grave-keeping note

39. Psychic

39. Psychic

I have seen psychic, but the first time I saw it so calm, psychics were a little flamboyant. The host of the American TV station once did psychic on TV and really saw the soul. At that time, I just thought it was a program. Later, five years ago, I met it, and I really saw it. A rural psychic spoke to his mother, and everything turned gray. I also saw the image of his mother's soul. When I thought of this, I trembled. I was worried that the soul of a certain enemy would come to me to settle accounts, which was the most terrible thing.

The old woman sat down on the chair and covered the gray of ten years. Li Fu and I coughed twice.

"You two stay at the door. No matter what happens, you two don't move."

Li Fu and I are guarding at the door. I feel that the evil atmosphere here is very heavy, very heavy, and I feel a little breathless. Grandma sat there, and I don't think Li Fu could see clearly. I can see clearly.

When the old lady closed her eyes and turned gray, I was nervous, and then I saw the soul appear left and right, gray, crying,

Then he said something and couldn't hear it clearly.

This lasted for half an hour, and the old lady waved us over. When we went there, the old lady was already sweating and angry. I was really worried that she would go there. If so, I would be unlucky.

"The two children are really wronged. They didn't commit suicide, but were killed by the daughter's father, that is, the warden."

I'm stunned. How is this possible?

"They are haunted here, waiting for this day. You go to Zhenjian Mountain in Xishan, where there is a tomb, which is the tomb of the warden. It is flat, and then go to the Moon Temple to take back the building box. There are the bones of two children hidden in Beishan, buried before flattening. This matter can be removed."

I took a long breath.

Then, when Li Fu went to help his grandmother, he was stunned. Grandma was out of breath, and my sweat came out, and I was worried about such a thing.

The old woman sat there cross-legged and died. She really died.

I went to his eighth uncle's. As soon as the incense was served, the Buddha showed me his buttocks. Now it's good. Before this matter was fixed, the matter was provoked. I see how to tell others.

Li Fu suddenly took out his flashlight, and he lit it in the room and said for a long time.

"Fuck it, it's so evil that I touched another fool."

Li Fu said that I was about to die. My heart beat like a donkey, and it was a mess! Hearing Li Fu's words, there were still people in this room. I looked around and there was no one at all.

"What's going on?"

"You are so desperate. Look at these footprints. Can you find the old lady's footprints?"

I know that grandma's feet are entangled. I'm worried that she will fall down when she walks, but she doesn't fall down. It's so uncomfortable!

What's more worried is that the grandmother's footprints are gone. This thick dust has to leave footprints. There are no other footprints except me and Li Fu's.

I'll go. Many people say that this prison is evil, but it is indeed evil.

"What's going on?"

"If a person's footprints are gone, what else do you think he has? There is a ghost here who collects footprints and collects them. The dead lamp is out, but not everyone can collect them. He waits to collect the people here and then leaves this damn place.

It's ghostly. I really don't know how many people have died here.

"What should we do now?"

"Don't worry about this matter. Help the old lady to me. I'll carry her back and go to your business."

I went to the Moon Temple first. The host saw me very politely. I entered the house and talked about the building box, and the host's face pulled down.

"I don't know what the building box is, the stairs."

This guy got involved with me. He took away the building box and didn't admit it.

"Isn't it good for monks to lie?"

The host hesitated.

"You don't have to say anything. If I can come and ask you for it, I know it's here."

"How do you know?"


The host trembling. He didn't say anything and ran out. In just five minutes, he brought the building box and asked me to leave immediately.

I took the building box and left.

When I got to Xishan, I buried the building box, buried a grave bag, and there were several old graves on Xishan. I went down to the Zhenjian Mountain opposite. I really saw a grave, a lonely grave.

I flattened and flattened the grave. This matter is a damage, not a good thing, and it is easy to cause trouble. This matter is related. If you want to calm this matter, you have to pull it up.

I went back to the antique shop, and it was almost dawn.

I lie down and go to bed. At ten o'clock, the second master woke me up.

"What can I do for you?"

I'm pretty cold.

"I want to take Gu Ye and the children back to Xinla City."

I got angry at once.

"Old Zhang, I tell you, don't show your face. I didn't care about you when you took my daughter away. This time you got worse."

"This is not what I mean, it's the meaning of Gu Ye."

I knew that Gu Ye might do this, and I snolded her. I stopped talking. When Ji Xiaoqing came in, I was angry.

She came in and said.

"Actually, you should give up. Let's go to the world of Xinla City together. It's a paradise outside the world."

I looked back at her.

"Get out of here."

The second master and Ji Xiao left lightly, and I went home.

Gu Ye sat on the sofa with the child in his arms.

"Do you want to go back to Xinla City?"

