grave-keeping note

44. Coffin

44. Coffin

When I said this, the second master suddenly became angry and slapped me with a big mouth when he came up.

"What are you talking about? Is Xinla City uneducated and uneducated? I know that we have the best teachers and a strong culture, and the number may make you learn for several lifetimes.

"Second master, those things are not adapted to the current society. They can't stay in Xinla City. They need a normal life."

"What's wrong with you?"

I jumped up and ran away. The second master went crazy. He actually took out the knife in his pocket. I guess I would stay there, and he could cut me cripple me.

I went back to the antique store and looked at this yin and yang. If I put this thing here, sooner or later, something will happen. The sound of walking every day will torture you to death.

I didn't expect that something happened.

A man came in and saw this thing at a glance. He looked at it for a long time and said he wanted to buy it.

I was stunned for a moment. This is a good idea. I looked at the man and said.

"This thing is very evil, you have thought about it."

The man said with a smile.

"I'm not a local, and you can see that I just want to get something evil back. I haven't met any ghosts in this ghost city, but those Tulun City are really shocking."

I think this man is a little interesting.

"What price are you going to offer?"

I asked.

"If you don't bid for your things, let me bid?"

"If you offer a price, I think it's appropriate to buy it."

"Actually, I don't know much about antiques, but seeing that this thing is so exquisite, I'll give you 20,000 yuan."

This guy, this thing is more than 20,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan is almost the same, but I hesitated for a moment and promised him. He took out the money from his bag, patted it on the table, and asked me to pack it.

This guy left with something.

I'm relieved. This time it's all right. It has nothing to do with me. I have something to go to that man.

I didn't expect that early the next morning, before I got up, someone knocked on the door and smashed the door down. I opened the door, and it was the man with a haggard face. He put down the things and said.

"Brother, I don't want this thing back to you, and I don't want the money."

After saying that, he ran away. I was stunned. He sent it back to me. I was worried when I brought yin and yang together with Hui in.

Li Fu called.

"Have you gone to your second master's place?"

"Let's go. He's crazy."


Li Fu was stunned and I hung up the phone. I cleaned up and went to the village again. I looked at the small building in the back mountain of the village. The second master went out after ten o'clock. I went in. I went to the backyard and entered the ancestral tomb. This empty ancestral tomb was cleaned by the second master. When I walked to the last room, the auspicious coffin was really put there. I jumped. What on earth did the second master want to do? Question mark If the police catch it, they will definitely go to prison. According to this coffin newspaper, it will be worth at least one million. If one million doesn't make you immortal, it will take 20 years.

What on earth do you want to do?

After I came out, I went back to the antique shop and picked up the yin and yang with Hui. I think they should be together. Maybe it's all right.

I entered the ancestral tomb again, put Yin and Yang Tonghui next to the auspicious coffin, and sat aside in a daze. Can this work? I don't know. When I was about to leave, the second master came in. I think he should have put a condom on me. The old man is getting more and more insidious.

He came to me with his eyes slanted, and I stood up and leaned against the wall to prevent him from attacking me. Now I think the second master is almost the same as Alzheimer's disease. He is a little manic.

The second master took a look into the room and suddenly turned his head to stare at me. I felt a little evil. I was going to run, the second master suddenly said.

"Do you want to die?"

"I don't want to die here."

The second master didn't do anything. He glanced at me and went into the room. He took out the yin and yang Tonghui and put it in another room city.

"What do you want to do?"

What are you doing? If the two of them are together, you will live in that coffin, and you don't understand.

I trembling for a moment and felt that such a thing would not happen. It was the second master who lied to me. However, I dare not believe it. The second master went out, and I followed him. After the second master finished speaking, I didn't want to stay here.

The second master and I came out, and the second master asked me to enter the house. Maybe he had something to say to me.

"I tell you, don't touch that thing. If you don't listen, it's a big trouble."

"However, that Mongolian has to give it to me, and I can't get rid of it. Do you think I want this thing?"

The second master sighed and said nothing more.

I went back to the antique store that day and felt uneasy.

Li Fu came and told me when he was drinking.

"That's something that got you deal with as soon as possible."

"I don't understand what's going on. What do you want me to do?"

"The second master knows this, but it's also quite troublesome. Whether your second master will help you or not, now they have talked about Shuiling. Your second master has a big opinion of you. You openly confront him, which is definitely not good."

Li Fu said nothing wrong. The second master did make me sad, and he also made me sad. My wife and two children were occupied by him, as if they were not mine, which made me very angry.

When Li Fu left that day, he patted me on the shoulder and said.

"I think you did something wrong. Apologize to the second master!"

I've been thinking about this. When I was dizzy, someone pushed the door in.

"It's closed."

The man didn't say anything and stood still.

I looked up and half woke up. It was the Mongolian. This Mongolian is always nagging and scary to watch.

"Don't think about getting rid of this thing."

"Actually, I will teach this to complete the task. You shouldn't stay here."

"I'm a trustworthy person."

