grave-keeping note

48. Taoist priest

48. Taoist priest

I didn't understand a word about what they said. I guess it's the language of a black water man!

They left after dinner. I followed them, and they went straight back to their residence. The coal city is a five-level villa hotel. Ordinary people can't get in that place, and I don't want to go in to find trouble.

I know they live here.

When I went back, Ji Xiaoqing had already left.

I was a little tired, so I hid on the sofa and slept.

When I heard the noise, it was already late.

"Hello, newcomer."

Two black water people stood there and stared at me.

"Black water man, get out of here."

"It's not easy to meet new people here. New people never come out of Xinla City, which is a strange thing."

"Get out of here."

I took off the copper knives on the wall and held them in my hand.


Two black water people ran away, and I won't chase them. I know that I can only envy their speed.

The black water man found me. It seems that I'm a little close to them. They smelled that I was a newcomer. What on earth can they do to me? I don't know. I'm very worried. The second master said that the black water is very evil and powerful.

I'm worried that I will be plotted by them. The door is obviously plugged in, but they can come in. It can be seen that they are not ordinary people.

I called the second master and told him about it.

The second master scolded for a long time.


I don't know if he scolded me or the black water man.

The second master came and he looked at me.

"Did you follow them?"

I nodded.

"Where do they live?"

"The villa area of the Coal City Hotel."

"Come with me."

The second master and I arrived at the door of the villa area of the Coal City Hotel, and the doorman did not let us in. The second master sat opposite the door and waited. I thought the second master could go in!

Until it was dark, no one of the black water people came out. It is estimated that they knew that there were new people and did not dare to come out easily.

The second master finally gave up waiting and went back to my antique shop with me.

"If you go to Shuiling tomorrow, the black water man will definitely go to Shuiling."

The next day, the second master and I went to Shuiling. Sure enough, the black water people were there, but they were panicked. Looking at the symbol, they seemed to be saying something, and then they quickly left.

Some experts went to Shuiling to check those symbols.

Suddenly, the second master was excited. I also became nervous.

"Did you see the man in the crowd? The man with triangular eyes."

In fact, the second master didn't see what the eyes were at all. He just looked at a shape, and he didn't dare to be sure. After reading it, I told him that it was true that the triangular eyes were just two buttons on the corners of his eyes.

"Go around immediately and keep an eye on this man."

I guess this person is the other person mentioned by the second master. I went around, but the second master didn't move. I stared at this person, who said something to the mayor.

I walked to the road, stopped a taxi, and sat in the taxi waiting for the man.

An hour later, the man got into a car and I asked the taxi driver to follow. The man's car left the city, entered the suburbs, and turned into the mountains. When I got out of the car, I looked at the mountain. There was a broken temple halfway up the mountain. I knew that it was a mountain temple in the past, and this man actually lived here.

I called the second master, and the second master only said he knew and asked me to go home.

I feel a strange thing about the sudden appearance of this triangle man. When I returned to the antique store, Ji Xiao was waiting for me.

I didn't say anything and sat at the counter thinking about other things.

"Let's eat!"

"Ji Xiaoqing, it's impossible for us. You don't stay here. You should go back to your own life and go to work."

Ji Xiao didn't say anything, sat for a while, and then left. He looked pitiful.

The next day, the second master asked me to accompany me to the mountain temple. I don't like to go to such a place, and I always feel that this kind of place makes me nervous.

The mountain temple is not small and clean. The second master and I stand on the steps. The second master does not go forward or go in.

"Why don't you go in?"

"Standing here is just right."

The triangular-eyed man came out and looked at me and the second master.

"Come in!"

"It seems that he knows that we are coming. If he is an old man, I guess I can figure out that we are coming."

Speaking of Taoist priests, there is a kind of Taoism, which I have experienced once.

That was the Taoist priest I met in the Kuixing Building. He said that he knew it was 500 years ago and 500 years later. I didn't want to believe it at all. He pulled me to calculate it for me. I didn't count it and told him that I had no money.

The Taoist priest was very unhappy and said to me.

"You will lose your wallet after you go down the mountain."

The hateful Taoist priest actually said such shameless words.

However, after going down the mountain, my wallet was really lost, and I felt evil. Go up the mountain again, ask the Taoist priest to calculate it. The Taoist priest said.

"You don't have any money, is that nothing?"

"That's right, but I have a card. I lost the money, and I didn't lose the card."

"Then you can withdraw the money."

This materialistic society.

I went down the mountain to withdraw the money and put it in front of him. The Taoist priest asked me to do a dojo, a 99-nine game. I felt evil, but I still did it. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

The smoke rose everywhere in the dojo, which made me a little nervous.

That day, the Taoist priest calculated for me that when I went back, I would change my original life and meet a strange person. Indeed, at that time, I was still at my parents' house, enjoying the warmth of the sun, and then I met the second master, this strange person. Therefore, I believe that Taoist priests have their own Taoism, and I believe that so is this triangular-eyed Taoist priest.

When the second master wanted to go in, he whispered.

