grave-keeping note

9. Blood-soaked weapon

9. Blood-soaked weapon

The next day, Li Fu really called me and told me that he would go to Tulun City after dark. When I went there, Li Fu was sitting at the stall and had already drunk.

I sat down and began to drink.

"At more than ten o'clock, when the number of people decreases, we take action."

"Can you tell me how to do it?"

"Don't worry about this matter and follow me then."

I don't want to make too much trouble, which is not good for anyone. I just asked the mayor to give me a face. In fact, it is not likely to succeed in such a thing, but I have to do it.

At more than ten o'clock, we entered Tulun City. Li Fu and I went from the road to the wall. There were not many people on the wall.

"Have you seen the arsenal over there? We'll go in in a minute."

Li Fu saw the opportunity, so we went in. After entering, Li Fu whispered.

"These weapons have been stained with blood and are evil!"

I don't know what Li Fu is going to do. No matter what he does, he has to do it anyway. I have no other way.

Li Fu told me that something strange will happen here tomorrow, and I won't come tomorrow. Come for yourself. I think only you and I can solve it. Of course, I have to teach you.

I don't know how deep this wizard is. I'm afraid it's deeper than the well. When I thought of the well, I shivered. Li Fu asked me to look at the staff outside the door. He didn't know what was going on inside. He came out for more than ten minutes.

"Let's go."

I asked Li Fu on the way.

"What will happen tomorrow?"

"Don't ask about this. I'll tell you then."

When I got home, Gu Ye hadn't slept yet and was waiting for me.

"What's the matter?"

"I think I should send my two children to kindergarten and then go to Xinla City, where people are needed."

I nodded.

"But don't work too hard."

I usually sleep in the living room when I go home, because I can't choose, which is harmful to everyone. This is also one of the reasons why I always stay in the antique shop.

The next day, I went to Tulum City. I entered the city and sat on the stack to look at the arsenal. I was very nervous. I lit a cigarette and sat there smoking. There were more and more tourists.

At about nine o'clock, suddenly the arsenal exploded, and the ghost cried and ran out. I knew something was wrong there, but I didn't go there. I stood there and watched.

The security guard of Tulun City rushed over. The security guard rushed in and rushed out again. He probably saw something terrible, and then closed the gate. I hid in the corner. The police came. They seemed to be very calm, but it could also be seen that they were a little panicked.

I've been hiding in the corner to watch. Ten minutes later, the police withdrew and all the people withdrew. I went around and went to the arsenal, where I didn't have to go in and see inside.

I saw it and was shocked. It was full of hanging people, swaying and bleeding, and the blood was already all over the ground. I closed my eyes.

I hid in the corner to call Li Fu.

"Li Fu, you are a little too much. I don't want you to kill people."

"What can I do for undead people?"

Li Fu hung up the phone and was obviously unhappy. This two-hand guy really hates me.

As soon as I hung up the phone, Gu Ye called.

"I caught people, and they are all taken away."

I understand that the police arrested people and arrested everyone in Xinla City.

The mayor came with someone, took a look, and trembling.

I found an opportunity to get out of Tulun City. I think, since it has happened, I will wait patiently!

One night passed, and the next day, the mayor called and I answered.

"You came to Tulun City. Don't you have something to tell me?"

This guy is still holding a shelf. I really want to strangle this guy.

I went there, and Tulun City was still closed. I saw Li Fu. He stood on the left side of the mayor. I think it must be his move.

We entered a room and the mayor asked me.

"What are you looking for me for?"

"The people in Xinla City were arrested by the police, which is a matter of household registration."

"I also had a meeting to study this matter. The new pullers and the black water man. The expert did tell me that there were new pullers and the black water man, but I didn't expect that there were still people living in these two peoples. However, this matter is also quite troublesome. After all, these 50 or 60 people suddenly came out. I have colluded with the above. Don't worry, I will try my best to solve it.

The mayor said this, just to keep his mouth, and he didn't want to do it for you at all.

"Thank you. I'll go if it's okay."

"No, there's really something wrong. There's something wrong with Tulun City, do you know?"

"What happened? What's the matter?"

You will know when you go in and have a look.

The mayor and I went in. This time I saw it clearly and hanged four people, which was scary.

"What do you mean by letting me see this?"

"Turlun City's income point is 30% of the city's economy. If this happens, I'm afraid it will affect the income. The most important thing is how this strange thing happened and we have to make sure that it won't happen in the future."

Actually, I knew that's what it meant for a long time.

"I'm afraid I don't have this ability. You'd better invite someone else! What a Taoist priest, the black water is beautiful, and the wizard Li Fu just now.

The mayor's face was ugly and obviously unhappy.

"They have no choice, so I'm looking for you."

"I'm just a half-hearted gravekeeper, and I can't solve this evil thing at all."

"I'm afraid that's not the case? Li Fu told me that Tulun City had a war with the new people. After this war, Tulun City became a tomb. Of course, you gravekeepers will have a way.

