grave-keeping note

5. Ghost walking on the left

5. Ghost walking on the left

This thing makes me not understand. China is so big that it is normal for two people to look alike. Isn't those star faces the same? I'm relieved.

However, I always feel so uncomfortable.

The ten black watermen have been locked up, and Zhengfei did not make a profit. He called me the other day and asked me if I knew the symbols?

"I don't understand, the second master understands."

"It's a pity that the second master is dead."

"You can pour pepper water, nail bamboo sticks, and take a plane..."


Zhengfei hung up the phone angrily. I don't think he has any tricks.

If there is a way, he won't ask me.

The second master has never appeared. I also went to the mountain to find an unmanned coffin team, but I didn't find it. I don't know how the second master is now. If there is nothing wrong, the second master should be no problem.

The Nengdao on the other side of Shuiling has been repaired again and opened the door. No one died or seriously injured in the last incident. The other day, when I went to the compound, I didn't know where to hide it. I was probably scared.

I actually saw the Taoist priest. At the corner, there was no shadow. I chased him, but I kept seeing his back. I kept following him out of the compound, and then there was Beishan. There was an air-raid shelter in Beishan. I had been to that air-raid shelter when I was a child. This air-raid shelter was halfway up the mountain. In fact, there are many air defense in this city, usually at the foot of the mountain, and many of them have been made into warehouses, and this I'm just idle. Because there is no one to manage it halfway up the mountain.

When I went there when I was a child, I remembered that there were only three roads. I only walked one road. At that time, someone told me that the other two could not go, and I didn't know why. At that time, I went in with a candle. Sometimes it would go out. Once it was extinguished, it would cry and howling. It was even more scary. When I rushed out, it must be either my scalp or my eyes were blue.

So, I only went in once, from this end to that end, two mouths. However, I really didn't walk the other two roads. At that time, I always dreamed of taking the other two roads and then woke up.

At this time, I didn't expect that the Taoist priest would bring me here. When I get here, the Taoist priest will have no shadow. I don't know what he means. I'm a little afraid that this guy may be retaliating against me, so it's not funny.

If this boy swore me, it would be miserable.

I didn't go in and called Li Fu. He hesitated for a long time before he agreed to come.

When Li Fu came, he took two strong flashlight flashlight and handed them to me.

"This air-raid shelter is not very fun. I heard that there is always something wrong with it."

"Oc's it, it's just for adults to scare children to play."

I went in first, followed by Li Fu, and I walked the rightmost road, which was no different from those years. I didn't walk between the left and the middle.

"Which way do you want to go?"

"This kind of road does not go to the left, do not go to the middle, the ghost goes to the left, the soul goes to the middle, and the person goes to the right."

"You always pay so much attention. In fact, I just want to go to the left."

Li Fu must have scolded me and didn't say anything.

Actually, I don't use a flashlight at all, but I still hold it. Some things are afraid of light, and I don't want to see things that shouldn't be seen. In the end, I walked to the left.

When I walked more than ten meters, I saw that there was no road, and then went forward. At the end, turn left, which was a long channel, and the strong light flashlight could not shine on the head.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'll come as soon as I want."

I didn't tell Li Fu why. There must be a reason why the Taoist priest led me here today.

When we walked slowly and walked more than 20 meters, Li Fu said.

"There is a room."

I didn't see it, ask him.

"Where is it?"

"behere behind you."

This guy was shocked. As soon as I turned around, it was indeed a room. There was only a small hole the size of a palm in the room. I looked in and there was no door. This was strange. This mouth must be something like a muzzle. But how do people get in? This made me not figure it out. Li Fu also felt strange.

"Probably later people blocked the door, and there is nothing new."

Li Fu said this, which means that he wants to leave here quickly. Because he knew that he was a little scared.

If we go further, we will feel the wind, and there should be an exit. After walking more than 30 meters, we stopped, because there was a deep ditch in front of us. We couldn't see the bottom, one meter wide, but we crossed over and reached the wall. I found a stone and threw it down, but I didn't hear any movement.

"What kind of ditch is this?"

I asked Li Fu.

Li Fu shook his head.

"Let's go! Maybe it's through some animal."

Li Fu can say this, and I also think so. It's impossible to be separated from people.

After we stepped over and walked forward, we went out of the hole and actually reached the top of the mountain. It was quite strange that we didn't feel it was an uphill road. I suggested going back and taking the middle road. Li Fu didn't agree with anything.

I didn't insist that day. I kept thinking, what does the Taoist priest mean?

Two days later, I still didn't figure it out. When I went to the tomb, I saw Gong Min, who covered herself with a headscarf. Because Na Wan has known many people, and she doesn't want anything to happen again.

But I can still see it, because I'm too familiar with Na Wan.

I followed her. She entered the tomb, turned around, and stopped at a wall. Looking at it, it didn't move for a long time. There was nothing on the wall. It was quite strange. She saw me, panicked, and then smiled at me. The smile was clearly the gentle smile. However, I didn't smell the pure fragrance, and my hairy heart slowly calmed down.

