grave-keeping note

49. Porcelain knife

49. Porcelain knife

I hesitated. I pushed the door, and the door was locked inside.

I should knock on the door politely, although it's a little late.

I knocked on the door, from childhood to large. Make sure that there is really no one, unless it is deaf.

I climbed over the wall and jumped in. After landing, I squatted there and stood alone three or four meters away. Damn it, this guy doesn't make a sound. He should be able to hear me knocking on the door like that.

Confrontation is a mental call, not a physical call.

I just squatted like that, and the guy stood like that. He didn't move, and my legs were almost numb, which was very bad for me. I jumped up and climbed over the wall and went back.

Then he ran away. It seems that the second master's words can't be believed. There is no one in the family, and no one is standing alone in the yard? This is really evil.

When I left Yincun and returned to the antique store, I felt something was wrong. It seemed that a stranger had come. I sat in a chair, opened a bottle of beer, and watched it while drinking.

I spit out a mouthful of beer and almost choked me. I saw a triangle drawn on the wall, and I was sure that when I left, I definitely didn't.

I broke out in a cold sweat and checked the room. There was no one. I stabilized a little and looked at the triangle. I felt a little too evil. It was the same as the Taoist priest's eyes, an inverted triangle.

What exactly does this mean? Taoist priest or black water man? The face of the Taoist priest is not big, only the black water man will come, but what if the Taoist priest and the black water man learns? This is not easy to say.

The black water man is really scary. He can enter this door, and nothing is destroyed. The second master is right. The black water man is indeed a little scary. What does he mean by drawing this triangle? It appeared in Shuiling. At the beginning, I asked the second master what it meant. He didn't tell me. Maybe he didn't know much about it, but it was going to be terrible.

I called the second master, but he didn't answer. If I call again, I will turn off the phone. What on earth is this second master playing?

I sat there in a daze and looked at the triangle. I didn't want to erase it. The second master said that the thing should not be touched, and after stressing it several times, I knew it was very dangerous.

I don't want to touch it, but I need the second master to have a look. That thing is there, which always makes me uneasy.

The second master's mobile phone has been turned off. It seems that I want to find him today, and I may not be able to find him.

I was a little sleepy after drinking beer, so I lay down on the sofa. When I fell asleep, I felt that someone was pulling my quilt. I thought it was just a dream.

I've been dreaming all this time. It's messy. Some can remember and some can't remember, but the dreams that always make me uncomfortable will make me feel uncomfortable.

At night, I felt as if I was struggling in another space. I woke up. In fact, I was just awake. I thought it was a dream that was still struggling. I realized that when it was not a dream, I thought that there must be something wrong with the triangle.

I got up and found that I was indeed in another space, probably disappeared, which was unfortunate. I'm sure. Although it's still in the antique store, I'm already in another space. I'm in the previous space or the future space. I can't be sure now.

I continued to sleep and didn't think so much. Anyway, I was already in another space.

When I got up in the morning, I found that the apple I sold the month before was on the shelf. I knew that I had returned to the space of the first half of the month. It was really terrible. I don't think it's that easy to live again.

I sit in a chair and I think I should escape from this place. At least I won't let the day come back again. I decided to destroy all this.

I came out of the antique store and hid in the hotel. I have to wait for the time of this space to pass. The second master called me and asked me to go to his antique store.

"I can't go. I'm in another space. I don't know what will happen when we meet."

"Fuck you, get out of here immediately."

I had to roll over. Seeing the second master, there seems to be nothing different, just like the previous days, but I don't know what will happen next.

The second master asked me to send a box to Room 823, Block B, Xingfuli Community, Chengdong New District. I took the box. I walked halfway, got into the alley, opened the box, and let me see what the second master was doing.

There is a ceramic knife in the box, which is valuable at a glance.

I opened the eight-two-three room with the box in my arms, and it turned out to be a woman, very beautiful.

"The second master asked me to send this here."

The woman took it, took a look, waved her hand, but didn't say anything and let me go.

"Damn, if there is anything awesome, just look beautiful."

I came out of happiness and called the second master.

"Do you have any orders?"

"Open the phone and I'll call you at any time."

I went back to the hotel and stayed until dark. I couldn't stay. I took out my bag and went to Yin Village. I felt that I fell in love with that place. I don't know what I like about that place, which made me feel a little dark. I think the people who live in Yincun are very dark.

When I sat on the second floor, I actually saw Li Fu hanging around in the village. This second guy has never been idle. Li Fu finally came here. He stood outside the door, hesitated for a moment, and unexpectedly left the village. I don't know what he was doing when he came to Yin Village.

The second master hasn't called me. I stay in the small building every day. I feel very relieved. I can't say why. Ji Xiaoqing called me twice, but I didn't answer.

I actually stayed here for half a month, and I felt that I seemed to have returned to my original space.

When I went back to the antique, the triangle was gone.

It's just that the second master rushed in and kicked me when he came up. I was stunned. I didn't mess with him during this period.

"What are you doing?"

