grave-keeping note

21. Book 13

21. Book 13

The door of the courtyard is still closed, and strangely, the cooking smoke is still coming out, which is the strangest thing.

I jumped into the wall and found a place where the fire was burning. There was no fire, but there was smoke, which was a strange thing. I still have a lingering fear about what happened in the Zajia compound. After all, that life is a terrible thing, and Li Fu lost his hands because of this.

There is a special atmosphere in the courtyard of the Zha family. I can't say anything. I turned around each room again and still didn't find anything. When I returned to Xinla City, Li Fu called and asked me to go there.

I don't know what Li Fu is going to do. Anyway, I have nothing to do now. It's good to go and have a look.

I bought something for the past. This is the first time I bought something for Li Fu. I went in with something, and he was stunned. He seemed to be a little moved.

I sat down and asked.

"What's the matter?"

"That tomb..."

This guy is still thinking about the tomb of that house. I'll strangle it.


After I said that, I stood up and circled him three times.

"Don't you want to die?"

"I'm just too careless."

Li Fu didn't give up. What he said to the landlord that day, I thought he had washed his hands completely. This is really difficult to change.

"I advise you to give up. I also think you should wash your hands."

"I'm afraid I can't. I tried. No, I dream of the tomb every day, not to mention that I have no hands to wash."

After he finished speaking, he raised the two meat-pillars.

I felt that Li Fu had no medicine to save him, so I shook my head.

"Then say it."

"Where do you think those properties are put in that rich city?"

"I don't know about this. It won't be put in the tomb, will it?"

"I think it should be that the family is gone. Where will it be put if it is not put in the tomb?"

"But you also looked at the tomb of that house. They are all graves, more than 300."

Li Fu was meditating, as if he was thinking about something. He suddenly stood up, went into the room, took out a book and handed it to me. It turned out to be a booklet of that family's property records.

The book is marked with 13. Obviously, this is volume 13. I didn't expect that this would be volume 13, and maybe there will be more.

I opened it and looked at it.

Yulong vase, red coral, Jinzun, soft jade, mutton fat jade (ten pieces), dog head, jade case, green dragon silver brick ( 400 pieces), half Buddha hand, yellow dragon jade, red sand pot...

There are also calligraphy and paintings behind, and I sweat when I look at them. With any of these things, I can ensure that I will be well-dressed for the rest of my life, but I can't catch any shadow. If I follow what is written in this book, the tomb will definitely not be able to be installed, and I can't throw them there in a mess.

"I'm really enlightened. I'm afraid your family's tomb robbery is just ears."

Li Fu didn't want others to say that he was a grave robber, so he stared at me.

"Don't look for trouble."

"Let's talk about it, I think these things should be in another place, that is, not in the tomb of that house, nor in that compound, let alone in the courtyard, but in another more mysterious place."


I shook my head, Li Fu said.

"I think you are in short of smoking."

I know what I said is all nonsense. That day, Li Fu and I drank and thought about this matter. In fact, I'm afraid it's difficult to figure it out. Maybe the second master knows that the second master is the gravekeeper of the family and should know more about the family. In those years, the family was dead, and the body collected by the second master. But the second master is a messenger. I'm afraid he won't tell me. If I ask, he may tell me. I still decided not to ask him.

That house has countless properties and is fully registered. It can be seen that the management of that house is still very strict, and it can't flow out anything casually.

I returned to Xinla City, and I want to stay in Xinla City. I'm afraid that something else will happen.

I've always been worried about Taoist priests and black water people. They are not so simply trapped. The second master is obviously clear about this.

The deserted Xinla City looks so abrupt and helpless. The children seem to be much quieter when they come here, and probably don't like such an empty New La city.

The hustle and bustle of the past seems to have disappeared. I sat in front of the window and Gu Ye came over.

"The night here is very quiet, but it's not the night in Xinla City in the mountains."

"I don't like this night very much."

"I just want the night over there. The night over there is sweet."

I was stunned for a moment. Gu Ye actually said that the night was sweet. I know, I understand. Suddenly, Gu Ye hugged me.

"Someone, I can feel it, it's downstairs."

I was shocked. I didn't feel it, but I wanted to believe in Gu Ye's feeling.

"Don't be afraid, go back to your room, take good care of the child, and let Ji Xiaoqing go there."

After Gu Ye entered the room, I walked to the stairs. I walked slowly and lightly. I don't feel anyone, but I believe there will be someone.

When I slowly went down the stairs and walked halfway, I stopped. I couldn't hear footsteps. There was no sound. It was a little terriblely quiet. There was no sound in the whole building.

I stand still. I think it's best not to move. I wait. It takes patience. I kept waiting, and half an hour later, I saw a shadow that didn't move in the window.

He is leaning on me, so we will rely on it. In fact, I'm very nervous. I can only see the shadow. I'm afraid he can't even see my shadow, but he must feel me.

