grave-keeping note

46. Black water

46. Black water

When I returned to the antique store, Ji Xiaoqing came. I don't know when Gu Ye and the others will come back.

Ji Xiao sat on the chair and said.

"Actually, we are good together."

"It's not good."

Ji Xiao smiled lightly.

"I will come every day from now on to cook for you."

I ignored her. When she went out to buy vegetables, I looked at her back. Suddenly, I fell down and didn't stand firmly. In addition, my legs were weak. I found something. When Ji Xiaoqing walked to the door, there was cold air on her body. Although it was very light, or instantaneous things, I really saw it.

I think I misread it. Maybe it's the light of the sun.

When Ji Xiao came back, I looked carefully and didn't see it. Maybe I really misread it.

I had lunch and let Ji Xiao guard the store. I went to the second master's place.

To be honest, Ji Xiao and I stayed together, which was really hard.

I entered the second master's antique store, and a man was discussing with the second master to buy a copper stove. It seems that the price has not been negotiated, and the man has left.

"Li Fu introduced it, right?"

"Yes, but this person is a little too stingy."

I didn't say anything. Looking at these things, I knew that the business that the second master did was just a surface and looked nothing. In fact, the big business should be done in the back. The business on the table was legal. That is to say, half of the things taken from Li Fu. How much is that? Some are rare treasures. If you take them out and sell them, you will die.

I don't know how many things the second master has done in his life. However, I know that there will be no less. There are a lot of things in the ancestral tomb.

"I have to tell you something."

"What's the matter?"

"You said that Xinla City is being rebuilt, which doesn't mean much. It's too far to go, and we also need other things. Don't you think it's good to build a Xinla City here?"

I'm a little dizzy. What on earth is the second master talking about? Xinla City is a paradise. What you want is this kind of undisturbed life. If you don't want to stay, you can buy a building. Why do you build a new Xinla City?

"I don't understand what you mean?"

"Of course, the old city is left behind by new people. If it doesn't work, go back. The new city is built in this city, and I also think about the next generation. We will die there, and we can have children with you and Ji Xiao. That kind of thing is not done very well."

"What's the matter?"

The second master didn't say anything.

"It's okay to build a city here."

I didn't expect that the second master would have such a wild idea.

When I left the second master's antique shop and went back, Ji Xiaoqing was cooking. She was cooking all day, as if I was a foodie, but to be honest, the dish was really good. I haven't eaten such a dish for a long time.

That day, I didn't go back to Tianhu Community, and Ji Xiaoqing went back by himself.

I've been thinking about the second master's plan.

Li Fu called in the middle of the night and told me that there was a new situation in Shuiling.

I ran over and smoked in the tree hole.

There are indeed people on the other side of Shuiling.

"What's going on?"

"Some people came during the day today. One after another, I don't know who these people are. I guess they are talented people invited by the city. It's a little weird to watch their actions."

I look at the people over there, there are some things that are not right. However, I can't tell what's wrong.

At dawn, some people came and shipped some equipment. After counting, there were nine strange people, who were different from others.

I don't know who these people are. It seems that these people are a little weird and look a little evil. I talked to the second master, but the second master listened and didn't say anything for a long time.

He hung up the phone. I thought the second master would definitely come, but the second master didn't come until noon.

"Let's go."

Li Fu and I went to the second master's antique store. The second master sat there drinking tea, and Ji Xiaoqing was also there. Obviously, they were talking about something. I didn't ask.

"Those people..."

"I saw it."

The second master actually went to Shuiling, but he didn't go to the tree hole. The second master's face couldn't see anything. When Ji Xiao left lightly, he told me to go home and sleep at night.

I have another family now, and I didn't pay attention to her.

The second master talked about things, not to mention who those people were. Li Fu also saw that the second master wanted him to go. Li Fu left. Twenty minutes after Li Fu walked, the second master stood up and packed up his things. He was a little panicked.

"We will go back to the village immediately."

I don't know what happened. Looking at the appearance of the second master, the second master is still a little afraid of those people. It seems that these people are not experts, but other passers-by.

But I don't know what I will be like.

Back to the small second floor of the village, the second master told me to lock the door from the outside.

The second master rarely panics like this. It seems that these people are not easy to deal with. The second master said after he was stable.

"You will start staring at these people tomorrow, but you must not get close to them. Don't be more than five meters away. Within five meters, they will know that you are a newcomer."

"Who are these people?"

"Black water man."

I haven't heard of it.

"What kind of person is the black water man?"

"Generally, they are the same people as us and live in a secret place, but they are much stronger."

I didn't expect that in addition to our new people will live in that place, there are also black water people. The world is so big that it is not surprising that such a thing happens.

"Can you tell me more about these people?"

"Now you don't need to know. You will keep an eye on these people tomorrow. If there is any progress, you can call me immediately."

The second master didn't tell me, and I began to be afraid. The second master panicked. Can I not be afraid? The appearance of the black water man seems to have disrupted all the plans of the second master. If the second master knew about the black water man, he should have expected such a thing to happen.

