grave-keeping note

52. Amber

52. Amber

I don't know how the second master met Master Wang Yonggang.

Wang Yonggang is very polite, but it can be seen that he is very familiar with the second master.

After we went in, the second master asked me to take out the stone.

Wang Yonggang took a look at the stone, and I guess he could almost see it at that glance. That's an absolute expert.

"Open it!"

I didn't understand until this time. Isn't this a gambling stone? But it doesn't look like it.

Wang Yonggang took the stone to the cutting platform and started the machine.

The cutting knife is cut piece by piece. The degree of proficiency and the skillful technique surprised me a little. After all, it is a stone, which is as sharp as peeling a banana.

My heart beats fast and I don't know what's inside the stone.

Speaking of this, Wang Yonggang is a master craftsman of coal essence and a master of the carving factory. He is a good hand. He plays with coal essence. As for playing with this thing, I don't know yet. I didn't expect that he also plays well. I guess he is a touch-by-way.

Ten minutes later, Wang Yonggang turned off the machine, took out a magnifying glass, and said it for half a day.


The second master took a magnifying glass and looked at it for a long time. I saw that the second master changed more. His face changed and turned red, and then he became short of breath. I knew that that thing must be a wonderful thing. What hasn't the second master seen? But it turned out to be like this when I saw this.

"Second master, let me see."

"Stay away, naked-eyed fetus, what can you see?"

I really want to leave the second master. However, I can't leave. What age is the second master? If something really happens, Gu Ye won't let me go.

I sat there and waited quietly.

"Law the curtains."

The second master said.

This is in the room and the yard. Who can see it? I pulled the curtains in broad daylight, but I didn't dare to say, so I had to close them.

"You go out."

The second master asked me to go out again, so I had to go out, stand in the yard, and curse the second master in a low voice.

They have been busy, don't know what they are doing. Sometimes there is the sound of the machine, and then it stops again. After a while, it is the sound of carving knives. When it is urgent, it is like rain, sometimes it is like silk, sometimes it is like a waterfall, sometimes it is like a man's voice... That Master Wang Yongshi's carving knife is moving. With this method, it is a kind of enjoyment.

In this way, until it was dark, I was so hungry that I scolded the second master over and over again, but I was not full, so I shut up.

Suddenly, the room was bright, and it lit up at once. A tall jumped up and rushed in. I went in and shocked the second master and Wang Yonggang.

The second master raised his hand and looked back at me.

"Are you going to blow up the body?"

The second master's words are unpleasant, but he held something the size of a fist in his hand and shines brightly. I don't know what it is.

"Come in and close the door."

Wang Yonggang said, look at the master, how self-restraint there is.

The second master looked at it for a while and put away the things.

"Thank you, Yonggang. Let's go."

My second master and I came out. Although it was in the bag and wrapped in several layers, it was still bright.


"You are always so curious that you will be killed sooner or later."

I won't say anything. The second master took me back to Xinla City. I didn't care what it was. I got into the canteen and began to eat.

When I'm full, I think about that thing again. People are a strange thing, full of warm thoughts**--lust, poor and steal. When I'm full, I just think about other things.

I entered the second master's room, which was put in the corner. The second master lay there and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Second Master."

I gave a soft shout.

"What are you doing?"

"What is that?"

"Do you know Amber?"

"It's the kind of thing in pine oil that has been buried in the ground for thousands of years."

"Yes, that's right. This thing is like amber, but what's inside is a person's spirit."


"There are many kinds of souls, including Yinling, Yangling, Quling..."

I never thought that there would be many kinds of souls, which is probably the same as human beings! There are good people and bad people, probably.

"This thing..."

"A person's yin spirit has been in this for at least 2,000 years. This is extremely unlucky, just like amber, a drop of pine oil dripping on a bug. What do you think is the probability?"

The second master said it was right. How long will it take for a drop of turpentine to drip down? And just in time, when a bug drips down, I know what the probability is below.

I don't know why the second master got this thing back?

"Why did you get back such an evil thing?"

"Of course it's useful. How many people want to have him? This thing can only be met but not sought."

"What do you think he is of any use?"

"So, if you die, release this ghost, and he can replace your soul, so that you won't die, but this ghost is a little strange. I have to take a good look."

The second master asked me to go out.

When I went to Yin Village, I always felt that some things were too strange.

But I can't explain that I don't have that much experience and I don't know much. The night in Yincun is always so strange, the unspeakable kind that makes you uneasy, and there is also something that attracts you.

I don't know what that is. However, I like to sit on the second floor and have a particularly strange feeling.

The second master called me in the middle of the night. He is always like this, and there is no time when he wants to call me.

I got up and went back to Xinla City.

The second master's face is extremely bad.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm in trouble."