Ten minutes later, the shadow retreated little by little. I know he didn't help me, but I can't let him go like this. I want to know who he is.

I went upstairs, walked to the window and watched, so that if a person wants to come out of the stairs, then he must pass through the empty field, and I can see this person.

However, I didn't see it. Obviously, this didn't leave the building and didn't want to leave the building, which made me feel a little nervous.

I went back to my room and told Gu Ye and Ji Xiaoqing not to go out no matter what happened. I came out again and went down the stairs.

I went down to the first floor and felt the existence of a person. That person seems to be standing in the dark, somewhere, I'm not sure.

Although I can see things in the dark, I can't see people. I can feel them, but I can't see people. I'm the one who makes me nervous. I don't know which room this person will hide in.

I won't go to one room to look for it, because it will be dangerous.

I went outside and stood in a dark corner. I believe that on such a dark night, he would not see me standing in the dark, and I could see him.

I have been standing, and the light in the corridor on the third floor suddenly turned on. I trembling. This light will never be turned on by Gu Ye or Ji Xiaoqing. I told them not to come out no matter what happens. They will listen to me.

I didn't move. I think this person is trying to lead me up. There was a shadow shaking. I didn't move. I was a little anxious and worried about Gu Ye and others, but now I can't move. Maybe after I go up, that person will go somewhere else. I don't know why he came.

The light was on for a while, and then went out. I think it's strange. However, I still haven't moved. This person seems to want to determine where I am.

When I heard the scream, it was two minutes after the light went out, I heard it. It was the scream of my little daughter, and my sweat came down. I rushed upstairs and pushed the door open.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay. I don't know why, the child suddenly screamed."

I didn't say anything. I know. Maybe the child felt something.

"Take good care of the child."

After I said that, I went out. I was no longer waiting. I was looking around the building. However, I didn't find it. I entered the second master's room. I sat in the chair without turning on the light. I think this person can only come for the second master, otherwise he has no other meaning.

There are a lot of things in the second master's room, and I guess he has moved all his things here. I think there should be something here that is worth it.

I've been sitting in a chair and the door is not locked. I should give him such a chance. Sure enough, within ten minutes, the door was pushed open. Obviously, he didn't see me sitting in the dark.

He actually came in and closed the door. I still didn't move. The man stood there, probably adapting to the darkness. I haven't seen this person. The strange thing is that he doesn't look like a black water man. Is there anyone else involved? If so, there will be more trouble.

When the man saw me, he was stunned and wanted to run away.

"Since you are here, sit down and talk."

The man was stunned for a moment. I turned on the light. It was a man in his thirties. He hesitated and finally sat down.

"I think you must be here for something?"

The man hesitated and said for a long time.

"I shouldn't come in, but I want to get something that belongs to our family."


The man took out his mobile phone and let me see it. There is a photo on the man's mobile phone, which is a moving image. What can't be seen clearly? It keeps moving.



I almost didn't jump up. This is simply a joke. It's impossible. Xiangchun is very timid, and a cough can kill it, so I analyze that it can't live until now.

"Do you mean this thing is here?"

"Yes, it was taken away by your second master."

"You are..."

"The five."

I almost didn't jump up. That five was the one from that family.

"Are you the descendant of that family?"

This man nodded. I don't believe it. The people in this family are all dead. How can another person from that family suddenly appear?

"I'm not sure where you are from. At least you want to find Xiangchun. I don't think there should be any here. If you don't believe it, you can find it now and find you to take it away."

The man hesitated for a moment.

"Forget it, I think I'll come again, but I can tell you in advance that I'm really sorry for doing such a thing today."

The five actually bowed to me and then turned around and left.

After I watched the five roll out of the gate, I went back to my room and told Gu Ye and Ji Xiaoqing that everything was fine. It was a misunderstanding. Of course, Gu Ye will not believe it, but she knows that the problem has been solved.

The appearance of that five is really a strange thing. If there are descendants in that family, then that compound should belong to this man. How can it be occupied by other people? Maybe there are more reasons.

When I got up in the morning, I asked Li Fu to come to Xinla City. He didn't come and asked me to go to Tulun City.

I don't know what he means. In Tulun City, I met Li Fu.

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't like Xinla City. It's too evil."

This made me feel very harsh, but I didn't say anything. Maybe that's what Xinlacheng gave to others, and I didn't feel anything.

"What else do you know about that company?"

Li Fu was stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Do you know those five?"

Li Fu was stunned for a moment.

"The five? I don't know."

Li Fu really doesn't know those five.

"That five came to me yesterday. They are the descendants of that family."

Li Fu made a strange sound in his throat and then stretched out his neck.

"Just kidding."

Li Fu doesn't believe it. In fact, I don't believe it either. If the five is called that five, although there are not many surnames, there are still some. Maybe it's just the same surname as that family, not that person.