grave-keeping note

7. Brick carving

7. Brick carving

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is money. What matters is that I need this blade salary."

"We also need it."

"I'll pay five million."

I was stunned. Looking at Li Fu, he didn't respond at all.

"10 million."

This person is five million. I'm a little excited. This money is probably enough for the old people in Xinla City.

Li Fu shook his head, and the boy's heart was dark enough.

"20 million, this is the most I can make."

20 million? I was stunned for a moment. How much did I want to share with Li Fu just now? Ten million is enough for one person this time. Just as I was about to speak, Li Fu waved his hand and said.

"I want to know who you are?"

"It's inconvenient to say this. If I could tell you, I would have told you long ago."

"Forget it. You can leave now and come back after you think about it."

The man wanted to say something else, thought for a moment, and left.

Li Fu drank another bottle of beer and left. He told me that he could figure out a way, so he called me and didn't turn it off. An hour after Li Fu left, the man came again. Obviously, he was staring at Li Fu.

He said as soon as he came in.

"I don't like that wizard very much."

He actually knew that Li Fu was a wizard. It seemed that he knew something about us.

"He is right. At least we need to know who you are."

"I'm the descendant of that salary."

This made me stunned.

"Fature? Haven't you found this blade coffin for so many years?

"Yes, I know it's in this city, but I didn't find it, or we can't go into a certain place."

This man speaks carefully.

"Can you prove this?"

"Of course, I can take you to my house if you need it."

I hesitated for a moment and decided to go. I needed this money so much. If I get rid of Li Fu, it would be a happy thing.

I went out with this man.

The man came out and stopped a taxi, and I followed him on the bus.

The man told the driver a place, but I didn't hear it clearly.

The painting drove in the direction of the county, which was the direction of Hada County. An hour and a half later, it entered the county and the car stopped. I didn't expect this man to live here.

After getting out of the car, the man said.

"Let's have some dinner first and go to my house later."

He took me into the restaurant. He knew the boss very well, said a few words and went into the private room.

When drinking, he asked me if my second master was okay.

I was stunned that he actually knew the second master.

"Do you know the second master?"

He nodded and said.

"I know him, he may not remember me."

It seems that his relationship with the second master is not so close, and I didn't answer his question. He also saw that I was on his guard, and he didn't ask any more questions. After dinner, he came out and stopped the taxi, which made me stunned. I hesitated for a moment and sat up.

The car only drove for more than ten minutes and stopped when it entered the countryside.

After getting out of the car, he went north of the countryside. A few minutes later, he saw an old house, which had to be hundreds of years old, but it had been carefully maintained. It seemed that this man valued this house very much.

I was stunned for a moment near the house. It was the house on the relief of the blade coffin. I couldn't figure out that the first-class official would live in this place. I followed in. The brick carving was really a crane.

This person saw that I was suspicious and said.

"This is left by the ancestors."

In fact, I didn't say it. Obviously, I want to see it myself. He took me directly into the ancestral hall. In the middle of the ancestral hall was the man in a first-class court uniform, looking at a murderous atmosphere.

I looked at it for a while, he said.

"Actually, this is not the place where the ancestors used to live. When he had something to do, the emperor asked him to build a house here for retirement."

He didn't say that it was five corpses, and I don't think anyone would say such a thing.

After I confirmed that this person was indeed the descendant of the blade coffin, I mentioned the money.

"It seems that you are the only one living here?"

"No, they all went on a trip."

"Well, where did you get the 20 million from?"

"My ancestors are important ministers. Of course, they will leave something. Don't worry about this. You agree. I can transfer the money to your card immediately."

I hesitated for a long time and told him to go to Tulun tomorrow morning. I don't want to go to the antique shop. Maybe Li Fu will go too.

When I returned to the antique store, I began to hesitate. It's not a matter of dumping Li Fu. It can't be 20 million things. If it's not done well, let the police come to me, and I can't go there.

I didn't sleep well all night. The man came so early that he didn't know what time he would get out of the house. After six o'clock, he called me and told me that I had arrived in Tulun City.

After I went there, he obviously waited for a while.

"I agree."

This person took out his mobile phone, sent a text message, sent it completely, and told me.

"Go to the bank to check, and I'll wait for you here."

I went to the bank and really came in. It was the real 20 million. I was a little excited. This time I don't have to worry about the old people in Xinla City.

I took this man to the bomb shelter, and he didn't seem to be surprised.

I walked in the middle passage, and he followed.

"I've been to this place countless times, and I also know that the blade coffin is here, but I..."

I stopped at once, and he almost didn't hit me. I think it's a little evil.

"What do you mean?"