"Don't listen to his nonsense."

I turned around and wanted to leave.


The mayor took out the phone.

"Hey, Director Zhao, send the person back safely and apply for the household registration tomorrow. The special matter will be handled in three days."

The mayor hung up the phone and looked at me.

"You all go out. I'll ask the immoral wizard to accompany me. If I die, he won't get better."

"Is it dangerous?"

"I don't know how to die for such an evil thing. There is no danger. Anyone can solve it. If I die, I hope the conditions you agree will be done. If the gravekeeper dies, it will be feasible for 100 days."

The mayor twitched and stared at me and left. Obviously, he was very unhappy with my threat, but there was nothing I could do.

Li Fu came in and looked at me.

"Wouldn't you give me some benefits?"

"What do you want?"

"Even if you owe me."

Li Fu and I went in.

"Li Fu, you shouldn't kill such an innocent person."

"I won't do this much damage. These are all illusions. They don't exist at all. Wizards don't have the ability to mess up."

Li Fu closed the door, turned to the weapon rack, changed several weapons to another position, and everything disappeared.

"What's going on?"

"I can't tell you this, just like a gravekeeper who won't tell me your secret."

When we came out, the mayor brought someone to see it. He looked at it for a long time and shook his head.

"It won't happen again, will it?"

"No, don't worry."

I said.

"But what about this impact?"

"You may ask reporters to publicize that this is just a strange phenomenon, not really happening, so that there may be more tourists, because Tulun City is a divine city."

The mayor looks good.

"I'll treat you two to a drink."

"Forget it."

I said.

"Aren't you giving face?"

I still went there. I get in the car, and Gu Ye called and said.

"Everyone has been sent back, and no one is injured. Don't worry."

I also briefly talked about the situation, and Gu Ye was very happy.

That day, the mayor talked about Shuiling again, but did not mention the death of the second master. He must have known it. I didn't pick this up. I guess there is something about Li Fu. Li Fu wants to enter Shuiling in his life. Every time, it's not picked up by him, and it's almost the same, but Li Fu helped me, and I didn't say anything.

That day, when I got home, Gu Ye was still awake.

"Ji Xiao moved back lightly."

I was stunned for a moment.

"It's good to move back."

The next day, I went to see the people in Xinla City, comforted them, and made things clear. They stabilized a lot. I'll go to Ji Xiaoqing's place again.

"It's good for me to come back."

"Okay, I'll find a babysitter for you tomorrow."

"I've found it myself. You don't have to worry about me. Look at this little guy, how funny it is."

I hold this child. This is the first time I hold this child, and I can't tell what the mood is in my heart.

I went to several hand carving shops, but I didn't expect that the market was really good, which made me feel better. Back in the antique store, as soon as I sat down, a man came in, looked around and asked me if there was anything else?

"What do you want? I'll dig your grave at any time."

"I'm sick."

The man left in a hurry. I know that almost everything in the store is fake. I just pretend to be here. I just want to find an excuse that I don't want to go home. I feel guilty in front of anyone.

Li Fu called me to follow him to the tomb. In fact, I don't want to go. It seems that my curiosity is not so strong. Finally, I followed. After Li Fu entered the tomb, he chose a grave and took the tools out of his bag.

"Do you really want to dig a grave?"

Li Fu looked at me without saying anything and began to dig with a shovel. I don't know how many graves he has dug and how much damage he has done.

After digging a few shovels, Li Fu was stunned there. When he looked to the east, I knew something had happened. I looked back and came out in a cold sweat. Li Fu threw down something and ran away with my hand.

I'm struggling and don't want to leave.

"That's an illusion. Let's go."

I was pulled out. After going out, Li Fu did not stop and ran wild. The speed reached a limit. When I arrived at the antique store, I was still a little confused.

I saw the second master in the tomb of that house. It is feasible for the gravekeeper to die for 100 days, which is the reason why I have never looked for the body of the second master. Although I doubt it, from now on, I don't have to doubt it.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen at all. The second master told me like this, but I didn't believe it at all. If a person dies, it can still be 100 days, which is a little evil.

Li Fu drank several glasses of water.

"It's really suspense. Your second master is really guarding the tomb for that house. If he catches it, I guess I will die miserably."

I didn't say anything. I was thinking that the second master could do it for a hundred days. Then, we can still communicate. Maybe it's okay. I regret running out.

Li Fu sat for half an hour and then left.

"Don't tell anyone else about this, just as if it didn't happen. We'll go there in a hundred days."

This guy almost lost his life, and he is still thinking about going to that tomb.

I know that the second master will still appear, and I have this feeling. However, I don't know when the second master will appear.

During this period, Li Fu didn't come to me again, which probably scared the second master to pee.

I went to the small building in Yincun. Maybe the second master would come out of the small building. I entered the ancestral tomb, and the second master actually lay in the coffin. I was shocked, stunned for a while, covered the coffin, and went back to the small building.

I'm sitting there, I don't know what I'm looking forward to. I just hope things will get better.