grave-keeping note

55. Coffin Man

55. Coffin Man

After I went back that day, Gu Ye was not very happy. Gu Ye also felt something these days, but she never said anything.

I still have little contact with the second master, unless there is nothing I can do. In fact, I think it may be good to get out of this circle slowly, but I know that this possibility is very small. We are always new people, and new people can't break the connection with Xinla City.

The matter of Shuiling scared me and the second master, but I still want to know what can break Shuiling in that tomb. I want to ask Na Wan, but I think it's better to ask the second master. Zhengfei knows, but he can't get that thing.

The power of flying doesn't seem to work well here. If it is strong on the road, it will be uneven on the road. This is probably the case. This is my analysis.

I don't know if Zhengfei will leave. Zhengfei has not taken any advantage of defeat, and the city is unwilling to pay attention to him. If he stays, he may be with the Blackwater man or even a Taoist priest.

I didn't expect that the Taoist priest also ran away. It seems that things are not very good.

If the Blackwater people withdraw, all this will be almost peaceful. However, the black water people will not leave. Their purpose is Shuiling, but I don't think it is Shuiling. It seems to be facing the old and new Lacheng. The second master also realized this, but the second master never said it.

Another heavy snow, and the lake in Shuiling froze.

The second master suddenly asked me back to Erdao Baihe Village and said that he would go hunting. I know that the second master has been hiding his gun in the ground of Erdao Baihe Village. If it is hunting, in fact, it should have another purpose.

I hesitated for a moment and agreed.

The second master and I returned to Baihe Village the next day, and the ground was still complete. The second master took out his shotgun and said to me.

"I've been with you all my life, and I've been thinking about it if I haven't seen it."

The second master and I went up the mountain, which is still the road we walked. The second master doesn't like to walk around in the primitive forest, and no matter how familiar people are, they may get lost. Maybe the second master of this road has also walked for a lifetime.

Hunting is a happy thing. I also like it. I learned it well from the second master, but I don't like to kill those animals that are not aggressive. I feel a little cruel.

The second master has been walking ahead, maintaining the vigilance that hunters should have. Although the second master is old, he is still very energetic. He still maintains a quick reaction and agile speed in doing anything.

The second master suddenly squatted down, and I saw a rut in front of me.

I didn't squat down. The ruze saw me and didn't move. I looked at it. It looked at me.

The rux is a fool. The second master fired a gun, and he is still thinking about it? Feeling that he had been shot, he ran wildly for a long time and fell to the ground without running more than 100 meters.

The second master stood up.

"You can have a big drink today."

It's not easy to get the ruce. The second master and I dragged the rag back. The second master cleaned up the rags and actually talked to me when I first came here. He said that he liked the way I looked at that time.

Actually, I felt scared when I looked at the second master at that time. Now that I think about it, it is an interesting thing. It was not until this time that I realized that the second master wanted to find our feelings back. The second master never said sorry to people in person. He liked to use another way, although it was more troublesome. He said that although this method was troublesome, it worked very well.

To be honest, it really worked.

Before dark, a pot of meat was stewed with wild mushrooms in the mountains.

However, without wine, the wine pot hanging on the wine has long been empty.

The second master took the shovel in and dug the corner of the wall. He didn't know what to do.

For a long time, the second master dug out something and got it up. It was a jar. He held it and put it on the table.

"It's been 20 years, and I haven't been willing to drink it."

I think it's a little pity to drink it. After all, it's 20 years of wine.

I removed the dirt outside and wiped it clean. The second master removed the mud sealed on it, and the smell of wine immediately came out. It was the first time I smelled such a fragrant wine.

The second master's eyes are bright. This is indeed a good wine.

With this wine, where can the second master and I go? It can only be the same as before, and there is no other way.

Speaking of the second master, he acts strangely, but he is kind.

We were in the mountains for a week, drank a jar of wine, and we left Erdao Baihe Village. This time, I promised the second master to take the child back to Xinla City and not to come out. He said that he lived alone.

And the second master also decided to let me go back, take back the book of "Zhishu", bring it back, and let them also come to enjoy happiness. The second master gave me the list, 100 people, so there are not many people in the old Xinla City.

I didn't ask much about this. This is the second master's plan.

Actually, I don't agree to go in winter. Those people are not young. I'm worried that they will get sick on such a cold day. The second master told me that the new man is not afraid of the cold.

I set out three days later. It's been more than 20 days in this mountain, and winter is also the season for beasts looking for food. I don't like to go at this time. At the coldest time, it reaches minus 40 degrees. However, after drinking with the second master, I was embarrassed to disagree. I was a person better than the second master, compared with the second master.

On the way, the snow was so heavy that I couldn't see the road. I deviated from that road several times. The snow is so thick that it's hard to walk.

