grave-keeping note

3. Bone ring

3. Bone ring

The armed policeman went down for ten minutes and came up and hugged a person. It seemed to be successful. The armed police went down again, rescued the remaining two people and took them to the ambulance.

The people there stood for more than half an hour before they left, leaving the police.

"What should I do? The police are here.

"It's okay. Look at the fun!"

I went down the mountain to get food and got a telescope for Li Fu. He couldn't see it. I could see it.

We sat on the mountain drinking and looked down.

There can be more than 50 policemen, which is really terrible. Once you go back, 50 people will definitely knock you down. If you don't cripple you, you won't finish.

"Whose footsteps are you?"

"I said, I don't know."

Li Fu stared at me and looked down with a telescope.

It was dark. After eight o'clock, there was a light outside the gate. It was the taxi.

Li Fu said.

"It's lively to watch."

The police standing at the door surrounded the taxi.

"Hahaha... this will be interesting."

The police surrounded the taxi and opened the door to pull the man on the car.

Who knows, the policeman suddenly let go of his hand and ran away. Other people also ran with him. There was a gunshot and the taxi drove away.

"What's going on?"

"That's a ghost car. Who do you think is driving?"


"That's a ghost without facial features. Who won't be scared to death if he sees it."

I thought for a moment, and my face without facial features trembling. It's scary enough for Li Fu to say so.

The gate of the courtyard calmed down and increased the police force.

In the middle of the night, Li Fu fell asleep. I sat there and slept on my knees.

There was a sound in the grass. I woke up, and Li Fu also woke up.

We looked around and our voices stopped. Obviously, this is a person who saw us. Li Fu stood up. I didn't move. Looking around, I saw a pair of eyes and strange eyes.

Li Fu didn't see that the eyes of the new people can be like this. I think it has something to do with our life in the night for thousands of years.

I touched Li Fu, and he understood.

"Nothing, it's the wind."

He sat down and obviously said it to that person.

The man is still behind the bushes and hasn't moved.

We continued to sleep. I looked under my knees. The man moved and rushed over to us. This person turned out to be a woman. She walked lightly, but she was not timid and came to us.

Li Fu jumped up at once. It seemed that he saw the woman, "Oh, my God!" With a sound that didn't move, Li Fu went over and kicked down.

I used to be a woman in her forties, a little fat.

"Who are you?"

"I, I..."

Li Fu raised it and wanted to step on the woman's face.

"No, I said, I'm a makeup artist in the crematorium and want to steal the bone ring in Wizard Li's pocket."

Li Fu was stunned for a moment.

"How do you know that I have a bone ring?"

"That day, I heard from people at the crematorium that with a bone ring, the dead can tell the last secret. I think that after many families die, many people are in debt, or don't know the password. If he can tell it, I will make money."

This stupid woman.

"Let's go! Don't think about those messes."

When the woman left, Li Fu scolded.

"I'm going to die."

After we sat down, Li Fu suddenly jumped up.

"No, you can't let that woman go."

He raised his legs and chased. I didn't move. I didn't need two men to chase a woman, but when Li Fu came back, he shook his head, but he didn't catch up.

"What's going on? I can't even catch up with a woman."

"This woman is too shrewd. I guess she is from another road."

"Is there anything wrong with this woman?"

"She is not a makeup artist at all. She is a wizard of the Blackwater Man."



"How did you see it?"

"Look at my forehead."

I looked at Li Fu's forehead and didn't see anything at all.


"You look far away."

I looked far away and looked at it for a long time and was shocked. There was a cross on Li Fu's forehead. I really didn't pay attention to it before.

"Why didn't I see it before?"

"I want you to see it."

"What is this black water witch doing here?"

"It must be for the porcelain coffin, something for the bone ring, that's just an excuse."

I shook my head, and it seemed that this porcelain coffin was loved by thousands of people.

It was almost dawn, and there was ** on the other side of the small building. I don't know what happened. I can't see it. Li Fu stood up.

"Go down."

Li Fu and I were scared. When we were about to get to the small building, we hid behind the bushes and it was quiet inside.

"What should I do?"

"It's definitely not possible to go in now. The police will catch us."

"That's just waiting."

"Look at the opportunity, the ghost car will definitely come. He wants to take Xiaoya's bones away."

"That won't work. If you lose it again, won't it end?"


"Don't you want that Wan can't come back?"


I stared at Li Fu.

"What are you staring at? It's useless."

