grave-keeping note

23. xi chou

23. xi chou

When I stood up, Li Fu suddenly grabbed my hand, put something in my hand and left. I was stunned.

I didn't see what it was. I left Shuiling. There were too many people here staring at me. When this matter is solved, the mausoleum will be opened and the tourists will be released. They are afraid of the dead. They are too afraid.

I left Shuiling. When there was no one, I took a look at what was in my hand. It was an animal carved from an ugly stone. I was shocked. It was too evil.

Pichu looked scary, but when I saw this more scary, I almost didn't throw it away. I'll call Li Fu.

"What is that?"


I didn't understand. After he explained, I understood that it was the word "joy", which can also be called joy?

"That's a black water thing. You have to hang it on your waist. Tomorrow you go into the water, tie the coffin with a rope, and then come up and let people drag it up. I don't know what will happen, but you can call me if you need anything."

My back is cold. Li Fu has monochrome and got something from the black water man. Does he have any contact with the black water man? I'm not sure about this. Li Fu is a wizard, and sometimes evil is not divided. I always remember this. This is what the second master said. That's why the second master doesn't like this guy.

It's really hard to be happy about this "joy". I don't know what will happen tomorrow. This makes me very worried. Li Fu doesn't want to go to Shuiling anymore. It seems that he is still afraid.

The next day, I went with "joy", a scary thing to look at and something that makes people a little hairy. I went down the ice hole again, tied the rope to my waist, and the other end pulled it. I went down slowly, and when I felt the water heating, I immediately became nervous. I tried my best to swim to the coffin against the ice, but I didn't get close to the coffin. I tied the coffin with a hand rope and then swam out.

After I got out of the ice hole, I asked them to pull the rope, moved the coffin to the hole little by little, and then expanded the hole. When I pulled up the coffin, I was stunned. The coffin was empty and there was no second master's body at all. I knew that this matter must have been done by the black water man and the Taoist priest. It was a kind of illusion under the ice.

The coffin was dragged to the shore and burned. The secretary-general asked me.

"Is it all right?"

I know he is going to open up Shuiling.

"For the time being."

I'm leaving, and I know that all this has begun, and something more terrible than this phantom coffin is going to happen.

When the five came again, he did not leave, but drank with me in Xinla City. I knew that he had a purpose.

"You should know the Zajia compound, right?"

The five asked me this, which made my heart hang up. What do you mean? I'm thinking about it.

"I know that in Yin Village, my second master and I also have a small building there."

"That's the last place of Zha's family, miserable!"

The five seemed to be unhappy, and I tried my best to listen. The five drank too much and mentioned the family and the cemetery. It seemed to be ordering me something, but I didn't respond. Maybe he wanted to know something.

Finally, he asked me when and when will the second master come back? Hearing this, he should know where the second master has gone. It seems that the five are not a simple person. He actually appeared at this time. It's not too late. What on earth should he do?

I sent the five back, Gu Ye told me.

"I feel that there will always be something wrong with this person. Try to contact him as little as possible."

I nodded. I have been thinking about the black water man and the Taoist priest. The illusion coffin appeared, which is a warning. If they come out, they will definitely retaliate.

At night, when the wind blows, I have been sitting in front of the window of the corridor smoking. I can't sleep. I have insomnia all night. If the second master doesn't come back, I will be uneasy forever.

I actually lay on the window sill and was confused. Gu Ye patted me, and I woke up. She pointed to the wall of Xinla City, and I saw black flags on the wall, with more than a dozen floating in the wind.

"It's okay. Go back to sleep!"

Gu Ye went back and told me to be careful. In fact, I was very surprised. It was the flag of the birth. The living was called away and got angry, that is, he died. The second master told me once that it happened once in Yincun. Mr. Yan was tricked and almost lost his anger.

However, the second master didn't tell me how to deal with such a thing. I called Li Fu and told him what had happened.

"They are playing such a dark trick."

"Can you tell me how to deal with it?"

"I don't know that such a thing happened in Yin Village. At that time, it was handled by the second master. The rickly master was tricked and almost put it in the coffin."

"So, it's not done by black water people and Taoist priests?"

"It's hard to say. Of course, Xinla City has always had a hatred with the black water people. At that time, it was normal for them to appear."

I'm sweating.

"Come here!"

I kept looking at the gate. When Li Fu came over from the corridor, I was shocked. He didn't go through the main door, and I couldn't blame him. The flag was planted there, and I wouldn't leave.

After Li Fu sat down, he looked at the flag and said.

"This thing is evil. It seems that the black water man wants to force the second master out and doesn't want you to do anything."

I also know that if they want to do it, maybe I will die long ago.

What I didn't expect was that after dawn, all three children had a fever. Li Fu told me in a low voice.

