grave-keeping note

12. Crack

12. Crack

Some experts pushed and shook his head.

"You click back."

The second master whispered. I retreat to the end.

"Now you have seen this effect? Let me come. I know that you are mausoleum experts and should be knowledgeable. I hope you can give me a suggestion.

Four experts began to study there, and I know that there may not be any results.

The second master is tired of waiting.

"Is there a result?"

"A very ordinary tomb."

This made the second master very unhappy, and I can see it.

"You come with me. If I don't guess, there should be a room that hasn't been closed."

We walked around the row room. Sure enough, it was one room. Whether the door was closed or not, the second master went in and looked at the coffin and five coffins.

"Open the lids for me."

The expert did it. I didn't move, and the second master didn't let me move. The five coffin covers were opened. The second master looked in, and the experts also looked in. There were nothing but white bones.

The second master stopped at the door of the first coffin and patted the wall of the coffin and said.

"That's it."

Experts obviously don't understand.

"I'll take two of them there later. We'll be here to clear the bones in the coffin and put them aside."

I knew that this was the mechanism for opening the door over there. It seems that this place is quite complicated.

The second master took two experts and agreed to clean up the bones in 15 minutes.

Two experts looked at me, meaning to let me go down. I shook my head, the expert said.

"We are experts, not here to clean up bones."

"Bullshit, let you come, what's the result of your research? No? If you don't do it, it's a little hard work.

My words were bad enough, and an expert became popular at that time.

"I won't play with you bastards, stupid gravekeeper."

The expert turned around and left. Let me take a look at the expert.

"I'll go in."

The expert went in and cleared the bone. Under the bone, there was a pattern. He asked me to see it. I took a look, and it turned out to be the same pattern as the one painted on the mountain wall in the small building in Yincun. Looking at the cracked picture, everything was cracked and I couldn't see what it was, but the second master told me that there was a position in the middle of the cracked picture. Use a peach stick to straighten it up and go in. That was a mechanism. I didn't expect to be here at all. I've always wanted to insert the cracked picture on the back wall of Yin Village with a mahogany stick, but I didn't dare. I'm afraid that the second master would maim me.

I said after reading it.

"Come out, don't move, I'll make a call."

There is no signal on the phone, so I'll go to the second master.

The second master sat there smoking, and I whispered to the second master.

The second master was stunned for a moment, obviously not to expect this. He took out a small stick from his bag, which was made of mahogany.

"Don't plug in, and stand outside the door."

The second master told me in a low voice.

"An expert has left. I don't know where he is now."

The second master was stunned for a moment.


I went back and gave the mahogany stick to the expert.

The expert didn't answer and asked me.

"What are you doing?"

"This picture is a split map. Do you see the middle position?"

I showed it to him, and he nodded.

"Put it on and plug it in. You don't have to worry about anything."

"What will happen?"

"I don't know."

"I don't know. What the hell?"

It seems that the expert is anxious. This person has probably stayed in the south.

"Here, everything is unknown. You experts, you don't know that we are just gravekeepers, let alone know, so you need to study this matter. If you don't understand the research, I have no choice."

The expert is probably angry, and I think he should also walk away with a bad temper. But he didn't, he sighed.

He may have his helplessness.

The expert still jumped into the coffin, and his hand with a mahogany stick was trembling, especially when I ran outside in a few steps. He stood in the coffin and stared at me. I could see how nervous he was. In fact, everyone would be nervous.

I couldn't bear to watch it, and I was almost impulsive. I went, but when I remembered the words of the second master, there were still many people who needed you to take care of, so I resisted.

The expert squatted down. I leaned tightly against the stone wall, and the door suddenly closed. I jumped and waited for the movement inside. There was no movement. I ran to the second master.

When I went there, the door over there was open. I slowly looked in and couldn't help trembling. They were all kinds of relief doors, wrong, plugged in, open, closed, all kinds of things. I didn't see the second master and experts.

I didn't go in. I know that the consequences of going in will be very serious.

I called the second master, but the second master did not respond to me.

I can only choose to wait. The second master said that waiting is the best way to solve the problem. Twenty minutes after I heard the movement, the second master came out first.

He doesn't look good.

"What about those two experts?"

"Lost it. If there is really an accident, it's really not easy to say. It's okay for one to die, two are ugly, and three of us are probably not very good. If it's four, we don't have to go out."

"I'm not very good on the other side. The expert is locked in it."

"It's okay over there, but it's just to scare him. This is the permanent door, with a total of 63 doors. Different doors will move at a fixed time, but I don't know which door will move, but I have found the middle position, and I used something to support it. It is a middle door, driven by it. As long as it doesn't move, the mechanism can't be activated. Everything is fine, but I don't know what the consequences will happen if you walk in. I'm worried about those two experts.

My second master and I can only wait for an hour without any movement.

"It seems that I have to go in and look for it. Don't move here."

As soon as the second master was about to go in, the two experts came out. It seemed that there was no big problem, but his face turned pale, and he was probably scared inside.

