grave-keeping note

59. Human coffin into ghost

59. Human coffin into ghost

After the second master and I went back, the second master said.

"I'll go to Xinla City tomorrow to pick up the old man. You can go to the mountain in half a month and pick me up."

"Is Xinla City really given to the coffin people?"

"It's useless to keep it. I won't tell them, and they can't break it."

"If it doesn't work, can I go?"

"You stay in Xinla City and keep all this place."

The second master left early the next day, because the coffin man had already stood at the door of Xinla City. It seemed that they were really anxious.

As soon as the second master left, I didn't dare to leave. Gu Ye would come from time to time. I guarded more than 100 old people. What Sister Zhi promised was done quickly. Not long after the second master left, the staff came to the door and went through the formalities for the old people.

This makes me feel confident that if these can be implemented, it can reduce a lot of burden.

After this, I was idle for a while. I was worried about the second master. After 15 days, I went to pull the second master. I found a few buddies and Li Fu.

I picked up the second master, and I should have met the second master in seven or eight days.

We walked fast and slowly, and the journey was safe, but on the ninth day, before we met the second master, my heart began to lift up.

The tenth day, I still haven't met the second master.

If calculated, the second master should also appear.

Li Fu is unhappy.

"You said seven or eight days, it's the tenth day."

"Maybe there's something wrong with the second master. Let's move forward."

"Now it's half the way. If you let us enter Xinla City, I think we can still have some motivation."

I thought about it.

"If you are interested, of course you can."

Li Fu came to the spirit, and those little ones also came to the spirit. It is a paradise. It is also lucky in his life to see it.

The second master is getting more and more worried. What's the matter with the coffin people? This is a strange place, and everything here is full of evil spirits, so I dare not think about it.

It's almost to Xinla City, but I still haven't met the second master. At the beginning, they agreed to take this road. They should not take any other road.

After arriving at the boundary of Xinla City, if I don't take them, they can't get in. I hesitated about this. The second master warned me that no one can bring them into Xinla City. After hesitating for a long time, I still decided to take them in. Because Xinla City is already a coffin man, and it doesn't matter whether you enter or not.

However, I didn't expect that I couldn't get in at all.

It was a blockade. At first, I didn't find it. I took it with me and thought it was in, but after walking for an hour, I found that I had returned to the starting point, and I knew I couldn't get in.

If you can't get in, that is, the coffin man went in, and the second master gave them a blockade, so I want to be confirmed that I want to see the coffin man.

I told Li Fu about this, and he knew that there was a problem.

"What should I do?"

Li Fu asked me.

"Adult coffin, you understand this. Recruit the coffin man out and don't know when you ask."

"Isn't that good? The human coffin attracts ghost gas. If the ghost enters the human coffin, the ghosts will be exchanged.

"Is there any other way? Is there an empty coffin here?

Li Fu shook his head.

I sat there without talking.

"Or the second master is back, let's go back!"

Li Fu is always like this. When he is in danger, he thinks of withdrawing.

"If you are afraid, you can go back. If you are willing to go back, I must be confirmed. I feel that the second master did not go back and was detained by the coffin people."

"Can the second master be detained by them? Impossible, that old man, a ghost."

Li Fu is right, but if there is an accident, it may be.

One day after dark, Li Fu decided to become an adult coffin. He didn't tell my friends about the coffin, but just said to play a game. My friends have felt abnormal, but they dare not go back by themselves. After walking for so many days, they can't find the way back.

There are many coffins. Li Fu finished the position and left a ghost position. That position was empty. He must leave a vacant seat to attract evil spirits to become a coffin. This is the most dangerous. Li Fu stood next to the empty seat and broke the coffin at any time.

I'm also worried that there will be problems. I'm really sorry for leaving my life here.

However, there is nothing I can do now.

After the coffin was completed, only ten minutes later, it became cloudy and became gloomy. Li Fu was a little unstable and looked left and right. My friends felt excited and a little excited.

Li Fu suddenly jumped away, and immediately we fell down. I felt the yin qi soaked into my body.

"The ghost has entered the coffin."

Li Fu shouted. My cold sweat came down. Looking at a few of my friends, my eyes were closed. I felt breath walking in my body. Li Fu sat down and sat cross-legated.

"Is there any way to break it?"

I asked Li Fu.

"No, it's good that I can keep it myself. I can't control you."

Li Fu suddenly settled down and was thrilled. His waist was straight. When he spoke again, he seemed to be unable to hear it.

I gradually feel that I can't do it, and I can be like my friends at any time.

It's definitely a terrible thing for people to enter ghosts and ghosts to change places.

