grave-keeping note

2. Jona's ratio

2. Jona's ratio

The compound is a fully enclosed castle-style complex, covering an area of 10642 square meters and a construction area of 4175 square meters, divided into 6 courtyards, 20 small courtyards and 313 houses. The third courtyard faces the street and is not connected to the surrounding houses. The periphery is a closed brick wall, which is more than 10 meters high. The upper floor is a women's wall-style stack, and there are more buildings. The pavilion is dotted with it, which looks magnificent and majestic. The gate faces west and east, with a tall top floor and a cave-style doorway in the middle. Opposite the gate is a brick-carved Baishou picture wall. In the gate, there is a stone-paved corridor. There is a wall encirclement on both sides of the corridor. At the end of the corridor is the ancestral ancestral hall, which is far away from the gate and is a temple-style structure. The three courtyards in the north are all eaves gates, dark columns, and three opening rooms. There are more than enough cars and sedan chairs. There are horse columns and upper horse stones on the outside of the door. From east to west, they are the old courtyard, the northwest courtyard and the study courtyard. All courtyards are positive structures, where the owner of the main courtyard lives, and the partial courtyard is the guest room and stove room. In the building, the partial courtyard is relatively low, and the roof structure is also very different. The main courtyard is a tiled eaves, while the partial courtyard is a square brick-roofed bungalow, which not only shows ethical superiority and inferiority, but also shows a sense of architectural hierarchy. The courtyard has four main buildings, a gate tower, a building, and six pavilions. There are walkways on the roofs of each courtyard, which is convenient for patrolling and protecting the courtyard at night.

Overview, the layout of the whole hospital is rigorous, the design is exquisite, and it looks down on the shape of "Xixi". The architecture is exquisite, the bricks and tiles are run-in, the workmanship is exquisite, the bucket arches and flying eaves, the gold decoration, the masonry and wood carvings, and the craftsmanship are exquisite, which fully shows the superb construction technology of the Chinese working people. It is praised by experts and scholars as: "History of residential buildings in the north The last bright pearl" is known as "the royal palace, and the private house looks at the Qiao family". It is famous in the Three Jin Dynasties and is well-known at home and abroad.

The compound has four main buildings, six gatehouses, building and pavilions. There are walkways on the roofs of each courtyard, which are used to patrol and protect the courtyard. Throughout the courtyard, from the outside, it is majestic, tall, neat and dignified; when you enter the courtyard, it is magnificent and orderly, showing the living style of the feudal family in northern China. The whole compound has a rigorous layout, exquisite architecture, standardized and changes. It not only has the overall beauty, but also has its own characteristics in local buildings. Even more than 140 chimneys on the roof have their own characteristics. The pavilions and pavilions of the whole courtyard, carved beams and painted buildings, and piles of gold and powders fully show the superb architectural art level of the ancient Chinese working people, which is indeed a rare art treasure.

The compound was built in the 20th year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, and has been expanded twice and renovated once. The first expansion was during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, presided over by Qiao Zhiyong, and the second expansion was in the middle and late stages of Guangxu, which was handled by Qiao Jingyi and Qiao Shuyi; the last extension was completed by Qiao Yingxia and Qiao Yingkui ten years after the Republic of China. From the beginning to the final completion of the current pattern, nearly two centuries have passed. Although the time span is very large, the subsequent expansion and addition can be carried out according to the original idea, making the whole courtyard consistent and integrated.

According to the traditional name, the Qiao family compound has three courtyards in the north, which are called the old courtyard, the northwest courtyard and the study courtyard from east to west. The three courtyards in the south are the southeast courtyard, the southwest courtyard and the new courtyard. The title of the six courtyards in the north and south shows the architectural order of each courtyard in the Qiao family compound.