After the two experts came out, the doors of those rooms were opened. After ten minutes, the expert came out with a mahogany stick, and his eyes were a little lax. He was probably shocked.

"Let's go out."

"What about another person?"

"He would have gone out by himself, if he hadn't entered that door."

We went out, and the mayor came with a lot of people.

After going out, the second master called the mayor aside and said.

"Don't put any information, we'll get in the car right away."

The mayor immediately ordered that several of us should not contact anyone and get directly into the car.

Outside the warning line, dozens of reporters and thousands of people watching the bustle are chaotic. We went straight into the Coal City Hotel.

After sitting down, the second master said.

"An expert has left and is angry. I don't know if he has come out?"


The mayor said.

"This responsibility is not ours. He left angrily and let people wait there. If he doesn't come out, there is no way to build a waterway. After the waterway is built, he can be observed."

"Where will he be?"

The mayor asked.

"There is an office over there, but it has been closed now. If he enters there, I'm afraid it will be troublesome."


The mayor doesn't know who he is scolding. He is very angry. Most of them blame the expert. The second master and I didn't talk to anyone, but we stayed in a hotel that day. It didn't sound good, but we were under house arrest.

I knew that there would be such consequences, and we were led away.

The expert had no news by the next day, and the mayor's secretary came to the hotel.

"What do you think about this?"

"We don't want to go in again. It's very dangerous, and the expert is a little too much. Besides, if he enters that organ, we can't get him out."

"The mayor is very anxious about this matter. I hope you can solve it."

The second master walked to the window and stopped talking, and the secretary looked at me.

"The second master said this, no, really not. What we have to do now is to wait."

The secretary has left.

"Second Master, do you think this expert can still come out?"

"It's impossible. It must have entered the organ. If it can come out, it will have come out long ago. If he goes in, build waterways and let tourists in, maybe the organ will open. This is a very troublesome thing."

"Maybe we can go in again."

"Go in? Just open that organ once. If you do it again, it will be devastating. No one will think about it.

Actually, I should have thought that the organs in ordinary mausoleums will be like this. It seems that there is nothing we can do.

That day, we stayed for another night and got up the next day. The second master left with his bag. I followed. As soon as we went out, two people stopped us.

The second master didn't say much. Of course, he understood how to come back. When we came back, the second master told me to call the mayor.

I called the mayor, and the second master grabbed the phone and said.

"Don't go too much. Let us go now."

I don't know what the mayor said. The second master and I went out again, and no one stopped us.

The second master went to Xinla City to live. When I got home, Gu Ye asked me about Shuiling. I briefly talked about the situation, but Gu Ye didn't ask more questions.

I know it's not that simple. Two days later, the secretary found me with someone.

"Look, discuss this matter with your second master. It's not good to hang in this way, and it's not easy for the mayor to explain."

"There is no way. Really, if that organ is opened again, the horrible outer mausoleum will be destroyed, and people will definitely die."

"The mayor probably understands whether underwater passage can be built."

"You have to ask the second master about this."

"Ask and send an exact letter."

I agreed. This matter will be done sooner or later. No one has been told, and it is not finished. I called the second master and told him the situation. The second master hesitated for a long time.

"If the expert doesn't come out, he will probably not stay inside for more than seven days, so after seven days, we can go in to see the situation. If there is no change, we can build a channel, but we can't guarantee what the expert will move in the organ and what will happen. Therefore, this You still have to be careful. That's what I mean.

I told the secretary what the second master meant, and the secretary left.

The next day, Li Fu came, and he told me.

"Construction has begun on the other side of Shuiling."

I was stunned for a moment. I didn't expect it to be so urgent there.

"Have you been paying attention to this?"

"Of course, I'm not the only one paying attention to such a big thing, but also the Taoist priests and those black water people."

Li Fu is right. These people will not miss such an opportunity. He wanted to find out something more. I was not in the mood to say it. Tell him, and he will know everything later.

When I went to Ji Xiaoqing, she was still the same and was very happy since she had a child.

However, I haven't been happy for a day. I don't know what kind of destination I can give Ji Xiaoqing. When I left, Ji Xiaoqing told me that tomorrow was my child's birthday and I wanted to spend time with Gu Ye. I just nodded.

I went back and told Gu Ye, and Gu Ye began to prepare. It seems that now she also understands such a lifestyle, and it is incomparable.

The next day, I went to Shuiling, where I had begun to push that kind of fiberglass underwater. It was a large transparent channel, which was estimated to be completed in a week.

When I went back, everything was ready. When I saw a necklace hanging around the child's neck, I was stunned. I just felt something was wrong with the necklace, but I didn't say it.

In the evening, Ji Xiao stayed lightly. I said that there was still something else in the store and stayed there today. In fact, I can't face such a structure, which is absolutely uncomfortable.

In the antique store, I didn't turn on the light and sat there, and I could see everything clearly.