"Station from east to west."

I was stunned for a moment. The second master walked forward. I followed and entered the room. I stood in the east. I had to listen to the second master.

"Is it broken like this? They all lived in the mountain temple.

"To each other, you can't go anywhere."

Obviously, the dialogue between the second master and the triangular-eyed Taoist priest is an acquaintance.

"You are superfluous. You also know that I am a gravekeeper, and it is impossible for me to open the water mausoleum."

"I know this very well, but you may not be able to do anything to me. What's more, they have given me such good conditions. At my age, I also need a stability. People are all material, and so do Taoist priests."

"You are becoming more and more realistic, not that high time, but it's not a good thing for you to mix with the black water people. I advise you to leave them and go back to your mountain to stay. I can give me a sum of money. In addition to your cemetery, it's enough for your second half. Eat and drink raw.

"I have left that mountain for many years without being a Taoist priest."

"I can't control those things. I remind you that those things are not easy to mess with. I told you."

"I know this. When I found them, I knew it very well. You don't need to remind me of this."

"You are stubborn, and there will be no place to be buried when you die, stinky Taoist priest."

The Taoist priest is not angry, and his practice has reached a certain extent.

The second master and I came out, and the Taoist priest stood on the steps to see us off.

When I went down the mountain, I asked the second master.

"What's the end of this Taoist priest?"

"A Taoist priest in Laoshan is a little evil."

Obviously, the second master just came to spy on this time. It seems that this Taoist priest will not give up Kaishuiling.

We went to Shuiling, and then the Taoist priest also arrived, and those black water people. They studied the extra symbols and seemed to be scared.

The triangular-eyed Taoist did not dare to act rashly. An hour later, the Taoist priest walked to Shuiling, dancing his sword, reciting words and spraying fire, which made it a little scary.

After tossing for a long time, he went up and said something. Those black water people hesitated for a long time, but still went down and walked to the mouth cut by Shuiling.

"Second Master, it seems that they are going to go in."

"They won't go in. They will use another way. Black water people are brave, but they are afraid of death, so they won't go in easily."

Sure enough, these black water people did not go in, but turned outside the cave and drew symbols.

"What's the use of always drawing those symbols?"

"The black water people are also called symbol people. They have been using symbols to solve problems all their lives, but don't underestimate this symbol. It's not that simple."

I don't know much about it, and I'm not doing math problems. Maybe they are calculating something.

A lot of symbols were drawn at the mouth cut by Shuiling, and I looked messy.

The second master couldn't see it, so he asked me to tell him that I would tell him one by one and draw it if I couldn't explain it clearly.

After tossing around for more than two hours, they went up and then left.

"How did you get there?"

"It's still three days later, and this symbol will see the result in three days."

"After they leave, I'll wipe them off."

"Don't move those symbols, and don't add something like me. Remember, or you will be unlucky."

I don't believe it at all, but I just drew a few symbols. What's the use? It's okay to burt a three-year-old child.

After the second master and I went back, we went back to our respective places.

Li Fu, the bastard, came in, and he smiled badly.

"This time, there was a hit. These black water people actually appeared. It was a nation with a thousand years of history. Evil was everywhere and did not dare to provoke them."

"Do you also know the black water man?"

"I also heard what the second master said. I probably know that only the new people in the black water are pulling."

"I want you to do something for me."

"What's the matter?"

"Get rid of that triangular-eyed Taoist priest."

"Putling eggs, Taoist witches are different from each other, and they don't walk with each other, and they don't form hatred. They play their own games."

"Are you afraid of that Taoist priest, I don't know yet?"

"Do you still use this trick?"

"However, let's go to Zhajia to have a look first. Maybe there will be other harvests. Maybe we can drive away the black water people, and the Taoist priest will be meaningless and have to leave. This water mausoleum can be saved."

I am still afraid of the Zha family and have been hesitating. Although I have decided to go several times, I have not fully made up my mind to go.

But I just go and don't want to go with Li Fu. I'm surprised that Li Fu doesn't go by himself and has to go together. There must be something in it.

Li Fu didn't convince me and left.

That day, I thought that the triangular-eyed Taoist priest had attracted the black water man, and he was not afraid of getting into trouble. According to what the second master said, the black water man is a terrible person, but I don't know how terrible it is, but if it really works well, it will be terrible, but it may not work well. I think it should be that if the symbol works well, everyone will draw it.

At night, I walked around the room and couldn't sleep. These messes made me upset. I couldn't get rid of them. This gravekeeper was really angry. As soon as I entered the line, I kept it for the rest of my life.

In the middle of the night, I packed up my things and went to Yincun. I stood in front of the gate of my house and looked in. There seemed to be nothing strange, but the second master said that there was no one. I didn't believe it. No one had cooking smoke. That's nonsense.

I picked up a stone and threw it in and explored the way. I threw three stones, but there was no movement in it. It was so quiet. If someone in it should be able to hear it, but there was no response at all, is it true that the second master said that there was no one? That's evil.