grave-keeping note

48. Note symbol

48. Note symbol

It was not until dark that the door opened. Unexpectedly, it was flying out, and I followed Zhengfei. After flying across the road, he entered a door. Unexpectedly, he lived diagonally opposite Gongwen's house, which I didn't expect.

After flying in, I waited for a while and knocked on the door. Unexpectedly, no one said anything, so I jumped into the wall and flew out.

"You and your second master are not good. I don't want to see you. You have to come in."

"Your life was saved by me and my second master, and my blood was used."

"Don't say these are useless. Let me tell you, Guqi belongs to your second master. How did that thing run into the hands of that lady? I haven't settled with you yet. You came to the door.

"Even if this matter is even, I have something else to do today."

After thinking about it, I went into the house and followed up.

Everything in the room is old and very good. I sat down and said.

"There is an accident in Shuiling. I think you should go and have a look. Maybe there is a solution."

"That's not my business. You and your second master are gravekeepers."

"I don't think this credit will be robbed by the Blackwater people, right? What's more, their way of entering the mausoleum is destructive. You don't want to see the water mausoleum destroyed, do you?

It took a long time to say.

"I don't think I should mess with this matter. Whoever has the ability will break it."

I didn't expect that Zhengfei would say such a thing. I was about to say something more when the door was pushed open.

"Lao Zheng..."

This man shouted Zhengfei. When I looked back, it turned out to be a black water man. I jumped up and took a look at Zhengfei.

"Zhengfei, I thought you were a decent gentleman, and it turned out that you were just a bad guy."

After I said that, I turned around and left.

When I returned to Xinla City, I began to worry. What I never expected was that Zhengfei would have a relationship with the Blackwater people, or a deal. If so, the appendix on the water surface of Shuiling should have Zhengfei.

I had to call the second master, but the second master didn't answer the phone, and then turned off the phone.

It seems that I can only look forward to the second master coming back early.

In the middle of the night, I went to Shuiling, and the appendix was still changing. Obviously, no one in the city noticed the appendix on the water surface until dawn. I went to the government, found the secretary-general, and told the secretary-general about the appendix on the water surface of Shuiling.

The Secretary-General and the mayor reported.

When he came out, he asked me to go to his office with him.

"What's going on with the attachment?"

"That's the notepad of the Black Water Man. At the beginning, it was a record, but later it became evil. It's a kind of witchcraft."

The Secretary-General didn't look good, and probably the mayor asked him to go home to farm again.

The secretary-general took four cars and more than a dozen experts to Shuiling.

I got there and pointed it for a long time before they saw the changed appendix and began to take pictures. Those experts were busy until an hour later that those experts stopped their work.

"What's your opinion?"

"We analyzed and summarized that it was just a phenomenon and had no practical significance."

This almost made me jump into the lake. The Secretary-General looked back at me and said.

"It's a big fuss."

They left and threw me in Shuiling. These bastards.

After they left, Li Fu actually appeared with a smiling face.

"Are you going to beg him, too?"

"There's nothing you can do. You can't help me. The second master is not here. I can only guard Shuiling and prevent it from accident."

"This is a little difficult to do. I don't understand the attached number. The second master understands it. It seems that you also know what's going on now. Only the two of us are standing together."

That day, Li Fu and I went to his house, and I asked him if there was anything he could do.

"There is no way. The Blackwater people are very evil. Although I have had contact with them, they are very careful. They think that all people are harming them. They guard against anyone, especially some of their evil things, and will not teach anyone other than the Blackwater people at all."

I didn't expect that the Blackwater people would be a person with a strong sense of race. In fact, this is also normal, and the new people are also like this.

When I returned to Xinla City that day, Gu Ye told me.

"Two more black watermen came today, standing at the door and left more than an hour later."

"Don't be afraid, they dare not come in."

Actually, I don't have any confidence in my heart.

That day, in the middle of the night, I smelled pure fragrance, and I woke up at once. I quietly went out of the room and sat in the corridor. I thought the lady would appear.

Sure enough, with the fragrance, Na Wan appeared at the end of the corridor and waved to me.

I walked over and we went out of Xinla City. I followed Na Wan, and she actually went to the Zhajia compound. Na Wan entered her original room, and I followed her.

"I miss you."

Na Wan actually said such a sentence, and I just smiled.

That Wan took my hand and looked at me. I can see from her eyes that it was true love. She didn't tell lies, not Ji Xiaoqing's kind. Thinking of Ji Xiaoqing, my heart hurts.

Na Wan can still just take my hand. That day, Na Wan chatted with me until midnight, gave me a book and left.

I didn't expect that the book was the Black Number, which is the appendix of the Black Water Man. I read it for a long time, but I didn't understand it. It seems that everything has to wait for the second master to come back.

I didn't return to Xinla City until dawn. When I entered the house, Gu Ye said.

"There was a fragrance last night."