"What's going on?"

"Yin Amber."

"Don't you say it's a baby?"

"I'm blind. I want to send things back, but no one can find them. The yin spirit in the amber is our new ancestor."

I was stunned at once.

"How is this possible?"

"It's true. Come and have a look."

The second master took it out and put it in the mirror and pointed to the green dots inside.

I couldn't see clearly. I took it under the light and shivered. It turned out to be New Lavin.

I didn't expect this at all.

"What should I do?"

"What should I do? Send the spirit."

"Then give it away. What else is there to hesitate?"

"Do you think it's sending something?"

I jivered for a moment. If the second master said it was difficult, I'm afraid it would be really not so easy.

"How to send it?"

"Get up at three o'clock tomorrow morning. If you can send it out, you can send it. If you can't send it out, let's talk about it later."

I'm afraid this thing is not sent out. Sometimes, what you can get is not necessarily a good thing.

The next day, I got up at three o'clock, and the second master was already in the corridor.

The second master took that thing, and I followed him out of Xinla City.

Actually, I'm quite scared.

The second master went to the pagoda temple in the suburbs.

I know that place, and the pagoda temple has always been empty. No one knows who built it and who has lived there.

After all, the Taoist monk lives, and no one knows.

Although the pagoda temple is dilapidated, it has always looked spectacular.

The Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau has repaired several times and abandoned it halfway for many reasons. The legend is that it is very evil, so no one came to this place at all.

I don't like to come to this place either.

The second master stopped in front of the tower temple and said after watching it for a long time.

"This pagoda belongs to Xinla people. Fifty years ago, I built it with Xinla people. At that time, I was in my 20s, but I have been outside for five years. In the past five years, I have seen a lot. I just wanted to build a pagoda temple and build a signal for Xinla people. It took three years, but I didn't expect that something would happen after it was built. Every time I come, it's either wind or rain, and it's the same when I build it. I don't know why. So far, so I haven't mentioned it to you, and I won't come.

My sweat came down. After the second master finished speaking, the wind rose. That's not what we call the wind, it's the gloomy wind.

The second master was not afraid. He walked forward and I followed.

We entered the pagoda temple, the second master said.

"There are thirteen floors in total."

I was stunned.

"That's the number of ghosts."

"Yes, that's the number of ghosts, thirteen, with ghosts, Xinla City can only use this method, because it's too far away. This tower has been used twice, that is, through two breaths, and it is very accurate, but it is very evil and a lot of things have happened, so it is useless.

The second master said and walked up.

"How many layers?"

"13th floor, this may be fine if it is placed on the 13th floor."

We went to the thirteenth floor, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and it was all evil.

The second master stopped talking. He held the gloomy amber like a devout believer.

All the way to the thirteenth floor, the wind blew in through the tower window, and the wind was spinning.

There is a supply platform on the thirteenth floor. After the second master put down the Yinling Amber, he didn't know what to say, and then said to me.

"Let's go."

I can see the nervousness of the second master. He has never done this before.

When we returned to Xinla City, the second master took out a book, and I was stunned.

"Did you get it back from the tower?"

"It's on the tower, and I'll take it back."

The second master looked through the book. It was New Lavin, and suddenly the second master stood up and said.

"I will enter the water mausoleum tomorrow."

"Why did you suddenly enter Shuiling?"

"For a hundred years, someone invaded the mausoleum. If there is no Guanling, the mausoleum will be broken. This is a disaster."

The second master put the book on the table, which was written by New Lavin.

I have learned the new Lavin with Gu Ye, and I was stunned when I looked at it.

It seems that it is necessary to enter the water mausoleum.

"I will enter the water mausoleum tomorrow, before dawn."

We arrived at Shuiling before dawn. The second master pointed to the heart of the lake and said.

"See, the mausoleum circle, an entrance to the mausoleum."

"How can there be a mausoleum circle?"

"This is a sky."

The second master jumped into the lake, and I followed him down. We went smoothly into the water mausoleum, and it has never been so smooth. When we entered, it was a hall, which was very large. There was nothing but waterways under the ground.

My sweat came down. The second master said that that kind of messy things - dazzling things are often fancy, and those simple things are often the most evil.

The waterways in the hall are not big. I looked at the water flowing inside, and I felt that it was evil.

Looking at the waterway seems normal and not too nervous, but mine is different. I know that this simple thing is the most evil.

People say that those who don't know are brave, and those who know are weak, that's the truth.

The second master didn't seem to have any change in expression. He stood there for a long time, walked in, then found a corner, sat smoking, smoked, and closed his eyes. Maybe he was too tired. After all, he was in his 70s.

Actually, I also feel sad. He should be a person who enjoys the happiness of family, but he is still running for his life.