grave-keeping note

25. Between life and death

25. Between life and death

Things are not as smooth as I thought. Li Fu won't leave here. Let me go.

I had to leave and let him toss. That tomb is not so easy to open. I went back to Xinla City and didn't say anything. The second master asked me to go to the old house to have a look.

Actually, I don't want to go. I'm allergic to that place. That life must still be there.

However, I still went there. The compound seemed to be more and more people, so there was no need to talk about the car outside. I didn't go in and stood at the door to listen to some news. The most important thing was that the lady was resurrected and took a walk in the compound every day.

I'm sweating. Isn't that nonsense? The dead are alive. I don't believe it. I went back and entered the second master's room. He was drinking, and I followed him and told the second master about it. The second master stood up and poured a glass of wine on my head.

Then he suddenly sat down again.

"What are you doing?"

"It's okay. I just don't think it's a good thing. He actually let that lady come alive and then make money. It's hard enough. This must be a big deal."

In fact, I also feel very uneasy. Such things are against common sense and morality. In such a society, there may really be no morality.

The second master was a little dazed and was thinking about something before he said it for a long time.

"Come with me in the evening."

It's that compound again, no need to ask.

After dark, my second master and I went to that compound. The compound was brightly lit and stopped entering. It seems that there are really many people who want to see that house without a sister. Who let the legend of the death? What's more, when the dead are resurrected, everyone wants to see if it's true or not.

The second master and I wanted to enter through the back door. The door was locked. It was impossible to climb over the wall. The height of that big wall could not be turned over.

We turned to the front door, and the second master went in with his hands behind his back and was stopped. The second master didn't know what he muttered. The man politely let me and my second master in.

I asked after entering.

"What did you just say?"

"I said it was the second uncle of the five."

I almost didn't have fun, this old man.

We entered the old yard, we entered the main room, and the five were enjoying it on the kang! When he saw me and the second master, he sat up at once.

"Why are you here again?"

"If you can't come, something big will happen."

The second master is a little weird.

"What will happen? Even if something happens, it's also our family's business. It has nothing to do with you.

"I shouldn't have saved you back then and let you die."

The five have no temper. Obviously, he knows about it.

"Second master, I beg you, don't care about our family. You can't take care of this."

"If you resurrect your young lady, you are looking for death. Pure fragrance has this function, but you have to remember that pure fragrance can also confuse people. At that time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to end it."

"I know that. Don't worry, it's all right."

The second master shook his head, and I always smelled the pure fragrance, which was not heavy and quite light. Suddenly, the door was pushed open and a man stood in front of us in a white skirt, and I screamed.

"That lady."

The second master was also stunned for a moment. He jumped off the kang and ran to the door to pull the young lady and left.

"Why did you come out?"

The lady left, but left a pure fragrance, very heavy, but light, and I felt refreshed all over my body. The second master stared at me.

"Let's go."

I left with the second master. This time I saw the true face of that lady. She was beautiful. This legend was real, but it was also scary. A dead man came back to life again, which was simply incomprehensible.

I came out of that compound, but my head was not clear. The pure fragrance was confusing, and the second master said it was not wrong.

The second master didn't look good. I didn't follow him back to Xinla City. On the pretext of returning to the antique store, the symbol was still there. After hesitating for a long time, I still left. Whether what Li Fu said is true or not, I'd better be on guard.

I called Li Fu. Li Fu answered the phone and said that he was at home and asked me to go there for a drink.

When I went there, Li Fu stir-fried all the dishes. It seems that he is in a good mood.

How's it going? Did you go in?"

"Do you think it's an ordinary grave? It's not that easy."

"You can find those five keys."

"I don't want to provoke that boy. That boy is so evil that he actually brought that lady to life. I guess the Taoist priest has something to do with that five, or that the black water man has something to do with him. There is definitely not that Taoist practice. Even if he has pure fragrance, he has to need something else."

This is what I didn't expect.

"What are you going to do?"

"The tomb of that house has been found, and it can't run there."

"But what I'm worried about is that I look like a prodigal son. If I go late, I'm afraid there won't be much."

Li Fu's hand holding the glass paused for a moment and thought for a long time.

"It's the same. If it doesn't work, steal the key."

"However, those five always stay in the old house where the lady lives. I'm afraid..."

Li Fu was a little nervous. It can be seen that the lost hands are a lesson. He hesitated and finally didn't decide whether to go or not.

When I left, it was more than ten o'clock in the evening. I returned to Xinla City. The light in the second master's room was on. I wanted to go there, but I still didn't go there. I found an empty room and fell asleep.

When I got up, the second master had already left and didn't know where to go.

Li Fu called and said that there was something strange in Shuiling.

When I went there, the second master was also there. The ice on the lake was broken in a large area, and the water mausoleum was closed again. Everyone was worried about the dead, and the dead could not tell them.

The director of Shuiling office stood beside the second master. They didn't say anything and probably finished everything they said.

