grave-keeping note

35. Prison

35. Prison

I think this matter is very suspenseful. I also doubt whether this department has this ability or not.

Si sat on the left side of the bone. He sat there without moving. I looked around and felt that it was a little uncertain.

When I didn't notice the side of the department, I looked at it again, and there was no one left. I jivered.

I felt the cold wind blowing everywhere, and the wind chimes on the Liaoning Tower sounded a little scary and strange.

The ancient tower has two functions.

First, it is used to suppress monsters, evil spirits, floods, and natural disasters. Second, it is used as a sacrifice, offering sacrifices to the gods and earthly mothers, praying for rain, and praying for victory before the war.

So what is the tower in front of me? I analyze that it should be used to suppress evil spirits. So if so, where does evil come from?

I looked into this ancient city. In the middle of the ancient city, there is a prison, which is a prison in the past. It has been well preserved. This time, it has also been left. Many things have been sent there and countless people have died. Therefore, this tower is used to suppress the evil spirit emitted here.

I have asked many elders and checked some information. It is indeed like this, but I really haven't been to the prison. Walking through the door of the prison, the air there is two or three degrees colder than other places. It's obvious, so I don't like to go there. The second master said that that's the reason for the gloomy atmosphere.

I didn't expect that when I was thinking nonsense, the second master suddenly appeared and rushed over. He picked up the wind chime and kicked away all the bones.

"Gaga, dead old man, are you still against me? You will die a miserable death this time.

I'm stupid. The second master is waiting here. I don't think he will give up.

He took a look at me and left. I'm dumbfounded. What should I do?

When I left here, it was already dark. I expected the secretary to come out, but no. Probably he couldn't come out in his life, and this person disappeared.

I didn't go back to the antique store, but to the office. I sat in the office without turning on the light. I think the second master is a little too much. After all, it is a human life. Why bother to harm people for a blood box?

The second master is a little evil. In fact, the second master is a very kind person. I can't figure out how he can do such a thing.

However, I didn't mean that it was over until the phone call came in.

The mayor called in and said.

"What's wrong with you? There's no cry."

At this time, I realized that there was no cry, and it could be seen that there was still a way. What I'm worried about is that Sibang will retaliate against me and the second master. The crying sound will sound louder at any time, anywhere. This is what I'm worried about.

However, no, until dawn.

After I arranged my work, I went back to the antique shop. The second master sat on a chair and the wind chime was placed on the table.

"Second master, you really shouldn't do this. It's unkind."

"You don't understand. You can check this person, and then you will understand everything."

I took a look, and the second master's bag must contain the blood box.

I don't want to say anything more. Sit there and drink with a bottle of beer. When the second master left, I fell asleep on the counter, and I didn't wake up until someone came in.

The man came to buy antiques. He looked at them for a long time, chose two pieces and left.

After he left, I closed the store and went to investigate the situation next to Si. I was shocked by what I found. This person died five years ago, but I clearly saw this person yesterday, which makes me unable to understand.

I sweated, and this strange thing happened around me.

I went to the Moon Temple, and people will come to the Moon Tomb from time to time. Because of Tulun City, this city has really attracted many tourists, and the Moon Tomb has also become a scenic spot.

I entered the Moon Temple and stood in the yard. I walked over and he asked me to follow him into the house of panic.

"Actually, it's not that I won't help you, your second master..."

When he said that, I knew that all this was arranged by the second master.

"What's going on next to the division?"

"Actually, this person died a long time ago. It was a car accident."

The host even said so, which made me suspect that I was sick.

"Isn't it possible? I was still with him yesterday, and he was a living person.

"That's just a borrowed body. He borrowed another person to live. The department has the ability to live by borrowing a body. Therefore, this man's mind is not right. He wants that box to make this borrowed body his own body. After the blood box turns it into blood, he can turn the borrowed body into his own body, and he doesn't need each The fifth of the month is going to die in pain.

I didn't expect this.

"Then he..."

"Where should have been his place, your second master did it right."

I didn't expect this to happen.

The next day, I encountered something, and I was almost scared to death. I saw the side again, and he stood not far away. I almost fainted, so I called the second master right away.

The second master said after answering the phone.

"It's okay. He's a real person. He has been standing beside the department, and now he is himself."

I wiped my sweat, and I thought that if such a thing happened a few more times, I would have to die. I took a long breath, looked at the man a few more times, and went back to the office.

As soon as I arrived at the office, the mayor called and asked me to go to his office. I know that it must be about Shuiling. When I take this step, I can expect today, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

I went, but the mayor didn't mention Shuiling. He just told me to go to the authorities of the Cultural Heritage Bureau and take office tomorrow. I sent another person to work here.