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, part of the current Qiao's compound was located at the intersection of the streets and alleys of Qiaojiabao Village. After Qiao Quanmei separated from his two brothers, he bought several homes in the northeast corner of the cross and started to build buildings. The main building is a brick and tile house on the top of the mountain. It has a brick and wood structure with a window lattice and no door. It builds stairs indoors to go upstairs. It is characterized by thick walls, small windows, solid and solid. The east side of the main building is the original house, which has also been renovated as a side courtyard. He also converted the second entrance door in the partial courtyard into a school, which is the earliest courtyard of the Qiao family compound, that is, the old courtyard. Legend has it that there were five ancestral temples outside the courtyard. There were two locust trees in front of the ancestral temple, which were strangely long and strange. People called them the "divine tree". After the Qiao family obtained the right to use this land, they originally planned to move the temple without moving the tree. Later, Qiao Quanmei had a dream at night and saw the golden armor god tell him, "The tree moves to live, and the ancestral temple moves rich. If you want to be suitable, the ancestral tree will move together. Four or five steps to the east is the living place of the tree. If the ancestral temple is not moved and the tree is not moved, the tree will not be rich..." It won't be long before the tree is dying. Qiao Quanmei was afraid of offending the gods, so she moved the tree to the place indicated in her dream. The tree was really resurrected, and the branches and leaves were as lush as before. This seems to be a "true god" and a true god, so he built a five ancestral temple in front of the side courtyard, which still exists today. At the same time, there is a large brick-carved land ancestral temple between the main courtyard and the side courtyard, carved with stone mountains and deer holding Ganoderma lucidum. There are four brick lions and a Ruyi in the forehead of the land ancestral temple, which is a metaphor for "four o'clock Ruyi". There are also sycamores and pine trees on the ancestral wall, and six pairs of deer are combined together, which means "six harmony and smooth".

After Qiao Zhiyong was in charge, he continued to build a lot of civil works. He bought a large homestead in the alley on the west side of the old house and built another building, which is also five inside and three outside, forming a two- floor confrontation. The main building is a dew pillar structure on the top of the mountain. Tongtianlin Gate, the bayonet of the gate tower is the Antarctic star riding deer and Baizitu wood carving. There is a balcony corridor. In the upper corridor, there are brick-carved railings at the front, and in the middle are hundreds of grape pictures. To the east are Kuilong and magpie'er climbing to the sea; in the west is the lotus and sparrow opera**, and the top is wood carvings, engraved with ancient pictures of Kuilongbo. Standing on the balcony, you can see the whole courtyard. Because the two courtyards are side by side by side through the alleys, and the north and south buildings are raised, it is called the "double ingot" style.

After the completion of the Ming Building, Qiao Zhiyong built two horizontal and vertical quadrangle courtyards across the street from the two floors, so that the four courtyards were located at the four corners of the intersection of the streets and alleys, laying a pattern that was later connected.

In the middle and late period of Guangxu, the local public security was unstable. In order to protect their own safety, the Qiao family's Jingyi and Jingya took a lot of trouble and spent a lot of silver to buy the occupation rights of the streets and alleys at that time. After the Qiao family obtained the occupation, the lane entrance was blocked, and the alley was built into a side courtyard of the northwest courtyard and the southwest courtyard; the street entrance was blocked and a gate was built in the east; an ancestral hall was built in the west; and the courtyard of the two floors in the north were expanded into two outer courtyards, and two new gates were built. There are fences passing through the courtyard, and the arched gate roof is used as a bridge to connect the north and south courtyards to form a castle-style complex. In the early years of the Republic of China, the Qiao family's population increased and the housing was insufficient, so they bought land and expanded to the west. Ten years after the Republic of China, Qiao Yingxia and Qiao Yingkui built a new courtyard close to the southwest courtyard, with a pattern similar to the southeast courtyard. However, the windows are all engraved with large glass and Western-style decoration. The effect of Zhuguang is also very good, and obviously the style has been improved. Even the door-to-door carving in the courtyard is also very meticulous. At the same time, the northwest courtyard was also designed and rebuilt by Qiao Yingxia, blocking the open corridor of the outer courtyard connected to the old courtyard, together with the original stove house, and converted it into a living room. He also built a bathroom next to the living room and repaired the "foreign toilet" to add exotic style.

