grave-keeping note

52. The sarcophagus turbid

52. The sarcophagus turbid

Li Fu really left. I sent him to the railway station that day. Li Fu's departure made me feel more lonely. Over the years, Li Fu and I have become friends. The original enemy seems to have no other friends except Li Fu. I have also contacted my classmates, but they are unwilling to date me. Everyone knows that I am a gravekeeper.

I didn't expect that I would end up like this.

The second master once again persuaded Gu Ye to return to Xinla City. I don't know what he means. I'll go to the second master.

"Second master, it's wrong for you to do this. Gu Ye is my wife and the child is my child. You have no right to interfere in my affairs."

"You are new people, and you should go back to where you want to stay."

"I think this is where we should stay."

I quarreled with my second master that day. I will never understand the second master's idea. It's him who came out of Xinla City, and it's also him who let him go back. I don't understand what he is thinking all day.

I didn't expect that on the third day after quarreling with the second master, Ji Xiaoqing and I suddenly disappeared. Gu Ye was confused at that time and called me. I ran back. Gu Ye told me that the three children were playing together, but there was none.

I sat there and thought about it for a long time, but I didn't think it could be done by the second master. Then, only Ji Xiaoqing.

I'm panicked. I don't know where Ji Xiaoqing is now, but that Wan will definitely know.

That day, when I went to the tomb and walked in, thewan came out.

"My son is lost."

That Wan looked at me and said.

"It should be Ji Xiaoqing who got it away. I'll take you there."

Na Wan took me to the moon tomb. When I arrived at the moon tomb, Na Wan made a sound that seemed to be. I didn't know what the sound was. Ji Xiaoqing actually came out of the moon tomb and saw me sneering.

"Ji Xiaoqing, you can't harm the child. You are not suitable to take care of the child."

That Wan said very well.

Ji Xiao stared at me.

"No, I want a child."

"If you dare to touch this child again, I will let you stay in the moon tomb forever."

Ji Xiaoqing was obviously scared. She hesitated for a moment and took the child out of the tomb. The child was probably scared and stupid. I picked up the child for a long time before the child cried. The child can't recognize Ji Xiaoqing at all.

That day, when I left, I heard Ji Xiaoqing's howling.

After I took the child back, I told Gu Ye to take good care of the child in the future.

I know that Gu Ye can't be blamed for this. What is Ji Xiaoqing now? Gu Ye can't control Ji Xiaoqing at all.

That day, I went to Zhajia compound. I wanted to sit there quietly. I don't like that small building, which belongs to the second master, and this Zha family courtyard should belong to me.

It's getting cold, and it will be winter in half a month. This bitter place will have to spend the winter of six months of growing up. In fact, there is nothing wrong with winter in the north.

The lake on the other side of Shuiling has begun to freeze, and there has been no movement. The black water people have been silent for a while, and they don't know what their plans are.

I didn't expect that the Taoist priest would find one to avenge his punch. He stopped me on the village road in Yincun.

Looking at him, it seems that he has to get a table with me today.

I didn't say anything, and the Taoist priest pointed to me.

"Your second master is not a thing, and you boy is not a thing. If we want to enter the water mausoleum, you stop it. If you want to enter that tomb, you also block it, as if everything in the world is yours."

What the Taoist priest said is not bound at all, and I don't want to talk to him.

"Get out of here."

After I said that, I walked over. I knew that the Taoist priest would definitely pull me and wouldn't let me go. I punched back and didn't open it. The Taoist priest guarded me, and he jumped away.

"No, no..."

This dead Taoist priest is actually angry with me. I chased the Taoist priest, and the Taoist priest ran in front of me. I think if you let me chase you today, I will turn you into a transformer. The Taoist priest ran fast today, and he ran to the mountains.

I followed him. I was younger than him. I didn't believe it. I couldn't rely on him. In the end, he couldn't run, and I picked him up.

After nearly an hour of tossing around in the mountains with this Taoist priest, I found that this place is a strange place and I have never been here. When I was thinking about it, I found that the Taoist priest was gone. I didn't look for it again and went back along the way. I know that I have been fooled. This Taoist priest has always been very serious. I should have realized that he was not serious today, but it's too late now. I want to leave this time and return to Yincun as soon as possible.

However, I didn't expect that I would go around to a pool, which was the sky and then the pool, venting, probably because of the cold weather. I thought it should be a natural hot spring, but I didn't go there, and I left here immediately. The second master told me that no matter what, I can't be curious.

The road will not be too long, but I have walked for a long time. In the end, I actually went back to the pool. I was panicked.

I leaned into the pool and fell into a hole before I got there. I knew at a glance that it was dug by a Taoist priest. This time I was miserable. As soon as I fell down, the lime rose down, and I heard the Taoist priest laugh.

I closed my eyes and squatted there. A few minutes later, the Taoist priest said.

"Kid, you are unlucky today. How can I deal with you?"

