grave-keeping note

42. Baby explosion

42. Baby explosion

After the chicken was stewed, Li Fu and I drank.

He did not mention the children's affairs, but pulled up thousands of courtyards. Qianjinzhai was thousands of brothels, oil workshops, shopping malls, coal mines, but thousands of families were also unlucky quickly. Such a big family business, only half a month, only left a broken house, which no one expected. Later, thousands of people Twenty-three people began to die, and finally there was only one child left. What happened? At that time, there were no more than a thousand statements, but in the end, a real statement was not implemented.

The graveyard of the Qianjia Mountain is in Qianjia Mountain, which was originally called Qingcao Mountain. When the Qianjia family was in its peak, it became Qianjia Mountain, and the mountain became his family.

Strangely, after the thousands of families fell behind, there was no grass, and the tree died within two years. Then there was a mountain fire and burned down. Now it is full of black stones. No one wants to go to the Qianjia Mountain. They all say it is evil. If someone comes back, he will get sick for a few days. That's really effective. It's really good for people who are sick to go there.

Li Fu muttered these things. I don't know what they mean. Maybe it's just gossip.

Suddenly, when I heard the child's cry, I saw that the cup of water with bitterness moved, and then there was a cry, and the cup fell. With the cry, the child appeared half body, bloody, and I was shocked.

The child was about to run and stopped at the door. He saw the chicken blood and stared back at Li Fu.

Li Fu touched the chicken heart.

"Don't touch my heart."

I trembling. Li Fu has a way to play evil.

"I ask you, what's going on with you following him?"

Li Fu asked the half-body child.

"He is a gravekeeper and has a yin spirit. I know he can do something for me."

Li Fu looked at me, and his eyes were a little strange.

"What's the matter?"

"I died miserably. Originally, it was a trip. I didn't expect that the hotel would come out. I was smashed by the fallen chandelier, but I didn't die. My parents actually ran away when I died and took the money compensated by the boss. I was put in a bag and thrown into the river. The West River of Fengcheng, under the stone steps of the West River, I was cold. I'm hungry. You take out my body, find my parents, and give me to them. My parents are from Jiangcheng and live at Gate 4, Building 3, 16th Road, Jiangcheng.

Li Fu shook his head after hearing this. He picked up his heart and swallowed it, which shocked me and the child disappeared.

"What should I do?"

"Do as he said, otherwise he will come to torture you. The solution is the matter between him, his parents, and the boss. After he is done, he will be reincarnated."

"Let's go together."

What do you think? I won't go with you."

This guy doesn't want to go with me. I have to go there by myself. I feel cold when I think about it.

After Li Fu left, I went to bed. The night was really quiet.

When I got up in the morning, I came forward with my bag. When I got on the train, Ji Xiaoqing was actually in the carriage. I was stunned for a moment. Why was she also on the train? I went to another carriage, and I think Ji Xiao followed me lightly. There must be something wrong.

When I got off the train, I saw Ji Xiaoqing also came down. When I got out of the station, I stood there waiting for Ji Xiaoqing. She hesitated for a moment and came over.

"Ji Xiaoqing, what do you want to do?"

"I'm here to play."

"Follow me."

Ji Xiao hesitated for a long time.

"I just want to see you from time to time, and I find that I love you so deeply."

I feel nauseous.

"Ji Xiaoqing, don't follow me anymore. We can't be together. I'm a new man. You know that. What's more, I'm also with Gu Ye. We still have children."

"I don't care so much."

I felt that Ji Xiaoqing was evil, so I turned around and left.

After staying in a hotel, I waited for the river to go dark to fish up the child's bones and send them to Jiangcheng.

I went to fish for the child's bones, and Ji Xiao followed me from afar. I felt scared. If she gave me a foot behind her back or gave me a knife, it would be really terrible.

Really, the bone is wrapped in a woven bag, and it breaks when it is pulled. Obviously, it is rotten. It seems that it has not been a year or two, and that kind of bag will not rot for ten or eight years.

I fished up the bones piece by piece and took them back to the hotel when I put them in plastic bags.

Ji Xiaoqing has been following me like a big tail.

I got up at three o'clock the next day, and I want to get rid of Ji Xiao. I took a taxi and went to Jiangcheng.

When I arrived in Jiangcheng, it was already dawn. I found Gate 4 of Building 3, No. 16 Road. I hesitated for a moment and knocked on the door.

After a long time, an old voice asked.


"It's me."

The door opened. It was an old lady who looked at me.

"Do you want to check the water meter?"

"No, I have something to tell you."

The old lady hesitated for a moment and let me in. After I entered, the room was dark. In broad daylight, I pulled the curtains and turned on a small light. I saw an old man lying on ** with straight eyes, as if he had Alzheimer's disease.

After I sat down, I felt something was wrong. Are the parents of this child a little old? Have they changed? At that time, I remember that the owner of the hotel said that it was a few years ago. It seems that there is a way out. I'm afraid that the dead child is not this child.

"You have a child, I think..."

The old lady was stunned for a moment, and tears actually flowed out.