There used to be a small courtyard near the northwest courtyard, which is the school of the Qiao family, so this courtyard is called the study courtyard. After the separation, Qiao Jian planned to build an inner garden and buy a full set of rockery from a large family in Taigu County. While waiting for construction, the "July 7 Incident" broke out, the Japanese army invaded China and the project stopped. During the Japanese occupation, the whole family fled, leaving an empty courtyard, leaving only some family members to take care of. Up to now, Qiao's compound has become a dazzling pearl in northern residential houses.

The gate of Qiao's compound is from west to east, which is an arched gate hole with a tall penthouse. In the middle of the penthouse hangs a plaque given by the governor of Shanxi by Empress Dowager Cixi, with the four big words "Fuzhong Langhuan" written on it. The black-painted door is equipped with a pair of big copper rings on the pepper beast street, and inlaid with a copper bottom plate: "The descendants are virtu, the clan will be big; the brothers are good, and the family is fat." The lines reveal the hope and pursuit of Qiao's owner in the middle hall. Perhaps it is following this way of governing the family. After several generations of efforts in the middle hall, Qiao has achieved the glory of later generations of prosperity and family capital.

At the top of the gate, there is a bluestone-block embedded in the middle, and the book "Ancient Style". The strong pen power and the original intention of inheriting the ancient simple life style represented by these two words complement each other and are thought-provoking. On the wall opposite the gate, there is a brick carving "hundred life map", word by word, with elegant demeanor. On both sides of the wall is a meaningful seal couplet given by Zuo Zongtang, a minister of the Qing Dynasty: "If you want to restore the world and accumulate moral articles." The forehead is "harmony". This is very suitable with the middle way that the Qiao family, as a giant businessman, adheres to. Entering the gate and walking through the long corridor, at the west end is Qiao's ancestral hall of the carved dragon painting building, which corresponds to the gate. The ancestral hall is very exquisitely decorated, with three steps and temple structure, with lion head pillars, white jade carvings, longevity handrails, and wooden carvings and fans. The eaves are covered with four pillars, two bright and two dark. The stigma has hollow wood carvings of Yushu Jiaorong, Lanxin Guifu and Tengluo around pine, which are wonderfully decorated and magnificent. There is a plaque on his forehead, written with the words "Renzhou Yi Pu", which was written by Li Hongzhang. The ancestral plaques were originally displayed in the ancestral hall.

The corridor divides the six courtyards into two rows in the north and south, and the three courtyards in the north are the eaves of the dark-pillar corridor, which is convenient for cars and sedan cars to enter and sedan. There are horse posts and upper horse stones on the outside of the gate. From east to west, the first and second courtyards are three into five-linked ring courtyards, which are typical inner and five foreign heart-piercing courtyards in Qi County, and there are heart-piercing halls inside and outside. The north side of the inner courtyard is the main house, the second floor, which corresponds to the entrance building of the outer courtyard, which is magnificent. From the main courtyard door to the upper room, you need to climb three steps in a row, which not only implies the auspicious meaning of "three levels" and "flat step green clouds", but also a scientific arrangement of the architectural hierarchy.

The three courtyards in the south are two-way quadrangle courtyards, and the hard mountain top terraced portal buildings, the west straddle is positive, and the east span is biased. The middle is slightly different from the other two courtyards. The front is the main courtyard, and there is a side door and side courtyard at the wind duct of the main hall. The whole row of south courtyard, the main courtyard is for the people, and the partial courtyard is the flower garden and the servant dormitory. The roof of each main courtyard in the south courtyard is covered with a building, and a corresponding building is equipped to connect the whole courtyard.