grave-keeping note

51. Mountain Temple

51. Mountain Temple

Li Fu and I rushed to the top of the mountain, but Li Fu didn't tell the second master about the bone man.

As soon as I sat down, the fire on the other side of Shuiling was soaring, and the explosion was frightening.

The bone was probably blown up. I saw Li Fu covering his face with a painful expression, just like blowing up his own father.

It was still. More than ten minutes later, those people went to Shuiling one after another.

I saw clearly that Shuiling was blown up in a mess, but I can't see the bottom. I don't know if it has been blown up. The second master seems to be quite nervous.

"Go down, go down."

The second master said and got up and went down. Li Fu and I followed. When we got to the shore, I saw clearly that Shuiling was only blown off, and it was not opened at all.

The second master also saw it clearly and seemed to be very happy.

At this moment, Shuiling made an extreme roar. I stood up and ran away. The second master looked back at me and I stood still. I thought the second master ran, but he didn't run and blocked his ears. Li Fu and these two people ran away.

I came back and squatted behind the second master. I asked him.

"What happened?"

I can't hear you at all, and I won't ask.

When the second master turned around and ran away, I still looked at it stupidly and didn't see anything. The second master ran away, and I followed him. Keep running to the top of the mountain.

When I ran to the top of the mountain, I lay on the ground, just like a dog.

The second master looked at Shuiling. This guy is in his sixties and his physical strength is so good that I wonder what he ate.

I got up and looked at Shuiling. I was dumbfounded. The water surged up like a flood. The second master laughed.

In just half an hour, the whole lake was full, which was extremely horrible. In fact, we don't have to run to the top of the mountain, and the lake has returned to its original appearance.

Those people standing on the shore are also running away, and no one will stand there waiting to die.

The lake slowly returned to calm.

"Let's go back."

The second master and I went back to the cave. I don't know how long we will stay in the cave. It's better not to stay in the cave.

I stayed on the mountain for another two days, and the second master asked me to go down the mountain to explore the letter.

I went down the mountain to search for letters, but I didn't find any letters. There was no news about those black water people. I went to the mountain temple and burned miserably. I didn't see the old way. Even Li Fu disappeared, but the police seemed to be looking for people everywhere.

I bought food and drink and went back.

I didn't expect to be followed by the police. I thought I was very smart. I found the police late. As soon as I was about to enter the cave, I found the police, threw down things and ran away. I didn't care about the second master.

The police didn't chase me. They probably knew that it was useless to chase me in this forest. They surrounded the cave. This time, the second master is miserable.

I don't know how the second master will deal with me.

My policeman went in and came out for a long time, but there was no second master. I think the second master's life is really good, and he must have gone around again. The police left. I went back, found the things, went into the cave, packed up the things, picked them up and left.

I didn't go far. I have to wait for the second master to come back.

The second master came back from behind me and patted me. I shouted and shocked him instead.

"What's the situation?"

The second master felt something was wrong before he came back, so he didn't go into the cave.

"The police have been here."

The second master stared at me and said nothing. Obviously, he knew that I had provoked the police.

The second master walked in front, and I followed him. He kept walking for an hour before he stopped and sat down to rest.

"What's the news in the city?"

When asked, I feel that we have become guerrillas.

"I can't find out anything, not even Li Fu, only the police."

The second master smoked a cigarette and then walked forward. He didn't help me carry anything. He let me carry it alone.

After walking for another hour, the second master turned down the mountain. It was a village with only a few families scattered. The second master went to a family.

went straight into the yard. There was a man standing in the yard. When he saw the second master, he ran over.

"Brother Zhang is here."

"Come and stay for a few days."

This man looks at his sixties and is very enthusiastic.

I don't ask much. I drink in the yard in the evening. That day, the second master drank too much and was helped into the kang by the man.

We only had three days in this man's house. The second master and I went on the road again. We went straight to Shuiling, and the city was actually using a waterway to put down the water and put the water into the lake below.

Go the same way again, who knows that the consequences are the same as last time.

It's strange that the lake is not small.

The second master and I sat on the top of the mountain and watched.

"Second master, this is not a thing, just like a wild ghost."

The second master said.

"If you are not afraid of being caught by the police, you can go back."

I'm scared, so I won't go back.

After staying on Shuiling for more than an hour, the second master and I went to Li Fu's old house. The door of the old house was locked, and the second master and I jumped in from the back wall.

After the second master went in, he lay down and told me to get something to eat.

I made food and wine. We were drinking when Li Fu came in.

"You two bastards, entering someone's home is more happy than entering your own home."

"There is no place to go. The police are arresting us everywhere!"

After I finished speaking, the second master smashed the wine bottle. Li Fu dodged, picked up the stick at the door and raised it up. I stood up and said.

"Wait a minute, I'll go outside, and you can hit me again. I'll make my blood. I don't like blood."

