich. In the end, even the bones were stolen and there was no whereabouts."

"You can't say that. The person who stole their bodies must be a person who has a very close relationship with Liu Dazhu."

"His second wife, or his third wife?"

"It's all possible."

After I buried the grave, we left.

The second master and I went to the old house of Liu Da landlord. I asked the village head to take us there. The village head didn't want to, but for my face, he had to take us there.

When we entered the house, the second master went to a room with a lock on the door outside the room.


The second master said to the village chief.

"This door has never been opened, and I can't open it. I don't have a key."

The second master took something out of his bag and wanted to pry it open, but the village stopped it.

"No, this place has belonged to the country. They let the village watch it, so you can't do this."

"You didn't see anything."

The village head turned a little upside down, and I pulled the second master.

We couldn't open the door that day. The second master came out and told me that the tomb of the Liu family should be in that room, which should be the entrance.

I think it's all evil. Liu Dazhu built the tomb below. This is a coffin in the coffin, the house is a coffin, and there is a tomb in the coffin, which is absolutely evil.

The second master was a little unwilling. Unexpectedly, Li Fu and Ma Ping came. I think the second master is completely crazy about this business. There must be no good thing when the two wizards are together.

When I watched the three people discussing and Li Fu's bad smile came out, I knew that the village head was going to be unlucky.

No one expected that the village head was hanged in Liu Dazhu's house, which was really evil. After the village head's body was taken away, Liu Zhai was also officially sealed.

The village head died too quickly. I know that before Li Fu and others started, the village head died, which made them very surprised. It was also a week late for the old house of the Liu family.

They jumped through the back wall and prepared two ladders. That day, I didn't go. I wanted to go, but the second master wouldn't let me go.

I'm worried that these two damaged kids will throw the second master into the tomb of the Liu family.

The second master came back when it was dark, and when he came back, he fell asleep. I don't know what happened. Li Fu and Ma Ping didn't follow.

I didn't expect that the meat spirit would appear in the antique store again.

We didn't understand Yang Kesong's matter. The second master caused this matter again. I guess it has something to do with Yang Kesong. The meat spirit is restless and always flies around, which makes my heart fluff.

The second master woke up and saw the meat spirit. He stretched out his hand and patted it. The meat spirit dodged, and then fell on the wall and did not move.

"How was yesterday?"

"There is nothing in that room. There is no tomb at all. It turned out to be a warehouse with rags."

I didn't think it would be like this. Does Liu Dazhu's house also hold rags? I have some doubts about this.

"Anyway, it is said that the tomb of Liu Dazhu's house is in the house."

The second master didn't say anything. The meat spirit flew to me and lay on my hand. I didn't know what that meant.

"I think I have to follow this meat spirit once. It seems that something has not been figured out."

We followed the meat spirit again and went to Taling. When we went there, it was very strange that the original position was changed to another person. It was an old man. The meat spirit flew there for a while and then left.

"What do you mean?"

The second master didn't say anything and went to the management office. The man helped us check. There was no Yang Kesong at all. That position was the old man surnamed Zhao ten years ago.

My legs were so weak that I couldn't stand it.

The second master looked at me and left. I followed the second master.

"What's going on?"

"It's fucking evil."

The second master went to Yang Kesong's mother's house and opened the door, which surprised us. The door was facing a posthumous photo, which turned out to be the old lady's. Damn it.

"We are the original big girl unit. We have known each other for many years. Let's come and see you."

The power of the second master's nonsense is really strong.

We went in and talked. We knew that the old lady had been dead for four years. I feel a little dizzy.

We came out, I didn't talk, and I didn't recover.

The second master also felt strange. We saw the old lady a few days ago. That was true and alive. Why did she die for four years? It's just a joke.

However, the second master mentioned that Liu Yingying and Yang Kesong were also alive. Moreover, the second master saw the photo of Liu Yingying and Yang Kesong. The touch was Liu Yingying. The second master saw Liu Yingying's portrait in Liu's house, which was indeed Liu Yingying.

The second master and I went back and didn't see the meat spirit, which was strange enough.

Li Fu came in and said that something had happened to Ma Ping.

I was stunned for a moment and asked.

"What's wrong?"

Ma Ping went to Liu's old house by himself. When he came back, he closed his eyes and didn't wake up. He didn't know what happened.

"No way?"

The second master felt so strange.

Let's go to see Ma Ping. Ma Ping was really unconscious. He hid in the hospital**.

"It's hard to return."

The second master said this, but I didn't understand. I asked the doctor, what is Ma Ping's disease?

"It's not easy to be sure, but we have to prepare for the afterth."

I didn't say anything and scolded in my heart, quack doctor.

After I went back, I asked the second master.

What does it mean that it is difficult to return?"

Ma Ping really doesn't look good. He has something from the Liu family and accumulates gloomy. Although he is a wizard, there is no other way. It seems that Ma Ping has already said it.

The second master said that he would go to Liu's old house at night. There are always troubles and always going there. It's not strange to encounter strange things. I don't want to go.