That day, Gong Min and I had dinner in a humble house, which she proposed. I thought something would happen to her, but she didn't.

I asked her.

"What are you looking at that wall for?"

Gong Min actually had a little panic, although it was covered up. However, it still makes me feel that Gongmin has something to do. She is not that simple.

After sending Gongmin back that day, I went back to Xinla City. I asked Second Master Gu Ye if he had come back. Gu Ye, I haven't been back for a while. I'm a little worried.

"It's okay. Maybe it's back to the old and new city."

Gu Ye is not talking. In fact, Gu Ye is very smart, but she never said anything.

That day, in the middle of the night, I smelled pure fragrance. I woke up and walked to the corridor. I didn't see that Wan. Maybe Zhengfei was right. That Wan was gone, and she had existed for three years. If it hadn't been for me, maybe Ji Xiaoqing would have replaced Na Wan, and she wouldn't have died. .

I sat in the corridor smoking, and Gu Ye came out.

"Can't sleep?"

"Yes, I'm a little worried that the second master has been gone for so many days."

Actually, I say this to cover up something. I can't say that I want to be euphemistic. Gu Ye went back to sleep. I was still sitting in front of the window. I couldn't see the road ahead. I didn't know how to go next, what would happen next, and I didn't know how long such a life would last.

After dawn, I went to the antique store, where I felt safe. I don't know why I slept behind the store.

As soon as I fell asleep, someone knocked on the door. The sound was not light or heavy. I don't like such a knock on the door. Such a city will be very deep and difficult to understand. This man is also very persistent and has been knocking for ten minutes. I got up and opened the door. I don't know this person.

"What are you doing?"

I'm very angry.

"I want to buy something."

"It's closed today. Come back tomorrow!"

"No, I just want to buy it."

This man looked at me, a short man, a little fat, and probably in his forties. I still let him in.

He came in and sat down without looking at the things on the shelf. In fact, except for two pieces on the shelf, what was left last time were all fake. He didn't look at it, so I felt that it was a mistake and an absolute mistake to put this man in, so I wasware of it.

This man came in and didn't look around. He just looked at me and kept looking at the position of my chin. I saw that he was staring at me, but in fact he didn't.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

"I want to buy something."

"What? Do I have to have it?"



"People's hearts."

MD, I met a mental illness in the morning.

"Get out of here."

I reached out and pulled this man, but I didn't pull it. I knew that this boy had practiced and I didn't reach out any more.

"I don't have a heart here."

"You don't have, but you can find it. I need a heart."

"Okay! I have to find it."

"Well, in two days, remember, two days, or this time, I will come."

When this person left, I was also scared into a cold sweat. A mental illness, probably the door of the mental hospital was broken today, which made this guy run out. After such a toss, I didn't want to sleep. I opened a bottle of beer and sat at the counter to drink.

I took out the jade. It has been on me, but I can't find it. It's really a little evil.

The five came in in a panic and hit the ghost today.

"Are you looking for your heart alone?"

I was stunned.

"Are you not in good spirits?"

"I'm normal, by the way, I know that that person is not Na Wan, but Gong Min, Gong Wen's daughter."

I said how did those five dare to appear here.

"I'm talking about something serious, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know that there is some trouble in that compound. There is a man who buys his heart everywhere, saying that he wants a woman's heart, which is in a certain place, halfway up the mountain."

I was stunned, halfway up the mountain, in the air-raid shelter. It seems that this is not fake or mental illness.

"Then how did you find it here?"

"I told him that it was antiques. Let him come to your antique store to avenge me for scaring me. I thought he was mentally ill, but when I thought about it, he said that he was definitely not mentally ill. There must be something wrong. This person is not a local, but when he speaks local words, you listen carefully, and the ending is a little upward. Let's go.

I noticed this, and I heard it at that time. It seems that this person is a little bad, not mentally ill.

"I know this, but it's just a mental illness."

I insisted on saying that, and the five Nade pointed to me.

"I told you, don't blame me if something happens. I didn't hurt you."

I think it's strange that Wu Nade has left. Normally, Wu Nade should not have told me if he wanted revenge. He should have been happy and suddenly came to tell me that there was still something to worry about.

I felt something wrong. I called Li Fu. He came over, plugged in the door and poured two glasses of white wine.

"What's going on?"

I told you something. Li Fu was stunned and came to his senses for a long time.

"Buy your heart, he is talking about people's hearts, not the people you understand, but the blade of salary."

Li Fu wrote these two words on the counter with his fingers.

"What do you mean?"

"Blade salary, blade is a knife. You know that salary is said in another industry, that is, the meaning of coffin. In that other industry, the owner of the knife is dead, and there is a custom of funeral knives, which is called blade salary."

"It's the blade coffin."

Li Fu nodded, and my sweat came down.