The sound of cracking ice came from the lake, and the sound was harsh.

The second master looked back and saw me and waved me over. After I went there, the second master said.

"You go into the water mausoleum and have a look."

I was stunned for a moment. Is it useless for me to go in?

I went in and walked around the water mausoleum and found a symbol. The black water man began to toss around again. I couldn't see what the symbol was. The more the black water man drew, the more messy it became.

I didn't know how they created this symbol at the beginning.

I came out and told the second master to describe the symbol, but the second master didn't say anything.

When the second master left that day, Shuiling announced that it would be closed for seven days.

Back to Xinla City, the second master drew the symbol and asked me if it was like this?

"It's quite similar."

The second master almost didn't burn me.

"What does it look like?"

I didn't speak. Looking at the second master, I was really not sure. I felt that the symbols they drew later were almost the same.

The second master looked at the symbol and asked me again for a long time.

"Have you seen it anywhere else?"

"It's available in the antique store, which seems to be similar to this."

The second master raised his head and stretched out his hand with a palm. I dodged.

"Bastard, why didn't you tell me earlier? The black water man began to act. You are a fool. Don't be with the wizard Li Fu in the future.

The second master is obviously very angry. He and I went to the antique store and compared it, and it was really different.

"This is forgetting the symbol. Don't be afraid."

The second master stretched out his hand and wiped it off.

"The symbol of Shuiling is terrible. That symbol is a bone symbol. The symbol of black water people is getting weirder and weirder. I didn't expect that their symbols have reached this point. They are perfect enough to compete with our number."

"sound bone?"

"If the symbol is left there for three days, the body in Shuiling will move, find the way out and take the things inside."

I bled, and it's really evil.

"What should I do?"

"Anyway, I won't erase this symbol as easily as it is. It's difficult to erase it, but Li Fu can, but he won't be willing."

The second master mentioned the wizard again. He doesn't want to wipe it. The second master doesn't want to wipe it. If others can't wipe it off, there is nothing he can do.

"This dead Taoist priest really has more than enough to lose, but not enough."

I don't know what the second master is thinking.

The second master took me out in the dark and blocked the Taoist priest in the old house. The five looked ugly.

"I just think that if you start from it, there is a possibility of rebirth. I'm afraid it will be difficult without you, a Taoist priest. You are doing evil things."

"That has nothing to do with me. The five promised me to take out Shuiling's Taoist Tianzheng, which is the book I want to get all my life."

"I'm afraid those five don't have that ability. It's time for the black water man to do it first. Are you separated from the black water man?"

"They have no choice. I won't talk to them anymore. I will listen to whoever helps me get Taoist Tianzheng."

The Taoist priest is almost crazy.

"I can't get those five."

"That's not necessarily the case."

The second master and I came out. I don't know what he meant here.

"It seems that the Taoist priest is lying. He also cooperates with the black water man, so there must be a picture to cooperate with those five. This Taoist priest is greedy."

When we came out, we saw Li Fu. As soon as he passed by, I knew that he was hiding from the second master. It seemed that he really came to steal the keys. He was extremely stupid.

I went back to the antique store, and the second master went back to Xinla City. I just made tea, and Li Fu called and said.

"I got the key."

I'll go, won't I? Even if you go home to get the key, it won't be so fast.

"I'll wait for you at that tomb."

When I arrived at the tomb, Li Fu was already there. He raised the key, which was the key given by the second master.

"Why did you take out the key so quickly?"

"I'm a wizard, and this time I'm desperate."

Li Fu and I felt something was wrong when we went down. Things were not that simple at all, and those five didn't seem to be ordinary princes.

Li Fu held the key and his hands were shaking. I don't know whether he was excited or scared. Anyway, it was an abnormal performance. The key was inserted, but there was no response. Li Fu retreated, then turned around and ran away.

I ran with him. I always reacted so slowly, and so did I with the second master. Sooner or later, I would die.

Li Fu and I ran out and looked at him.

"What are you running for?"

"I don't listen to the wrong sound."

I didn't hear the sound at all. It seems that the second master is right. I can't be with Li Fu. This boy is easy for me to lose my life.

Li Fu and I stayed on it for half an hour. Li Fu had to go down. I told him that I would wait for him on it.

Li Fu went in. I listened to the movement, but in fact, I couldn't hear anything. There hasn't been any movement for half an hour. I felt uneasy. I went down and couldn't find Li Fu. The key was still stuck on it. I walked over and turned it, and it could actually turn. Did Li Fu go in?

The stone wall did not respond, and my nervous palms were sweating. I slowly moved back and stood aside to prepare to escape. The stone wall has opened, but I don't want it to open.

At this time, I don't know whether to go in or not.

The door is open, like a big mouth, with a wall inside, and I can't see what's going on inside. At least I don't know whether Li Fu went in or not.

I hesitated, and the stone wall closed again.