grave-keeping note

50. Soul son

50. Soul son

Na Wan has never appeared. I looked around for Na Wan, but I couldn't find it. When I called, it turned off.

"Didn't you see thatwan?"

I asked the second master again, and the second master also understood that it was that Wan who saved him.

"I really didn't see it, but you don't have to worry. That Wan is a Taoist and will be fine."

"She can shed tears, she has tears..."

The second master was stunned.

"How can you reply like this? How can it be so fast?"

The second master shook his head.

When the second master said this, I knew that something must have happened. She saw that I was anxious and helped me. When she left, the tears she shed were. What kind of tears were they? At this time did I understand that it was the tears of separation. She slept with me, which was also what she meant.

I didn't expect it at that time. I felt that it was a little inhuman to do such a thing at that time. I didn't expect that this was a separate ceremony.

I ran out of the dark village, and I looked around like crazy, one day, two days, three days...

I finally fell ill and lay in **. No one wanted to see me. The second master called, but I didn't answer.

Did you leave or leave temporarily? She didn't say anything.

The second master knocked on the door, but I didn't open it. He got in through the window and shook his head when he saw me.

"You don't have to do this. After all, Wan is a Taoist person."

"No, you go out. If it weren't for you, would she be like that? She is already on the road. As long as she walks for another year and a half, she will be a normal person. Do you know what kind of suffering she suffered in order to walk on the road? In one sentence, is she done with the Taoist?

I was a little crazy. The second master sat there and listened to me shout at him.

For a long time, the second master said something.

"When Gu Ye lost you like you before."

I was stunned. I covered my face and stopped talking. This may be retribution, the present world.

I stood up, went out, and went to the courtyard. I should be able to find Na Wan. I believe that Na Wan did not leave me and will not leave me. There were a lot of people in the courtyard. I entered Na Wan's room and stood for a while and came out. I have been thinking that the second master was taken away by the Black Water Man. Then, if I find the Black Water Man, maybe I can find Na Wan. In the past, the Black Water Man was afraid of her, but after she got on the road, she lost a lot of ability on the road. Therefore, the black water people dare to take away the skin and jade hands.

When I came out of the Zha family compound, I felt that someone was staring at me. I turned around and there were many people behind me. I didn't know who it was.

I entered the small building and stood behind the window, but I was still not sure who followed me. I felt a little nervous. I didn't leave the small building until dark that day.

I'm going to that tomb. I don't know what's in the ancestral coffin. This time, the tomb was opened, but they didn't open the coffin. I'm afraid there will be an accident, so I haven't moved. Zuo Ping and they want to open the coffin. Sister Zhi didn't agree. She just needs to make money from an economic point of view, and those coffin tourists are also I don't want to see inside, so it's better not to open it and avoid trouble.

I went there in the middle of the night. The tomb was open until 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. After I went in, I hid in the corner and waited to close the door.

There was no one in the tomb, and the staff checked it, and it was not so fine, not to mention the monitoring head. After the staff left, I went to the room where the ancestral coffin was placed. I know they will see me, but it takes five minutes for them to get here from the gate, and I only need two minutes to leave.

I went straight in and opened the ancestral coffin. There was a box in it. There was nothing else. I took it out and left.

I climbed out of the back wall. I don't know who prepared a ladder for the wall, which is a strange thing.

I came out of there and went straight up the mountain. When I got to the mountain, I saw that the police in the compound came in and surrounded the tomb. It seemed that they knew that I went in.

Half an hour later, the second master called.

"Are you stupid? You robbed and violated the law. What did you take back?

I opened the box, and it turned out to be a bead. I buried the beads in the ground and made a mark. After making a mark, I returned to the compound. As soon as I approached, I was pressed to the ground by the police and took the box.

Left Fair opened it and took a look.

"Where's what's inside?"

"There is nothing at all. It's an empty box. I'm still strange."

"How do you know there is a box there?"

"Na Wan told me that she was a descendant of that family, and of course she would know."

"What's in that box?"

"That Wan didn't say anything."

The police didn't believe what I said. I was taken to the Public Security Bureau and locked in a room. The second master came and asked me.

"Is it really an empty box?"

I nodded. I can't tell the second master that the beads were placed in the ancestral coffin, and that Wan also mentioned it, which must be very important.

until dark, the police let me out and told me when I left that if I lied, I would lock me up.

The second master scolded me all the way.

"Your head is a bug. There is surveillance. Don't they know what you are doing?"

I don't talk. Anyway, I got it. It's useless to say too much.

