grave-keeping note

15. Singly symbols

15. Singly symbols

This guy is the same as before. No matter me, he ran for his life. After he shouted, I was stunned and ran away. The black water man did not chase him. He ran to the mountain beam. I was about to vomit blood, and the second master was also very tired.

When we recovered, the second master said.

"This is really a death escape."

I didn't say anything. I stared at the second master, and my eyes were almost staring out. Dozens of meters away from us, there were dozens of black water. So, we were surrounded and there was no possibility to escape.

It's dark, and the second master can't see it.

"We are surrounded."

I told the second master that he was stunned and whispered.

"Find a gap. You can see them. They can't see you. In this dark day, they just surround the road we can take. Now choose a road that we can't take."

What kind of logic do you think this is? Do you still call the road if you can't walk? I looked at it for a long time and said, that it was the west, the cliff, the dragon head of the old Longgang, and we could only jump from the dragon head.

The second master hesitated for a moment.

"Then go that way."

In fact, we really don't have a good choice, only there are no black water people over there. It seems that they are forcing us to go there.

When we got to Laolonggang, we escaped from the encirclement of the black water people, but there was no way to go, so we had to go back. If we went back, we would enter the circle again.

The second master sat on the old dragon's dragon and said.

"We are going down from here today."

"Go down? More than a thousand meters, is there any good way to go down?

"We have no choice, otherwise we will go back to peel the skin. The taste of peeling is no better than this. Maybe we will be lucky to live. Aren't we very lucky today?"

I'm so angry that I don't want to talk anymore. It's useless.

The second master looked down and trembling after reading it.

We relied on it until dawn. We are really not familiar with Lao Longgang. We need to see the situation clearly after dawn. It's dawn, and it's better if it's not bright. This light can see more clearly, and it's impossible to go down at all. The second master also woke up and didn't say a word. He smoked an old dry cigarette. It seemed that he was worried. He didn't want to go back and be skinned, so he jumped down.

The second master took out the book and handed it to me.

"Look, maybe it will be useful."

I took it over and took a look and threw it back. The second master caught it.

"I don't understand."

The above is full of black water.

The second master picked it up and said as he looked at it.

"Actually, there is nothing difficult. It took me seven days to learn these words and learn to speak black water words."

"I admit this, but it doesn't seem to be home, otherwise it won't be revealed."

The second master stared at me. In fact, I was quite surprised. I'm afraid that if you give me seven days, I may not be able to learn it.

The location of Laolonggang has always been a place that people don't like. No one wants to come to the land of trapped dragons, and there are many legends about Laolonggang, one is more evil than the other.

Today, it seems that the second master and I may have to stay here. The second master didn't seem to expect such a result.

The second master looked at the book and seemed to forget everything. Suddenly he laughed and made me trembling. This guy was always so frightening.

"After all, the black water people have some energy. These are all the evil things played by those black water people. These things have been accumulated from thousands of years of life."

"What is there?"

"Among them, what we met, went through the door."

The second master didn't mention anything else.

"What should we do now?"

"Go back."

Do you want me to go back and skin it? I'm afraid it's really interesting to make the peeled skin into something. The second master stood up and walked back, which made me hesitate. I'm afraid such a decision is a little crazy.

I followed the second master, and my legs became softer and weaker. Finally, I saw the black water man. They surrounded us two and looked a little fierce. The second master didn't seem to be afraid. He muttered a lot. I don't know what he was talking about.

The black water man came up and knocked us down, but I didn't have time to react. It's good that the arms and legs are not broken. We were thrown into a basement, estimated to be a dungeon.

I asked the second master.

"What did you say to them?"

"I scolded their ancestors for eight generations."

I was stunned and thought, I'm afraid it's not just peeling. We stayed here for a few hours. A few hours later, a few people came in, and I saw the Taoist priest at a glance. I thought it was even worse this time. I didn't burn the Taoist priest to death. This time he would not peel my skin tightly.

I didn't expect that the Taoist priest would let us go. The black water man who looked like the old Dragon King actually nodded and agreed. This is what surprised me, and the second master was also very surprised.

We were really blindfolded and sent out of Laolonggang. However, the book on the second master was taken away. After we came out, I asked the second master.

"You went there to steal that book, didn't you?"

"That's right, only when you know your enemy can you be undefeated. You should also know this. We know too little about black water people. I'm afraid that they will destroy the new people. Their current balance of development, small, young, old and old, and you know our situation."

What the second master was worried about was actually this. In fact, I didn't expect that the ethnic war had been a matter for thousands of years and should not happen again. However, I was wrong. There is also a certain reason for the second master to think so.

Not long after we returned to Xinla City, there was a change in Shuiling, and the voice of the mayor's phone call was a little wrong. The second master and I hurried to Shuiling, and there was still a long queue of tourists.

