grave-keeping note

27. Training

27. Training

When the blood flowed into the blood bag, the Wu Nade did not do anything. After the bag was full and changed to another bag, the Wu Nade was anxious.

"What are you doing? Do you want to drain my blood?"

I said according to the five Nade.

"No, the last bag, but only 800 CC, it won't be too uncomfortable, but it will be a little dizzy."

The Wu Nade knew that it was useless to struggle again. If he was anxious, I might knock him unconscious. I discussed with him to give him face.

I went back to the village with a blood bag. I heard the cry of the second master from afar. I ran to the small building and went to the small building. The second master shouted and cursed like a madman. I was stunned.

When the second master saw me, he asked me to go in and sit down.

"How's it going?"

I put the blood there, the second master said.

"This master is disobedient. I tried in vain. It seems that I'm going to disperse him. Anyway, after death, just go down and settle accounts with me."

I looked at the second master, and it seemed that there was no other way.

The failure of the training made the second master a little crazy.

"I have never seen such a stubborn soul."

The second master is very angry.

"It's better to be good."

"Forget it, there is no time. This blood can't last three hours."

"Don't worry, don't smoke again."

The second master stared at me.

"You can seal the windows and doors of the cabin with curtains, and there can be no light at all."

It's dark, and the second master stands there still. I can see it clearly. Suddenly, something was shining on the table, very light, and I trembled.

"There will be something shining, that is, the Lord. You don't have to be afraid."

The second master touched and sat down and said.

"I don't want to break you up. If you really do that, you will never die. Whether you are a thousand-year-old soul or ten thousand years old, I don't want to do that. I just want to leave you. Those bones are guarding that tomb. If one day the tomb is broken, you can recognize the bones back, maybe soon."

The faint light flew around and bumped around in anger.

"Don't toss around. You can get me here. You can't run away. I'll give you another two minutes. If you don't agree to take these souls and come back before the tomb is broken, I will break you up. You should also know that I'm a gravekeeper. I'm afraid it's very simple for a gravekeeper to break up a soul.

The soul calmed for a while, and for a moment, it rushed to the second master's face angrily.

I terrped for a moment, and the second master laughed and said.

"Although you are a thousand-year-old soul and can move things, you can only drive away bones to do evil, but now there are no bones."

After the second master finished speaking, he opened the drawer, took out a box and opened it.

The soul fell to the ground at once, and then the light disappeared.

Have you thought about it? You also saw what it was."

I looked into the box and it turned out to be two hands. I shouted, which scared the second master to jump up.

"Are you looking for death? What's the name?

"That's Li Fu's hand."

"Yes, it's the wizard's hand, nothing wrong."

The second master was very proud, which surprised me. Li Fu's hand was actually here. If he had been sent to the hospital, would he pick it up? That's what I thought. If the second master didn't do that, he would be a little abominable.

When the soul is bright, he will be honest. He lies in the palm of the second master's hand, and the second master took a look and said.

"That's right."

The second master said with a hand in his hand.

"Take the blood bag and go to the compound immediately."

When we went there, Zuo Ping was still there. They were in a meeting. When he saw me and the second master, he jumped out.

"Lao Zhang, I want to talk to you."

"We have nothing to say. We haven't been friends for a long time."

The second master's footsteps did not stop at all. We walked around the back door and went in. The five Nade sat in a daze in the yard. He probably also felt that something was not good.

The second master ignored him. He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say it.

We entered the Wan room and lay side by side with Miss**. I felt numb and panicked.

After losing consciousness, five minutes, we went in. I wanted to see Na Wan. The second master stared at me.

We entered the door, and the second master held his hand and let go. A few minutes later, all the bones sitting fell down, and the second master began to get blood. I helped the second master for more than three hours before it was finished. We came out of the gate. We didn't wait to leave. The police pressed us two to the ground, pushed them on the police car and left.

The police arrested me and the second master. We have nothing to say. They give us a charge, which can be found everywhere and knows what's going on.

We were pulled to the hotel. After entering, we saw Zuo Ping'an and Sister Zhi.

"Lao Zhang, you are too much. This is related to the development of this city. You can't do that. Guarding the tomb is not good for you. Your righteousness and letter make me admire it, but don't you think it's a little stupid? The tomb guard was given to you by the emperor in the past, but that dynasty no longer exists. What are you guarding?

"You don't have to say anything. No, I won't open a tomb. If you have the ability, you can open it."

Sister Zhi's face is as heavy as water, and Zuogong ping also has a gloomy face.

"Old Zhang, don't go too much. Let me tell you, I can't help it, and I don't want to hurt too many people."

"That's your business."

Zuo Pingping took a look at Sister Zhi, and Sister Zhi stared at the second master and said.