This son of man, there was nothing he could do. He turned around and left, and the Mongolian machete showed a handle.

I always thought that the second master was a dead man, but this time I met another dead man. I got into a fight with the dead end. This is really killing me.

The second master asked me to go there three days later. I don't know how the second master dealt with yin and yang.

I sat on the second floor, and the second master sat in front of the window.

"This Yin and Yang Tonghui is the sculptor, Lao Liu's things. He got these two things, which is also a very powerful role. He first got the coffin, and then this thing. The two are absolutely matched. He originally thought he could put them together, but he didn't expect that he had an accident, died and died strangely."

After the second master finished speaking, he handed me a newspaper with a report.

About Lao Liu's report, Lao Liu died in the studio. The studio is in the north corner of the first floor, in the innermost position, a studio of nearly 100 square meters, where he is the only one who works. When he died, he was still working, but not these two jobs, but an incense, which seemed to have nothing to do with this. He died strangely and had no physical problems. He died, and there was no one to enter the studio.

I think we should go to that studio.

My second master and I went there in the middle of the night, broke the glass of the window and drilled in.

The studio has been sealed since Lao Liu's death, maintaining the appearance of his work in those years, and the inside is messy. After turning around, the second master told me to call him and ask the goods to come over.

Li Fu hesitated for a long time before agreeing. Li Fu arrived almost an hour before I went up and gave him a kick. Li Fu dodged for a moment and didn't say anything.

"Look at this room."

The second master said to Li Fu. Li Fu didn't say anything and went around the room like a dog.

After Li Fu stopped, he looked at the second master and said.

"There is a coffin under this room."

I jumped, and the second master stared at me. I felt that Li Fu was talking nonsense.

"Dig it out."

Li Fu hesitated for a moment and said for a long time.

"I don't think it's good to move. That thing must have something to do with the coffin and the yin and yang Tonghui."

"I need it. You can go."

Li Fu jumped out of the window and ran away. I hesitated. The second master really wants to dig, which is definitely not a good thing.

The second master looked at the ground.

"Let's come over tomorrow night."

When the second master and I returned to the antique store, the second master fell asleep. I couldn't sleep and my heart was furious. What Li Fu said may be true. This guy can smell like a dog.

The next night, the second master and I passed by. The cement floor was so loud that the doorman could definitely hear it, and then the trouble would come.

I smashed twice, and the sound was too loud. The second master waved his hand. We squatted in the corner. Sure enough, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor. The doorman came to take a look. The position we hid was a dead corner, and he didn't see it.

The second master saw that this trick didn't work, so we left.

The next day, the second master didn't know how to rent the house and said that he would build an antique shop to decorate it. With this excuse, it will be done, but the second master's blood is really big.

Two nights after dark, they began to work, which did not affect other people.

When the ground was smashed and dug two meters deep, the coffin was dug, but it rotted and bones were found.

The second master took a look at the bone and didn't say anything. Then he picked it up and put it in a plastic bag.

"I quit today. Tomorrow you can find someone to do it in the decoration company and pretend to be an antique shop."

I was stunned for a moment. It seemed that the second master really wanted to work in the Dong shop.

The other day we took the bones back, and I felt that this was a little too much. Everyone's bones were carrying.

The second master sat on the chair drinking beer, and I sat on the counter drinking.

"If this woman is not wrong, she is an apprentice of Lao Liu. He killed the apprentice and buried him in that room."

Needless to say, I guessed * points, but it's just a matter of breaking shoes, but then again, Lao Liu is also cruel enough.

There was no crime in this case. It seems that Lao Liu has done a good job.

"It's strange for Lao Liu to die."

"What a strange thing, Lao Liu just doesn't understand this and burys people in his room. Sooner or later, something will happen. Yin arch and Yang pressure, and Yang is not as good as Yin. The room has been pulling the curtains for many years."

I don't know much about many things. This should be something in feng shui. I believe this.

I don't know what the second master is going to do next.

Of course, I know that the second master intervened in this matter, probably for the face of Gu Ye and the child, otherwise he would have been ruined. I know the second master's nature very well.

Maybe I really went too far. After all, I'm also a gravekeeper, and it's okay if I don't do my duty.

The second master got up the next morning and changed into black clothes.

"Find a black dress."

"I didn't."

"Buy it."

The second master is so domineering. I went to buy clothes. When I came back, the second master fell asleep. I guess he was old and looked at me distressed.

I didn't wake him up and sat aside drinking beer. The second master may have drunk a little too much. He seems to have a lot of things on his mind now. I don't know what he thinks more now.

The second master slept for more than an hour. He got up and looked at his watch, but shook his head and didn't say anything. The second master and I went to the second floor of the village.

After the second master went in and sat down and asked me to boil water to make tea. It seemed that I was tired.

After drinking two cups of tea, the second master said, call me at midnight! But if you don't go to the ancestral tomb yourself, you can't control it now.

The second master went upstairs to sleep. I sat downstairs to send it. The second master will eventually return to Xinla City, which is his real place to settle down.