grave-keeping note

43. Old coffin

43. Old coffin

I think about what happened in the courtyard of the Zha family. It's just speculation. I don't know if it has happened or not.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and I didn't move.

I didn't expect that it was that lady. She shouldn't have footsteps, but this time, when the pure fragrance came, I didn't move. She pushed the door in and I stood up.

The young lady came in and smiled at me, and then walked in.

I walked to the fourth room, and after entering, I entered the left ear.

"This is the room I live in."

I followed up. It was indeed a lady's room. I entered this room.

"I want to know how that one..."

"Don't ask these things. You will know it slowly. You can clean this place and live in the western house when you have time. I will protect it."

I didn't expect it to be like this. The Zajia compound is indeed a luxurious courtyard set, which is also such luxurious at the most dilapidate time.

When the lady heard the footsteps, she left.

It was the second master who came in. He saw me and stared at me.

He sat on a chair in the yard and said.

"What are you doing in the courtyard?"

"I just want to have a look."

"How many times have I told you not to come to the courtyard? This is not the place where you can come."

I didn't say anything, but I won't listen to the second master. He won't let me come. I don't know what it means, and he doesn't say anything. I think the second master is a little weird.

The second master finally groaned and left. After he left, I also left.

The next afternoon, when I came, I began to clean up my yard. I knew that I had to clean up the yard for a few days. I got a few pots of flowers and put them in the yard.

However, every day before dark, I will definitely go back to Xinla City. I don't want the second master to know, and I don't want others to know.

I always feel a little strange.

The second master has never come out in his room.

When I went in, the room was full of smoke, which made me cough.

"You don't open the window either."

I said something, but the second master didn't seem to hear it.

When I walked over, he looked at what was painted on the paper, and there were messy things everywhere. I didn't understand it. When I read that book, it turned out to be Epici. I know that the second master is studying this.

The second master suddenly stood up and shocked me.

"Why did you come in?"

He didn't even know I came in.

"Get out."

I went out, and the second master plugged in the door. It seems that the second master doesn't want me to see the number. I don't know what this means. I'm also a gravekeeper. In the end, I want to take over his shift, but he didn't teach me. I don't know what this is.

That day, I was distracted by the second master.

I still go to the courtyard for a few hours every day and then come back. I have almost cleaned up the Zajia compound. The strangest thing is that the Zajia's smoke pipe is always smoking, and I have never studied it.

I think I must ask when Miss Zha comes. Maybe she will tell me.

Zhengfei was discharged from the hospital and was not seriously injured, Li Fu told me.

I went to Zhengfei, and I thought Zhengfei would not see me. When I went in, Zhengfei still didn't look good.

"I'll come to see you."

I put down the fruit I bought.

"Thank you."

"I don't think you should destroy that tomb. After all, that's that tomb. What's the difference between you destroying it and digging other people's ancestral graves?"

"My idea is different from yours. I want to persuade you not to stop that lady. I'm injured this time, and I may not die next time."

I was a little angry when I heard this. I was flying with a tendon. I stood up, picked up the fruit and left.

It's useless to take care of him. He wants to die. I just can't figure out what's the difference between him and a grave robber? I don't think it's any different, so I don't think this product is a good thing, not as good as Li Fu.

That day, I went back to the antique store and sat in the dark thinking about messy things. I don't know what will happen next. Most importantly, I don't know what will happen to that lady. I probably fell in love with that lady. Li Fu said that this is called charm, which is terrible. Whatever it is, it has already happened.

I didn't expect that the second master suddenly asked me to go back to Laoxinla City. He asked me to get a book about the number of epilemons.

I don't want to go. I have been going back and forth for more than 40 days. But the second master stared, and I still went.

On the day I left, the second master told me not to be staring, especially Zhengfei. I didn't worry about other people.

Actually, I'm also worried that Zhengfei will follow. It was midnight when I left, and the second master went to watch Zheng Fei.

My journey was not interesting at all. When I quickly entered the area of Xinla City, I saw the coffin team. I was so scared that there were dozens of people in the coffin team. They carried ten coffins, which were old coffins and moved graves.

However, I am very surprised that I can't move the grave so far away. I have been walking for 18 days, and one day I will enter the area of Xinla City, and I sweat.

I hid in the bushes and followed them.

These people walked around the periphery of the Xinla City area without saying a word.

They didn't stop until dark. I found that they were turning around Xinla City. I knew that I was in trouble.

They sat down to rest and didn't plan to leave.

I've been staring at them, and I can see them.

Now I can't enter the area of Xinla City. Maybe these people have any plans. It's really strange. They all fell asleep. I approached the coffin. I gently pushed the coffin open. It turned out to be an empty coffin. There was nothing in it. I slowly retreated.

