grave-keeping note

57. Thirteen injections of blood

57. Thirteen injections of blood

The black water man left disappointed and was flying here.

When he saw the second master, he scolded him, saying that the second master was too immoral.

The second master stared and said.

"It's because you don't have the ability. I want to give you this opportunity. A coffin can't understand it. I think you still have to get out of here. I haven't seen it. You have hardly succeeded once."

Zhengfei's face turned blue and didn't say a word for a long time. He really had nothing to say.

That day, Zhengfei drank with the second master and knocked the second master down. Zhengfei also drank heavily. When he left, he actually fell and fought, but he was in a good mood. Maybe this was his first victory. He actually walked away with a big smile.

At night, I sit in front of the window, and I like to sit here. I can see the courtyard of Xinla City.

I didn't expect a coffin to appear in the middle of the courtyard. I knew it was a coffin man. I didn't move and looked at the coffin. A few minutes later, a man came out of the coffin. He actually came to the building, and I suddenly jumped up and rushed into the second master's room. The second master is drunk and hasn't woken up yet. He can't do it. It seems that only I can talk to the coffin man.

After the coffin man came up, he saw me and stopped. He didn't move for a long time. I walked over and stood five meters away from him.

"Isn't it polite of you to come in like this?"

"You can't stop me. That's your incompetence. I want to talk to the second master."

"He can't do it today. You can tell me something. I can make the decision on behalf of the second master."

I found a space room and went in.

The coffin man has been standing.

"We want the old and new city, but in fact, you have given up that place."

"This doesn't make sense, does it? If you want, we have to calculate it."

"You may not know that your second master did something bad. Originally, we also had a very good place, which was destroyed by your second master with the number."


"It's not because of the coffin girl that he was destroyed as soon as he was angry, making us homeless for decades. This is what your second master owes us."

It was not until this time that I knew that the second master still had such a thing.

"It is impossible for the old new city to give you. As for the place that destroyed you, there are other ways to solve it."

"We only need the old and new city, and this will be over. Otherwise, you know, we won't let you be at peace. We can even destroy your new city and turn this place into a coffin."

I sweated. I don't know anything about the coffin people. I don't know what he said is true. It's bragging.

"I will discuss this with the second master and give you a message within three days."

"No, I'll talk to your second master."

"I'm afraid not. The second master can't talk to you today."

The coffin man thought for a long time.

"Okay, three days is three days."

The coffin man left, went downstairs, got into the coffin and left. I think it's interesting that the coffin is like a snail with a shell on its back. The second master woke up the next night. I said the matter, and the second master only said a soft sentence.

"I know."

I don't know if the second master has woken up. I'm worried that there will be more trouble when the coffin comes back.

I went to the courtyard that day. In fact, I just wanted to see Na Wan. I want to ask what's going on here. However, Na Wan still didn't appear. I don't know what happened.

One night passed, and thewan did not appear.

I went to the small building, and Li Fu sat upstairs in a daze.

"Why are you here?"

"It's okay. Come and have a look. I feel strange. Now except for the coffin people, everyone else is so calm. I'm afraid something big will happen."

"Nothing will happen at all. No one dares to toss around anymore. Unless you kill Na Wan, no one dares to move. You are a gravekeeper. Everyone knows that they dare to move your relationship with Na Wan?"

"The water of Shuiling Lake is scary."

"I know when I sit here that the coffin people live at the bottom of the lake. They want the old new city. Your second master will never give it. They have to use means. So what will it be? Can't you understand the gravekeeper who is forced to break the tomb?

"Can they break the mausoleum?"

"They are coffin people. Coffin people walk. Coffins have no way and no way to walk. They enter the water mausoleum is the coffin path. Only they can walk. As for whether they can enter or not, it's hard to say whether the coffin can be passed through or not. It depends on whether there is such a mechanism in Shuiling."

I didn't expect that Li Fu would figure things out when sitting here.

"How do you know so much?"

"I'm a grave robber!"

Li Fu looked at me with a smile after saying that. When I said this before, he must have said it. Today, he said it himself. I know that Li Fu can calculate a lot of things that happened and didn't happen even if he sat here. But he never said what happened. He said that it was a leak of the sky. He didn't want to die so early for a year at a time.

So, I didn't ask. Asking once is equivalent to killing someone for a year. How much is that year's life worth? No one can figure it out.

After I came out of Yincun that day, I went to Gong Xiaogang's house.

Gong Xiaogang saw that it was me and was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he was a little angry, but he still let me in. Maybe he was afraid of my relationship with Na Wan.

"I think you should be with Ji Xiaoqing."

Gong Xiaogang hasn't spoken for a long time.

"What are you going to do?"

"What else can I do? Na Wan put Ji Xiao lightly on the road. What can I do as an ordinary person?

"However, I know a way that you can save Ji Xiaoqing, but..."

"As long as I can save Ji Xiaoqing, I can do anything."

Na Wan told me that true love can make Ji Xiao go back lightly, that is, the person who loves him, inserts thirteen needles into his body and let the needles run in his body. A day later, he and Ji Xiaoqing can break it. Maybe it can make Ji Xiaoqing return to his normal and original appearance without hatred.

