grave-keeping note

28. A bone

28. A bone

I don't speak. I know that the ghost golden face is in Tulun City, that underwater city. I didn't expect that this matter would cause trouble again.

"You can't escape this matter, and don't be beautiful."

"I've recruited everything."

"The traitor looks just like you."

"I can't help it. Don't think too much about this matter. At most, just take out the golden face."

"It's no longer with me. I think you should know where it is."

"I know I said it a long time ago, but in exchange, you should consider this."

After Li Fu finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the door and said something.

"I asked, that thing can be sentenced to life imprisonment or a needle."

"Get out of here."

I threw the cup in my hand and Li Fu ran away.

I went to the second master's place and met Ji Xiaoqing. In fact, Ji Xiaoqing has been here. I haven't met him several times. It seems that the second master didn't want me to see it. I also feel strange. The second master's most annoying thing is Ji Xiaoqing. He actually asked her to stay. There must be some reason for this.

Ji Xiao saw me lightly, just a faint smile.

Her smile made me feel uncertain. The funeral procession in the village came, with a long team holding the urn, and I watched them pass by. Human death seems to be much more solemn than birth.

The second master said.

"One day, we will all be like this, and maybe we will be very lonely."

"That's just a ceremony."

Ji Xiao gently poured me a glass of water and put it on the table. I didn't move.

When I left the village and came home, Gu Ye handed me a file bag. I was stunned for a moment.

"It was sent by one person."

The son ran over and asked me to hug him, and Gu Ye took the child over. I entered the room and opened the file bag containing materials. I looked at it and sweated coldly.

That's about Shuiling. The material says that there is a melting hole underground, which leads to the Yellow River and leads the lake into the melting hole, which is the best solution.

If this is the case, I'm afraid this water mausoleum is really the only one.

I've been waiting for the police to come, but the police didn't come. It seems that it's just a plan. The new mayor also targeted us, but finally gave up.

People's work is finally done, especially like gravekeepers. If you meet Sister Jiang, it is useless to bombard her.

I don't know. What does this person mean by telling me this? Of course, the second master and I will definitely be furry. This is what the gravekeeper guards. Once the water mausoleum is broken, the mausoleum will die.

Endless trouble in the heart.

I went to the second master's place the next day and let the second master read this information. After reading it, the second master shook his head.

"There is no thousand-year-old mausoleum to guard, and there is no ten-thousand-year tomb to see. Come and go!"

Listen to the second master, this is to give up, there is no other way.

I went to the lake, and the waterway leading to the melting hole was almost dug.

The second master has never been here. He went to the Moon Temple when he was free. The incense in the Moon Temple became more and more prosperous.

The water released from the lake was at the end of August. The lake was emptied overnight, and the pillar spraying water at the bottom of the lake disappeared. The lake water entered the Yellow River, not to mention the water of this lake, even a thousand years ago, into the Yellow River, is just a cup of water.

The lake has seen the bottom, and hundreds of pick machines are working, which is very spectacular.

The second master still didn't come. He asked me about the situation from time to time, and I told him what I saw.

At this time, my heart was very calm. It seemed that the second master was right. There was no thousand-year mausoleum to guard, and there was no ten-thousand-year tomb to see.

I went to Tulun City that day, and the strange stream was gone. When I went in, the water in Tulun City was gone. It seemed that the water was gone overnight.

I sat on the wall of Tulun City, thinking about the war a hundred years ago. It seemed that I heard the voice of the golden horse. It was a tragic war, 22,000 to 42,000 people.

I didn't go to see the ghost golden face. Of course, when I was about to go out of the city, I was shocked. The ghost golden face actually appeared. It should be the body in the drum.

He was guarding at the gate, and it seemed that the goods didn't want me to go out.

I stood there still, and I wanted to see what the golden face was going to do. When the ghost golden face came to me, I felt that I wanted to pee, and I always felt that this ghost golden face would be endless with me. When I robbed this ghost golden face that year, it would probably not be too uncomfortable, and the days were also uncomfortable because of it.

However, after all, Yue Ming wears this ghost golden face on his own body. Maybe what people have struggled in their lives is just a thing outside the body, which has no practical significance at all.

After all, the ghost golden face came to me. This distance is not far away, but I think it has been thousands of years. I stood still, took off the ghost golden face and pressed it on my face. I screamed and rolled on the ground. I have never experienced that kind of pain. It can make me feel that death is better than this.

After the pain, I felt that my strength had been taken away. I lay there and had no strength to stand up. I didn't see the body. I wanted to take off the ghost golden face, but it was like it grew on my face and couldn't be pulled off at all.

I went to find the body. It was not in the drum, not in Tulun City. I gave up. When I left Tulun City and walked to the gate, I saw the bones scattered on the ground, and I knew that it was the bones of the body in the drum.

When I came out, it was dark, so I had to go to the second master and ask him to take down his golden face. When I entered the yard, Gu Ye was actually in the yard, scared and screaming. I ignored her and went straight to the second floor.

