grave-keeping note

37. Jade in the bottle

37. Jade in the bottle

My sweat kept slipping. Li Fu didn't know where he went and didn't see Li Fu. This guy is always like this. When he is desperate, he will disappear.

At first glance, Zhengfei is a little evil. I'm worried that something will happen to the second master. Looking at the appearance of the second master, I am also worried. He squeezed his mouth tightly.

He stood up and walked to the tomb of that house. The second master didn't move. In fact, I'm not worried. The lady is in the golden coffin. If Zhengfei may not do anything to that lady.

As soon as Zhengfei walked to the edge of the tomb, the young lady stood out and stood there with no expression. She was flying and stopped for a moment. Everyone is so nervous.

I watched the development of things.

The air seems to stop and solidify. Zhengfei stood there and did not move. I saw that Zhengfei was also hesitating. Obviously, he knew that the young lady was inside, but he probably didn't expect that the young lady would come out and face him. In that case, the young lady would not have been afraid of him. If she had been afraid of him, she would have run away long ago.

is flying backwards, and the second master is happy.

"Flying, you're going in! Quack..."

The second master's sudden words scared everyone. This was really unexpected. The second master was always like this. Zhengfei retreated, stared at the second master and left.

Suddenly, it became foggy. All the people retreated, and the second master also stood up and left, and I stood there. The young lady came out in a panic and chaos.

Some people fell down, some people shouted, some people shouted...

The lady came to me and said.

"Wait for me in my room in that compound tonight."

The lady returned to the tomb.

I'm not afraid of that lady. I know she will protect me and won't hurt me.

That day, I went to the lady's room, and I was not worried about the appearance of "birth".

The five--I was not allowed to enter the room. I said that your lady asked me to come. She would come tonight. The five faces turned green and gritted his teeth. He ran out of the courtyard. He was afraid of the lady. For this bastard, that lady should hate it.

The facts are far from being as simple as I thought.

In the middle of the night, the lady pushed the door and came in, and she smiled at me.

Pure fragrance is scattered.

She wanted to take my hand, but it was empty.

"I will hold your hand one day."

"I think you have something to do with me?"

"Zhengfei is coming. I have known for a long time. You can find a way to help me. Zhengfei is wearing a piece of Laoshan jade on his body and get it for me."

I agreed.

After the lady left, I came out of the compound and returned to the antique shop, where the second master was waiting for me.

"Don't get so close to that lady. It won't be a good thing."

I didn't say anything.

The next day, after dark, I went to Zhengfei's place. He changed his place of residence. In a community in the new city, the house in that community was almost not sold, because many people said that it turned out to be a grave. In fact, it was true. It turned out to be a cemetery.

When I entered, I felt the cold wind everywhere. I tightened my clothes and entered Area B. The light on the first floor was on. I went in and saw me and was stunned.

After I went in and sat down, I was flying and looking at me.

"Are you looking for me?"

"It's not a big deal. I advise you not to go to that tomb. It's not good for you."

"This is my business. You don't need to talk about it."

When I came in, I scattered a bag of things given to me by the lady on the ground. I don't know what it is.

Ten minutes later, Zhengfei's speech was a little upside down.

I knew that the opportunity had come. I reached out to pick the jade hanging around his waist, but he didn't respond.

I took the jade and left. I felt very cold, even cold.

I went back to the antique shop. The second master had already left. I plugged the door and put the jade on the table. The jade was transparent. How far is it? If you put it there, you can hardly see this jade without a rope. It seems that this jade is an absolutely good jade, and I have never seen it.

I was distracted. When I smelled the fragrance, I knew that the young lady was coming.

I opened the door and she came in and smiled at me.

She saw the jade on the table and did not touch it.

"Find a glass bottle, take off the rope, put it in the bottle, and then put it on the shelf."

I don't know what that means.

"Zhengfei won't get it back, will it?"

"He can't find it. Don't worry, even if he knows it's in the bottle, he doesn't dare to move."

That day, the lady sat for more than ten minutes before leaving.

I think it's strange. I seem to like that lady, which is definitely not a good thing. I restrained myself, but from time to time I thought of that lady.

The next day, Zhengfei found the second master. In Xinla City, the second master called me back.

When I went in, Guye pulled me aside and said.

"The second master is crazy. Be careful."

When I went in and saw the broken cup in the room, I knew that the second master was crazy. The second master seemed to be controlling himself when he saw me coming in.

"I ask you, where did you go yesterday?"

Looking at me.

"I went to Zhengfei. I just wanted to ask him something. Then he fell asleep and I left."

The second master didn't believe what I said at all.

Zhengfei said.

"You boy stole my jade pendant."

"Jade? What jade?"

"You are quite good at pretending."

"Second Master, I really don't know what jade it is. Why did I steal that thing?"

"I will believe you once, but don't let me know, or I will chop off your hand."

Zhengfei shook his head and left.

