grave-keeping note

34. Virtual body

34. Virtual body

I haven't had a chance to enter the hotel, and I can't rely on it at all. It seems that Zuogong ping knows something and protects the four people well.

The second master always went to see it, but he didn't have a chance to go in. This is really deadly. If you wait any longer, nothing will happen.

Suddenly, there were more people on the other side of the tomb. Zuo Ping's two sides ran every day, and I felt that things were not good. The other half of the Blackwater people may have succeeded, which is a fucking thing.

Gong Xiaogang suddenly appeared in the compound, and only a few minutes later, I stared at it.

I blocked Gong Xiaogang at home, and Ji Xiao stayed alone. I asked her to go out.

"Where can you see the other half of the person and the other half of the Blackwater man?"

"In a house in that compound, they are about to succeed."

"Can you destroy the other half?"

"No, you have to kill the original body."

"Is there really nothing we can do?"

Gong Xiaogang hesitated.

"Yes, there is, but it's difficult to do."

"What should I do?"

"You also have a partner to fight with them. That's okay, but it's two points plus or minus, which is difficult to do, and it requires perseverance. I'm afraid ordinary people can't do it."

I left Gong Xiaogang's home and thought about it. I should be able to do it.

On the tenth day, the coffin appeared and told me that the black water man left here in the mountains of another city, but there were four black water people in the hotel.

The news was a little late and I didn't say anything.

I found the second master and said the matter. I mentioned the other half of the matter, but the second master disagreed.

"You can't do it at all."

"What black water people can do, and new people can also do it."


The second master disagreed and didn't say the reason. I don't know what's going on.

I know that the chances of winning are not great, and I am facing four and a half black watermen. There is probably this reason why the second master disagrees, but is there any other way now? It's not against the law to kill the other half of the Black Water Man. No one knows. If we do it, I'm afraid we will get into trouble. As for what the second master thinks, I don't know.

I've been thinking about this, and I think it's feasible. However, in the face of the four half-black water people, I'm afraid I can't do it. I'm a little worried.

I'll find Li Fu.

That day, I told you about it. Li Fu stared at me with wide eyes and said for a long time.

"You are simply crazy."

"Do you have any other good ways?"

Li Fu shook his head.

"If there is no other way, that's the only way, then you should be with me. We are friends, two to four. I think we should succeed."

Li Fu jumped up and shouted.

"Who are you trying to kill?"

Li Fu is a little crazy.

"If you don't agree, I can find someone else."

I stood up and left. It's not surprising that Li Fu didn't stop me. He was a greedy and afraid of death. That's what I said. I don't know who else I can find. There are so few friends of gravekeepers. No one wants to be friends with gravekeepers. They all think that gravekeepers are evil people.

That day, I sat in an antique shop in a daze. If I don't do this, I'm afraid the tomb and water mausoleum will be finished. Then the letter and righteousness of the second master will be gone.

The second master has no choice, which I can see.

That day, I didn't expect that when Gu Ye came, she would be willing to deal with the four black water and half people with me.

I don't agree.

"The child can't be without a relative. Don't even think about it."

In fact, the person I most want to cooperate with is Li Fu. Anyway, he is a wizard, although he is not familiar with such things. However, he knows better than ordinary people that he may be able to deal with something.

What I didn't expect most was that Gong Xiaogang came and agreed to cooperate with me. In fact, this is the least ideal partner.

Gong Xiaogang told me a lot, and I knew that it was Ji Xiaoqing who asked him to come, but I didn't agree.

When it was flying, it surprised me. It seemed that these people knew half of the black man. He told me to cooperate, and I agreed. I think this may be the best cooperation. However, I am very strange that Zhengfei should stand with the Black Water Man. As long as the water mausoleum is opened, his purpose will be achieved. As for what he wants to achieve, I don't know, and no one knows.

I think there may be other reasons for flying. I don't know what the reason is, which makes me feel scared. I've been hesitating, but I don't know what it turned out to be like, which made me a little nervous.

A day later, I still decided that the Blackwater man should first enter the tomb. If so, Wan will be in danger. She has never come out. There must be something wrong. If I guard the tomb, I don't have to stay inside and not come out.

I went to Yin Village with Zhengfei, and he told me.

"Separating a virtual body is very painful, just like a person being split alive, and the most important thing is that after separation, it is likely that you may not be able to return to the body. If you can't return to the body, the real body will live for half a year at most. As soon as the real body disappears, the virtual body will disappear."

This is what I didn't expect, sweating constantly.

"I will do it anyway."

He glanced at me and nodded.

"Then I come over tomorrow, and we will start to blur."

