grave-keeping note

13. Wizard's fortune-telling

13. Wizard's fortune-telling

The Secretary-General made a phone call. Ten minutes later, a person came in. Li Fu and I were stunned when he came in. This person turned out to be the boss of Haitian Company, a man in his fifties, the biggest boss in the city, who is not easy to mess with.

Mr. Bi of Haitian Company is very awesome. He just nodded to the secretary-general and didn't look at me and Li Fu.

I whispered to Li Fu.

"Do this grandson."

Li Fu gave a bad smile.

"Secretary-General, let's begin!"

"Even if it's a moment, Mr. Bi is quite busy."

Li Fu walked to Mr. Bi, grabbed his hands, looked at them for a long time, put them down, and shook his head there after asking him about his birthday. For a long time, Li Fu said.

"In less than three days, you will die."

This made the secretary-general sweat, and Mr. Bi took a look at Li Fu and said.

"Pull MD's eggs."

"I'm talking about your mother."

Li Fu replied and got up and left. I was going to catch up, and the secretary-general stopped me.

"Is he right?"

"Basically, there is no problem."

I think Li Fu is torturing Mr. Bi. Mr. Bi sweated and looked at him and didn't believe it. In fact, he believed it very much.

"Mr. Bi, take care!"

I left, and Li Fu was waiting for me at the door.

"Is that what you said true or false?"

"Really, this guy's fate is over."

"Don't joke."

"Really, it's not a joke."

I was stunned. I really didn't expect this.

Li Fu and I went to Yin Village. In the small building, we slept and didn't get up until ten o'clock.

When I got up, the secretary-general called me.

"You can ask Li Fu to explain it."

"There is no solution to this question, really."

Li Fu told me yesterday, and there was no solution.

"Where are you?"

"Yin Village."

I put down the phone and told Li Fu.

"That boy will come in a minute."

Li Fu didn't say anything. He went out of the compound, went to the opposite side to buy a box of beer, went into the restaurant to order food, and brought it back.

On the second floor, while we were drinking, the Secretary-General came with two people.

The secretary-general came in by himself, sat down and said.

"No matter what you do, you can't let Mr. Bi die."

"He is not my own father."

Li Fu said.

"He is not your own father, but my own father."

It seems that the relationship between the Secretary-General and Mr. Bi is very complicated.

"That's your business, I don't care."

Li Fu didn't look at the secretary-general and kept eating with a big mouth.

"You have to take care of this matter."

Li Fu was crazy. The action was too fast. He picked up the beer bottle on the table and hit the secretary-general's head. Blood flowed out and the secretary-general fell down.

"What are you doing? Killed, we both have to die."

"This guy, I'm angry when I look at it. The dog relies on people's power."

The Secretary-General was angry. After a long time, the Secretary-General got up, covered his head with his left hand, and pointed to Li Fu with his right hand.

"Wait, I'll put you in prison."

After half an hour of walking, the secretary-general came again with his head bandaged and came back with several police cars.


"Run away."

Li Fu blew off a bottle of wine and said.

"Go to prison to see me when you have time."

This guy really wants to go to prison.

The Secretary-General came in with someone. I stopped and said.

"Give me some face."

"Do you have face? You are a bastard in my eyes."

His MD, I punched down, and I'm also crazy. Li Fu and I were taken to the police car, I know. Li Fu is really going to be unlucky this time, at least one injury, three or five years.

I wanted to call the mayor in the car, but the secretary-general snatched my phone and threw it out of the car.

I was detained for half a month. After I came out, I inquired about Li Fu. He had been sent to the Xiaobai Building, the detention center, waiting for the court session.

Li Fu should figure out his own prison disaster.

On the day of the court session, I went there, and I actually saw Mr. Bi. This guy actually lived for three days.

Li Fu stood there without expression.

In the end, Li Fu was sentenced to one year in prison.

After announcing Li Fu's sentence of one year, Mr. Bi actually stood up and laughed. I went to his eighth uncle. Li Fu actually laughed and shocked everyone. As soon as Li Fu's laughter fell, Mr. Bi covered his chest and fell down.

120 came. After looking at it for a while, he shook his head. Mr. Bi and Li Fu calculated 19 o'clock late. I guess this guy was wrong again.

During the first visit, I saw Li Fu's son and wife, an unkind woman, scolding Li Fu, and his son didn't speak at all, not like Li Fu at all.

After they left, I asked Li Fu.

"Is this your wife?"

Li Fu sighed and said.

"This is life. I like this woman."

"Is that child your son?"

"She said yes."

"You are a fool."

Li Fu shook his head. Did he ask me to guard his grave?

In the second month after Li Fu entered, something happened in the ancient city. This is what I didn't expect. This happened a little strangely. When the whole ancient city was closed, it was January, and the New Year was coming soon.

When I went there, the secretary-general stood next to Zhengfei, and the people in the ancient city were cleared, including the residents.

I walked to Zhengfei's side.

"What happened?"

"Listen carefully."

I heard the sound, but I don't know what it is.


"Suddenly there was such a sound in the ancient city. You are the sound made, and someone saw a basin-sized jar, which appeared in the ancient city, not just one."

