grave-keeping note

62. Porcelain coffin under the room

62. Porcelain coffin under the room

After cleaning up, the five Nade came up.

Li Fu took a look. He didn't know what he was doing. After a while, he came up and said.

"It's a porcelain coffin, which is rare! This porcelain looks like official porcelain, at least six or seven hundred years old.

Li Fu actually went to see this.

"What should we do next?"

That Wu Nade asked carefully.

"Go down, there are coffin hands on the left and right sides of the porcelain coffin, tie it with a rope, tie it tightly, and then come up."

The five Nade went out to buy rope again.

During this period, I asked Li Fu.

"Who owns this porcelain coffin?"

"This is difficult to say. Generally, it will be the emperor's concubine, and the common people can't afford it."

"I guess it's worth it."

"It is estimated that there is only one porcelain coffin in China. It's not about money. I'm going to decide this thing."

Li Fu's eyes turned blue when he looked at the coffin, and he also wanted this thing.

The Wu Nade came back, went down, tied the rope to the hands of the two coffins, and climbed up.

"One of you pulls one head, be light, don't slow down, pull it up."

Li Fu stood aside and looked at the rope with the fivede las, which were quite heavy. The lid of the coffin slowly pulled up. I saw clearly that there were plain blue flowers on the coffin, which was quite beautiful. I knew that it was a good thing. I don't know how many coffins it would take to burn to have such one.

What's strange is that if it fails to burn, it will be smashed immediately. I'm afraid it will flow to the people. In fact, there are also people. Those who burn porcelain will sometimes take risks to get these things out of the palace. It's just small objects. This is impossible.

The cover of the porcelain coffin was pulled up and looked down. Li Fu couldn't see clearly, and the Wu Nade couldn't see clearly. Only I could see it clearly. The body below was covered with a blue cloth, and I couldn't see what it was like.

Li Fu asked to take a flashlight, take a picture, and looked at it for a long time.

"It's really strange, the blue-covered corpse is evil."

Li Fu was a little uneasy and showed a little, but it flashed by.

After he sat down, he lit a cigarette and asked Wu Nade to recite the spell again.

As soon as the Wu Nade thought, the wind was blowing.

Li Fu didn't pay attention to it at all. He listened attentively to the curse, and some of the five virtues were not accurate at all, but the sound was similar.

After listening to it twice, Li Fu waved his hand and looked gloomy.

"Cup the coffin."

I put down the five Nade's coffin, and Li Fu stood up and said.

"I'll come back tomorrow."

Li Fu left in a hurry. I thought that something bad might happen, and I also left. Then Wu Nade followed me when he locked the door.

Who dares to stay in this room? I dare not.

The five Nade were so scared that he kept following me.

"Don't follow me, find a hotel by yourself."

That Wu Nade stopped.

I returned to Xinla City and found it strange.

I didn't talk to the second master.

After drinking with the second master that day, I went downstairs to sleep.

My strange thing is that I haven't smelled the pure fragrance in the past two days.

I had a dream at night and dreamed of Na Wan. If I didn't speak, I just cried. I asked her, but she didn't say anything, but just cried. The tears kept flowing and kept waking me up. I actually found that there were tears in my hand. I licked it and it was really salty. I thought it was strange.

In the morning, I got up and had dinner. I wanted to ask the second master. Li Fu called me and asked me to go over. I knew it was about the porcelain coffin of the Wunade family.

I hesitated for a moment and passed.

What did Li Fu draw at home? It was a mess on a piece of paper.

"Do I want to get rich?"

As soon as I heard it, I knew what Li Fu was going to lead me to.

"I want to think about it, but I won't make this money."

"Cut, then I'll tell you the truth. The spell of Wunade is a death spell. No one should know this spell. He actually dreamed of it."

What does the death spell mean?

"After a person dies, they will read a curse called the dead mantra. We can't hear it, but someone can hear it. The person who will die is simply terrible. If the dead man curses, he will lose his heart if he doesn't die."

"Who would have such a curse?"

"People with blue faces, Daqing."

"Is a big young man a young man?"


"I haven't met it."

"That's you."

"What will happen to those pairs?"

"That Wunade didn't have Qingji and learned it in a dream. Who will be the person who made him have this dream?"

"This is strange. Dreams are what the day thinks, and there are dreams only at night."

"You are an explanation. It's a science, but it's actually not scientific. Sometimes, what you don't think about during the day, you also appear in your dream, and in a few days, it matches in reality. What is this?"

I shook my head.

"The person who has Qingji will give you the memory of the dead man's curse. In fact, there is another kind of the dead man's mantra. He gives you a dream, a dream, what to remind you in the dream and let you do it."

I'm sweating. It's simply like joking.

"What on earth are you trying to say?"

"I think there is a Qingji person who gave a dream to Wu Nade, which seems to remind me of something."