I think I should go back and can't go any further. Maybe these people are trying to break the confinement of Xinla City.

I walked back until dawn, and I saw that no one followed me.

This incident made me a little nervous and wanted to call the second master. There was no signal in this place.

I walked for another 18 days before I went back. When I saw the second master, I told him about it.

The second master looked at me and said.

"Yes, it's right if you didn't enter. That's a coffin, just want to break through Xinla City."

"Who is that?"

"Coffin people, people who live in coffins, their lifestyle is to occupy the fruits of other people's labor."

I didn't expect such a person.

"What should I do?"

"It's okay. They only come out this month every year. After this month, they will go back to the coffin, like dead people, lying for 11 months."

The words of the second master made me creepy. The second master asked me to go back after this month.

I didn't say anything. Maybe that book is very important to the second master.

About Zhengfei, nothing happened during my absence, which is a very strange thing. The flying seems to be waiting for something. That day, I went to Tulun City, where there were still many tourists, but after many things happened, more people came and seemed to be looking for excitement.

I sat on the other side of the bell tower and looked at the people coming and going. I actually saw Ji Xiaoqing. Why did she come here? Ji Xiaoqing has always been a fan of women, and I have never understood her.

I didn't expect that Ji Xiao gently turned to the wall and was talking to a man. I didn't know that man. They didn't know what they were talking about. More than half an hour later, they separated. I wanted to follow the man into the crowd and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

I didn't tell the second master about this, and I didn't look for Ji Xiaoqing. I've been waiting for Ji Xiaoqing to go out again.

Ji Xiaoqing went out again in the second half of the night, probably for fear that others would find that he must have to go out during the day that day. I followed Ji Xiaoqing. She actually went to Shuiling, where the channel has been closed at this time. There was no one there. Ji Xiao hid in a tree and looked at his watch from time to time. Obviously, he was waiting for the man.

Ten minutes later, the man appeared. Ji Xiaoqing said something to the man, and then the two went to Shuiling. I followed, and after walking for more than half an hour, they stopped.

The man took out a folded shovel and was digging something. After digging for nearly 20 minutes, he took out something from the ground. Ji Xiao put it lightly in his pocket, and then the two separated.

That day, Ji Xiaoqing went straight back to Xinla City.

When I got up in the morning, Ji Xiaoqing couldn't see any change. In fact, I should have followed the man yesterday, because Ji Xiao took something lightly, so I didn't follow the man.

Ji Xiao gently took the things into the room. I know it's not a good thing.

I want to tell the second master, but I don't think the second master knows about this.

I asked Gu Ye and Ji Xiaoqing to take the children to the water park.

After I saw them go out, I went into Ji Xiaoqing's room and began to look for that thing. However, I didn't find it. This is quite strange to me. Ji Xiaoqing's room is very simple. She likes simple. She should not be able to hide anything. The size of that thing is also the size of three fists.

When I came out of Ji Xiaoqing's room, the second master actually stood at the door, which scared me.

"What are you doing?"

"I should ask you this."

I was stunned for a moment. Obviously, the second master knew something.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw something wrong these two days. You and Ji Xiao went out in the middle of the night. What did you do?"

I had to tell the truth. I told the story before and after, and the second master was stunned there for a long time.

"What should I do?"

"Don't move first. If they meet again, follow the man and see what the man does."

I nodded.

When Ji Xiaoqing went out again, it was half a month later that she went out in the afternoon.

I followed, and Ji Xiao ran to the ancient city and led his son to cover him. I think Ji Xiaoqing is very hateful.

That day, the man appeared again. They just passed by and didn't say anything, as if they didn't know each other. When the man walked over, Ji Xiaoqing had something more in his hand.

I followed this man. After the man left the ancient city, he stopped a taxi and I followed him.

The man went to Wanhe Home and entered Block B. I followed him to the 12th floor and watched the man go in. I returned.

Not long after I went back, Ji Xiaoqing also came back.

I told the second master.

"Let's go out in a moment."

I went out with my second master, went to Wanhe Home, and knocked on the man's door. The man, dressed in pajamas, looked at me and the second master, and was stunned for a long time.

"Please come in."

It seems that this man is very polite, not that kind of bastard, but I think this is an educated bastard, which is even more terrible.

When we went in, it seemed that the conditions in the man's family were very good. The man was a little flustered. I saw Ji Xiaoqing's family hanging on the wall, which was probably taken at the gate of the university when I was in school. It was very big and hung on the wall.

I understand something more or less.

I didn't talk much. The second master also looked at the photo and didn't say anything for a long time.