grave-keeping note

26. Box coffin

26. Box coffin

If the new people only have 1% of their arrows, they can also win, because of the lack of material, there are less than five arrows on each person, and some are still ground with tree poles, which is one of the main causes of death.

In this regard, the new man didn't get anything and killed 2,200 people, which was quite a heavy blow.

At that time, when Nurhachi heard about it, he was even surprised. After a long time, he said that thousands of new soldiers were enough to win the Northeast, and tens of thousands of new soldiers were enough to determine the world.

Nurhachi asked Li Chengliang to lead thousands of soldiers. According to the earliest custom of the new people, he buried the birch forest, indicating that they would not die and live forever.

I cried when I read this book. I can't remember the last time I cried. I feel that I am a new person and have a sense of pride. It turns out that I don't think it's a new person, but I think it's another nation, a weak nation, but now it doesn't seem to be.

This book is hidden in Shuiling, which probably also means Nurhachi, a kind of respect or awe, which I don't know.

Li Fu called the next day to tell me that the four waterways had opened and the water in the lake had fallen.

My heart is hairy, sitting there in a daze.

I went to the lake, and the water really went down three or four meters. At this speed, there should be no problem for the rest of the month. The water is gone, and the large excavation equipment comes in. In less than half a month, the water mausoleum will be exposed, and the water mausoleum can't be preserved.

I heard from the city leaders that after the water mausoleum was excavated, an underwater channel was opened, which was transparent, leading to the water mausoleum, and then the lake was poured back, becoming the first best-preserved water mausoleum in the world.

This idea is very bold. If it really succeeds, I think one-tenth of the people in the country will come once, what will the economy of this city be? Everyone should know.

However, I think this is a little risky. Wealth is in danger. This is a little deadly. The argument is very insufficient, and it is likely that there will be problems.

I went down the guideway to the New Lake, which was surrounded by mountains on three sides, and they were very good at finding a place.

The last box coffin were received in a large warehouse of the museum, which attracted worldwide attention. They really received both fame and fortune. This second-tier city suddenly attracted the attention of the people. It turned out to be the eldest son of the Republic, but now it has turned into a second-tier city and attracted attention again.

Those box coffins have been stored in the warehouse and guarded by the armed police. There have been no rumors about how to deal with this. However, the market has begun to sell this kind of box coffin privately. Probably some people have found it in advance and took part of it away.

The private coffin box has been sold for more than 30,000.

However, I didn't expect that there would be so much. I think there is something wrong with this. Ten days later, I heard that the government is putting in a box of coffins and stir up the price of the box coffins. In fact, the value of this box coffin should be five or seven or eight thousand yuan, because the quantity is too large!

I know that the box coffins stored by the government have been displaced by the people in batches. The government needs money, and it will take hundreds of millions to move the lake, which is a big project. Historically, the rivers and mountains are all influential projects.

However, the four paths that moved the lake were closed. The water of the lake was half to half. No one knew why it was suddenly closed. That was decided by the city team.

Of course, this kind of thing will come out soon. It can't be a secret at all. It's just a matter of time.

A disease suddenly appeared in the city. People's hands began to turn black and dark, and then the joints began to get bigger. After more than ten days, the whole person was black, and the joints kept getting bigger, and the pain was like a knife.

Walking on the street, whether day or night, you can hear screams and painful groans.

The whole city has been under martial law, and experts have come one after another, and there is still no way to solve this problem.

However, some people soon realized that it was caused by the box coffin, and the government kept broadcasting the important statement of receiving the box coffin. One night, the box coffin was everywhere and thrown into the street by the people, and the car collecting the box coffin pulled one car after another.

At least, when the box coffin circulated, it did not go to the outside market. If it is a few more days or more than ten days, it can't be guaranteed.

This city has become a dead city, infecting this black disease.

I also got this disease, and Li Fu didn't escape.

When Li Fu came in, he held the door and stared at me, which scared me. Except for his white eyes, there was no other color.

Li Fu came in and screamed from time to time. My pain was not that bad, and I endured it.

"All this has something to do with the box coffin. I think we should go to Shuiling for a certain solution."

"You are a bear, can you go?"

"Go by yourself, or find the second master immediately."

Actually, I thought for a long time that I should go to Shuiling, and I began to pack up. When I put my bag on the counter, seven or eight people came in. It was half black and looked uncomfortable.

I recognized the mayor, and he was still in front of the mayor. It seems that it is for stability and there is no substitution for the time being.

"That's a germ. I don't think you should shirk it at this time."

I took a look at the packed bag and said.

"I'm not very sure. You shouldn't have touched that water mausoleum at the beginning."

The next day, I left, but I still went through that hole, and I couldn't get in anywhere else.

When I was about to get to the stone gate, I saw a man sitting there with his back to me. I jivered, and there was someone.

I slowly approached, and I saw from * that it was the second master.

"Second Master."

I called the second master, and the second master looked back at me and said.

"I know you will come. It's ridiculous to look at you."

"There's nothing ridiculous. Maybe I won't be able to do it soon."

"The hateful mayor made such a ridiculous decision, which made the people in pain."

"It's useless to say anything else, hurry up! Or I may accompany you for a day or two.

The second master shook his head and said that I had tried, but the door could not be opened.