"Taoist priest, you have the guts to let me out."

"What do you think of me as a three-year-old child? If I let you out, you will become a tiger, but I have thought about it. I will let you live, not let you die, and let you become a living dead person. Do you know what is under this pool? Let me tell you, I find it strange. Below is a natural sarcophagus. The water flows out, and the temperature is always 20 degrees. You won't be cold or die in it.

I'm afraid I've really been cleaned up by the Taoist priest this time. The Taoist priest played the crooked way. What I don't know, I don't know anything. When I woke up, I felt very warm, but I couldn't move. I could only look with my eyes open. It was really the sarcophagus. I didn't see the exit, but I couldn't move even when I saw it. I think the Taoist priest must have tamped. What on earth is he doing this?

If it was the second master, he would not be fooled by this. Maybe he will attract the second master and lock him in it, then they can let go of their hands and do it. Without my help, Na Wan was likely to turn back into a bone before she was fixed.

I listened to the sound of running water, and my head was in a mess. I think the second master will definitely not come. This is also a chance for the second master. He can take Gu Ye and the children back to the old Xinla City.

I didn't expect that my life would end like this, and how many people hated my life and how many people wanted me to disappear. How did I become such a person? I don't understand.

One day, two days, on the third day, I heard the voice of the second master and the voice of the Taoist priest. I didn't expect that the second master would come. I think the second master will also be unlucky this time. If we are both here, all this will end soon.

I heard the scream of the second master, and I timidated. It seemed that the result was no better than me.

Sure enough, the second master came in. The place was not big, and the two of them were crowded here side by side.

"Why did you let the Taoist priest cheat you?"

"Cut, did he lie to me? I came in on purpose. I'm here to save you."

"This is your chance. If I die, you can do anything."

"You boy is an asshole."

After the second master finished speaking, he still did not move.

"Aren't you here to save me? Why don't you move? You can't move, can you?"

"Yes, yes, I'm not going to save you. I want to sleep here for a while. It's quite comfortable here."

The second master really fell asleep. When he snored, I was about to die of anger. This second guy could still fall asleep.

I just insisted that maybe this way of death is the most uncomfortable, slowly starving to death, and it feels little by little.

The second master woke up more than two hours later, and he said when he woke up.

"How do you think we can get out?"

"You asked me? If I can go out, will I stay here?"

"I'm asking you, what method do we choose to get out?"

When you hear the meaning of the second master's words, there are many ways.

"It's good that you can go out. There are several ways."

"I am a gravekeeper. I think no one knows more about the tomb than me, including those experts and Li Fu. Although they have also built the tomb all their lives, this Taoist priest is also stupid and put me in the tomb, which is the same as when I got home."

I don't know if the second master is bragging or angry, but I generally believe that it's true. The second master can't be easily deceived by the Taoist priest. Every time he suffers, he is the Taoist priest, and this time he will not take advantage of it.

The second master asked me to close my eyes. I heard a sound and didn't open it. When the second master and I were in the pool, I was a little confused. I didn't know what method the second master used to get to the pool.

We came out of the pool. It was cold. I jumped and ran, and the second master followed. We returned to the village and changed our clothes, and it was better.

The second master went back to Xinla City and called me that night and said that he had a cold and asked me to take care of him.

I didn't go and called the nanny of a housekeeping company. I didn't want to face the second master, although he saved me. I don't face the second master, but I'm afraid that the second master will persuade me to leave here and go back to the old new city, which is definitely not a good choice. The second master also objected to me being with Na Wan. In short, many things the second master looked down on.

I don't want to have any more conflicts with the second master.

The second master is really very sick. After all, he is old. Once in the past, the second master didn't open his eyes and lay ** "hum". I asked the nanny to call a car and sent the second master to the hospital.

The second master left the hospital on the third day and called me after being discharged from the hospital to find a Taoist priest to settle accounts.

"I think you still have to keep it for a few days."

"I have to keep it for a few days, and I feel like I'm sweating."

These days, I went to Zhajia Courtyard once. I basically stayed in the antique shop during the day and went home at night. In fact, this kind of life is quite good, but it is not possible to see the current frame.

A week later, the second master entered the antique shop. He asked me to buy beer and said that he hadn't drunk it for a while.

That day, we didn't mention anything else. After drinking a few bottles of beer, the second master stood up and looked at me and said.

"Find the old way to settle accounts."

I like to watch the fun. I don't have to do it this time. I'm afraid this Taoist priest will be unlucky.

The second master and I entered from the back door of the compound. After entering the compound, we pushed the door and went in. Wu Nade was lying on the lounge chair and enjoying it! Seeing me and the second master, a tall man got up and lost his balance. Then another tall man got up and looked at me and the second master. It seemed that this boy was really afraid of the second master. He may not be afraid of me. He was also afraid of me because of thatwan.

The second master sat down and looked at the Wu Nade sneering, and the Wu Nade was hairy.