"It's a flag. For a week, the children will keep having a fever, but nothing will happen, but seven days later, as soon as they are angry, I'm afraid it will be troublesome. It seems that they know the weakness of the second master."

"Isn't this too despicable?"

"Black water people and Taoist priests themselves are evil."

"Where do you think black water people will be?"

"Actually, there is one thing I haven't told you. I can find a black water man with the 'joy' I gave you."

I was stunned for a moment and didn't expect it to be like this.

"How to find it?"

"'Joy' is spiritual. The farther it is away from its owner, the cooler it is, and the closer it is, the hotter it is. You can find it at all."

I was stunned for a moment, but I really didn't feel anything. I took the 'joy' off my waist and touched it coldly. That is to say, the black water is far away from here.

After dawn, Li Fu and I walked around, holding 'joy' in my hand. It has always been cold, and I doubt whether what Li Fu said is true.

"Where did you get this from?"

"Don't ask about this matter. Anyway, it's not the right way."

I didn't ask any more questions. Li Fu, a wizard, is already evil. We turned around for a day, and the "joy" was still cold. I called Gu Ye several times, and the child was still having a fever, and I didn't dare to take off the flag.

Li Fu and I sat in a restaurant on Middle Street for dinner, and I have never left the 'joy'. After drinking a glass of wine, I was restless, and suddenly I felt the heat of joy. I was shocked, and Li Fu noticed it. He looked at me and then looked out of the window.

I feel hotter and hotter, and I want to stand up. Li Fu waved his hand at me.

"Don't worry, wait slowly."

I suddenly felt that the "joy" began to cool down, so I stood up and ran out. Li Fu followed me out. I ran west and it was colder. I ran east and the temperature slowly came up.

When I felt very hot, I saw the two men walking in front of me. It should be these two men. I haven't seen them, not the four black water people.

I think they should not know Li Fu and me.

"Follow separately."

Li Fu told me.

Let's follow separately. The two black watermen seemed to be fine and went to the Moon Temple. This surprised me. Are those people still in the Moon Temple? The moon temple has been burned by me.

Li Fu and I have been following separately, and they really went to the road of the Moon Temple.

They passed through the moon tomb, and then walked to the tomb of that house. I jivered. Are they staying in that tomb? This is very likely. It's a hidden place.

They actually crossed the tomb of that house, as if they didn't know that there was that tomb here. After crossing the cemetery, they went up to the mountain beam. After crossing the mountain beam, it was the woods.

Li Fu waved to me from the left and didn't let me follow again.

I squatted down, and Li Fu came over in a moment.

"Don't follow me. We'll look for it later."


"The black water people have their own territory like wolves. When they enter their territory, they will realize that just like your new city is not led by the new people, and no one can enter."

After we waited for half an hour, Li Fu said.

"Let's go around the other side and don't follow behind."

We went around to the north and went down the mountain beam from there. Sure enough, the "joy" was getting hotter and hotter. When I felt a little hot, I saw a black water man over there, in a cave in a rock.

I'm going in, Li Fu grabbed me and whispered.

"There is still time, or there may be a turning point. Even if you go in now, they will not withdraw the flag. Only your second master will come out. Wait, let's figure it out."

Li Fula, I left here. I don't know if the four black water man and Taoist priests have come out. I didn't see them. Maybe they know what happened and the newly sent black water man.

I returned to Xinla City and jumped in from the back wall. Those flags were still flying. I gritted my teeth fiercely, but I didn't dare to lean over. Even people like Mr. Yi were hit. Can I be bigger than the ricke? Obviously not.

I sat in front of the window and hoped that the second master would come back at this time. The fifth came and stood far away across the road. It seemed that he also knew something.

He actually called me and asked me.

"What happened to your family? It's scary to get so many black flags.

It turned out that he didn't understand.

"You'd better not come over. The second master didn't come back. I also want him to come back."

The five were obedient and really left.

Another night passed. Gu Ye asked me to sleep for a while. I couldn't sleep. I was worried about the three children. Ji Xiao held the child day and night. I told her that she was fine. She didn't listen, but she just held the child and didn't let go.

I think that if the second master doesn't come back today, I will go to the place of the black water man by myself in the evening, at most my life.

The black flag sounded in the wind, and evil spirits rose.

In the afternoon, I actually saw the second master. He saw thehuan flag and stood at the door for a long time. He actually climbed up the wall to pull down the flag and threw it at the door and burned it.

Then he came in and said when he saw me.

"This little thing can't be done well. Are the children all right?"

"It's okay."

The second master said after reading the child.

"It's okay."

The second master called me to his room.

"What has happened recently?"

I told you everything that happened.

"These black water people are really terrible and endless."

The second master burned the flag for less than an hour, and the black water man came, the two people, who went straight into Xinla City.

"Go and bring them to me."

I brought two black water men into the second master's room, and I stood aside.