"I'm so lonely here."

"I will be with you every day in the future."

Gu Ye cried and stopped talking. No matter what I said, she didn't say anything. The stubbornness of the new puller is a headache for me.

"Then you go."

I turned around and left. I know that I can't stop Gu Ye from going back to Xinla City. That was originally her home. In fact, she should not have come to this city at the beginning. In this city, she will always be an outsider.

The mayor called me and asked me to go there.

"I don't have time."

I turned off my mobile phone. I sat in the store until dark. Li Fu is here.

"That's a little troublesome. I'm afraid you still have to spend some money."

"Look and take it. You can take whatever you want here."

"Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't expect to get involved in this."

"I don't blame you. I have to thank you, and I promised you that I will take you to Shuiling. Get ready."

Li Fu was stunned for a long time, and then excited. He restrained, but I also looked at it. I didn't expect that things would turn sharply. The second master suddenly made this decision. Gu Ye left. Most of them have the reason for the second master. I don't know what this old guy wants to do?

The next day, I called the mayor and asked him to come to the antique store.

The mayor really gave face and came soon.

"The ancient city may open next month, right?"

I said something off-topic, and we both know what to talk about.

"This is your credit. The publicity has been done for two months. Now the group to receive has 66 large groups. The situation is very good. If Shuiling is redeveloped, the foreign group will definitely be indispensable, that is, to earn US dollars."

This expectation is very good. I had given up, but the second master forced me. He forced me to take away my son and my wife and daughter.

"I can continue to do the Shuiling thing, but I need 45 days."

The mayor was stunned for a moment. One didn't expect that I would promise him, and the other was that he didn't expect that I needed 45 days later. He didn't know why, but he didn't ask.

The wine the mayor invited me to drink.

Before the mayor comes, I think I should go back to Xinla City. I am a new man. I should improve my life first. I have to persuade the second master. This is unlikely, but I still have to work hard to do it.

I know that the second master took Gu Ye away that night. I didn't send him off or stop him.

I left a week later, carrying my bag.

Actually, I don't know how many times I have dreamed of this road, and I seem to like it. I walk very slowly, and I'm not in a hurry.

Twenty-one days later, I arrived in Xinla City, which was still so spectacular. I stood on the mountain and looked at Xinla City, as if there was some vitality here.

I went down, and Gu Ye came out. She ran to me and then took my hand and cried.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Maybe this is more suitable for you."

I saw my daughter, a beautiful girl. I hugged her, and she was so close to me. My son ran over and pulled my legs. I picked up the two children, and my heart was a little uncomfortable.

I didn't see the second master. I asked Gu Ye, and Gu Ye said.

"Maybe he is very busy, and naturally there will be free time."

I don't know what the second master is busy with.

With us and the children, Xinla City seems to be really energetic. Those people are looking at us and laughing. I know what it means, and my heart is messed up again.

People are always influenced by other things. In fact, it's good to stay here, Xinla City, a paradise. However, I can't stay here. I'm not used to it, and I don't want my children to stay here. This is not a normal environment at all.

When I met the second master, it was already three days later.

I sat in the square with the second master, said the second master.

"Actually, I don't have to worry about anything. I'll come back after thinking about it. You have a home outside, and there is also a home here. In the end, this is your final home."

"But, second master, have you ever thought about how many years Xinla City can exist?"

The second master looked back at me.

"I don't know, but with a new life, I think it will slowly return to its original appearance sooner or later."

"Are there any other people who have fertility besides Gu Ye and me? Have you ever thought about whether we have a child and they can't be together in the future?

The second master looked up at the sky.

"I think I'm solving this problem. The fertility of newly recruited people is a problem, but I will choose excellent outsiders to come in. I have found several experts on the issue of fertility, and they say it is not a problem."

In fact, the second master can't be sure here. Looking at his face, I know that the new man is cold and can't do it at all. In terms of medicine, this is not possible.

Except for this matter, I didn't persuade the second master to let Gu Ye and the children go back. That's all about this, and I don't want to give up his dream.

"Do you still want to help the mayor?"

I didn't say no or say yes.

When I was about to leave Xinla City, I found a terrible problem. I entered the second master's room in the middle of the night and saw a book. I took the book away because I was scared.

It has been 50 days since I returned to the antique store.

I don't think the mayor will come back to me. I didn't call the mayor. I sat under the dim light and took out the book. There was no name, thread, written by New Lavin.

Some of the medical things recorded above are, of course, in another medical sense. There are some that I can't write here, but there is one I want to write.

Yin is born, and Yin is born with yang to reproduce. After death, the first thing to cool is the essence-liquid. Within three hours after death, you can still shoot out the essence-child, take its essence-child, or egg, and put it into the living person's body. This substance can only be a new pull.