grave-keeping note

38. Aunt Duohe

38. Aunt Duohe

The second master has been down for half an hour and hasn't come up yet.

The level has always been very calm. I'm worried that something will happen to the second master and take off his clothes.

At this time, the second master came out, and I reached out to pull him up, followed by a virtual half person.

The second master came up to look at my body and wanted to say something, but didn't say anything.

We followed the virtual half of the people. Unexpectedly, the virtual half of the people entered the railway station, and we bought tickets and got on the train. It was the train going east. I don't know where we went. My second master and I bought a train ticket to the end.

The virtual half of the man stood in the corner and looked out of the window. I know that half of a person only has everything, just like I am now. However, the second master of the virtual half can control it. He is afraid that it is impossible to escape with it. What the second master tells him, he will do what he will do. This is the difference between the virtual half of people.

Four hours later, we got off the bus in a small city. Fengcheng, a small urban area by the sea. After coming down, half of us got on the long-distance bus again. An hour later, it was a village, all of which were ancient buildings. The whole city was a village called Big Pear Tree. We entered the village during the day. There was a film and television base on the road. This is the filmmaker. At that time, he was filming "Little Aunt Duohe".

The half-virtual man did not stop, but went straight into the village and stopped in front of a small second floor of a single building that supported the mountain. There was no one living there. There was grass in the yard, and the big iron gate was also rusty. This was a strange thing.

The half-virtual people went in, and the second master and I did not follow up. There were many people coming and going. This is a tourist place, and we have to wait for it to be dark.]

"Find a place to eat."

"Can't run away?"

"I tied him up and couldn't run away."

We found a place to eat. That day, the second master kept looking outside without saying anything. I asked him that he was not willing to talk to me. He just drank and ate vegetables by himself.

After dark, I was a little confused, and the second master stared at me.

"Forget it."

The second master stood up and walked around the village with me. There were social dramas, folk dances, and bonfires. It was very lively. No one would doubt us.

At nine o'clock, the road over there was basically gone. The second master and I went there, entered the yard and entered the small building. It was very wet and full of dust. When I went in, a snake crawled out, which scared me.

After the second master and I went in, the half-empty man sat there.

"What are you doing here?"

"The broken coffin has appeared here, just upstairs."

My second master and I went up and found nothing.

"If the broken coffin is not there, where will it be?"

"I won't know until tomorrow."

The second master and I stayed in the small building all night. The next day, before dawn, half of us went out of the yard and went all the way to Phoenix Mountain.

Phoenix Mountain is famous for its danger, especially the old cow's back. It is only as wide as one foot, and there is no turning back when it goes up. It has been two or three kilometers, and there are more than ten feet of cliffs on both sides.

There was nothing we could do. My second master and I followed all the way to Xiluntian and another mountain road. There was no one to walk there, and there were also signs saying that it was forbidden to travel and climb on this road.

Half of the people got on this road. The road was too dangerous. I slipped several times, and there was a cliff under my feet. Every time the second master scolded me for being stupid and fell to death.

I don't know why the second master hates me so much. He should know that I'm afraid of heights.

It took more than three hours. When we stopped, a big stone was in front of us, surrounded by cliffs. The big stone went from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, like a big tree.

The virtual half stopped and said.

"It's on it."

I was stunned for a moment and looked at this stone pillar. I guess the nearest place is also ten meters, and I can't go up.

The second master looked at it for a long time and said.

"Go up."

I looked sideways at the second master and said.

"You yourself, I don't want to die here."

I'm afraid it won't work. It's good to jump five or six meters at most, and this stone pillar is more than two meters higher than where we stand. We can't see the top. In this way, we can only fall to death.

The second master took out a knife from his backpack and asked me to cut down the tree. I took the knife, like a fruit knife, and I couldn't laugh or cry.

I had to go. A few hours later, the second master tied the cut tree together with a rope and put it on the stone pillar. Because it's too long and soft, I don't think it's possible to go there.

The second master tried and shook his head. He took a look at the virtual half of the person and said.

"You go there."

The virtual half shook his head.

"I'm afraid of breaking the coffin."

There's nothing I can do. After a few hours of tossing around, the second master gave up and tried another way. I don't know what the second master was thinking. It's getting dark, said the second master.

"It seems that there is nothing we can do today, but wait until tomorrow."

I don't want to move this dark light. If I dare to go down the mountain rashly, I will fall down at any time and I can't find my bones.

This night, I didn't dare to sleep at all. When I woke up, I always felt that the broken coffin would come at any time.

After dawn, the second master went down the mountain to find a mountain worker. I guess he gave a lot of money. The second master said what he heard and didn't say anything.

The mountain worker has a mountain worker's method. He put a large set of rope, threw it nine times and put it on the stone pillar, then tied this side to the tree to tighten it, and then rotated it with two boards. He just said that he didn't do it.

The second master looked at me, and my legs were owed.