I didn't expect everything to be so fast.

I took office the next day and became the director. I felt a little uncomfortable. However, I know that the matter of Shuiling is a matter of sooner or later. I didn't mention it today, and I don't know tomorrow. I have to mention it sooner or later.

This position, like sitting on a needle, I didn't know until I sat down. In fact, I regret it, but there is nothing I can do at this moment. At that time, my thought was that I couldn't live like that like the second master, and I still have children, and I have to pave a way for them.

I waited for the mayor to mention Shuiling. I haven't figured out how to answer him.

There are not many things to do in the Cultural Heritage Bureau. That afternoon, I went to the prison, which was connected into squares, forming a square, and the rooms in the square were connected together to form a cloister-style prison.

There is a courtyard in the prison. There are snake pits, fire pillars, hugging tubes, and rolling thorns in the courtyard. Anyway, they are all terrible punishments. No one knows how many people have died here.

The second master warned me not to come here. He said that it was more evil than the crematorium. In fact, I don't think so, because other people come here to visit, and others can come, so can I.

Unlucky is that I am curious. There has always been a house in the prison that has been sealed, saying that it has not been opened for decades. I just feel curious and want to go and have a look.

The commentator said that the house has not been opened for decades. It seems that he doesn't know what's inside, but there is a sad love.

It was said that the warden's daughter fell in love with a prisoner here. The warden's daughter wanted to help the prisoner escape, but was found by the jailer. The two were blocked inside and then committed suicide.

I think this is a story. Any tourist attraction can make up some stories just to attract more people. Love is an absolute song, and it is even sung to the prison. I can't say that it's a unique song. I think it's a little ridiculous.

In fact, I made a two-way mistake, and some things can exist.

Because of the reconstruction of the ancient city, the prison was temporarily closed, and I am the director of the Cultural Heritage Bureau and am in charge of this place. I have this convenient condition, so I decided to come and see the room after dark.

I went to prison after dark. This is really not a good place, especially after dark, I always feel a little hairy.

After I came here, I regret a little. If it goes on like this, I will always get into trouble.

I still walked to the room. The old-fashioned lock locked the door. The lock was rusty. It can be seen that it had not been opened for a long time. If it had not been opened for ten years, I really don't believe it. Isn't there anyone as curious as me? Maybe.

I looked left and right. There was no one else in the whole yard except the doorkeeper. The doorman was drinking in the room. I was a little panicked when I went in. I could fire him, but I didn't do that. They didn't take my child into the well, but just drank some wine. That's culture. I asked him to drink in the room, regardless. What happened, don't come out.

I took out the hammer hidden in my clothes and smashed the lock open. I opened the heavy iron door, which was full of spider webs and smelled very moldy. There was no window in the whole room. In the middle was a chandelier with a drawstring, which was still shaking inside. It may be that after opening the door, the wind blew in.

I stood at the door and looked in. There was a large room with a large table, a tall chair, a tea set on the table, and some documents. There was nothing else. I don't understand. Is such a big room for office?

The warden's daughter and the prisoner came here and then died here. I really can't figure out how they killed themselves.

In fact, it is easy for people to die, but it is really not easy to kill yourself under such conditions. Of course, there are many ways to die, but under the current conditions, you really can't do anything to yourself.

I walked in, and the light swayed even more. The second master said that no matter where you go, if the lights shake, it is better to stay away.

I dodged under the lamp and walked to the table. I have never seen such a big domineering table.

The thick ash on the table, if there is ten years of ash, it is almost the same.

I scratched it with my finger and looked around. There was really nothing else. There were only two drawers on the table, but it was very big. I opened the full files. I pulled out the files. Those documents were some files of the prisoners, and they were all put here.

The other drawer is actually locked, and it's that kind of dark lock. I pulled it but didn't open it. I just took a few feet up, and the drawer was kicked out. After pulling it open, I jumped and contained an urn inside. Damn it, what are you playing? The urn is a small villa. There are actually two rooms made of mahogany. It is very exquisite at a glance. I don't know whose urn it is. I hesitated, took off my clothes, wrapped them, and then went out.

I told the doorman that I had never been here. The doorman was stunned for a moment and nodded. He glanced at the clothes in my hand and obviously saw what was wrapped in it.

When I returned to the antique store, the second master sat there drinking beer. He was probably a little confused and sat there a little shaky.

"Stop drinking, go to bed in the back!"

The second master ignored me and kept changing the TV station.

I don't want to talk to him either. I put the urn in the corner and drink beer.

The mayor called and told me that there would be a meeting tomorrow and I had to attend.

I knew the trouble was coming.