When I returned to the villa, I smelled the pure fragrance. I was stunned for a moment. The pure fragrance on the Wan's body was already very light, and even when I came back, it would not leave this smell. This time, the pure fragrance was very strong.

I stood there and didn't move. I was shocked when the five-year-old came out of the inner room.

"How did you get in?"

"This lock is easy to open."

"What are you doing?"

"I want to help you find thatwan."

"How can you have a pure fragrance?"

"You won't forget that the second master gave me Xiangchun. I brought it today."

After I sat down, I locked my eyebrows and looked at the five Nade.

"How do you find that Wan?"

"Pure fragrance can lead thatwan out."

I was stunned for a moment. Maybe it was a solution. If nothing happened, she would come out. If she was arrested, she couldn't get out.

"Where do you think thatwan should be?"

"There is an ancestral hall in the second village on the outskirts of the city."

This is the first time I know about it.

Nade and I went to the second group village and saw the ancestral hall from afar, which was actually very large.

When we went there, one person came out. Then Wu Nade called Uncle Zhao and went in. I followed up.

"I ask the villagers to clean it every day."

The ancestral hall is two-entered, and the outside entrance is the guest room and the living room. Inside is a plaque. From top to bottom, there are hundreds of them, including a plaque.

"Why is your ancestral hall built here?"

"My ancestor has lived here. The feng shui is good and quiet, so I chose here. At least that one has left something behind."

I walked around the ancestral hall a few times, but I didn't find that Wan. Then Wu Nade looked at me and said.

"You don't have to look for it. There are some things I can't tell you. I'll put the fragrant powder here later, and we'll stay in the guest room."

I didn't sleep at night, and I could sleep.

When I heard footsteps, I woke up the Wu Nade. He got up and told me to make no sound. He poked a hole in the window paper and looked out.

I did the same. I didn't see anyone, only footsteps. Wu Nade looked at it for a long time and was still watching it. I wondered that I didn't see anything. What can he see? This is really killing me.

For a while, the Wu Nade didn't look at it. He sat there and didn't talk or let me speak.

One day, at dawn, Wu Nade pushed the door out, and the fragrant pure powder next to the deck was gone.

"That footsteps?"

I didn't go on.

"That's graceful."

"I don't see anyone."

The five Nade looked at me, and his eyes were a little strange.

"In order to save your second master, she is going to start from scratch now."


I almost didn't jump.

"What do you mean?"

"Na Wan has walked on the road, because you, but in order to save the second master, she can only go back to the road to deal with the black water people. Unfortunately, she has suffered so much. In order to save your second master, she has to do it again."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

I was a little out of control and pinched the neck of the five Nade.

"It's useless for you to strangle me."

I let go of the five Nade.

"I want to see Na Wan."

"It's useless for her to come. She can't speak, can't see anyone, and can't touch it. Just wait! If you are lucky, Wan can still walk back.

That day, the five Nade left. He was a little disappointed. I don't know why he probably didn't want to do that. Maybe he also had something to do with that.

After I fell back from the two groups, I went to Xinla City.

"Second Master, can you save Na Wan?"

"What's wrong?"

I told the matter, and the second master was stunned for a long time.

"That Wan is a good woman, but it's a pity that this is not easy to walk. She shouldn't have saved me. I'm a dying person, and it's not interesting to live a few more days."

"It's useless to say this now. Think about it."

The second master thought about it for a long time.

"Tell me, what is in the box of the flag coffin in that tomb?"

I thought about it for a long time.

"Bead, a nail-sized bead, I don't know what kind of bead it is."


The second master patted the table, which made me trembling.

"What are you doing?"

"Where are the beads?"

"Buried on the mountain."

"Get it back immediately."

I'm going to get the beads. I don't know what the second master wants this beads for.

After getting back the beads, the second master took it and looked at it for a long time. Suddenly, the iron jar he drank tea smashed and crushed it. I was stunned. The beads are probably also valuable, otherwise they would not have been placed in the ancestral coffin.

"What are you doing?"

The second master didn't say anything. After crushing it for more than ten minutes, he became a powder. After wrapping it in paper, he handed it to me.

"You should know where that Wan is. You put this thing in that place and open it. You are not on the side, but you have to pay attention to it. This powder can't be taken away by others."

I understand what the second master means.

"Can this work?"

"Why not? This bead is a good thing. If Wan is okay, I will get it, and the first one will swallow it. This is like a relic. This is a soul. When the soul is so pure that it can no longer be pure, after death can there be such a thing, which can save lives, but keep your youth, ten years of youth, these ten years, you will forever Stay at the same age.

I was stunned. It was really a good thing.