grave-keeping note

22. Drum corpse

22. Drum corpse

After I got on the shore, I put on my clothes, took my bag and left.

I thought that thing would follow me, but it didn't keep up. I'm still terruffing when I get back to the antique store.

I was sick and had a bad cold. When I took a drip, I thought the animal would come to me, but I didn't. What I didn't expect was that Shi Mingwen called me.

"I found a secret. I want you to see it."

"Then come here and come to my house."

When Shi Mingwen came over, I was shocked, with a long beard and a haggard look. I didn't expect him to do this. He took out something from his backpack, a piece of blue and black bone. I don't know what kind of bone it is.

"This is the newly pulled bone."

I was stunned for a long time and didn't say anything.

"The bones of the newly pulled man have a blue and black bone, which is this bone that makes the newly pulled man have a lot of special abilities. Don't you know who the newly pulled man is?"

I shook my head and listened to what he was going to say.

"The Xinla people are the Xinla people. They have a castle, which is a paradise, just like Tao Yuanming's paradise. It is real, but we have never found it. I didn't expect that the tree burial was a new people. It was more than 2,000 people, such a large-scale tree. Funeral, it can be seen that the Xinla people were very powerful at that time. Why did so many people die? I don't understand. I think the Xinla people still exist, and there must be descendants.

The famous historical article stunned me. How can it be a new tree burial? Maybe it's just one person mixed in it, which is also possible.

"Have you seen the bones in other tree burials?"


"That should be a look."

"That's what I mean."

"Where did you go that day?"

"I just wanted to sleep that day. An animal led me away and went to the stream, but it soon disappeared. I took out the bones in the tree burial. I wanted to get it back to the hotel, but I was afraid that others would find out, so I went straight home and studied it until now."

The animal actually took Shi Mingwen to the stream, but suddenly disappeared. I guess the animal didn't think he was looking for someone, but the animal was looking for a new man, or a gravekeeper.

I recovered from illness for a week. After I recovered, I called Shi Mingwen.

Shi Mingwen drove to pick me up. I asked Shi Mingwen in the car.

"Have you found Tulun City?"

"It's not the problem of Tulun City now. The tree burial of the newly pulled people. If so, it may not be Tulun City, maybe it's Xinla City."

I didn't expect Shi Mingwen to think so. That's not Xinla City at all.

After we arrived at the birch forest, we cut two more trees. After Ma Ge cut it, we really found the black bone, a bone in the thigh. I think I should have it too.

However, I don't think so. This is Xinla City. Maybe the new people had a war here, which is difficult to say.

Famous historical texts are looking for ruins everywhere. I don't think I can find them at all on the ground. It should be below. However, I can't say now, who knows what will happen to historical literature? He is learning, which is no problem. In the future, if he really takes out the dungeon, I think he is committing a crime. As soon as the new city is developed and tourists come, it will be all over here.

Shi Mingwen and I left the next day. After leaving, I returned that night.

I went to Tulun Creek and sat there smoking. I was carrying a diving suit. I think I should be able to successfully enter the city. Except for the cold spot, I guess there is nothing unexpected.

I was about to stand up when I felt the people behind me.

I didn't move, so I put my hand into the bag and took out the knife, then suddenly turned around and waved the knife.

"What are you doing?"

is Li Fu.

"I want to kill you."

I stared and walked towards Li Fu one by one, and Li Fu retreated.

"Brother, don't be excited. Let's talk about it."

"Li Fu, what are you doing with me?"

"Aren't I curious?"

I put down the knife and sat back to the stream. I didn't notice that the boy was following me.

"Actually, I think you should have found something, as expected."

I think it's good to take Li Fu with him. In case something happens, this boy is a little tricky, and he won't tell it.

"Come down with me later, but you can't say it. If you say it, I'll kill you."

Li Fu nodded.

I didn't expect that Li Fu also took his wetsuit. I guess this boy knew something.

After we went down, the word "Tulun" was written on the city gate. Of course, I don't know the truth, because I know it's Tulun City. Looking at the words, I recognized it.

The gate is open. When we enter, this city is similar to that of Xingcheng, and the size pattern is almost the same.

After turning around, there were no new discoveries. It was all flooded. The city became a water city, and it had been underground for hundreds of years.

When we were going back, Li Fu pointed to the west.

When we went there, it was an underground passage. After entering, there were more than 2,000 coffins. Open one and see, all of them are bones. Obviously, this is the bodies of the slaughtered people in Tulun City.

Then the tree on it should be a new man.

Li Fu looked around, and I knew what to look for.

"Don't look for it. Tulun was almost poor in that era, and there was nothing to find."

After Li Fu came up with me, he was not happy.

"How can there be nothing? It's really strange."

"After Li Chengliang slaughtered the city, do you think anything would be left? At that time, Nurhachi was also very thirsty. It was at the time of the expansion of the army that a broken bottle was probably a good thing.