I've been thinking about it for a long time, which is equivalent to harming people. The needle runs with blood, and the blood is heart-to-heart. Can you still live if you don't die?

Gong Xiaogang asked me.

"I'm willing to die."

I still said that when Gong Xiaogang was stunned there, I left. I didn't want to see the painful expression. This choice is the most painful for everyone. I regret telling Gong Xiaogang that I can completely ask for Na Wan again. If I insist on doing that, that Wan may agree.

I came out of Gong Xiaogang's house and went to the antique shop. I want to be quiet. I don't know what I should do next. I can only watch the development.

I didn't expect that the coffin man would still cause trouble.

My son and Ji Xiaoqing disappeared unexpectedly. And it was done by the coffin people, and they left a message.

This annoyed me very much. I didn't expect that the coffin man would be so shameless to talk about a child. The coffin man did not appear again. I went to Shuiling, and the lake was slowly clear. I know that those coffin people are below.

I must go down and see what they want.

That day, I told Li Fu about this and asked him to go down with me. He promised me.

"Actually, I don't want to care about this. I can't take care of the children's part."

In the middle of the night, Li Fu and I went to Shuiling. We put on our diving suits and went down. When we arrived at the bottom of the lake, we saw hundreds of coffins neatly placed at the bottom of the lake. However, I didn't have the impulse to open the coffin. Maybe the two of us died in one coffin.

After I did their position, I came up.

When I went back, the second master was going crazy and scolding the coffin man. He took away the continuation of the new man, which would definitely drive him crazy. I told the second master what I saw in Shuiling.

"Wait a minute, let me think about it."

The second master didn't come up with a way. He locked himself in the room.

I couldn't sit still and went to that tomb. When I entered, Ji Xiaoqing was still sitting there.

"In trouble, the child was taken away by the coffin man."

Ji Xiao stood up lightly, then walked out, walked a few steps and stopped.

"No, I can't leave here."

I knew that Wan would not let her leave here, and I didn't know what Na Wan said to her.

Ji Xiao walked around and was a little crazy.

In the end, Ji Xiaoqing still left with me.

As soon as we arrived at Shuiling, I smelled the pure fragrance. I was thrilled, and it seemed that it was about to appear.

Sure enough, Na Wan appeared. She slowly came over and looked at Ji Xiao and said lightly.

"You go back."

Ji Xiaoqing didn't say anything and went back.

"I think you also know what happened."

"I know, so I'm here. You can't worry about this. They won't do anything to the children. The coffin is not easy to deal with. Let's go back and figure it out."

Na Wan and I left Shuiling and went to Zhajia Courtyard.

"What have you been doing these days?"

"Don't ask about this. I'll take care of the child. I'll get the child back for you then."

I didn't ask more. If I asked, Na Wan would not say more. She took my hand and looked at her expression. She seemed to be in a bad mood. I don't know what happened to her.

That day, Na Wan only sat for a while and then left.

I didn't expect that when Gong Xiaogang took Ji Xiaoqing away, he was kidnapped. Ji Xiaoqing did not resist. If it was resistance, let alone Gong Xiaogang alone, it was impossible for ten or twenty people to take Ji Xiaoqing away.

I know that Gong Xiaogang inserted the needle in. I sat in Shuiling all night, and I think my child is suffering below, hateful coffin man.

They can't come out of hiding under the water.

That day, the second master asked me to go back.

When I went back, the second master said to me.

"I decided to pull the old and new coffin people, let them leave, and leave forever."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple for the coffin man to leave. If he wants Lao Lacheng, I'm afraid he needs something else."

The second master stopped talking, and probably he also thought of this.

"But there is nothing we can do now."

The second master can't deal with the coffin man, which shows that the coffin man is not so simple.

"Don't worry about this. I'll figure it out."

The second master looked at me, and he probably understood. The second master sighed. Probably he was indeed old. If it had been a few years ago, he would have gone out in a hot air, but now he is not.

I don't know if Na Wan can save the child.

I didn't expect that Wan came in the middle of the night. Looking at his face, he seemed to be angry.

Na Wan asked me to follow her to the courtyard. She kept her face dark and smiled at me at ordinary times. I don't know what would make her so unhappy.

She entered the courtyard and her room. After sitting down, she looked at me.

"You really shouldn't have done that."

"What's the matter?"

"You asked Gong Xiaogang to save Ji Xiaoqing."

"I just don't want the child to have no mother. That child is so pitiful."

Na Wan shook her head and cried.

"You're going to kill me. Do you know what's under that compound?"

I shook my head.

"There is a coffin under the compound, and a thousand coffins are below. That's me. Ji Xiaoqing is willing to walk. I helped her. In fact, her hatred has been deeper than deep, which is also a relief for her. I asked Ji Xiao to walk lightly for me to come out. It's good to go back. I want to this again. I'm afraid that the haters can't be found for a while..."

I didn't expect this at all. I sat there stunned.