"Yes! His name is Gu Er. He was only six years old when he died. In fact, we shouldn't have given up on him that year. We really shouldn't.

"How many years?"

"I'm 70 years old this year, and I was 32 when Gu Er was six years old."

I was stunned for a long time and asked about the situation at that time and the place where I died. Everything went well. I took the plastic bag and put it on the table.

"This is Gu'er's bones."

The old lady was stunned, and then cried with the plastic bag in her arms.

I also felt strange that the old lady didn't ask me. She cried for a long time before she stopped.

"In the year we came back, we heard Gu Er call cold, cold every day, for decades, every day."

I saw the old man shed tears, and suddenly the light went out, and I was excited. The old lady stood up, and the old man went to take a look, then pulled out a white list and covered it for him.

"You don't have to be afraid. Thank you for bringing Gu'er back. After I bury Gu'er first, I will follow the old man."

The day, I left the child's home and returned to the antique store, and Ji Xiaoqing came in.

"I hope you won't come again."

Ji Xiao glanced at me, hesitated for a moment, and left. However, she didn't go far and stood across the road. I could see her from the glass. She stood for a day.

I don't know what she wants to do. I'm going to leave this place. Gu Ye and his children should be fine in Xinla City. If I leave this city, there will be less trouble.

After I closed the antique store, I called Li Fu and told him that I was leaving the city.

Li Fu didn't ask why, just said.

"The farther you go, the better."

This guy didn't understand what he meant. I left the city that day. In fact, I just want to avoid some things, whether it's Ji Xiaoqing or Shuiling. Anyway, I can't stay here in the city anymore. Maybe when I want to come back, it's been years.

I went to Ganqika, where a friend of mine rented a house for me.

I go to the grassland or the desert every day, and I sit for a day. Such days are not interesting at all, but I can only do this.

Ji Xiao stood gently among the flowers on the grassland, which gave me a terrible headache. She could find me. When I left, it was in the middle of the night, and she jumped out of the back window, and she could find me.

I walked slowly and stopped five meters away from her.

"How did you find me?"

"You have a smell, and I will come with the smell."

This is pure fucking bullshit.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

"Marry, I just want to marry you."

I have a big head. What on earth is she going to do? I don't know.

I ignored her. She followed me, as if I didn't see it. Mongolians set up stalls in Ganqika every day. I walk around that street every day. In addition to those hidden silver, they are the decorations of bull's head and sheep's head, as well as crossbows and dairy products. These are all things I am familiar with, because I can see them every day, but I have never wanted to buy one.

One day, a strange Mongolian suddenly set up a stall, a piece of rag spread on the ground, and placed an object. I didn't understand it for a long time.

That object must be made of bones, but I don't know what kind of bone it is. Objects are empty work. I know something about this work. It is indeed a carefully carved. It is not a big open door or a small dead door. This is a term for carving. The big open door is when the knife enters the carving, which is convenient and easy to start, but it is extremely ugly. This is a work done with two knives. With such a small opening, you open your mouth small If you can't get down with a knife, you have to break the job, just like an operation, and then connect it. It's not a complete job, but this job, absolutely, everything is perfect and impeccable.

I stood there watching for more than ten minutes and then left.

I'm sitting on the grassland, and I still can't forget the Mongolian who is in trouble. He is dressed in a mask, dirty and air-dried face, but there is something in his eyes that you can't see, which makes you feel that there are countless contents in it.

I went back to bed at night and saw Ji Xiaoqing passing by my door with wild flowers on his head. I was just a mental patient, and she turned around and smiled at me.

I pulled up the curtains.

After I fell asleep, that object was in my mind. What kind of object is that? I can't see it, I can't figure it out either. The next day, I went there again, but I still didn't see it. I went there for three days in a row. On the third day, I saw it, and I cried out in my heart, "Oh, my God!" It turned out to be the sun and the moon. There is actually a pool of water in the object. Standing at the right angle, you can see a moon in it. Looking at the sky, there is a sun. This is simply a miracle. I have to remember that there is a scenic spot with the sun and the moon in the summer resort, which is a miracle.

Obviously, the Mongolian could see my expression. He looked at me and didn't say anything, as if he had never said anything when he came here.

I don't have the desire to buy him. I just want to see it.

I didn't get back to the house until midnight. As soon as I entered the yard, I saw the Mongolian sitting in the yard holding the object, which scared me.

"What are you doing?"

I'm a little nervous. Mongolians have an instinctive rejection of the Han people. The Mongolian machete in their pockets is very sharp. There is no problem to cut your throat with a knife.

"I want to give this to you."

"I won't buy it."

"I'll send it to the person who knows the goods. You know this goods."

I just wanted to say no. The Mongolian put down the things and left. I called him, but he disappeared into the darkness as if he hadn't heard it. The night of Ganqika is black, that kind of completely black.

Actually, when I saw the Mongolian, I was always uneasy and always felt that something was going to happen. Sure enough, something happened. The thing was in a bag. I hesitated for a moment and carried it into the room. I didn't open it and put it in the corner. I thought it was a little strange, at least I didn't figure out what it was.