When he was flying away, his face was serious, and I knew the consequences were very serious.

I called Li Fu, and he came to drink with me. I told him about it. He stared at me with wide eyes and didn't say anything for a long time.

"Is there anything to be afraid of?"

"You are simply crazy. The black half of the people entered the tomb. I think you are worried about Na Wan. Why don't you go into the tomb and ask Na Wan, and she will tell you how to do it."

When Li Fu said this, I thought of Na Wan and thought it was reasonable. However, I went in and asked Na Wan. Even if there was danger, she would not tell me, and she would definitely not agree with me. That's for sure.

I thought about it all night and decided not to ask Na Wan.

After flying, he took the black cloth and tightened the windows of the whole building.

"Remember, lock all the doors in the door. It's better for you to find Li Fu to guard it for just three days."

I hesitated for a moment and called Li Fu, but he really agreed.

That day, Li Fu stayed in the yard, flying and sitting on the second floor with me.

"You will follow me in a moment. No matter what happens, you don't have to worry. Three days later, a virtual half will appear, and the virtual half will train here for seven days, and you can go to those black half people."

Li Fu sat with his back against the wall, crossed his hands and stretched out his tongue. I felt uncomfortable when I looked at him, and I still did it.

An hour later, I felt something swimming out of my body and began to feel the pain, which was intensifying. Suddenly, I heard a shout outside and Li Fu's scream. I was shocked and knew the bad thing.

Zhengfei did not move, and someone went upstairs. I think it must be those black water people, because no one else came to us to seek revenge.

The second master came in and gave Zhengfei a big foot. At such an old age, Zhengfei was kicked to the ground and couldn't move. I was stunned.

"You bastard, you are looking for death."

The second master dragged me up. I felt that I had no strength all over my body. I was flying up, covering my neck, and leaving without a hole. Li Fu rushed upstairs and looked at me. His nose was bleeding.

"I tell you, Zhengfei doesn't take you into the virtual half of the man. He let you blur, and then you will enter the tomb and take him in without knowing it. This is his purpose. Do you think he will play his life here?"

I was dumbfounded and didn't expect that Zhengfei would play with yin.

"Second master, do you want to kill me?"

"Get out of here."

Li Fu was anxious and jumped on the second master. The two of them entangled, and I pulled them away. They are still cursing.

That day, the second master left, and Li Fu and I went to the opposite stall to drink.

Li Fu told me that day.

"Zhengfei is insidious. At the beginning, I thought this boy was not a thing. I didn't expect that he really wanted to harm people. His purpose was to enter the tomb and then enter the water mausoleum. He is a southern tomb expert. When he came to the north, the tomb in the north was completely different from the south, so he never made it cheap, so he used it. This is a trick."

Li Fu's words made me break out in a cold sweat. I was afraid when I thought about it. If the second master hadn't come, I'm afraid I would have been disabled by Zhengfei. At this time, the Blackwater man was crazy, flying crazy, and Zuogong ping was crazy.

At nearly ten o'clock in the evening, I actually saw the Wu Nade. I called him, but he was stunned. A tall man disappeared. I wanted to chase him. Li Fu pulled me and said.

"If he doesn't want you to catch him, you can't catch him. This boy has a great ability to escape for his life. Forget it."

I just can't figure out what the five virtues are doing, and they don't look sloppy.

When the second master came to Yincun again, on the third day, he came in and asked me.

"Do you really want to be half a person?"

I was stunned for a moment and asked for a long time.

"What do you mean?"

"What else can it mean? The black half may act. There is no way to deal with it now. It can only be a virtual half. This is not a fun thing, painful and dangerous.

"I know this, do you have a way?"

"Of course."

"Yes, but I'm afraid I can't do it alone."

"No, you and Li Fu."

I laughed as soon as I heard it.

"Li Fu? It is impossible for such a person who is afraid of death.

"I have a way. You can just call him to the ancestral tomb in the backyard tomorrow. Forget it, nine o'clock in the evening."

After saying that, the second master left.

I can't figure this out with Li Fu, so that he will run away without a trace.

I called Li Fu and said it mysteriously.

"The second master hid something in the ancestral tomb. You come after 8 o'clock in the evening, and we will go to the ancestral tomb at 9 o'clock."

Li Fu became energetic as soon as he heard it, he said.

"Okay, I'm sure."

This boy is like this. He doesn't know how to die this time.

Li Fu came, and I took him into the ancestral tomb. After we went in, we went to the last tomb, and the door was closed. Li Fu screamed and fell to the ground. I watched the second master smile with a stick.

"Kid, do you dare to fight with me? No old or young."

I'm stunned. What is this second master going to do?