The second master was also shocked when he saw me. His face changed, but his movements did not change. It seems that he has experienced too many things.

"Second Master."

I called the second master and wanted to tell him that it was me. In fact, the second master has already seen that it was me.

"How did you get into this thing?"


"You dare to touch the things in the moon tomb, especially this ghost golden face, this thousand-year-old ghost golden face, no one wants to provoke. I didn't expect you to be so bold."

The second master is a little angry.

I told the story before and after, and the second master sighed.

"Maybe this is the disaster. You can't escape it. You can fight with that bearded Yueming. Sometimes you can't believe the evil in the world."

"Don't say anything else, help me get it down."

"You think it's simple."

"Then I'm not an iron-faced man?"

"It will go when you want to go. Wear it!"

I'm angry. The second master doesn't help me, but I can't leave here. Where am I going with this golden face? Where do I dare to go?

I can only run to Yili. I don't want to see Ji Xiaoqing or the second master. I live at Mr. Yi's house, and I think it will come.

At night, I ran to the lake, where the lights were bright. The mayor actually sat in person and looked at his expression, which seemed to be very proud. I think he would cry.

un until September 10, I went back to Yi's house during the day and went to the lake at night.

Finally, the water mausoleum was dug. It was expanding little by little, and the machinery was withdrawn, and the water mausoleum was used for fear of destroying it. The water mausoleum is so big that the whole lake is at the bottom.

Expansion has been digging for more than ten meters, and it has not been dug to the bottom of the water mausoleum. Then something happened, and the water in the lake was gone all night.

It seems that the water in the whole city is empty. The water shortage is a terrible thing, but the project on the other side of Shuiling has not stopped.

The whole city is short of water. It uses fire trucks to pull water from other cities every day. The city also sends well-drilling teams to drill wells and drill thousands of wells. There is no water, but there is no water.

I think this is a kind of revenge for Shuiling's power. After that power disappeared, it probably came out again now.

I don't know how long it will last. These days without water are painful, and people's daily lives are a little messy. Starting from the water diversion project in other cities, it seems that they will dig out the water mausoleum at all costs.

Shuiling finally came to the end. It was 30 meters high and became a square. At first, I thought it was rectangular. But they didn't find the entrance. Of course, they will find a way to find the entrance, but they can't find it. They will also use a cutting machine to cut out an entrance.

The second master still doesn't move. I think he sits in a small building and drinks every day. Maybe he is really old.

In the middle of the night, I couldn't control myself and walked to the lake. Before I approached, a few people rushed up and knocked me to the ground. I didn't know where I came from so much strength. I threw them away and jumped on top of Shuiling. Countless guns were pointed at me. I didn't seem to feel that death was coming. I'm not afraid.

I stood in the middle of Shuiling and looked around. Those people were so nervous that they all stared at me.

Finally, the first shot was fired, then the second shot, followed by countless gunshots. I fell down, and I guess there were thousands of holes in my body.

However, strangely, I have no pain or blood, but there is no hole in my face. Those bullets hit the ghost gold face, only the sound of metal.

I fell down, and someone rushed over. When they didn't rush, I stood up again. I looked at myself, and the holes were gone.

I think this ghost golden face has a kind of power. Did the second master say that no one wants to provoke this ghost golden face? That Li Fu gave this thing to me. He originally knew it, otherwise he would have got such a valuable thing in his own hands long ago.

The weird moon tomb.

I stood up, and those who rushed over were stunned and ran away.

After staying for more than ten minutes, I went ashore and disappeared into the woods. I didn't go far away and stood on the mountain watching. Those people stopped working, and my appearance made them feel panic, a great panic.

I appeared at the mayor's house in the middle of the night. I could actually walk through the door. The mayor didn't sleep. I guess he couldn't sleep. When he saw me, he shouted and jumped up and wanted to jump out of the window. He glanced outside and didn't jump. It was the 28th floor.

"Stop digging water mausoleum."

My voice is like gold.

"It's impossible. You won't stop if you kill me. This is for the benefit of the people."

"Stop, it's up to you."

I left, which is not my intention.

I went back to Mr. Yi, and the second master was in the room.

"Your mission has begun."

The second master knew everything.

"What the hell is going on?"

"It's been a long time to say this. In fact, this ghost golden face has not lasted for a long time. More than 400 years, the same time as this Shuiling. At the same time, when the mausoleum was built, it also began to create this ghost golden face."

I opened two bottles of beer and handed one to the second master.

"When southern magic, northern witches and magic witches are used together, it is the time of evil. At that time, there were two people who created this ghost golden face, one is a warlock in the south and the other is a wizard in the north. The purpose of creating this ghost golden face is to protect the mausoleum. The ghost golden face has been flowing outside. It has a kind of energy to control people, or evil Whoever encounters the evil thing and has an accident in Shuiling will come forward. In those years, Yueming knew this ghost golden face. He wanted to grab it. After his death, wearing it on his face played the role of protecting the tomb. In fact, it was useless for him.