I was stunned for a moment. It was a cancophagus. In ancient times, this kind of cancophagus was used. I'm a little surprised why these coffins suddenly appeared?

"What do you think?"

I asked Zhengfei.

"You are a gravekeeper. You should understand this."

"I know something. I'm afraid you don't know as much."

is staring at me.

"Don't take it, are you tired?"

"That's right."

The Secretary-General followed.

"Get out of here."

I whispered to the Secretary-General, and the guy blew up and waved to lock me up.

I turned around and left, flying to call me and ignored him.

That day, I went to Yincun.

I kept calling me, and I turned off my phone.

The coffin appeared, and the second master said that there would be a big disaster. A thousand years ago, the burial style used by a family only appeared in one period, and the number of such coffins was not large.

I didn't expect that they would appear in the ancient city. It seems that such pot coffins are buried in the ground of the ancient city. This city was first called Suoyang City, and the earliest was the land of barbarians, a bitter cold land, where a group lived.

These are all told by the second master.

Zhengfei came by himself, and he came in and looked at me.

"For the sake of the people of the ancient city, can't we let them stay outside?"

"This is their business and has nothing to do with me."

"I know you're angry. The secretary-general agreed to settle things out and let Li Fu come out."

I'm willing to meet this condition. In ten days, it will be the Spring Festival. I don't want Li Fu to have New Year's Eve dinner in prison. Although it will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

However, my strange thing, Zhengfei should be able to settle such a thing. He has to let me go. I don't know what it means unless he really can't do anything about it.

When I went there again, the Secretary-General was gone. I entered the ancient city and didn't follow. I was alone.

I walked on the street, and the sound of the coffin was like crying. I walked to the old city wall and saw the can coffin. It was rolling. I caught it and held it in my hand. I went out of the ancient city. They saw me coming out with the can coffin. Everyone retreated and was flying motionless.

"Li Fu has to be called out about this."

I'm laughing and knowing that I'm playing.

Li Fu was pulled by a police car. He saw me, hugged me, and then whispered.

"I knew you wouldn't let me spend the New Year in there."

"I want them to kill you, but it hurts a little."

Li Fu and I entered the ancient city.

"If the can coffin appears, there will be a disaster."

Li Fu looked up at the sky and said.

"It's a flood, and the can coffin is about to be moved."

I put down the can coffin in my hand, and it rolled away in a moment.

Li Fu and I went up the wall.

"Have you seen the Hunhe River?"

The Hun River is a river that passes through the city and finally flows into the Yangtze River.

"There used to be two chains here. From Liaota to the edge of the Hun River, it is three kilometers in total. Now it is gone. It's a shock chain, something from feng shui. Now no one believes it."

"What should I do in the end?"

"Laun the chain within three days."

After sitting on the wall and talking about this, Li Fu and talked nonsense for more than an hour before going out.

After I told Zhengfei about this, I told him.

"In three days, finish it, and then people will go to the city."

When I left, the Secretary-General was in the crowd and saw that Li Fu and I were still hiding behind.

That day, Gu Ye called me, but I didn't answer.

Li Fu prepared the New Year and hung all the lanterns. He attached great importance to the New Year. Although his son and wife were not together during the Spring Festival, he also lived the New Year very well.

I think I can only spend this year with Li Fu.

When Gu Ye called again, I answered.

"Come back for the New Year! The children miss you very much.

I hesitated for a moment.

"Let's talk about it!"

I didn't expect that I spent this year in a small building in a dark village. I didn't sleep all night. One day, I fell asleep. In the afternoon, someone knocked on the door.

When I looked down from the window, it turned out to be Gong Min. I'll go down and open the door.

"Why are you here?"

"I knew you were alone for the Spring Festival. I came to accompany you. You saved my life."

"No, go home with your father!"

Gong Min went upstairs with two big bags.

Actually, I hope Gong Min will accompany me for the Spring Festival.

Li Fu called me and asked me to go there. I said I had something to do, but Li Fu didn't say anything more.

Gong Min put the things on, poured the wine, and looked at me with a smile.

I was excited by this smile, and I felt something was wrong. That was the gentle smile. Gong Min didn't laugh like this.

I smelled a very light pure fragrance, and my heart was a little hairy.

I went to Lagongmin's hand, and she dodged and smiled at me.


I just wanted to touch Gong Min's hand to see if it was cold. If it was cold, it would not be Gong Min. It should be that gentle, but she didn't let me touch her hand.

Gong Min stayed with me until dark. I sent her back and saw her enter the door before I left. I went back to the antique shop and sat in a chair in a daze.

Li Fu called me and asked me where I was, and I told him.

When he came, he held a box of things.

He took out the thing and put it on.

"I knew that I would accompany you during the Spring Festival alone."

I didn't say anything. A person's years are lonely.

The ancient city regained calm. At this time, there were few tourists. Li Fu and I pulled the newly made chain and said as we walked.

"Fengshui was exquisite in ancient times, but now people are not paying attention to it, so there are always some things, and people are attributed to natural and man-made disasters."

Li Fu said, suddenly stopped, looked at the chain, and then pointed to it. I looked there.

The chain is looped, but this section is actually connected directly.


"Look! What will happen in a week?

I was stunned.