grave-keeping note

55. Thirteen Face Changes

55. Thirteen Face Changes

I will call the second master immediately, and the second master will come half an hour later.

He looked at the thirteen faces, smiled and picked them up.

"Thirteen faces will change faces, but six expressions have changed, each of which is a black water man's thing. This thing appeared 20 years ago. I thought I would see a black water man, but they didn't show up that year. This time, he sent this thing here. It seems that he It's to remind us that they are black water people and are not easy to mess with.

"This thing will change your face, and each face can produce six expressions, which is magical enough."

"This thing looks like mahogany. In fact, it is not mahogany. It is a kind of yin and yang tree raised by black water. Everything made with it will change color. Six different colors are a function of this kind of wood. There is nothing strange and nothing to be afraid of, but in the hands of this thing, the black water The man just wants to kill someone.

When I heard it, my head was big.

"Then I'm in big trouble."

"Don't worry, they will kill me first."

The second master put thirteen faces on the shelf.

"This thing can be sold for five or seven thousand, a rare kind of wood."

The second master fell asleep after dinner.

I think the second master is indeed old and a little sad. He has been a gravekeeper all his life, has not married a wife, and has no queen. That day, we went to Tulun City in the middle of the night, and the police were still guarding it. After we got there, they let us in.

After the second master and I went in, we went up the wall.

"Just stand here and don't move. I'll go to the location of the three corpses."

The second master went down and nailed the mahogany brazi on the position of the three bodies.

He said when he came back.

"If the yin comes out, we can see it."

Ten minutes later, a mass of gas came out, rolling and floating.

"Do you see the location? That's the position. Remember, we'll leave immediately. Don't walk too fast. This gloomy spirit moves with people, and it's also fast for you.

The second master and I slowly walked out of the city. From time to time, I looked back, and the evil spirit really came to us. When we went out of the city, the yin atmosphere stopped.

"Why don't you break this up?"

"Let's do it together at dawn! It stayed outside for more than ten minutes and then went back.

My second master and I found a car, got in and went to bed, and told the police to wake us up after dawn.

I didn't sleep well in the car. It was dawn and the police woke us up. The second master called the mayor and asked him to come over and call a few migrant workers with digging tools.

The mayor did not come. The secretary came with someone. The second master was a little unhappy. Probably the second master wanted to say something to the mayor.

"We don't move, the mayor doesn't come, don't move."

We don't move, the secretary said.

"The mayor is reporting his work to the provincial leaders."

"We can wait."

The secretary advised us for a while, so we didn't.

"Find a place to eat."

The secretary asked the driver to take us to dinner. When he came back from dinner, the mayor had arrived and looked not good. The second master walked over and looked at the mayor and said.

"Come aside, I want to tell you something."

The mayor and the second master walked aside and didn't know what to say. The mayor hesitated for a long time before nodding.

The second master came back and said.

"Let's go in, and the workers will need four."

After we went in, the second master stopped and said.

"I'll let the four of you dig in a moment, stop and run."

Four people were stunned for a moment, and one person asked.

"Is there any danger?"

"Didn't they tell you?"

"No, we can't do this job."

Four workers went out, and the second master and I also came out.

The mayor asked.

"What's going on?"

The worker said.

"It's dangerous. It's too little."

"How much do you want?"

"Five, one person."


We went in again, and I thought, if I knew that people could die, I guess they wouldn't do it if they gave 50,000 yuan, and the second master didn't say too much.

When I walked to that position, the second master whispered to me.

"If the situation is not good, run. Don't hesitate."

I nodded and pried open the lapis lazuli slab, and it was the soil layer. They began to dig one meter and two meters, revealing a pipe, and one person was thicker.

"Okay, you can go."

After those people left, the second master said.

"Someone has to go down to this pipeline. It seems that it is connected somewhere. We have found the right place."

"I won't go down anyway."

"I won't go down either."

My second master and I came out, and the mayor was upset and walked around outside. When we came out, he came over and asked.

"How's it going?"

"I found it, but we need someone to go down and see the situation."

The mayor hesitated. He knew that this would kill people, and the dead thing was the most troublesome.

"Is there no other way?"

"The situation is like this. There is a thick pipe. I don't know how deep it is and where it is, but the yin qi comes from there. Only when we go down to see where it leads to and what happens below can we deal with it."

"Can't you seal it?"

"Can you seal the gas?"

The mayor stopped talking and stood there for a long time. The mayor called and called the experts.

The expert found the visual probe, and the second master muttered.

"I want to embarrass the mayor. I have thought of this move for a long time."

I didn't expect the second master to play like this.

We went in with two experts, and the visual probe slowly moved down. We stared at the screen. After 20 meters, a picture suddenly appeared on the screen. It was a big coffin with more than 100 square meters below, and a large coffin filled the whole room. I shivered, and the second master was also stunned and gas rushed out.

I ran away, and the second master also ran. The two experts threw down things and ran with their lives.

When we went out of the city gate, the policemen and the mayor were a little panicked and ready to run. Seeing us squatting down and gasping for breath, they did not move.

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

An expert said. The mayor's nose was almost crooked, he roared.

"I don't know what to run."

"They run and we don't run."

"Don't you see a mass of yin rushing out? The three people who died were killed by this gas.

