grave-keeping note

44. Thirteen symbols

44. Thirteen symbols

After all, the thirteen symbols are powerful. I didn't expect it to end like this. I thought the second master could turn the tide. But no, maybe the second master is really old.

Na Wan can't help it. Where has she gone? Will she be cold this winter? I don't know.

I touched the skin jade hand hanging around my neck, and my heart was sour. Blackwater people can't find this thing and will probably go crazy.

The tomb was officially opened before the New Year, and the people there have made an appointment until next spring, and it is still difficult to get a ticket. Now this second-tier city is already famous.

The most incomprehensible thing is that these people come here to find excitement. In fact, it is not safe here. No one knows how many people have died.

The day before the tomb opened, the Black Water Man appeared again. The two went to Xinla City. Gu Ye called me. She said that she was very worried about the second master.

I went there, and the Blackwater man saw me and didn't say anything.

"You shouldn't disturb my second master now. You have opened the tomb. We didn't stop you. If you want to open the water mausoleum, then open it and see what you can do."

"I don't talk to your second master."

"No, he can completely represent me."

The second master said this, which moved me so much that I almost cried. It turned out that my position in his heart was very heavy, and I knew it at this time.

The black water man left, walked out of the gate and looked back.

I stood at the window, and the second master came out.

"You should go back to Xinla City. Even if you marry Na Wan in the future, you will have to come back. You need you here. You can't live without a middle-aged man."


"I know what you are worried about. Gu Ye, I have finished talking with her. She lived in the house in the city and took the children with her children. She also agreed to find another person to marry, which is the final result."

"I'm so sorry, second master..."

"No need, there is no right or wrong about feelings. You don't have to feel sorry for anyone."

I still feel very uncomfortable about such a thing. When I came back, Gu Ye moved away. I lived in the innermost room on the first floor, next to the room where the sealed eighth master died.

The opening of the tomb is indeed that some people are happy and some people are crying.

The second master seems to be much older at once, and his walking is a little dragging, showing old-fashionedness.

That day, I went to the tomb and there was a queue. I saw Li Fu. This guy seems to be a little normal now.

"Are you crazy?"


"Go in and have a look."

"Look at that man, I guess he has to line up until midnight. It's a little like a World Expo."

I looked at the people in line and shook my head.

"I always feel that something will happen."


I asked Li Fu.

"There will definitely be an accident. That Wan will not let go of the Blackwater people so easily, and of course, she will not let go of Zuo Fair."

"That's what you think."

Actually, I'm not the one to revenge. The tomb has been opened and has been sold by the five Nade. If he signs it, there is nothing I can do.

Li Fu and I sat halfway across the mountain and looked at the tomb. Suddenly, the people became confused, and the people inside rushed out. The people outside didn't know what was going on, and they were in a mess for a moment.

"What did I say? There must be something wrong."

I didn't move. Looking at it, more than ten minutes later, the people were cleared out. There were a few injured, and it was really no big deal. The police immediately pulled up the cordon.

It was an hour later when Zuo Fair came. Obviously, they came from the province.

Sister Zhi came out and didn't know what they were studying. However, no one went in.

The Black Watermen have never appeared. I don't think they will appear. If they don't find what they want, they won't appear again.

For more than two hours, no one has been in.

"Go down and have a look?"

Li Fu is always like this.

"Then go down."

Li Fu and I went down. After Sister Zhi saw me and Li Fu, she came over.

"I know you will come."

I didn't say anything.

"What happened?"

Li Fu asked.

"It suddenly rained in the tomb, and the rain turned out to be red, like blood."

I know that it is a mechanism. The sky of the tomb is imitated, which is actually the same as the outside world, just like in that compound, no different.

"Let's go in and have a look."

Li Fu looked at me after saying that.

I stared at Li Fu, and he was always very in debt.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Sister Zhi said.

"I want Zuogong ping to follow us."

Sister Zhi hesitated for a moment and called Zuo Ping over.

"Can you follow them into that tomb?"

"No, I won't go."

It's strange for me to say such a thing.


"When I don't figure out what's going on, I won't go down. If I lose my life inexplicably, it won't be interesting."

"Aren't you afraid of heaven and earth?"

Li Fu said.

"It's not a matter of fear and fear, but a matter of value."