I just "oh" and didn't explain. I called the second master's mobile phone again, and it rang, but it soon turned off again.

On the third day, the second master came back. I asked him.

"Why don't you answer your phone and then turn it off?"

The second master was stunned for a moment.

"It's really strange. My mobile phone was lost soon after I went out. This person should change the card, but he didn't change the card. He turned it on and turned it off. This person seems to want to know where I am."

I didn't expect this to happen. It seems that the Blackwater people did it. They didn't want the second master to come back.

I told the second master what happened, and there are some things I can't say. The second master was stunned for a long time.

"It seems that the Blackwater man, who has been silent for a long time, is finally serious."

I handed the book to the second master, and the second master was stunned at a glance.

"I guess this book is fake. This kind of book can't be got casually."

The second master turned over and looked at it.

"It's true. Don't ask where it came from. It must be false."

The second master stared at me. After the righteous eye was put on, he felt that the second master was much more serious and felt much more kind.

"That lady did it for you."

The second master said with certainty. I didn't say yes or say no, and the second master didn't chase again.

"Go out. Don't call me if you have nothing to do. I'll read this book."

I went out. I didn't know if the second master could understand the Black Number. Anyway, I didn't understand it. It was a text used by black people, independent and created by myself.

The light in the second master's room was on overnight. Three days later, the second master came out and asked me to follow him to Shuiling.

Those attachments on the water are still changing, and the position of the second master and I looked at the water.

"Did you go down and see that position? There should be something there. Bring it up."

I took a look at the position pointed by the second master. It should be in the middle of the three attachments, but the second master didn't tell me what it was, and probably he wouldn't know what it was.

I went into the water, swam to that position and dived down. I choked a mouthful of water at the bottom of the water and almost choked me to death. I swam ashore out of the water and began to cough constantly. The second master looked at me and lit a cigarette.

This guy doesn't care about me at all. Is it a child born by himself?

I almost coughed, and he asked me.

"What's down?"

"You don't ask me how it is?"

"What do you have to ask? I've seen it. It's useless to make those fake things.

This guy's thinking is strange and purely sick.

"Coffin, Mitsubishi-shaped."

"The coffin of the Black Water Man, I'll go down later, and I'll guard here. If the Black Water Man comes, you can call me."

I was stunned for a long time. Isn't the second master crazy? You're in the water. I'm calling you. Can you hear me?


"Just shout."

I locked my eyebrows and didn't ask again.

After smoking, the second master took off his clothes and jumped in. The second master said it accurately. In less than five minutes after he went down, a black water man walked this way, and I shouted.

"The Black Water Man is coming, the Black Water Man is coming..."

The Black Waterman heard it and stood there and didn't leave. Looking this way, he probably didn't know what had happened. The second master came out of the water and saw the black water man.

After the second master came ashore, he took his clothes and went to the mountain.

I followed behind and looked back from time to time. The Black Waterman folded his head back.

After the second master and I walked for half an hour, the second master stopped and put on his clothes. At this time, I noticed that the second master was making something in his hand. After he put on his clothes and sat down, he stretched out his hand. I was shocked. It was something still moving. The heart was just black.

"The heart of the black water man."


"Yes, don't you know that the blood of the Black Water Man is black?"

"Nonsense, everyone's blood is red."

"You haven't seen it. Of course you won't believe it. If there is a chance, I will let you see the blood of the Black Water Man."

"What does that mean?"

"My heart is in the Mitsubishi coffin. I don't know what those attachments are doing. I don't understand that book. Some words are completely invisible, not normal writing. It seems that the Blackwater people are really a people who are careful of ghosts."

"How long will the floating sign on the surface of the water last?"

"It disappeared after three hours."

Three hours later, we returned and disappeared.

We returned to Xinla City.

The second master went to see the Black Book again. Gu Ye and I sat on the balcony chatting, and the children ran around.

Gu Ye slept with the children. The light in the second master's room was on. I couldn't sleep. I went downstairs to look outside. Li Fu called and asked me to go to the ancient ethnic building for a drink.

When I went there, Li Fu had already drunk a bottle of beer.

"What's the matter?"

"It's okay. I just want to drink some wine. People like me don't want to accompany me. They all say that I'm evil."

"I'm too lazy to accompany you."

I went back in the middle of the night and walked into the corridor. I was stunned. There was a black idea on the ground of the corridor. I squatted down and touched it. It smelled blood of the black water people. I was excited and ran into the room. Gu Ye and the children were fine. I entered the second master's room, and the second master actually sat and fell asleep. My eyes were staring, and I was shocked.

I called the second master, and the second master opened his right eye and looked at me.

"There are black blood drops in the corridor all the way to the innermost room."

The second master stood up and went out. I followed the second master in the direction of the blood drop, went to the innermost room, opened the door, and the blood dripped to the table, and there was a box open. The second master didn't go in and turned around and walked out.