grave-keeping note

29. Near-blooded jade

29. Near-blooded jade

After Li Fu left, I went to the old yard and saw the five, and my whole body was still soft.

"What else can you do to cure your lady?"

"It's over. I have no choice but to wait to die."

It seems that there is nothing I can do about the five. When I came out of the old yard, I actually saw the Taoist priest entering through the back door. It seems that I came to see the five.

I went to the antique shop. Every time I came here, my hairy heart calmed down. I smoothed everything that happened, and it was still messy.

Someone pushed the door, and I inserted the door inside. I thought that if I didn't push it open, the person would leave, but this person was very stubborn and still pushing.

"Who is it?"

My voice was very loud, but the people outside did not answer. They stopped for a moment and began to push again. I stood up and picked up the stick placed aside.

I went to the door and opened the door. There was no one. I rushed out. I only saw the corner of the skirt and turned the alley. I was thrilled that it was the skirt worn by the lady. I didn't go after her and went back. I sat there and thought that the lady seemed to be coming for me. I don't know where she had anything to do with that house. Maybe something happened in that lady's room.

I think that lady will come again.

I didn't sleep well this night. It was very quiet.

When I got up in the morning, I opened the door and looked out. I saw a black water man I had seen. He stood still, as if he were provoking.

I ignored him, so I locked the door and left to eat breakfast on the street. The black water man followed me and didn't know what he was going to do.

After eating, I got up and walked into the alley. The black water man followed me. I suddenly turned back. The black water man stood there and did not move. I went to the black water man and looked at him.

"What are you following me for?"

"I want to tell you something."

I locked my eyebrows.

"What's the matter?"

"One thing in Li Fu's hand is very important to you."

The black water man left after saying that.

I was stunned there. What is that? It is very important to me. I called Li Fu and he answered.

"Come out and have a drink."

Li Fu agreed. We went to the ancient city. The hotel in the ancient city is very good. We have only been there a few times.

We found a window seat to sit down.

When Li Fu and I were drinking the same, I asked Li Fu.

"You have something in your hand."

Li Fu was stunned for a moment and then said.

"I have a lot of things in my hand. Which one do you mean?"

"Are you playing with me?"

Li Fu smiled.

"You know it quickly. I just got it yesterday, and you know."

Li Fu took out something from his pocket, wrapped it in cloth, and put it on the table. I reached out to get it. Li Fu hit the back of my hand with chopsticks.

"Second-hand goods."

I covered my hands and stared at Li Fu.

"You dare to move anything."

Li Fu looked at the left and right and opened the cloth layer by layer. I saw it. I trembling. It turned out to be two hands. I went to his uncle. What on earth does this guy want to do?

Two hands are bloody, and the tops are full of blood.

Li Fu put his handbag and smiled evilly at me.

"This hand should grow on my hand."

I'm going to go to his eighth uncle. Isn't that bullshit?

"No way, how long has your hand been? Don't have this dream."

Li Fu whispered.

"Brother, you don't understand."

That day, I felt that Li Fu was very disgusting. After drinking, I went back to Xinla City. The second master sat in the room in a daze, a little like Alzheimer's disease.

"Second Master, Li Fu has two hands and bloody hands. I feel weird."

The second master jumped up and made me trembling.

"Did you see it clearly?"


"It looks like a real hand, bloody. That's not it. That's blood jade."

I didn't expect this to happen.

"This boy got the bloody jade hand after all. That thing is from that family, and I don't know where he got it."

"That thing is just a work of art, which is worth some money."

"Wrong, that bloody hand is not that simple."

When the second master said this, I remembered that the black water man reminded me that it seemed that that thing was really not an ordinary thing.

"You find a way to get it."

The second master said to me.

I know that if the thing is in Li Fu's hands, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to get it. Unless I kill him, I can't do this, but the second master said, I have to do it.

A few days later, I made an appointment with Li Fu again, and he came.

I went to the mountain opposite the house with him and looked at the house.

"There are a lot of good things in that family. This five is unlucky enough. If you don't enjoy it, you will become a person who can only move your head."

"Li Fu, lend me your blood jade hand for two days."

Li Fu jumped up as if he had been bitten by something.

"Just kidding your mother."

Li Fu disagrees.

"Li Fu, it was the second master who asked me to ask you for this. If you don't give it, you can think about the consequences."

"Think about it, I'm afraid of him. He's just a gravekeeper, and he doesn't rob things like this."

Li Fu groaned and left. I sat on the mountain opposite that and looked at the compound. There were still a lot of people. More than an hour later, I returned to Xinla City and told the story.

"You are an nerd. If you ask others, he will definitely not give it to you."

The second master didn't steal words.

I went to Li Fu's house at night, and he slept at home. I went in and he was still sleeping.

I began to look for the bloody jade hand, but I couldn't find it for more than half an hour. When I was about to leave, I saw that the thing was placed on the table and wrapped. I opened it and took it, took it and left.