"Where did you send the box I asked you to send?"

I was stunned.

"I sent it, and a woman received it."

"You talk nonsense. After you sent the box, the person disappeared. Ji Xiaoqing told me that I definitely didn't send that box. This is my old customer. She won't lie."

"I can't lie, isn't it just a porcelain knife? Am I going to hide it?"

"You said it was light, and the porcelain knife was at least 200,000 yuan. They gave me all the money. In the end, you didn't send the porcelain knife to others."

"I said, I sent it, and I may take you to the opposite.

The second master is also angry. It seems that he is really angry, and his eyes are on fire.

The second master and I went to Happiness and saw the woman. When we went in, we saw antiques on several shelves, which were not ordinary at first glance.

The woman actually said that she had never seen me, and I was almost dizzy at that time.

"You didn't say anything that day. You took the box, took a look, and waved your hand at me."

"I didn't see you, really."

If he is not a woman, I will go up with an electric cannon flying foot and a screwdriver.

The second master stared at me and didn't believe me at all.

"I didn't send it. You can do whatever you want, right?"

The second master apologized to the woman, and I have never seen him do this. When we came out, the second master went back to an antique store with a dark face.

He sat there and asked for a long time.

"What the hell happened?"

"The night before I sent you the box, a triangle appeared on the wall. When I slept until midnight, I felt that I was in another space. As for what happened, I really don't know, but I did send the knife."

"Black water man."

After the second master finished speaking, he gritted his teeth and probably hated them.

"Come with me."

The second master took me to the mountain temple. When we entered, the Taoist priest was cooking. He was stunned when he saw the second master.

"Old man, who provoked you?"

"Bad Taoist priest, you invited those black water people, and I put up with it when he recruited Shuiling. This came to us. Do you think I'm afraid of you and the black water people? I burned your temple today.

I thought the second master was just joking. I didn't expect that he really came out and lit the mountain temple. When I realized it, everything was late.

We ran out and the fire soared into the sky. The second master still doesn't understand his hatred.

"Old Tao, I tell you, this is a warning to you, and next time I will take your life."

I didn't expect that the second master would be so fierce that I trembling.

At this time, I knew that the space to go back is not to live the original life again, but what you did. After you came back, nothing happened, no matter what you did.

This is really a little scary. The second master took me to Shuiling. Those black water people were busy, but they did not enter the mausoleum. The cut entrance was full of symbols, and they were still painting.

I understand those symbols this time, and I'm scared when I look at them.

The second master was really crazy. He rushed down and confused all his people. Those black water people were also confused and looked at the second master in a frenze.

When the second master approached, the black water people panicked. The second master was only three meters away from them, and they could know that the second master was a new man.

I followed him, afraid that the second master would be in danger.

"New people?"

said a black water man.

"Yes, it's not wrong. We are new people and gravekeepers. This water mausoleum is what we want to guard, so I want you to leave immediately. If it goes on like this, there is no good fruit to eat. The Taoist priest can't protect you. He has no place to live now."

The black water man listened to the second master's words and didn't say anything more. They looked at each other and hurriedly left.

The mayor came down with a group of people. The second master did not move. The mayor came over and looked very annoyed.

"Lao Zhang, it's wrong for you to do this. It's okay if you don't help me, but you can't stop us."

"We perform our respective duties. You develop and I guard the tomb. We are not wrong, so let's compete!"

The mayor was stunned by the second master's words. I talked to the second master on the way back.

"Second Master, isn't this good? If the mayor initiates Biao and asks the police to arrest us and lock us up, he may get a charge casually. It won't be a problem to lock us up for ten or eight years. If you want to shoot us, I'm afraid there are many reasons.

"The fish is dead and the net is broken."

"I'm afraid only the fish died."

The second master's face is black, and I don't talk anymore.

The second master went back to his antique shop, and I went back to my antique shop, and Ji Xiaoqing was in the store.

I ignored him. I think the second master has made a big deal of this matter. If it really goes on like this, I'm afraid we won't have good fruit to eat. He should know who he is against.

I'm thinking about running away, but I'm afraid Shuiling is not easy to guard.

I didn't expect that Lao Dao came when it was dark and he pushed the door in.

"I want to talk to you."

"Talk to me about bullshit! I'm not bullshit. You want to talk about the second master.

"Your second master is a madman. I don't deal with crazy people."

"Then tell me what you can talk about."

"Actually, I just want to have a place to preach Taoism, and the city promised me, so I did that. I found the black water man, and only they can enter the water mausoleum. Now it seems that your second master is blocking me, and my business is going to be yellow. I just want you to persuade your second master. What era is it now? The gravekeeper has been laid off. He is stupid to guard for decay.

"You're wrong. That's the letter. He is the last gravekeeper in China. If I am too, he is the second and I'm the last."

"You are all so stubborn. If you continue to fight, it won't be good for anyone."

"Are you here to talk to me or threaten me?"

The old man was angry.

"You new pullers are all virtuous."

When the old man left, I called the second master and told him about it.

The second master didn't say anything.