"Tell him that there is a porcelain coffin. Who owns the body in the porcelain coffin?"

"This is exactly what I want to know. I didn't touch it. I feel it's weird. Do you dare to go with me today? Let's see whose body it is."

I hesitated for a moment.

"What's the matter? A dead man, what are you afraid of?"

Li Fule, that smile is not right. I'm a little regretful, but what the man said should be counted.

Li Fu and I went to the house of Wu Nade, who sat at the door and waited for us.

Entering the room, Wu Nade stood far away. It seemed that he was really scared.

"Pry up the coffin cover."

The five Nade had to come and pull the coffin lid.

The lid of the coffin was pulled up, and Li Fu looked at me and Nanade.

"Which one of you two will go down?"

As for this, the person who goes down is definitely not me, and I won't play this life.

That Wu Nade had been scared to pee for a long time and was about to cry.

Li Fu shook his head and said.

"Two cowards, I'll go down and tie the rope to my waist. I'll let you pull it, and you can pull me up as soon as possible."

Li Fu is also afraid. He is not afraid that it is fake. Who knows whose body is below?

Li Fu went down. He went down, squatted down to look, and then slowly uncovered the blue cloth. He opened a corner and stopped. In fact, he didn't see anything. Maybe he felt something was wrong and stopped.

He put down the blue cloth again and stood up and said.

"I think this should be replaced by another person."

I looked at the five Nade, and he waved his hand straight at me.

"Wizard Li, come on!"

Li Fu didn't speak or move. He didn't know what he was thinking.

It took Li Fu to squat down again for a long time. He lifted the corner of the blue cloth again and stopped for a moment. He seemed to have made up his mind. He uncovered it. I didn't see what was going on. Li Fu screamed, covered the blue cloth and shouted.

"Plug me up, pull me up, come on, come on..."

Li Fu was pulled up and sweated all over, he said after he came up.

"I can't do this."

He said and ran away. That was really running.

The five Nade was dumbfounded. I felt cold all over and trembling.

"Brother, play by yourself!"

I also left. It was so evil that Li Fu was afraid, and I didn't dare to stay there.

As soon as I ran to the gate, I saw Wu Nade rushing out and almost fell down.

When I returned to Xinla City, I couldn't sleep and always felt something.

This night, I dreamed that Wan cried again, crying even more sadly.

When I got up in the morning, I still had tears in my hands.

When I came out, an old man told me that he heard a woman crying last night.

I jivered and didn't say anything.

I went upstairs, and the second master was coming out to eat. I pulled the second master aside and said.

"Did you hear anything last night?"

The second master shook his head and then turned to the canteen. I felt that the second master heard something, but he didn't say anything.

This is strange.

I began to feel uneasy and always felt that there was something wrong. The second master didn't tell me.

After dinner, I went back to my room and always had a strange feeling. Uneasy, just uneasy. After hesitating for an hour, I went to the Wunade's room and jumped in through the window.

I looked at the porcelain coffin, and then looked at the lid of the porcelain coffin. There were blue flowers on it. It was indeed a pretty good porcelain coffin. In addition to the flowers, I also saw a vague outline of a person.

I want to look closely but I can't see it. If I don't look at it, there will be.

I sat on the sofa, smoked, locked my eyebrows, and looked at the coffin. This was really a terrible thing, just like what I dreamed of. I couldn't see clearly. The old man's words were hidden. In fact, it's a dream. I can't explain this clearly.

I wanted to go down, but I didn't dare in the end.

After I jumped out of the window, as soon as I walked a few steps, the wind rose everywhere, the window suddenly opened, the glass broke, and I shivered.

On my way to Li Fu's house, I met a man who always looked at me, and I didn't pay much attention to it.

Li Fu drinks at home.

I went in and sat down, poured a glass of wine, and took a sip.

"What did you see?"

Li Fu didn't say anything and bowed his head.

"You just want to say something."

"I'm afraid you won't believe it."

"I believe it."

"You said, I'm most afraid of people lying there. Do you believe it?"

I didn't understand what Li Fu said for a moment.

I think about the person he said he was afraid of, that is thatwan. I stood up at once.


"Then go and see for yourself."

I was confused and sweated. How could this be possible? I suddenly remembered that the person who was vaguely unable to see clearly on the coffin was thatwan, nothing wrong, absolutely nothing wrong.

I panicked. How could this happen? What the hell happened?

"Come with me."

"There is a knife in my room. You kill me first."

Li Fu stared at me after saying that, and it seemed that he would not go even if he was killed.

I went back, entered the room of the five Nade, and sat there to look at the figure on the porcelain coffin. I'm sure it's Na Wan. However, what Li Fu said, Na Wan is below, and her body is below. I don't believe this. Li Fu is very sinister and deadly. He always circles others to do it, and he collects profits.

I sat there for more than an hour before I decided to go down.