I knew that when Zuo Gong saw the thirteen symbols of the Black Water Man, he was completely afraid. He could not explain these mysterious things. Whether he had entered the Pyramid of Hufu or the Black Tomb in France, it was useless. Chinese burial culture is the most mysterious culture that no one can explain.

People have an instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm, and left fairness is no exception.

Li Fu looked at me and said for a long time.

"I'm not going."

Li Fu was stunned for a moment. He turned around and left. He was also afraid. The compound itself was a strange place. Li Fu really wanted to go in. As for what he thought, I don't know. However, I won't take this risk.

Sister Zhi's face is extremely ugly. I don't care whether she is ugly or not. My life is more important than anything else. The old people in Xinla City still point at me, and I still have three children.

I turned around and walked more than 100 meters. Zuo Ping ran over and shouted at me.

"I can go in with you."

"Left fairness, you are extremely shameless."

After I said this, I turned around and left. I don't like to deal with such people.

I returned to Xinla City and stayed in the room. I always felt that this room was gloomy and evil, perhaps next to the room where the Eighth Master had lived.

The body of the Eighth Master has been transported away for a long time, but it still makes me feel uneasy.

When I fell asleep, I felt someone standing in front of my bed, and I woke up at once, but I didn't see me. I clearly felt someone standing in front of my bed.

After drinking a glass of water, I fell asleep again. As soon as I fell asleep, I still felt that someone was standing in front of my bed, and I opened my eyes and didn't see it. I simply got up and sat at the table to read the number and the notes given to me by the second master.

I didn't expect that the second master's notes had recorded decades of things that he had experienced. At least I still don't understand the number.

It was not until dawn that I went upstairs and asked the second master about the Epigebrae, he said.

"Take your time to understand! My notes have been written very clearly. If you really don't understand, there is no fate.

The second master sighed.

I didn't mention to the second master that I always felt someone standing there in front of my bed. After returning to the room, I lay ** and thought about the second master's words. I didn't know what the second master wanted to say.

In the afternoon, I have been reading "The Epilegebra" and the second master's notes in the room. It seems that I have a little understanding. There is a change in "The Epilemy Number". I understand a little, just a little bit.

After dark, a hired worker came and told me that an old man was ill and was about to be sent to the hospital.

I followed 120 to the hospital. After grabbing it for more than ten minutes, the doctor came out and shook his head. I knew that slowly these old people would die.

I called the second master and asked him what to do with the body.

He told me that it was placed in the ancestral tomb of Yin Village.

"No, the body was lost last time."

"I know, just put it there."

I don't know what the second master means. He is always like this. I transported the body to Yin Village and put it in the ancestral tomb. Without a coffin, I couldn't find a coffin, so I put it on the door panel.

After I came back, it was already the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep. I sat at the table and flipped through the chapter of "The Number of Epile" to change the phase. The change of phase is not, but it is not true, and it is not true. Anyway, it makes me understand and I don't understand.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I jumped up. No one, really, I was sure, but I clearly felt a hand on my shoulder.

My cold sweat came down.

Un until dawn, I was not safe. After dawn, I went to have breakfast. The second master had to eat breakfast with these old people every day. I sat next to the second master and whispered.

"There is a hand on my shoulder."

The second master didn't even look at me. He ate there and returned to his room after eating. During this period, I found that the second master slept except sleeping.

I went to the second master's room after eating.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know."

The second master asked me to go out, and he said he was going to bed.

When I came out, I thought it was very strange.

In the afternoon, I called Li Fu and asked him to jump in from the back wall after dark and not to walk through the front door.

Li Fu didn't ask why. He did a lot of this, and it seemed abnormal to go through the front door, so he asked why.

Li Fu came a little late. He didn't come in until almost ten o'clock. After I opened the door to let him in, I locked the door to death.

"I always feel that there is someone in the room."

Li Fu jiggled.



Li Fu shook his head, took out a bottle of white wine from under my bed, and then took out the food from his bag.

"I think we should go into that tomb."

"If such a thing happens in the tomb, Zuo Gong will not enter. Will there be good fruit to eat when we go in? What's more, I don't like that sister Zhi the most. She's not a thing. When I use you, I call you father, and when I don't use you, I call you grandson.

"This can't be seen like this. We went in for ourselves, not for her or others."

"What do you want to do?"

"There are indeed many organs in the tomb. Although it has been opened, there are still many places that have not been fully opened."

I was stunned for a moment, and it seemed that Li Fu had made the tomb very clear.