grave-keeping note

11. New teeth

11. New teeth

When Gongmin stopped, he looked at me and didn't look good.

"Are you trying to ask me what to do in General Peak?"

Gong Min actually remembered where he went, and I nodded.

"To be honest, I don't know, I really don't know, there is something that attracts me, in my heart, in my heart..."

Gong Min squatted down and cried.

I don't know what that thing is, but I think of Shuiling. In those years, Shuiling also had this kind of power, and many people were seduced. However, this time, the situation does not seem to come from Shuiling, but should be more gentle.

That day, I sent Gong Min back and chatted with Gong Wen for more than an hour. Gong Wen was not good at this situation. He wanted me to help Gong Min, and I agreed.

I began to track Na Wan, but there was no clue at all. Occasionally, I smelled the pure fragrance, which passed for a moment and I couldn't catch it at all.

I went to the small building in Yincun, and no one came to demolish the small building anymore.

After this skeleton incident, the Zajia compound became more popular, which I simply don't understand.

Li Fu asked me to go there and say something important.

When I went there, Li Fu lay on the kang and was very sick, but for a day and a half, which I didn't expect. I'm going to take him to the hospital, but he won't go, saying that the hospital can't cure his illness.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I guess it's too much digging people's graves, retribution."

Li Fu's speech is very weak, and it seems that he has reached the limit.

"You're here, entrusting you to show me the tomb."

I was stunned for a moment and hesitated. If this matter is agreed, it will be trustworthy.

Li Fu looked at me with pitiful eyes and nod. After that, I began to regret it.

He asked me to help him up, and then after drinking a glass of water, he asked me to go to the ground and go to Yanshan, which is a small village 20 kilometers away from the city. On three sides are mountains, a narrow ditch, one kilometer, scattered with residents. There is a mountain called Yanshan. The top of the mountain will be green all year round, whether it is in the cold season in winter. Festival, the grass and trees there will not die, but only three or four hundred square meters.

I have been there, and as for the reason, it has explained a lot and is very convincing. However, no one knows what the reason is, and experts have also made comments, but there is no conclusion.

These things are still confused, so they are confused.

Li Fu asked me to carry him to the top of the mountain, and he can't walk anymore.

"This is my cemetery. It is evergreen here, and even wild flowers bloom in winter. This is the vein of dragon water. I'm afraid I can't find a second piece in China. I've wrapped this smoky mountain. It's permanent. Remember, my son and that woman. Don't tell them to point casually to a grave, any place. Fang's grave, tell them that I'll just bury it there. They won't do anything to me.

Li Fu's words are sad.

I looked around and couldn't seem to find the tomb.

"Don't look. It's a hidden tomb. In the middle, there is a spring where you can go down, but you have to dive."

After all, Li Fu played the tomb thoroughly and knew how to hide it and how to do it.

He and I dived from the spring and went to the tomb. When we saw the tomb, I was dumbfounded for a moment.

The underground is covered with gold thread. The gold thread has thick fingers, and then there are small holes in the stone wall, which are of different sizes. Depending on the size of the burial objects, there are more than a thousand things in it.

These are all the grave robberies of Li Fu's life, and he actually brought them here.

Up in the middle, the blade coffin is placed.

This tomb is simple and luxurious. In fact, Li Fu has suffered all his life and dares not say that he is frugal, but he has not enjoyed it. I just can't figure it out. What can I do if a person dies?

"After I die, you can take these things as you like!"

"You just don't believe me when you say that."

Li Fu shook his head and said after opening the blade coffin.

"Help me in. Today is my whole day. I'm done."

I was stunned. This joke was so big that I went into the coffin without dying, which was simply crazy.

"I think you should be fine."

"I know myself very well. You don't have to say this."

In the end, I helped Li Fu into the blade coffin and covered it.

I came out of the tomb and sat for a long time before I came back. Thinking about it, people have come to this point, but that's all their lives are meaningless.

This time it's more interesting. Li Fu died, and I was left alone.

The second master has never heard from me, and I feel more and more lonely.

That morning, I called Li Fu and got through, but no one answered. I realized that Li Fu was dead.

Zhengfei came to me and asked me where Li Fu was. He had something to do with him.

"I don't know. This boy may not be sure for a day. Maybe he heard that there is a tomb somewhere and ran there. He ran to the south four times last year. I don't know where he went this time."

I don't want Zhengfei to know that Li Fu is dead, and I can't explain it out of my heart.

Zhengfei finally got into work with the Black Water Man.

The ten Black Watermen have been locked up, but they have not been able to save the Blackwater Man. It can be seen that Zhengfei is not because of failure, but bullshit.

Zhengfei and the Blackwater people confront each other on Crescent Mountain. The old guy of the Black Waterman stood opposite the old man. This was told to me by Wu Nade. I don't know how he knew it. I guess Lao Dao told Wu Nade.

When I went there, they were still standing there. An hour later, they found a place to sit down, and there was a flat stone platform in the middle.

The old crutch drew a square, and Zhengfei drew a triangle in it. The old crutch was stunned. Obviously, Zhengfei has almost read the book Black Whistle, but he dare not say that he can fully understand it. The symbol is not so simple.