The second master said.

The expert shook his head and said that he didn't see it. I saw it, a large group.

"In half an hour, I'll tell you that the pussy is a ball, light gray. Run when you see it. Run as fast as you can. If you run slowly, you will be unlucky."

The second master is breaking down. I know. Last time I told me that I couldn't run, and this time he told me to run. He just made some nervous air.

"What do you see?"

"The coffin, a tomb of more than 100 square meters, is placed with a big coffin."

The second master said.

"What should I do?"

"It depends."

It was very nervous outside. Ten ambulances came, and experts were waiting outside.

The second master sat on the big stone platform and smoked, I whispered.

"Second Master, what kind of coffin do you think that coffin is, so big?"

"The coffin should be a small lattice, containing corpses. People who have died too much in war often use this kind of coffin, which is full of yin. Go and have a look later, and then tell them to dig. We don't need coffins. This is another scenic spot."

"What about the yin qi?"

"Dig during the day, the yin gas comes out, but it can last for more than ten minutes. When you see the sun, it will dissipate, and it can't go back to the bottom."

"What are your terms with the mayor?"

"Yes, he agreed."

"What conditions?"

The second master stared at me, looked at the watch, and stood up. The two experts did not move, probably afraid. The mayor looked at the two of them, and they shook their heads and stood up.

We went in and looked at the screen. It was indeed a big coffin. The probe was turning and nothing else was found.

"Oc, tomorrow the white sun will come out, blow in, and the yin gas will blow out. Don't be in the city. The yin qi will not come out of the city. After half an hour, you can dig."

When we came out, the second master finished talking to the mayor and got into the car and asked the driver to take us back.

When he got up in the morning, Ji Xiaoqing came and put the food on the table.

We finished eating, the second master said.

"Come with me."

The second master took me to the west of the city, where there was an open space, very large, with a small river and a mountain behind it.

"What do you think of this place?"

"It's quite good. I heard that the city is going to build a villa here for the leaders to live in, saying that this place is a feng shui treasure."

"That's right. You also knew that rich families wanted to build a house here, but they didn't get this land in the end."

"You are talking about the rich family compound, the rich landlord, right?"

"Yes, he wanted to get this land in his life, but he didn't get it in the end, so I got it."

"What are you doing in such a big place?"

"If you want to develop, then there should also be a city here, and build an exactly the same new people according to the appearance of Xinla City."

I was stunned and didn't expect that the second master was planning this.

"How much does it cost?"

"Money is not a problem."

At this time, I knew that the second master's antique shop was selling antiques, and it was worthless on the shelf. He privately sold those valuable ones, which were the half of the antiques taken from Li Fu's house. I guess it would be worth a lot of money.

The second master and I went to the mayor's office, asked for the approval, and then began to run. The second master handed over the work to me.

I ran down after running for half a month. When there was a stuck place, I called the mayor. It was really happy.

This land is ours. I don't know when the second master will build this new man.

When I was idle, I went to Tulun City, and Tulun City opened again. There were more people, all standing in rows. The coffin was developed fast enough, only half a month.

I went in and saw that the fully developed coffin actually had three floors, like a building. The lid on it was lifted, and there were lattices inside, lying corpses. The clothes were all ancient clothes. It looked so spectacular that I was stunned.

When I was in a daze, Li Fu patted me.

"You two are really interesting. Don't tell me about this. It's good for me to get something first. Look, that's a thousand captain over there. Look at that knife. I guess it's worth it."

"You know something."

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

When I came out, the mayor called me and asked me to go to the ancient city, which was still closed.

Li Fu and I went there, and Li Fu looked at it for a long time.

"The feng shui is not good here."

I ignored Li Fu. The mayor was not there. A director was there. He saw me shake hands and said.

"The mayor said, let you see that if there is no problem, open the city. There is too much loss on this day."

I looked at Li Fu and said.

"He can do it, I can't."

The director looked at Li Fu and said.

"Thank you."

Li Fu stared at me. We entered the city, went up the wall, and looked at it for a long time, Li Fu said.

"There is something wrong with this wall."

"Bullshit, if I was in charge of this at the beginning, there would be no problem at all."

"There's really a problem. Come and look down."

Li Fu pointed to a place for me to see. I looked at it for a long time and didn't see anything.

"Look at that brick."

"I don't see anything wrong."

Li Fu and I went down to the tower and asked someone to find a ladder. I climbed up to have a look and was stunned. The brick turned out to be the switch of the coffin, and I came down.

"It's a coffin brick."

Li Fu whispered.

"What's going on?"

"This is for building a house for the dead. You used it here. Aren't you looking for death?"

"I don't know, what should I do?"

"I don't think it's a piece. You find someone, ask them to find it, mark it with a pen, and then replace it, but these bricks belong to me."

"I don't count this. This brick can sell three hundred yuan in any piece. I'm afraid there are more of your coffin bricks!"

"I don't use this for money. I keep it. Whoever I hate will go to change bricks. Whoever is light will be a loser, and if it is more serious, it will be dead."

"Isn't that too bad for you?"

"I'm talking about it. In fact, I want to keep it for myself. No one dares to move this brick-covered grave, and whoever moves it will be unlucky."

Li Fu kept this in mind.

"If you have a way, you can do it. I'll give you this job."