We entered an office in Shuiling. The mayor was there, and there were some people.

"What's going on?"

The second master asked.

"The row room of Shuiling has changed, and the coffin inside has moved."

The second master was stunned for a moment, and I also sweated.

"Turn off Shuiling immediately."

"Thousands of people are in line, and I'm worried that..."

The mayor said.

"The consequences of the dead are probably more serious than you fear."

At this time, the mayor realized that the matter would be so serious.

It took more than an hour to clean up the tourists, and the outside was messy, and the police wrapped in the crowd, which seemed a little helpless.

The second master and I went down with a few experts, but the mayor did not go down.

When we entered Shuiling, we saw that the coffin row had indeed turned around. I saw the second master. The second master's expression was so serious. I knew that I'm afraid it's not that easy to do.

We turned around, and the coffin in the row room was only half moved, and half of it should also rotate in these days. If all of them were turned, I don't know what would happen.

The second master squatted aside and smoked. He didn't know what he was thinking. Those experts also seemed a little panicked. Such strange things really happened too little. No one knew what would happen in this row room.

The second master stood up, shook his head, and let the experts go out.

"You all go out, don't let anyone in, and prepare two of us the best urns."

The experts were stunned for a moment, then walked out, and finally ran away.

I sweated and died like this. It's really boring. I haven't lived enough, although it's a little hard to live.

"Will something really happen to us?"

"It's hard to say. If you can live, you will have a big life and pick it up."

The second master spoke easily. He walked in front, and I followed. The second master turned around four times and stopped.

"Have you found any changes?"

"The coffin has turned and the position has changed."


I know that what the second master said is not this matter, but another thing. I didn't see it, but I felt something was wrong.

"Well, how can I safely hand over the new man to you like this? You, the gravekeeper, are probably the most cowardly among the gravekeepers.

I have nothing to say. The second master said it right. The gravekeepers have the ability of gravekeepers, but I have no bullshit and made everything messy. This makes me feel that I have no confidence to live.

"Alas, the children and grandchildren have their own blessings. A black water man came in Shuiling and tampers, just wanted the mayor to agree to them on a condition."

I didn't expect it to be like this at all. In fact, the black water man has not been idle, but there is one thing I didn't figure out. We were caught by the black water man. This is a complete opportunity. We have been skinned, and no one knows. However, they let us go.

"You have a symbol in the fourth row."

I walked over with the second master, but I didn't see the symbol.

"Look sideways."

I looked sideways and saw that there was an irregular shape symbol on the glass. I reached out to wipe it, but I didn't erase it off.

"It can't be erased. If it can be erased, it will be fine."

"What is this symbol?"

"I can't explain it clearly for a moment. The black water man is a symbol nation. At first, the symbol was a record. Later, it developed into this strange position and transformed the use of symbols. This time, I went to steal the book. In fact, I just wanted to steal this book, but I didn't find it, so I stole another book."

After saying that, the second master shook his head.

"Is there any way?"

"Maybe there is nothing at all. It's just a warning. It seems that we can only talk to the mayor and agree to their terms."

My second master and I came out, and the tourists outside were still waiting.

"Let them in!"

"Are you okay?"

The mayor stood up.

"If you have nothing to do, it's up to you."

The mayor knew that there was something wrong with it.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

"The black water people have entered the water mausoleum. Of course, no one will notice it when they are mixed in the crowd. They have tampering below. Of course, the tampering and feet I said are not something that ordinary people can do, nor can they be cracked by ordinary people. I think the black water man must have talked to you about some conditions, but you didn't agree.

The mayor's face was angry and looked a little scary.

"These bastards, I asked the police to arrest them."

"We can only say this in person. Don't provoke the black water people. They are not just a few people, but there are two or three hundred people."

"Why are there so many? I asked the experts, although they didn't say a reason, I also roughly understood that it turned out to be a hunting nation living in Heilongjiang. Later, for some unknown reasons, they moved to Changbai Mountain. However, this black water mantis has disappeared for nearly a thousand years and suddenly came out. As you know, when they said they could break the water mausoleum, I also believed it, and the Taoist priest who introduced the black water man to me. However, they failed, and they negotiated with me for the forest of Laolonggang. It turned out to be being developed in the city. It is a treasure land with hundreds of rare plants on it, and it covers thousands of lands. Let me give them all for permanent use. No one can invade it.

I didn't expect that this black water man's appetite was really big, and our Xinla City just ordered a small place and built a building.

"So that's the case. I can't give you any advice on this matter. You decide by yourself. If you don't agree, I'm afraid there will be a problem in the outer tomb. We really can't solve it. Maybe that Taoist priest will have a way."