Li Fu still shook his head.

When I returned, I felt very strange. Tulum City had nothing but those coffins, and there was no weapon at all. So what did that animal do there take me there? What's the purpose? I can't figure it out, and I can't figure it out.

I picked up the ghost golden face and felt something was wrong. I have to go to Tulun City.

When I went there again, a week later, I checked the information about Tulun City, but there was still not much record, that is, the information written by historical famous articles. Many parts of it were speculation and there was no real evidence.

I went down again with a ghostly golden face, and I thought I might find something.

That day, I wore a mask and went down. When I got there, I felt something strange. Sure enough, the ghost golden face worked. I was led to the drum tower in Tulun City, which was so big that it seemed to beat more than usual.

I hit it, and the sound made in the water was not too strong. I knocked hard again, and the drum skin broke, which may be because the water had been soaked for too long.

However, what I didn't expect was that there was a body in the drum, and the body was circled in it, and I trembling.

I pulled out the body and it didn't rot. It seemed that something was used. I smelled a smell, like a preservative.

I looked at that face and felt that something was wrong. I took off the ghost golden face and put it on this body. It was just right. When I wanted to take it off, I couldn't pull it off. I knew that this made me return my face. I took the body back to the drum. I thought my task was completed. It'd better get out of here, no What to look forward to.

After I went back and went to the Moon Tomb, I didn't know what the bearded Yueming could have to do with Tulun City. The ghost golden face may be a connection.

Shi Mingwen came to find it and told me that he was sure that it should be the site of Xinla City. I felt that he was a little crazy. I didn't deny it or agree with him.

I don't want to see historical literature again.

This incident made me panic.

Half a month later, Li Fu rushed in.

"Brother, Tulun City has been sealed off and can't get in. It's fucking weird."

"The gate is closed, and you can still enter from above."

"That's what I think, but the water actually has a kind of power. After leaning in, it will be pushed out."

"Then don't go. It's just a cemetery."

Li Fu stopped talking, and he suddenly turned to the lake.

"The equipment on the other side of Shuiling has been transported. It seems that we really need to move the lake to find the mausoleum."

When my heart tightened, I knew that there would be such a day sooner or later.

If only the second master were here, maybe he would have something to do. When Li Fu left, tell me that he would call me at any time if there was anything. He was as excited as beating hard blood.

I think this product wants Shuiling to open. He wants to see what's good in it. That's it.

The second master has never appeared. I went back to the village. When I went up to the small building, I saw Ji Xiaoqing in it. It seemed that he had lived here for a while.

"Actually, you shouldn't stay here."

"Master Yi's place is restless at night."

"The second master doesn't like you. If you know you are here, he can do anything."

"I don't want to go back to that house. I just want to stay here."

I don't know what's wrong with Ji Xiaoqing. He doesn't feel very energetic. When I left, Ji Xiao stood at the window and looked at me. I don't want to mess with this woman. This woman is more evil than the second master.

After I went back, Li Fu called and said.

"The channel has been opened on the other side of the lake."

I was stunned for a moment and hung up the phone.

I went to the lake at night, where I was also working at night. It seemed that the city was working hard. Looking at those people, I think the lake leads down. If it doesn't lead well, there will be a big problem. However, the mayor insists on moving the lake. If Shuiling is really developed, the whole city can run at a high speed by relying on this tourism industry. This achievement is not a small achievement. It is better than planting trees and paving roads.

This risk is worth taking.

When I came back at dawn, I entered the antique store and sat there drinking. People often come to this antique store, unlike at the beginning, no one came in for two months.

However, the things here are very expensive, except for those fakes, so there are still very few things sold.

Li Fu walked in and said strangely.

"The moon tomb was stolen again. This time, it was opened. At first glance, it was a new hand, but it was full of courage. The tomb was miserable enough. If Yueming was alive, it would probably kill the whole family of the boy."

I was stunned for a moment and didn't expect such a thing.

"It must have something to do with the ghost golden face."

"Isn't that golden face with you?"

"The thing has returned to its original owner."

Li Fu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't ask.

"I think we should go to the water mausoleum to have a look."

"That's looking for death. If you want to go by yourself, the waterway of that hole may go in."

Li Fu said with a sinister smile.

"Do you want to kill me? No way, I won't die if you don't die."

After Li Fu left, Gu Ye came in and hugged my son.

I took over the child and teased the child.

"I miss my daughter."

Gu Ye cried after saying that.

"Go back and have a look if you want."

"When the second master left, he told me that we couldn't go back without him."

I won't talk, my daughter, but now there is no other way, that's all I can do.

When the lake is muddy, it is in April, when the north is still a little cold, and the tap water in the whole city is muddy and there is no way to drink it. The road opened and did not move the water in the lake, which made the leaders in the city a little panicked.