Zhengfei knew that there was nothing he could do, and he didn't grab my hand. After flying away, the second master asked me again, but I still don't admit it. Can I admit it? I admit that the second master still has to strangle me?

That day, I sat in front of the window and looked outside. Three children were running around.

It was almost midnight before I went into the house to sleep.

When he got up in the morning, the second master's eyes were red, and obviously he didn't sleep. He asked me to follow him to the lake, and I followed him. There were many tourists there. Obviously, the means of flying were powerful.

The second master and I went in and walked around. The second master came out and said.

"Zhengfei may have this idea. There must be a reason why he wants to go to that tomb. What does he want to get and open the water mausoleum? I'm afraid it's a good thing without that."

"Don't you know?"

"I'm just guarding the mausoleum. I don't need to open the mausoleum. How can I know?"

The second master's words are not accurate for a day, so that I don't know which of his words are true and which are false now.

The second master returned to Xinla City. I went to the antique store. As soon as I sat down, he came in. He sat down and said.

"You have a little way, but let me tell you, the two sides are too deep, I'm afraid you won't come back."

"I don't understand what you said. Let me tell you, Zhengfei, don't talk nonsense here."

Flying eyes are looking at the bottle, the bottle containing jade, but it looks like a bottle of water.

"You have to be careful yourself."

is flying away, and I know he knows that the jade is in the bottle. But he doesn't dare to touch that thing. I don't know why he doesn't dare to touch it. Anyway, just dare not touch it.

However, I know that Zhengfei will not be reconciled. If he does it, he will have a way.

I have to be careful. Zhengfei must count on me. I stay in the antiques every day, and I don't want to go anywhere else. After Li Fu disappeared for so long, he pushed the door and came in, which shocked me.

This guy's face was covered with blood, and I stood up.

"How did you do it?"

"Damn, I fell into the ditch."

It turned out that it fell into the ditch. I helped him clean the blood. I wrapped it with gauze and asked.

"What did you do these days?"

"What else can I do? I stay at home every day and fly out. I don't want to get into this trouble. Zhengfei is both good and evil.

"That won't scare you like this?"

"You know shit. I offended Zhengfei. At that time, he was still bullshit. He let me have a few big mouths. I guess he hasn't poured out the air. If he pours out the air, he will mess with me. I don't want to shake in front of him. Maybe he won't remember."

Li Fu is enough for the second master. There is a saying that he would rather bully the white head than the young man.

Li Fu told me about Zhengfei and told me that Zhengfei is really awesome now, so don't mess with this guy.

"I don't think so. I don't see him strong, so I don't think so."

"What do you know? You haven't seen that the Blackwater people and Taoist priests dare not challenge him, so you'd better be careful."

I didn't talk to Li Fu about jade.

I don't know what Li Fu is coming to do. I know that Li Fu must have something to do, but he never says anything. What he doesn't say is definitely something that can't be said and shady, so I have been staring at Li Fu.

When Li Fu left, it was almost midnight.

Li Fu left with his front foot, and I went out with my back foot. When I went to the lake, I felt that something would happen there.

Shuiling is also open at night, because there are too many tourists.

I was worried that there would be a problem, so I went in. I actually saw two black watermen. When I turned around, I actually saw the Taoist priest, which was really evil. They saw me and immediately turned around and went out.

I turned around a few times and didn't find any symbols, so I came out. As soon as I went out, Li Fu didn't know where he came from. He pulled me away and whispered.

"Don't talk."

We went to the bushes, Li Fu said.

"The second master is also here."

I was stunned. I didn't see the second master. It seemed that tonight was lively.

It was not until two o'clock in the middle of the night that Shuiling closed and opened on time at six o'clock in the morning.

Li Fu and I have been sitting in the woods and looking over there.

I thought Zhengfei would definitely come, but he didn't come. However, I'm surprised why these people have come here, and the second master has also come here. What on earth is this for? I don't understand.

Li Fu didn't know why, so I asked him.

"Then why did you come here?"

"I'm fine."

Obviously, Li Fu didn't tell the truth. They must have come here for something.

That day, until dawn, these people never appeared again, and the second master did not appear. Li Fu and I went to his house. As soon as I entered the yard, I was stunned. The yard was painted in a mess, all with black lines.

"Don't go to the middle position, it's the black line, follow me."

"What kind of Yin meteorite trick do I play?"

"You don't understand."

I didn't understand and went into the room.

"You go to sleep first, and I'll call you later."

I lay on the bed and slept, and Li Fu didn't wake me up until ten o'clock.

We started drinking until the afternoon, Li Fu said.

"We should go to those five."

"What are you doing there?"

"There must be no way for those five kids to get into the tomb."

"Don't worry about that."

Li Fu stopped talking, and he had been thinking about the tomb.

On my way back, someone followed me. When I looked back, I couldn't see anyone yet. I was hairy. I could see the grass moving behind me, which was stepping on and getting up again, and I sweated.