I went straight out, but the two of them didn't fight. I couldn't figure out what was going on between them. They sat down to drink, and I went in and sat down.

"Where are the black water people?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen it. I don't know where the old man went. I guess he was hidden somewhere in the city."

"Where can I hide?"

"This is hard to guess."

I didn't interrupt, and the two of them spoke without a mouth.

It was late that day, I fell asleep, and they were still chatting.

When I woke up, it was more than two o'clock in the middle of the night. There was no second master beside me. It was all paved, and the second master was not by my side. I got up at once. There was no light in the room. Although I could see it clearly, I was still very scared. I don't like the evil feeling of living in a wizard's house.

I slowly walked outside the house. I just walked to the outside room and saw a man squatting in the corner. The man lowered his head, couldn't see his face, and didn't move. I stood there at that time.

This is fucking evil. That person is definitely not the second master and Li Fu.

I'm standing there, neither moving nor moving. I suddenly couldn't help coughing, which was really terrible. I still couldn't help coughing. The man squatting in the corner didn't respond at all and played with my psychological quality. This was terrible.

I think, just squat there and don't move. I'll go out and play by yourself. I don't want to play with you.

I went to the yard, called the second master's mobile phone, and turned off the mobile phone. I looked at the house and didn't find the second master and Li Fu. They must have gone out, but who is the person squatting in that room? It must not be a normal person to squat there in the middle of the night.

I can't stay at Li Fu's house, and I don't want to run around in the mountains with the second master. If I continue to toss around like this, people will be abnormal.

I'm going downtown. I'm going back to my antique shop, and then take Gu Ye and the children back to live my normal life.

I arrived at the antique shop at dawn and opened the door to enter. Everything in the room made me feel familiar and quiet. I took a look, opened the window, then came out to lock the door and jump in through the window. In this way, no one knows that I'm in there.

This method of covering the ears and stealing the bell has been tried many times.

I sat inside and felt a little cold. I probably caught a cold. I have been thinking about whether I, as a gravekeeper, should go there again, which has been my countless times.

When I jumped up, someone knocked on the door. The sound of knocking on the door was strange. I knocked one after another, and I didn't say anything. After knocking for a while, I stopped knocking.

I feel uneasy. After a while, I knocked on the window, which was really killing me. I suddenly pulled open the window curtain. There was nothing there, but it was still knocking.

I jumped away, evil. I'm sweating. Is it a black water man? I don't know. I really don't know anything about black water people, but I know that they won't give up listening to Shuiling, and Taoist priests won't give up.

I believe that I will call the second master's mobile phone, turn it off, and call Li Fu. It seems that I can't stay in this place. I jumped out of the window and ran away. I went back to Li Fu's house, and there was still no one to enter. Then I entered that room, and the man was still squatting there, motionless.


I called him, but there was no response. I just felt that things were not so good that I had to leave here.

When I was about to leave, the man stood up and ran to me with his head down. I couldn't see his face clearly.

I retreated, and he followed me. I ran to the street, and he followed me. I stopped the car and went to the city. When I looked back, the man was gone. This person is really scary. If he doesn't say anything, he will follow you. No one can stand it.

I went to the second master's antique store, but I couldn't find the second master. I turned around and saw the man standing at the door, still bowing his head.

I rushed out, but they didn't stop me, I shouted.

"Police, police, I'm a gravekeeper."

After I shouted, less than half a minute later, more than a dozen policemen rushed over, piled me to the ground, cut my hands back, and almost broke my arms.

They pulled me up. The man was still standing there, raising his head slightly, but he still couldn't see his face. I smiled at him proudly.

I was taken back to the Public Security Bureau, and the mayor will come right away.

"I'm really want to find you, so I can only use this method. You know the situation in Shuiling. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I don't have to do it. Originally, everything was going well, such as Tulun City and the ancient city, but I have no choice."

"Didn't you invite a Taoist priest and a black water man?"

"They all ran away and said they couldn't beat the gravekeeper."

"In fact, I can't do anything about this. Although I'm a gravekeeper, it's only nominal. In fact, I'm just a name. You know this."

The mayor doesn't believe what I said at all.

"If you don't believe it, lock me up."

"How can that be? I'll ask them to send you back immediately. You go back and think about it. You don't have to be afraid. I don't do anything to you.

I was really sent back, but I didn't feel safe. I feel that the mayor is a big gray wolf. He eats when he wants to vomit you and plays when he wants to play with you.

Ji Xiaoqing appeared in the antique shop and sat there reading a book.

"Why are you here again?"

"I look at you and miss you."

I have nothing to say. I decided to leave here and go to Xinla City. Maybe the second master is right. Xinla City is the most suitable place for me. The world here is too chaotic.

I packed up and went to the street to bring something for Gu Ye and the two children.

As soon as I went out, the man stood on the opposite street. I was a little crazy. Why did this guy always follow me? I ran straight to him, and the man ran away. I didn't chase him.