On the fifteenth day, I calculated that this time I walked at least five days more than usual.

When I was about to get close to Xinla City, I saw the footprints. I went to his eight uncle's. In this deep mountain and old Yu, there were even footprints, and there were separate footprints. I looked closely and became nervous. That was not the footprints of the new puller. The new puller walked on the outside, with the front and the back was light. I was the same. And this footprint is not like this.

He came from the west and went east. I hesitated for a moment and followed the footprints.

An hour later, the footprints suddenly disappeared, and I trembling with fear. I think I'm probably fooled. I sweated. I stood there still, and my footprints suddenly disappeared. Except for people who can fly, it's just a joke, which is impossible.

I slowly retreated, and I felt that I was in trouble, which was a big trouble.

When I exited five or six meters, the snow slowly arched a big bag, which shocked me. I turned to run, slipped, and then the coffin got up, one, two, three, four, five, six...

In front of me, the coffin people are the coffin people mentioned by the second master, the coffin team I saw last time. They have always wanted to enter Xinla City and occupy it for them, but they have never succeeded, and they have never given up.

According to reason, this is not when they come out, they will stay in the coffin, just like hibernating.

The coffin lid was opened, and the coffin man came out. I got up and ran away.

Those coffins are chasing me behind me. I think this time it's completely finished, and no one will help me. I'm the only one struggling here. I don't know how fast I run. Anyway, I just run as hard as I can.

An hour later, I stopped and found that Xinla City was in front of me. Those coffiners did not catch up with me. If they caught me, they would definitely let me take them into Xinla City. I don't agree, and they will roast me up.

I took a long breath, and the coffin couldn't follow me in. I don't know how powerful the Epivelin number is. After entering Xinla City, someone came out and took me into the room.

I drank a lot that day, and then went to bed. The next day, they all knew about taking them to Xinla City, and those who had stayed there were willing to go.

In the end, it's really too old to stay. I'm afraid that if someone breaks Xinla City and comes in, I'm afraid this Xinla City will be someone else's.

These worries are useless, and the second master probably thought of it a long time ago. I think the second master probably wants to give up this city. Although this city is a paradise, it is definitely not conducive to the development of this nation.

I decided to take them on the road a week later. I went out with a new person to check the road. I was worried that the coffin was still there. If so, we would be in trouble.

After checking for a day, I didn't find the coffin man, but I still decided to go another way, because I was afraid that the coffin man would stop us.

A week later, I took 100 people from the east road, and I came from the west.

The east road will take about two to three more days, plus the thick snow, which will take about a month. It will take nearly two months to get in. After we went back, it was April and the weather became warmer.

It's a good thing that we didn't meet the coffin man. However, two people died on the road, were seriously ill, and then buried directly. This is something that makes me unhappy.

After I went back, it was at night. I didn't go to the city during the day and dragged the time away. If I went to the city during the day, the goal would be too big.

When the second master saw these people, tears flowed out.

I know that I should do such a thing. Thinking of the front of the second master and thinking about my own things, I seem to be very selfish.

I was very sick when I came back. The strangest thing is that nothing happened in the two months I left.

When I came back from the hospital, Gu Ye had been taking care of me by my side. At this time, I experienced the warmth given to me by a wife. Gu Ye has been like this to me for so many years. Only then did I feel it.

In fact, I have always lived in this city. Although I am a Xinla people, I did not live in Xinla City. Gu Ye grew up in Xinla City. There is a kind of thing that is always separated in the middle for a while. This kind of thing in the middle can't melt. This time, I seem to melt.

I felt the beauty of ancient leaves for the first time, which is from the bottom of my heart.

After I recovered from my illness, it was already May. The grass had grown out, and the pear blossoms and apricot blossoms also bloomed. I just didn't expect that everything was so peaceful until I recovered. I don't know why it was so quiet.

Later, I knew that the Taoist priest really went back to his mountain. Li Fu did not come back, and Zheng Fei had been waiting for an opportunity. The Black Water Man did not seem to act again. Such a big calm is not a good thing.

After the second master came back, he has been with those old people.

After I recovered from my illness, I went to the antique shop. It seemed that I couldn't leave there.

As soon as I arrived that day, I smelled pure fragrance. This was during the day. If it was Na Wan, she would basically not come during the day. As for the reason, I didn't ask. I don't like to ask this or that. If you want to know, just look at it and think for yourself.

Na Wan came in and stood up. I didn't know how I felt.

That Wan slowly walked into me without smiling, but looking at the expression, I knew it was troublesome. I took Wan's hand first, and she actually cried. I shed tears for the first time.

I know that Wan won't shed tears. However, she flowed today.

"Wait for me."

"It's okay. I can wait until you forever."

Nwan stayed with me for an hour that day and then left. I always feel that she has something on her mind. However, I don't know what's on his mind.