grave-keeping note

41. Chishan

41. Chishan

Nanade took me to the secret road leading to the old house. The secret road is actually in a 500-meter yard, which is an inconspicuous yard, small and empty all the time. After entering the room, under the table in the room, open the floor, which is the secret passage. Looking at this secret passage, you will know that it is the passage for the family to escape for their lives. It seems that this house was also offended by enemies and made such a secret passage. As for who has offended someone and let that family come out with such a channel, you have to ask thatwan.

I entered through the channel and walked for more than ten minutes before I came out of the secret passage. The secret passage was in the room where Wu Nade went. As soon as I came out, I felt cold. I had a cold war, and Wu Nade said with my arm in my arms.

"I don't know what's going on?"

Nanade is right. There is indeed frost everywhere, just like the winter in the north. The flowers in the yard are frozen. I knew that there must be something wrong with Na Wan. She rescued the woman who broke the coffin and didn't know what she meant. This makes me feel a little scary.

I entered Nawan's room, and Wu Nade said he couldn't come in, so he waited for me outside.

There is nothing wrong with the room. I want to go into the tomb. However, Na Wan told me not to enter the tomb if there is nothing important or fatal. I hesitated for a long time and still came out.

The five Nade asked me.

"What's going on?"

I shook my head and didn't say anything. I went back from the dark road and went to the dark village. I just felt strange. What happened when such a thing happened? On that day, the Zajia compound was safe. Although it was safe, it also increased the police force and was also preventing an accident.

When the smoke was cooked in the courtyard, the tourists didn't know what was going on, but the policemen became nervous and smoked without firewood. That was definitely a strange thing. I also looked back at this, but I just didn't figure it out.

After the cooking smoke stopped, I went out of the yard and went to the Zhajia courtyard. The gatekeepers knew me and nodded to me. I went in and walked around and came out. There was nothing strange.

I have always felt that these signs are not good.

When the second master came, it was in the middle of the night. As soon as I fell asleep, he went upstairs and scared me to jump up. Seeing that it was the second master, I was relieved.

"Why are you here if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

"I can't let go of the broken coffin."

I locked my eyebrows and looked at the second master.

"The broken coffin was taken away by Na Wan. I just felt that there was something wrong with her crushing the coffin."

What does the second master mean? I'm thinking about what it must mean, otherwise he won't come to Yincun. He came for me.

I asked the second master.

"What do you mean?"

"I want you to go to that tomb."

"Go by yourself."

I don't like the second master like this. He is always calculating about me. Anyway, he has been moved. However, the second master has been playing with this kind of intention. I don't know why he didn't go, but let me go.

After listening to me, the second master probably bit his teeth. He stared at me.

I got up and left Yincun. I returned to the antique store. I had a headache and didn't know what to do next. In fact, I felt disgusted with my behavior and gave up Gu Ye. Ji Xiaoqing has never loved me, but I have never loved Gu Ye. For such a thing, I think it was done by the second master, and I was angry with the second master.

I still decided to go to the tomb. Maybe what the second master said makes sense. I'm mainly worried about what will happen to that.

I went through the secret road and entered the tomb, where it was colder.

I'm standing there. I don't know whether to go to Na Wan's room or not. Hesitating, Na Wan came out. She didn't smile and looked at me with a cold face.

"I'm sorry, I'm worried about you."

"I told you that it's better not to come. You don't have to worry about me."

"I want to know what happened?"

"This is not what you need to care about. Get out now."

I didn't expect that Wan would be like this. I hesitated for a long time. When I wanted to leave, I saw the broken coffin, just in the southwest corner, and the broken coffin woman stood aside with frost on her face, which made me tremble.

"Let's go!"

That Wan said again, and I went out.

After I went out, the Wu Nade stood in the yard, and I was stunned for a moment.

"What happened?"

I shook my head, and the five Nade sighed and said.

"That house has never been idle."

After the Wu Nade and I went out of the secret road, he left.

The frost disappeared on the third day, as if everything had passed, as if it had experienced a severe winter.

The second master hasn't looked for me and doesn't know what he has done.

Ji Xiaoqing came to me to talk about Gong Xiaogang. Gong Xiaogang is now crazy about the Black Water Man. He actually went to find the Black Water Man. In fact, I'm not surprised. Ji Xiaoqing meant to ask me to find Gong Xiaogang. I hesitated for a moment and agreed.

I went to find Li Fu and said to find the Blackwater Man. Li Fu jumped up and said he didn't agree.

"Are you sick?"

"The Blackwater people will cause trouble sooner or later. Find them and deal with them."

I didn't say to find Gong Xiaogang, so that Li Fu would not go.

Two hours after I persuaded Li Fu, he agreed.