"No, absolutely not. If you have to let me go up, I'll just jump down."

The second master tied a rope to my waist, and then tied the other end to the tree and said.

"It's all over this time."

"I can't, my legs are weak."

I know that I just went there and waited for the second master to come over. The woman appeared. My only choice was to jump down, so that if there was a rope tied to my waist, I would be hit by a cliff and killed.

The second master finally passed by himself. When I couldn't see the second master, I knew that there should be a big pit or hole in the middle of the stone pillar.

I'm waiting for the second master here. The mountain man left, and half of them stared at him with wide eyes.

Two hours later, the second master came out with me and Li Fu.

After they came over, the second master said.

"The broken coffin is not here at all, and people are not here at all."

He looked at the black man.

"I have no choice but to find the virtual half of the person and let me go back."

"Get out of here."

The second master let the black man leave. Half of the black man stood still.

The second master made a gesture and ran away.

"What's wrong with him?"

"I gave the rope. If I don't untie it, he will always let me control it."

The second master is gloomy enough.

"Now call Li Fu. Let's go to the small building of the big pear tree and return the virtual half of the people."

"I want to wait for a while, and maybe something else will happen."

"If you wait any longer, there will be an accident, and you will die half your life."

I called Li Fu. After listening to what I said, the boy hesitated for a long time. He was worried that I would lie to him again.

Finally, the boy came.

He entered the small building of the big pear tree in the middle of the night, and he said when he came in.

"How did you get such a place?"

"What's wrong?"

I asked.

"The actor with a script died here, otherwise no one would live in such a good house?"

I trembling.

"Don't talk nonsense. No one has died in which house."

Li Fu stopped talking.

That day, the second master asked us to sit against the wall to prevent us from staring. He doesn't know what to do, the sound of wind and rain. Anyway, it's messy. We don't know anything. When I woke up, it was dawn, and the second master was not here, leaving a note. Let's go back by ourselves.

Li Fu and I felt that we had the original strength. He was very happy and had to buy me a drink here.

When we were drinking, we listened to the people next to us whisper.

"There was another disturbance in Fenglou last night, with the scary sound of crying, laughter, wind and rain."

I trembled. That was the movement made by the second master. He said, it must have happened once before.

"I said evil. I came here once and also helped others solve this, but it didn't work. The boy bought this small building, which was only 50,000 yuan. It was so cheap. He asked me to solve it. I couldn't solve it halfway. It's really too evil. It's not that I can't solve it. I'm worried that I'll pee here after solving it myself."

I looked at Li Fu. This boy can climb ten feet with a pole and is not afraid of falling to death. I don't want to say anything about such legends. It's just a murderous house. As for what happens, it has nothing to do with me.

That day, Li Fu and I left the big pear tree, took the train back and returned to the antique shop. After 9 p.m., I closed the door and went to bed. I was really tired. These two days, my legs were swollen and painful when I touched them.

I was as unlucky. At two o'clock in the middle of the night, I heard the sound of cracking, and I sat up at once. I came out and knocked on the glass. It was the woman again. I was simply crazy.

I opened the door, the woman came in, and I closed the door.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Toss you."

"If you want me to die, I will die and let me enter the broken coffin. I will enter immediately. You let me sleep for a night first, and you will take me away tomorrow morning."

The woman was stunned.

"I hate you. I don't want your life for that grace. I hate you."

How did the woman start saying that she had left? What do you mean? Are you sick?

Regardless of that, I will lie down and go to bed.

When I got up in the morning and thought about what happened at night, I couldn't help fighting a cold war. Yesterday, I drank a lot of wine and got extremely tired. As soon as I went crazy, the ghosts were afraid.

I was a little scared. I called Li Fu. He was still sleeping. This guy was for food and sleep. I asked him to go to the ancient city.

After meeting Li Fu, I went to the ancient city and entered Gongwen's house.

I didn't expect that Ji Xiaoqing would be there, and the child was also there. I felt sad to see me hiding behind Ji Xiaoqing like seeing a stranger.

As soon as we sat down, Gong Xiaogang came in, and I was stunned for a moment.


"I'm fine. I just came out when I knew you were here..."

I waved my hand and said.

"Hight, let's talk about it when you have time. I have other things to do."

Gong Xiaogang smiled and said nothing else and sat down.

Gong Wen and I mentioned Zhengfei, and I also told him about Zhengfei.

"You have to beware of this person. This person is really unscrupulous. I'm here to tell you because you helped me."

Actually, I wanted to say something else that day, but I didn't say anything. Li Fu and I came out and looked at me and said.

"Do you still have such a good heart?"

I ignored him and came out of the ancient city. Li Fu said that it was strange for me to see something.

Li Fu and I went to the edge of the water mausoleum and walked west. After entering the woods, he pointed to the grass on the ground and said.

"Look, what kind of grass is that?"

I'm quite strange. What kind of grass do I watch when I have nothing to do?