I told the second master what happened last time, and what happened during this period. The second master had no reaction and seemed to know it.

The second master is one layer older.

He locked his eyebrows and stood up for more than half an hour.

"Let's go out and don't enter from here."

I didn't ask where to get in, just follow.

After we came out, the second master did not go to the other side of the lake, but returned to the city and entered the antique shop. He asked me to call Li Fu.

Li Fu said he was going to die. Let's go there.

The second master and I went there.

"You told me that there is a coffin of Qingchen."

Li Fu was stunned for a long time and sweated. I don't think it's a painful sweat.

"Do you want to accompany the corpse to find the way?"

"There is no other way."

"That will be very risky, 80%, and it will die."

"Do you think there is any other way?"

The second master didn't look at Li Fu, probably couldn't bear to look at it.

"There is one in the temple on Crescent Mountain under the pan shop."

My second master and I went to the temple on Crescent Mountain. At the first door of the temple, there was a shop, which turned out to be made of stone. Two pits knelt on it. Think about it, the incense should have been quite strong, with thousands of people kneeling and tens of thousands of people worshipping.

I didn't move the shop alone, and the second master took a hand to move it away. There was a hole.

"You wait on it and I'll go down."

I'm waiting for the second master on it. This temple is dilapidated. In fact, it should be repaired as a tourist spot. I was thinking nonsense, and there was a movement below. I stretched out my hand and was ready to pull the second master, but it was a cold and hard hand that grabbed my hand.

I trembling and wanted to let go, but I was caught to death. I can't move at all.

I pulled hard. I first saw bones, and then the imperial clothes of the Qing Dynasty. I screamed in horror, and it turned out to be the corpse. When it came up, it let go of its hand. I jumped out of the door, and then the second master came up.

The second master waved me in.

I hid from the corpse and looked at his clothes. I was also a literary minister in the court. I don't know how many clothes, but I don't look too far away.

"Only this kind of old corpse can find the way. I will enter the old corpse later and look for the entrance to Shuiling. You will follow behind. After finding the entrance, you find a stick and hit the head, and use up all your strength."

Evil, it's evil anyway.

The second master suddenly disappeared, and I knew that he had gone into the corpse. Walking towards the corpse in front, I followed behind and walked towards the corpse, which was awkward and awkward.

I thought he would jump around like it was on TV. In fact, it's pure nonsense on TV, and even ghosts don't walk like that.

Walk slowly towards the corpse, especially like the upper court, like a saint.

More than two hours later, I went to the mountain by the lake and stood there looking down at the corpse. I didn't know what to see. The lake was calm. This place seemed to be a place where death always came, and people no longer ran here.

Unexpectedly, it made a "cooing" sound towards the corpse, which sounded a little like a pigeon.

He moved again and walked to the west of the lake. He walked to a stone in the west and sat on the ground, as if waiting for something. I looked at it with fear, hoping that nothing too scary would happen.

This lake has been formed for thousands of years. There are many strange legends in the thousand-year-old lake, and every lake will be like this. Of course, this lake is no exception. It is said that there is a toad under the lake. How big is the thousand-year-old toad? Some people have seen it. It is as big as a jeep, and the spewed venom is more than ten meters high, but I didn't see it. It feels scary just by listening to it. I think, I hope it's not that thing.

In fact, whether that thing exists or not is two things. The corpse sat still, as if it were going to sit for thousands of years.

I dare not be too far away or too close. This job is the most difficult to do. It is the life of the second master.

I sat in the middle of the night and suddenly jumped up. The speed was so fast that I was scared and jumped up. I didn't expect that he would suddenly jump up.

Jump up to the corpse and don't move. The lake is rolling, like boiling water, from a point to the whole surface, amazing and shocking.

The stick in my hand is held tightly and my arms are sore.

A stone-like thing emerged from the lake, three or four meters long and two or three meters wide. It was hard to say what it was. He leaned this way to the shore and stopped.

Walking towards the corpse, there was a cover on the thing, which opened and drilled into the corpse. This is another time for me to get in trouble. Do I enter or not?

Maybe without your hesitation, I got in. I hope the second master will be serious this time.

After entering, the cover was covered. I felt it moving, and the speed was very fast.

I can't see the outside, and the corpse has been standing in a posture. I raised the stick. I don't know when it's time to play with the corpse. This is my first time. I don't have any experience, and I don't want to have experience.

That thing is so fast that I feel a little dizzy.

Ten minutes later, the thing stopped, pushed the lid away at the corpse, and went out. I drilled out with the head handle. When I went out, I saw that it was inside Shuiling. When I went up, it was a stick. The stick was broken. I was covered and held half of the stick. I was dumbfounded. Looking back at the corpse and looking at me with empty eyes, my heart is empty.

It dispersed, and the bones dispersed on the ground, and I took a long breath.

"What are you doing so hard?"

The second master said in a court uniform.

I can see the second master. I said, rubbing my numb hands.

"Didn't you tell me to try my best?"

The second master stared at me and looked around.

"This is part of Shuiling. We only look for that kind of medicine. I think we should have it."

I don't know how big my water mausoleum is, how many organs there are, and how many weird they are. I always think it is endlessly big and endlessly weird.