That day, he calculated that the Blackwater man was in Chishan, a four-hour mountain road away. When Li Fu and I went on the road, he was not happy. He didn't want to provoke the Blackwater man. He felt that the Blackwater man was evil and not ordinary evil, so he didn't like such people, let alone provoke the Black Waterman.

I don't know if Gong Xiaogang can find the Black Water Man. Maybe Gong Xiaogang already knew that the Black Water Man was in Chishan, and he just went there. This is really a terrible thing.

I saw Chishan from afar. Chishan is red, and those stones are all called Chishan, but no one likes to go there. Those stones are fierce and have always been said to be an unlucky place by the people, so no one likes to go there.

Li Fu and I stood high and looked at Chishan and didn't see anyone.

"No one."

"The Black Watermen are on the back of the Red Mountain. They like dark places."

Li Fu said and stared at me.

We walked around and saw the residence of the Blackwater people. Some of the houses made of wood were actually on trees.

I'm going down, Li Fu stopped me.

"Those symbols are nearby. You can't break them. Go in, that's looking for death."

"The old turn should be here. I think he will sell me a face."

"You are looking for death. He sells the second master's face, and he will definitely not sell your face. Don't you know who you are?"

I hesitated, and the old man turned his head and was full of evil spirit. When I saw this product for the first time, I was shocked.

Li Fu and I sat under the tree and watched. The black water people were very quiet and idle. However, I have never seen the old turning head.

"What do you want to do?"

Li Fu asked me.

"I'm just looking for someone and don't want to do anything?"

Li Fu became popular at once.

"You are purely sick and very sick."

"Ji Xiaoqing asked me to find Gong Xiaogang. Do you think I should look for it?"

Li Fu stopped talking.

I haven't moved. Looking down, I want to see Gong Xiaogang and then say it. However, I didn't see Gong Xiaogang.

Gong Xiaogang did not appear until it was dark.

"Don't plan to go in in the dark, it will be more dangerous."

Li Fu warned me.

That day, Li Fu and I slept under the bushes. When I woke up, Li Fu sat down staring at me, and I was shocked.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Li Fu closed his eyes, and I didn't realize until this time that we were in a house. I jumped up and looked out of the window to know that we had been caught by the Blackwater.

It's so fucking evil that I don't even know. It seems that the Black Water Man has played the symbols thoroughly. However, in any case, it is just a branch of the number changed from the number.

I called someone, and a black water man came over.

"Call the old turn."

The black water man actually reached into a hand through the window and gave me an electric cannon. I went to his eighth uncle.

"Oi, don't toss around. Sit down for a while, and they will come to clean us up in a moment."

"Then you have to find a way."

"What can I do? I told you not to come. If you don't listen, even if the second master knows it, he won't let you come. Is it so easy to come in the old nest of the Blackwater people? Come in, is it so easy to go out?

"Why does your grandson talk so much?"

Li Fu stopped talking. I sat in the corner and looked at the window. The window was blocked with wood and I couldn't get out.

It was almost ten o'clock when a black water man opened the door and asked Li Fu to go out.

After Li Fu went out, he was tied to the pillar outside and then beaten. Li Fu scolded me. I stood there and was happy. The guy squeaked, and the wizard actually called out a human movement.

After Li Fu was beaten to death, I was called out and set a table for me. There were wine and vegetables on it. Li Fu looked at me.

"Little gravekeeper, are you harming me?"

I'm also surprised, what kind of trick does this blackwater man play? After I sat down, the old man turned his head and came out. He was so happy that I almost fell to the ground. I said after that.

"Old turn, what kind of trick are you playing?"

"Thank you. Our cooperation has been successful. Don't worry, others will not know, and this wizard will not go out alive. I just want the wizard's heart. That's heartbreaking!"

I knew as soon as I heard it that the old crutch wanted to tyle me and Li Fu. This thing is sinister enough.

"Old turn, what about what I want?"

Li Fu began to scold me. That was unpleasant. I stood up and walked to Li Fu's side, which was a mouth. Then he took off his socks and gagged his mouth.

"What you want is ready."

"I want Gong Xiaogang."

"That nerd?"

I nodded, and after a while, Gong Xiaogang got it and tied it up.

"Let him go and let him out."

The old crutch really let go. This pair is bolted. Li Fu and I have completely become enemies.

The old crutch drank with me, and I also drank. I don't know what to do next. Anyway, there will be no good result. I didn't expect that the old man would completely be tied to death. After drinking, he asked someone to send me away.

I didn't expect that he would really let me go. Li Fu was probably so angry.

I didn't walk and hid in the mountain to see. I don't know what the old turn wanted. Does he really want Li Fu's heart?