Two people painted a big stone, and Zhengfei actually showed an evil smile. I trembling and always thought that Zhengfei was a serious person. Now it seems that everyone will have evil in their hearts, but there is some time to show it.

The old man turned his head and vomited blood. He was standing up and left.

It seems that Zhengfei has taken advantage of it, but it is not enough to spit blood on the old man. That is the patriarch of the Blackwater.

The next day, I went to Zhengfei's house. He saw me and smiled at me. Probably yesterday's victory made him so happy.

"What happened yesterday?"

"The symbol of the Black Waterman is really powerful, but the symbol they invented can be used to death and will not be used alive, and I only understand one-third of it, but I will draw inferences from it. This is exactly what I am smart. We drew a shock symbol, and finally shocked the old crutch and vomited blood."

I was shocked. It seemed that Zhengfei was just like what the second master said. Everything can be understood at a glance, so Zhengfei is quite terrible. Evil and justice are used together, and the time is evil and right, which is unpredictable.

"What do you want to do next?"

"Ask the Blackwaters for that thing. I know they are staying in that position in the mountains."

"I'm afraid they won't give it to you."

"This is what you think. I made the old crutch vomit blood. I'm afraid he doesn't have the courage not to give it to me."

This is what makes people feel hateful about Zhengfei. The reason why he has lost several times is that he is too confident in himself. I'm afraid that Zhengfei will also be suspended this time.

I left Zhengfei's home and went to the antique store. I felt that the second master was too sinister. I hid and let Zhengfei fight with the Black Water Man. In the end, he got a profit. Up to now, it's not easy to see that it's too late to ride on the donkey's back and think about it.

That day, Gu Ye called me and asked me to go back.

After I went back, Gu Ye called me to the second master's room and handed me something.

I took a look and took it. It was a small box.

"Have you ever opened it?"

"No, when I get up in the morning, it's in the yard. I think who threw it in."

I let Gu Ye out. I opened the small box and threw it on the ground. It turned out to be more than a dozen teeth, which were newly pulled teeth. I recognize the newly pulled teeth. The newly pulled teeth are snow-white, and each tooth is jagged.

I suddenly thought of the new old man in the ancestral tomb of Yin Village.

I went to Yincun, entered the ancestral tomb, and opened the coffin. Sure enough, the body was gone.

Who will steal the body? What's the use of stealing? I can't figure it out, but it must be useful. I sat at the window on the second floor and looked out. People came and went, which was annoying. I closed the window.

I've been looking for Na Wan and this body. However, everything seems to have not happened, and there is no sign of it.

In a blink of an eye, autumn is over, and the streets are full of fallen leaves.

That day, I walked on the street thinking about messy things. I saw a man standing opposite and watching, and I smiled at me. I looked closely and knocked down an old man next to me. The guy got up, pressed me to the ground, and then fired an electric cannon and left without saying a word.

I'm going to go to his eighth uncle. That's trendy enough.

After I returned to Xinla City, Gu Ye was stunned when he saw my nose and chest swollen.

"How did you do it?"

"It fell into the ditch."

I didn't tell the truth. I'm afraid she's worried.

I entered the second master's room and scolded Li Fu. This guy died and stood on the street and laughed at me, which made me a little crazy. Thinking of this, I was shocked again. Li Fu died and stood on the street. I understood at once that Li Fu was not dead and my head was short-circuited.

I went to Yanshan, entered Li Fu's tomb, and opened the blade coffin. I went, but Li Fu didn't have it.

I was so angry that I was going crazy. Li Fu lied to me. I picked a few things and didn't go up until I couldn't hold them. When I arrived at the antique store, I put five things on it. I think Li Fu will definitely come to me.

I feel strange that Li Fu didn't come. One day, two days, three days, and a week didn't come. Do I think I misread it? Even if I misread it on the street, there is no Li Fu's body in the blade coffin, which must be a problem. Was it stolen, but nothing else has been moved? This is too unreasonable.

I live my life, and everything comes for profit, and everything goes for profit. This is not right.

I went to Yanshan again and drilled into the spring. I almost choked me and couldn't get in at all. That channel doesn't exist. How many times have I tried? After thinking about it, I don't think it's okay. Maybe Li Fu's body was really stolen. I'm so sorry for Li Fu. They entrusted me to the tomb, so I kept it like this. It's okay. The body is gone first. This is still guarding the grave!

I went to Tulun City and entered the restaurant that Li Fu and I often go to. I went to his eighth uncle. Li Fu sat there eating a sauerkraut pot and drinking wine. See me, and wave at me.

I was stunned for a long time, walked over, stared at him for a long time, and suddenly reached out to give Li Fu two big mouths and beat him. The addiction made everyone look here.

Li Fu is not anxious.

"Sitting down, brother, listen to me tell you."

I sat down, poured a glass of white wine, and killed it in one bite. In fact, Li Fu is alive, and I am happy from the bottom of my heart. I hit him with anger and happiness. I don't know if Li Fu knows.

"Brother, I didn't die. I miss you, so I didn't die."

This guy's mouth is just saying.