"If you lock it up and turn over his bottom, maybe you can get a death penalty directly."

I shivered, and the second master actually laughed. The laughter was always hairy. Sister Zhi and Zuo Pingheng stood up and looked at the second master.

"Don't scare me. I know I won't die, three or five years at most."

"Lao Zhang, you are too much."

That day, my second master and I were locked up all night and released. He went back to Xinla City and I went back to the antique store.

I've been worried about that Wan. I'll wait for her for a few more days. If she doesn't come out, I'll go in and have a look. Anyway, I also need to know what happened.

Li Fu hasn't appeared. I don't know what he is playing? I was sitting in the antique shop and was flying in. He sat down and said.

"It seems that your second master is in trouble."

"Do you still need to say this? He guards the tomb for a long time and protects the mausoleum. Of course, there will be trouble. Unlike you, there will never be trouble.

"The location of the main tomb of that family has been determined. If you can't find the entrance, you can dig it completely from above. This method is the most useful."

"It's useless for you to tell me this. You have to think about it for yourself. Left Fair is here. What position are you in? Do you still want to struggle? I'm afraid I can't."

Zhengfei doesn't look good.

"The two of us can make a deal. You take me to the tomb. If you make a condition, I promise you."

"Zhengfei, you are so ridiculous. What capital do you have? You can't meet my terms at all.

Flying up and saying.

"You are young. Think about your future and hang out with your second master who is about to die, but there is no good day. If he dies, haven't you thought about what to do? You are not even one-tenth as good as your second master.

I know this very well. Now I can't let the second master struggle alone. As for what happens in the end, it depends on the situation.

I don't want to say these useless things. I drank a sip of beer. Li Fu came in, and I spit out the wine at once and almost choked.

Li Fu's face is swollen and deformed. If he is not very familiar with him, he can't recognize him at all.

"What's going on?"

"Let a few children be beaten."

I was stunned for a moment and asked him.

"What's going on?"

"They don't know who said. I'm a wizard and fortune-telling is accurate. I just want to take care of these children. Who knows, if I don't count them, they are just a meal of electric cannons."

I stood up.

"Go, call back."

"Sep, save it! Those children are black and white. They don't know what death and life are. They think they can survive after death. It's good not to kill me.

Li Fu figured it out. I sat down, stood up and said, left, and then left.

"What is he doing here?"

"Make a deal and let me take it into the main tomb, and then let me open it."

"Don't do it with him, do it with me."

"Get out of here."

Li Fu smiled. He almost fainted me with a smile. His already deformed face looked more scary.

That day, Li Fu stayed for a while and left. When he came, I knew that he was here to inquire about the grave. He already knows a lot, but he still knows more. Of course, I won't say it.

One side has been calm for more than ten days. I thought Zuo Fair would make endless trouble, but he didn't. However, it is clear that he will definitely not let go of the tomb.

However, I'm afraid he has no good way for the soulless corpse guarding the tomb. He has research on the tomb or mausoleum. However, it can't be said that he must be able to open this evil tomb.

What I completely thought of was that the compound has been closed since the accident. Just yesterday, four engineering vehicles entered. In the middle of the compound, in the open space, a ten-meter square was drawn to be uncovered. This is called a burden cover, and most large tombs will be opened like this.

In terms of mining, it is simply an asshole's theory to minimize damage.

I went there and didn't go in. I sat on the hillside to look. The engineering car began to work. In just half an hour, a large pit more than three meters deep came out, but I didn't see any effect. I don't know how deep the tomb is underground. I can't know how deep the tomb is at all.

The second master also came and took a look.

"This is really looking for death."

I don't know what will happen.

When the big pit was estimated to be five meters, an engineering car suddenly stopped. The driver ran out of the car like a madman, and then saw who bit him. At that time, the scene was chaotic. The other three drivers knew that there was an accident and threw it out of the car and ran away.

The driver was controlled, but still shouted crazily.

The homework stopped and everyone withdrew.

"This is light."

After saying that, the second master turned around and left. I still sat there watching the progress. Until dark, there was no more movement there.

Li Fu asked me to go to his house for a drink.

I went there, and it was really boring to stay alone. When I entered Li Fu's yard, I felt that today's atmosphere was a little abnormal, but I didn't care too much. It's not surprising that things would happen to the wizard family.

Li Fu put dishes and wine in the yard.

"Let's have a good drink today."

"What's the matter with you?"

"You're about to catch up with me, and you'll get it out."

"Get out of here."

Li Fu smiled and drank a glass of wine, Li Fu whispered.

"At 12 p.m., we entered the tomb. I think you haven't been there. It must be exciting. That house is rich."

I was stunned. Is Li Fu's words accurate?