grave-keeping note

20. Seal

20. Seal

Na Wan looked at Zhengfei who went far away and said.

"This person is not good. He will do bad things in the future."

Na Wan said so, and I saw an evil spirit in her eyes. I feel more and more that thatwan is so strange. I felt a little wrong during this period. She always looked at a place in a daze and didn't know what she was thinking.

Ji Xiaoqing suddenly called, which surprised me.

"You go to the downtown hospital immediately. I'll wait for you at the door."

My heart is trembling. Is the child sick? I don't know.

When Na Wan and I went to the hospital, Ji Xiao saw Na Wan, was stunned for a moment, and then said to me.

"The second master is in 402. I'll talk to Na Wan. You go up."

What are you talking about? Bullshit."

I knew that Ji Xiaoqing wanted to say that to Na Wan, but she would not be with me, so I took Na Wan upstairs. In the hospital, the second master lay there.

"What's wrong?"

"If you let her go, I can't smell it."

Nan didn't say anything and went out to wait for me.

"What's going on?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

I looked at Ji Xiaoqing who followed up, but she didn't say anything.

I went to the doctor's office. Only there did I know that the second master had removed his pubic bone, which was simply crazy. Where can he stop getting pubic bones? There are many people who have died.

I went back to the ward and looked at the second master and got angry.

"What's wrong with you? That shabby thing, there is no one in the grave.

"You have to use new people."

I stared at the second master and didn't want to say a word.

The second master was discharged from the hospital a week later, and the mausoleum has not yet been put into the water. It seems that this matter is not so simple. It seems that the amount of work is very large, and the symbols are very complicated to do. This time, it is a must-have.

On the day the second master asked me to go to Yincun, it was drizzling, and there was still a long queue in front of the courtyard. Two people fought. I was not in the mood to look and entered the small building.

I saw the second master working on those bones. He ground his pubic bones into the same size as those bones. He put the bone man and smiled proudly there.

I shook my head and looked at it.

The little man suddenly jumped up and shocked me.

"It will take me another three days to put the curse on the little bone man and bring it in. Everything will be done."

This is the second master's idea. I don't know whether it can be achieved or not. The second master has done a lot of important things, and I'm also a little worried about this matter. Although this matter is not small and the second master will think about it, I am still worried that there will be problems. If it really fails and the water mausoleum is opened, it will not be a good thing anyway.

The second master asked me to stay at the door and prevent other people from coming in, no matter who it is. He flew twice and was stopped by me.

Sister Zhi came once and took someone with me. I didn't let her in. She was worried that the mausoleum coffin didn't move. She had been there all the time. It was scary to look at it. She was scared all day long and couldn't sleep all night, and no one could stand it.

When Sister Zhi left, she was very unhappy. I know that a mayor must be angry when he sees a small citizen.

The second master didn't even let me go upstairs to have a look. I stayed in the yard for three days and opened the window for three days to ask me to go up.

I went up. The little bone man sat there, moving left and right. It was quite interesting to see.

"I'll let Xiaogu walk through here in a moment. This is an organ, and then you can also go from here to see if you can go there."

I was stunned for a moment. It seemed that the old man was making bad. He could completely go by himself. That would definitely not be a good thing.

I looked at the second master and said.

"You want to take care of me."

"Recuperate you? What's the point? Don't be narcissistic.

The second master's makes people crazy.

"Then go by yourself."

The second master is going to burn me, so I have to promise him.

The little bone man walked through a mechanism designed by the second master. I followed him, but I couldn't walk over it. It was the feeling of walking, but I walked in place.


I am thrilled, and the second master's smile, I will never get used to it. Every time I will be shocked, he has never adjusted the same value.

"It worked."

The second master looked at me proudly, and then put the little bone man in his pocket and said.

"Go to Shuiling, I'll make the black water people busy for nothing."

"I'm afraid it won't be so easy. The mausoleum has been still on the shore, and the old turn seems to be well prepared."

The second master didn't like to listen to me say that. He stared at me and went out. I followed.

The second master and I went to Shuiling. The mausoleum was still there. No one approached, and the police were guarding around.

The passage has been closed. The second master went to the passage, and the police stopped him from entering.

"Isn't I allowed to enter either?"

"The mayor specifically said that you are not allowed to enter."

The second master was stunned for a moment and sneered. He went to the tree hole, and I followed him. There was no police guard there.

"I'll go down for a moment, and you stay here."

"I'll go down with you."

"No, I went in through that mouth, put the little bone man into that passage, and I'll come out."

The second master said it simply, who knows what will happen. Those blackwater people don't say well, and there is a possibility of being under the water. If it's a black water man, there's nothing. I'm afraid that half a lifetime will be there. The cold half a life is really killing.

The second master insisted on going on his own, and I didn't say anything more.

The second master took off his clothes and went down with the small bone man. Shortly after the second master went down, more than a dozen policemen came over.

"Who went into the water?"

"No one."

I don't want to deal with these policemen. They must have seen someone go into the water.

A policeman pulled me up and pressed my head to the ground to ask.

"Who went into the water?"

Na Wan appeared behind the police.

"Let go of him."

The police looked back at Na Wan. They should all know Na Wan, who appeared in the newspaper many times. The policeman who pressed me slowly let go of his hand and then retreated.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm worried that you have something to do."