But the second master didn't seem to expect such a thing to happen.

The next day, I went to Shuiling to watch and look at it from afar. Distance is not a problem for me. My flash can help me see everything about them.

Those black water people have been busy, as if they are building some platform.

The mayor has appeared twice, and it seems that his expression is not very good. I don't know where the mayor found these people. Of course, someone must have given advice behind their backs.

After dark, they stopped busy.

I also feel a kind of fear inexplicably. I don't know where the indescribable fear comes from.

When I went back, I went to the second master's antique shop and never opened this antique shop. He almost stayed here, slept here and ate here.

The second master didn't ask me about the situation of the black water man, and I didn't say anything.

That day, the second master sat on the sofa drinking in a daze without saying a word, and I didn't know what he was thinking. When I left, the second master didn't even say a word.

I didn't go to Ji Xiaoqing's place. I don't think I can get it with Ji Xiaoqing. I slept in an antique store. I felt uneasy that night. I got up several times and checked the room. There was nothing. I was still uneasy and uneasy for no reason.

I got up early in the morning, and the second master also came early.

"Come with me to a place later."

After the second master sat down, I cooked noodles. After eating, the second master and I went out. We went to the small building in the village. I went upstairs with the second master. The second master opened the window and pointed to the mountain opposite.

"Did you see it there?"


"The middle of the three trees."

I have seen it, and I have noticed the three trees more than once. Because the three trees are too big and lush, I have never seen three trees so big. They stood there chatting like three good friends.

"In the middle of the night, we will go to that place, you prepare the shovel, and then we will have a good sleep."

I don't know what to do there, and I still go there in the middle of the night. However, I know to prepare a spa shovel, which is to dig something. Did the second master hide anything there?

I don't know.

When I was about to fall asleep, I heard the sound of opening the door, and I knew that the second master had gone out.

The second master walked for a while, and it was dark. I sat up and was still uneasy.

When I fell asleep again, the second master did not come back. It was midnight when I was woken up.

"Let's go, let's tap."

I took the shovel and rope and followed the second master.

The second master did not go directly to the three trees, but walked around the road. If he walked directly, it would only take more than ten minutes, and this detour took nearly an hour.

I didn't ask the second master why.

When you get to the place, the second master said.

"Take a break and start working in a while. We have to finish it in an hour."

I sat there and looked at the whole village in the dark.

Suddenly, there was light on the second floor, which was the light of the flashlight.

"Second Master, there is light in the small building."

"Don't talk to him."

There must have been people in the small building, but the second master didn't care about it. It seems that the current matter is very important.

"Do you know the name of this village?"

"Does this village still have a name?"

I always thought this village had no name, but it also had a name.

"This village was originally called Xi Village, because there was a stream flowing through the middle of the village, but 50 years ago, the stream actually dried up, and soon after, the village was called Yin Village. Because people in this village have a habit of building graves in their backyard and even in the house. In fact, this is what people later knew. When the first family in this village moved in, it was like this. Yin Village has always been like this, and this village is also full of ghosts, and no one moves around. Now there are only 13 households left here, and many have moved away. Look at that yard.

The second master pointed to me. He knew that I might see something in the dark, but in fact, he couldn't see it. He pointed it to me by feeling, and it was very accurate.

"I know, I've never seen anyone in that house, but I sometimes see cooking smoke."

"That's an empty old house. Since I moved to this place, the house has been empty."

I jibled for a moment. Is it empty? Is there still smoke when it's empty?

"No way? Doesn't anyone have cooking smoke?"

"There is really no one."

The second master didn't explain about cooking smoke. Of course, I won't believe it. The second master always plays with nerves. Now my nerves are estimated to be more than ten times thicker than before.

I don't want to talk to the second master about this. It's too evil.

The second master picked up the shovel and dug the land in the middle of the three trees. I will also dig.

"Second Master, what on earth are you digging for?"

"Don't ask, just dig."

The second master dug very fast. He didn't expect that this old man had another way to dig a pit. It is estimated that he will dig a lot of graves in his life. I just think so. I dare not say it. If I say it, I can't say it well. The second master will slap my fart out with a shovel.

Half an hour later, something was dug out, hard steel, and the whole face was dug out. I knew it was a coffin.

"Iron pear wooden coffin, evil."

At this time, the second master told me.

The second master and I dragged out the iron pear wooden coffin with a rope. I don't know what the second master is doing.

"Drag down the mountain."

After we dragged down the iron pear wooden coffin, it was exactly an hour, and there was a cart at the foot of the mountain.

" Get in the car."

The iron pear wooden coffin was lifted and pushed away, and the second master asked me to push it out of the village.

"Whose coffin is this?"

"It's the iron pear wooden coffin I showed you, surnamed Zha, is an empty coffin, and there is nothing in it."

"Where are you going to get it?"

"Those black water people are afraid of this iron pear wooden coffin, and they will run away when they see them, and they don't know why."

It turned out that the second master wanted to drive away those black water people.