I thought that this two-handed guy's heart is big enough to put it there.

I took the thing back and gave it to the second master, who opened it and looked at it.

"That's it. Look at it."

It's bloody. I don't want to see it, but I still picked it up. It's not blood, but the color of the blood jade itself. It's really a very good jade. Unfortunately, it's so scary that ordinary people won't like it.

The second master put away his jade hand, and I went home.

Gu Ye and Ji Xiao are in good condition.

We had dinner together that day and slept with me at night. Ji Xiaoqing brought the two children to her room.

"This is not a matter."

I said.

"Sooner or later, there will be a leader. All disasters are caused by Shuiling. If the matter of Shuiling is solved, everything will be solved."

Gu Ye finished speaking and hugged me.

I didn't say anything more, and such a thing is not urgent.

The next day, Li Fu called and said that the tomb had been stolen, and I ran to tell the second master.

The second master and I went to that tomb. We didn't go in. The police were guarding there. It seems that this place will become a public family in the future.

The second master and I went to the compound again, and the five were still the same.

"That five, your tomb was stolen, and the police are all there."

"It should be like this sooner or later, even Shuiling will be like this. It should be safer to be guarded by the police."

That's what the five think.

There are not many things lost in that tomb, but the tomb is ready to be opened, and everything in that house will be displayed in front of people.

"There is nothing wrong with this."

I mean to listen to the second master.

"Alas, I'm sorry, my ancestors, the tomb is like their own home, allowing people to enter and out casually."

I didn't expect that the second master would think so.

The tomb TV has begun to report, and it is also ready to open on May Day.

This winter is not comfortable. If it weren't for that, he would definitely not let anyone go to his tomb, and he can't control anything now.

I saw the lady in Xinla City again. This time she didn't smile. It was very cold, very cold, and it looked cold. She was no longer wearing a skirt. It was winter, and it seemed a little awkward. She changed into a full-style dress and looked more beautiful.

The lady just stood here for a while and then left.

I thought she would come again, but she didn't come until May Day and spring. On the day of the opening of that tomb, there was a sea of people, and everyone wanted to see the golden coffin.

Who knows, on the day of the opening, the whole tomb was full of pure fragrance and strong pure fragrance, which confused many people. Those people came out of the tomb and began to self-harm, making blood everywhere.

The tomb was immediately closed. I didn't go that day, and the second master didn't go either. I watch the news.

There were a lot of photos in the evening newspaper. I actually saw the young lady. I was thrilled. That day, the young lady also went there, but no one would have thought that it was the young lady, and it existed in another form.

In fact, the number of times the lady appeared in that compound was limited, and few people saw it, so her appearance did not make too many people notice.

It seems that the young lady is protecting her tomb.

Although there are no dead people this time, people also know the strangeness of the tomb. Even if it is opened again, they may not dare to enter. After all, it is very evil.

The mayor was very angry and called me and the second master to find a way.

"Actually, I shouldn't have come. I'm afraid you won't give up. I'm just telling you that there's nothing we can do. We're just ordinary gravekeepers."

The second master doesn't want to help the mayor at all. The mayor was very angry and quarreled with the second master.

When we left, the mayor dropped the cup.

The second master didn't seem to be angry, but he was not happy. The tomb was defeated by the five. Although he said so, the second master had a promise, which made him feel dishonest.

No one expected that the five would suddenly get better. Then come to Xinla City to find the second master.

"The tomb of that house, I think I should come back."

"That's your business. I'll go to the mayor for it."

"Can't you help me?"

"I can't."

The second master was probably sad, and he didn't want the original five. The five went to the mayor's place to ask for the tomb and asked the mayor to scold him, saying that the tomb was a national one. Although it was your family's tomb, what kind of theory is this? This is simply shameless. There is nothing we can do about it.

No one expected that the mayor would speak on TV, vigorously develop ancient tombs, ancient culture, vigorously develop tourism, and turn the city into a tourism-oriented city...

I saw the lady standing behind the mayor on TV, and the people of the city saw it. However, of course, when recording this speech, there was no one around the mayor.

Such evil things spread crazy, and the mayor is also furry. The tomb of that house is not so easy to do.

The Taoist priest and the black water man appeared at the tomb, which must have been invited by the people in the city.

The second master and I hid behind the trees in the mountains and watched.

In the Taoist priest's practice, a fire was not done, and his hair was burned. The second master laughed, which made me trembling.

The black water man simply left without doing anything.

"This Taoist priest has lost his face this time."

The second master is excited.

I know that there must be a reason for this. It's not an accident that such a thing happened. The black water people understood it. They left without any action.

The city made up its mind about that tomb. However, they couldn't find a way for a while. The appearance of that lady really frightened many people. The five actually hid in the compound and didn't come out, and they didn't care about anything.