Those policemen returned to report, and no one came back.

When the second master came up, it was half an hour later.

"How's it going?"


The second master saw Na Wan and locked his eyebrows.

"For bad luck, I said why I choked a mouthful of water."

Na Wan took a look at the second master and said to me.

"You go back. Be careful. Your life is your own. If you die, nothing can save you."

After she finished speaking, she took a look at the second master, which was said to the second master.

The second master returned to Xinla City and didn't let me follow him.

That day, I stayed in the antique store. I waited for a result from Shuiling. It was not open. Anyway, there was a result, and I left here with Na Wan.

In the middle of the night, Li Fu came and said he couldn't sleep.

"You have been on the edge of Shuiling. Have you seen Zhengfei?"

"No, I know that the boy came back. He may be against the second master."

"No matter what's going on over there?"

"No, the mausoleum stopped there, which is more and more frightening. Sometimes there will be shouts, which are probably shouted by half a lifetime."

I looked at Li Fu.

"What do you think about this?"

"This is the best thing to open Shuiling. Sooner or later, it will be worry-free, and there is nothing to worry about. Have a good life."

Li Fu is right. Many people hope that Shuiling can be opened.

What people didn't expect was that the mausoleum disappeared.

Li Fu told me about this, and he stared and it was gone.

I went to Shuiling, and the second master was also there. He looked at the changes by the lake and there was no change at all.

My mobile phone rang. It was from that Wan. I went aside to pick it up and didn't want the second master to know.

"Don't tell anyone when you go to that tomb."

I hung up the phone and said something happened. The second master wanted to ask me, but I didn't give him a chance.

I went to the tomb, and Na Wan was there, and there was a line in front of the tomb door.

"What's the matter?"

"The mausoleum will enter the tomb at night."

I was stunned.

"What does the mausoleum have to do with that tomb?"

"Your second master must know about this. The tomb is guarded by your second master, and he is still guarding the mausoleum. At least I don't know what it has to do with it, but the little bone man who opened the water mausoleum is hidden in the tomb. Who knows what else is hidden in it? Your second master has too much in his mind."

The tomb closes at nine o'clock every night, because there are too many evil things here for fear of something else, and the number of visitors is controlled every day.

At nine o'clock, the tomb was closed. Na Wan and I sat behind the trees on the hillside and looked at the tomb.

"The coffin will move by itself. It seems that it has come here and the symbol has been laid. This may be the last one."

"I don't know."

Na Wan looked at the tomb and said something.

"I think there is one thing I want to tell you."


The gentle mind doesn't seem to be here.

"There is still a tomb in that tomb."

Then Wan suddenly turned around and looked at me with a smile.

"You are very smart. This is just an outer tomb and an inner tomb. If there is only such a tomb, I'm afraid I won't let anyone in."

Sure enough, Na Wan didn't tell me.

"I don't want to tell you, I just want you to know less and more dangerous."

"That house is rich. I don't know how luxurious it is."

Na Wan smiled and didn't say anything.

In the middle of the night, there was a movement, and the mausoleum came out suddenly, and the guards fell asleep. No one found that the mausoleum had entered the tomb.

"What should I do?"

"I can't get in, I can only stay in the outer tomb."

That Wan sneered.

"Blackwater people are really desperate. It's really terrible to kill themselves first and then entrust them into half their lives."

"Black Water Man is a race that does not distinguish between good and evil. He will not let go if he does not achieve his purpose."

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Na Wan stood up and said.

"If we go in, you just follow me and don't leave more than three meters away."

We went in, and the mausoleum was close to the wall of the tomb, and the lights inside were on, swaying and shaking. Those half-life people are busy and don't know what they are still busy with.

"They want to go in and know that behind the back stone wall is the main tomb, but they can't get in."

"What should I do? You can't let the mausoleum stay here all the time.

"Half a life can only live for a month. Twenty-eight days have passed in a blink of an eye. There are still two days left. They don't have time. If they don't go to Shuiling, they won't have a chance."

Na Wan and I come out, and she wants to stay here.

I went back to get the tent, put it behind the trees on the hillside, and then covered the branches.

The second master called me and asked me where I was. I didn't tell the second master, and he began to scold me. When I hung up, he called again. I turned off my phone.

The second master must have known that I was with Na Wan and guessed that something might have happened.

At dawn, the tomb opened, and the staff would routinely walk first. The two staff members rushed out crazily after entering. They must have seen the appearance of the mausoleum coffin, which was also reported on TV, and almost all the people in the city had seen it.

The tomb was closed immediately, and the people in line outside were a little chaotic, the staff explained.

The tomb has been in chaos, and one batch after another has been persuaded to come. Anyway, it is not idle.

The second master came, and I saw the second master, and Na Wan also saw it.

The staff did not let the second master enter the tomb. They reported that no one had come yet.

It was not until ten o'clock that Sister Zhi came with someone. After she got out of the car and asked about the situation, she called the second master over. She didn't know what they said, and finally quarreled. The second master jumped and scolded Sister Zhi. The police were going to arrest the second master, but Sister Zhi didn't let her.

The tomb was guarded by more police, and the second master couldn't get in, so he left.

The first day passed like this, and the next day, Na Wan said.

"It's the last day. At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, they didn't enter the water mausoleum, and they were all busy."

The second master suddenly appeared from behind us, which scared me to shout.