My body is a ghost, not me. I went to the position of a ghost, which is simply terrible to the end. I regret it, but it's too late, and it's useless to say anything else.

I also slowly closed my eyes, after closing my eyes.

I felt that my soul came out of my body and something entered my body. I slowly got up and walked on the road. It was a dark road with lights, but I saw it, but I couldn't walk. It was a ghost fire. I know, it's already on the ghost road.

I was very panicked. It seems that I really have arrived at the ghost road. The ghost change of place has been completed. It seems that this matter is going to be troublesome. I didn't see Li Fu, and several of my friends didn't. They probably took a different path.

I walk slowly. The road is all black and black. I didn't know before that the ghost world is black. No wonder they come out in the dark.

This road is so long that I almost closed my eyes.

I saw a tree, so I sat down and fell asleep.

I dreamed of everything in the world. There are sun, flowers and plants, colors, and the world of ghosts is only black.

When I woke up, I saw fruit on the tree.

I once saw an article on the Internet that a man had a car accident and died. He went to heaven and saw strange flowers and plants, as well as trees with colorful fruits and strange fragrance. He also saw the fairy. He woke up without eating.

He regretted that it was the fruit of immortality. He didn't eat it. I finished reading it at that time, and the photo was really similar. I think it should be true. After death, there are indeed two other worlds.

I came to the world of ghosts, and the fruits on the trees are all black.

I don't know if I should eat it or not. What's the result of what I ate? The fruit of heaven is immortality, so the fruit of the ghost world is death.

What will happen if I die? Dead ghost? I think it's a little exciting.

I ate it. It didn't taste good and bad. I still finished eating. After eating, I fell down and fell down without thinking about it. When I woke up again, I was really in the real world, but I was in a small building in Yincun.

I was sitting there stunned. I don't know what happened. Anyway, I came back to life. I walked out of the small building and called Li Fu. I think he should still be in the mountains, and my friends can't get through. They should be in the ghost world.

I returned to Xinla City and saw Gu Ye. She looked at me for a moment and asked me about my second master. It seemed that everything was normal, and I was worried that she would not see me.

I told the story, and Gu Ye stayed there.

"How could this happen?"

"I don't know, and I don't know what to do now?"

"Now you go to Zhengfei, there is no other way."

I went to Zhengfei's house. He was not at home. I went to Gongwen's place and they were together.

When I went in, they were all stunned.

"Didn't you pick up your second master?"

"I'm back, but something has happened. I'm looking for you."

I'm looking at the flying.

Zhengfei looked at me and said.

"What's going on?"

I said something and jumped up and looked at me.

"You dare to make the human coffin. Now you are alive and eat the black fruit, but when you die, you will have no ghost road or paradise. You just have no reincarnation at all."

I was stunned. Maybe I don't feel anything now, but looking at the way I'm flying, it's like I've lost my life. I think this is very important. It is another reincarnation, which may be more important than life.

"I care about the present world, I care about the second master, and the lives of new people."

"You have convinced you, just like your second master, but this matter is very troublesome. I don't know what your friends will do. I can't help you. In your current situation, no one can help you. You just wait patiently for your second master to come back."

I came here for nothing. Everything was waiting. When I left, I was flying out. This was the first time. This makes me even more uncertain. What will happen in the future?

Actually, I can't think so much.

I returned to Xinla City and waited for the results of the second master.

A week later, I couldn't stay. When I was about to go to the old new city, the second master came back with 20 old people in the city. They were really old, but they were in good spirits.

When I saw that the second master was fine, my heart was relieved.

The second master arranged the old people. Xinla City is like the Spring Festival, and all the old people go to the old people's rooms.

The second master told the canteen to prepare more dishes tomorrow to celebrate.

My second master and I went into the room and asked what had happened.

After the second master sat down, he shook his head, and the coffin man retaliated.

"What's going on?"

"I promised them and gave them the number of people entering Xinla City. They wanted to replace them, and I also agreed. Who knew that they still wanted to pull a new coffin. If I didn't give it, all the coffin people came out. I didn't expect that there were nearly 1,000 coffins and thousands of coffins. If I could control it myself, those 20 The old man, there is nothing we can do.

"Then why don't you just give them a new coffin?"

"It's not as simple as you think. The new coffin is obvious. With the new coffin, some things in the Episcopic Numbers will not work well, and it will be difficult to control the coffin people in the future."

I didn't expect that.

"What about the last one?"

"Finally, I found a chance, ran out and walked down the road."

I know that the lower road is another road in Xinla City, just like the secret road. However, it is not what we call a secret.