"I've been here, but I haven't been in. I always go the wrong way. I have to come several times a year, but I can't go in once."

This makes me feel a little surprised. What does it mean? I didn't figure it out.

I walked forward, and one of them was quite smooth. When I got to the big iron gate, I opened the door and went in. The man followed me in. I turned the handle. The small door opened. I went in and walked slowly. After walking for a while, I looked back and saw that the man did not follow up. I trembling. I thought, I was afraid I'm afraid that this will be bad. The man knows my card number or what he has done. I'm a little careless. I should transfer the money to Gu Ye first. Even if I die, he can't do anything about it. I heard that some money is virtual, and only ten minutes can be deposited in your account.

My sweat came down.

I went back and saw the man standing outside the small door, spinning around. He was stunned when he saw me.

"Why did you disappear?"

This time I was stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"After you put your hand into the hole, then go to the iron gate and pass. I can't get through."

I was stunned. Obviously, something went wrong.

"What do I think is wrong? I can go in, but you can't."

"Well, every time it's like this. I have a map at home that tells me this location, but for so many years, I haven't found any other channels. There must be nothing wrong with the map."

This really makes me confused.

I lit a cigarette and sat down. The man didn't smoke and stood aside and looked at me.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and the man also heard it. He was excited and I didn't move. I could hear that it was Li Fu's footsteps.

Li Fu came in and looked at me and said.

"Kid, are you playing with the shade?"

"I need this money."

"I know you need it, but I'm afraid that the blade coffin is not just these people, and I only want one thing inside, of course not the most important thing."

After Li Fu finished speaking, he looked at the man. The man hesitated and was obviously making measurements. The man said for a long time.

"Can you tell me what it is?"

"I think you should have a list."


"Well, I just want the kabu inside."

I was stunned for a moment. What is that?


"Don't ask if you don't understand."

Looking at the man's expression, he probably didn't know what it was. He hesitated for a long time to ask.

"What is that?"

"Anyway, it's not the most important thing. In fact, this thing is not very useful to you, so it's worth more than ten thousand."

The man nodded and agreed for a long time. I didn't expect Li Fu to figure out the matter so quickly. It seems that Li Fu should have known something long ago.

Li Fu walked in the front, the man was in the middle, and I was in the back.

"You close your eyes, just pretend you don't see anything, just go ahead."

Actually, I know that men can't see the small door on the door at all.

The man followed, "bang" and hit the iron door, which scared me. Li Fu came out again and stared at the man and said.

"Tell you to close your eyes, what's wrong with you?"

I thought there was something special. Who knows, it's the man who didn't close his eyes.

"I'm afraid to close my eyes."

"Do you want to enter?"

Looking at Li Fu's frame, it was the same as this man. The man nodded and said yes.

The man really went in and went to the blade coffin.

"Open your eyes."

When the man saw the blade coffin, he was stunned for a moment, and he cried loudly, which scared me and Li Fu.

"Are you crying? Do you think it's your father? I have been dead for hundreds of years and have no feelings for you.

The man stopped crying and stared at Li Fu.

"How can I ship it out?"

"Dan out? You can open the coffin on the spot. The corpse has a sack and another bag. I brought the things.

Li Fu took out two glass silk bags from his bag and threw them on the ground.

The man was stunned. He looked at the blade coffin and thought for a moment.

"I can get the freight."

This man is a bit stupid at a glance.

"What about you when we are workers?"

"You can't afford to hire another 20 million."

Li Fu is damaged enough. The man shook his head and went to the coffin. Li Fu and I watched. This man must know how to open the coffin.

The man looked back at me and Li Fu, but still pressed a point in the pattern, and the blade coffin staggered.

When a man looks in, it is an official uniform, the same as the man's position.

The man knelt down and kowtowed, and then slowly picked up the bones. All this was complete. The man closed the blade coffin again, and then went to the back and pressed another position. Two-thirds of the position of the coffin was staggered and pulled out. There were not many things to be buried. I looked at it, but there were only nine pieces. Li Fu went there like a handle. He picked up the jade and put it in the bag.

"This thing is mine."

The man is very heartbroken. How can he scold Li Fu in his heart?

The man carefully wrapped things and put them in the bag.

Li Fu was in a good mood and looked at me and said.

"You help carry things."

"Li Fu, you think you want to die."

"It's not heavy, I'll do it."

After we came out of the bomb shelter and put the man into a taxi, Li Fu said.

"Don't tell other people about this. It's not a good thing. If it is exposed, no one will have good fruit to eat."

Li Fu is afraid of death, and he doesn't want to die.

That day, I went back to the antique store and sat there with a heavy burden in my heart. I drank 30 bottles of beer and fell asleep on the ground.