I kicked Li Fu out with one foot, then ran away, and the police rushed over. Li Fu ran away with his life, and the police suddenly shot. Li Fu immediately stopped and squatted with his head in his arms.

I hid behind the bushes to watch. Li Fu was taken away by the police.

I think it's broken. If Li Fu breaks the corpse and takes away Xiaoya's bones, it's over.

My heart trembling, but when I thought about it, Li Fu was afraid of the footsteps in the ancestral tomb. He was afraid of death and did not dare to go down. However, this is not accurate.

I went back to Xinla City to find the second master, but the second master didn't see me. This is troublesome. It must be impossible. If the second master doesn't help me, what should I do? Li Fu was arrested by the police.

There was nothing I could do. I went back to the village and hid on the mountain in front of me and looked at the main door. There were still so many policemen. They were sitting in the yard. Li Fu squatted in the yard. It seemed that Li Fu didn't help them.

All the time until dark, they were asking Li Fu and kicked two feet from time to time. Li Fu suddenly fell to the ground, twitched, and the yard was in a panic. Then he carried Li Fu into the car and took him to the hospital.

I don't know what's wrong with Li Fu? I didn't dare to leave. Now they have no choice. The footsteps in the ancestral tomb make them helpless, and the people who go down will have an accident.

I didn't dare to leave. At ten o'clock, the taxi slowly came.

I rushed down the mountain, stopped the car, and got on the car. The driver didn't see it, and I didn't look at him. His face has no facial features. I don't want to scare myself.

The car slowly went to the small building. When the police saw it, they immediately panicked. They took out their guns. This is not a good thing. Ghost cars are not afraid of guns. I'm terrible. I want to go down, but I can't stop calling him.

The car stopped at the door and couldn't open the door. The police pointed guns at us, dozens of guns, which were scary enough.

The headlights suddenly went out, and the driver opened the door and got out of the car. As soon as I pulled the door out, I followed him closely. The driver walked to the yard, and everyone got out of the way. He was standing on the side of the yard and did not dare to approach.

"Tomb keeper, what do you want to do?"

"Of course you won't do what you want to do."

I followed the driver, and I thought that I couldn't let him take away Xiaoya's bones, so that Wan would not come back.

I think I will go to the ancestral tomb first.

But the driver did not enter the ancestral tomb and went upstairs.

The door was closed. After going upstairs, the window was also closed and the curtains were closed. He sat there motionless.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll wait for one more person, and I'll take away Xiaoya's bones."

"That won't work. Xiaoya's bones will be taken away, and my lover can't come back."

"That's your business."

"Then who are you waiting for?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

It's useless for me to ask this driver without facial features. He doesn't talk. I heard the footsteps and panicked. It was not the footsteps of the ancestral tomb. The footsteps were very heavy. I think the driver should be waiting for.

The man came up, and I saw that it was the woman, the Black Water Wizard.

"Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Why did you help him?"

"He gave me what I needed."

"Or I can give you more."

"You can't do it, little gravekeeper. You'd better leave here. If you want, I can send you out."

"How did you get in?"

"The police let me in!"

"Are you with Zhengfei?"

"You are so smart."

The black water witch patted my face.

"Have you brought what I want?"

"In the car, take out Xiaoya's bones and I will give you the things. Don't want to get close to the car. If you do that, I'm afraid your life will be gone."

"I won't be so stupid."

They went downstairs and opened the door. As soon as they opened the door, the police and Zheng Fei in the yard jumped aside and looked at us.

I pressed them down from the ancestral tomb. They entered the coffin room, and the porcelain coffin was placed there, covered with the lid, and the corpse was inside.

"I think, witch, you shouldn't touch that porcelain coffin. It's no good."

"This has nothing to do with you."

"If it has something to do with thatwan, it has something to do with me."

The black water witch stared at me and ignored me. He went straight to the porcelain coffin. At this time, the footsteps sounded, the black water witch was stunned, and the driver also trembled.

all looked at the door and stopped when the footsteps were about to reach the door, just like last time.

After waiting for a long time, the footsteps did not sound.

"Don't be afraid of half-ghost things."

The black water witch said this, and I thought it should be thatwan, absolutely thatwan.

There is a pure fragrance that comes out.

The black water witch went to push the lid of the porcelain coffin.

"You'd better not move. It's the gentle footsteps."

"It's not a ghost. If she dares to come out, I'll let her die here."


I rushed over and pushed the witch of the Black Waterman aside.

"Little gravekeeper, you are looking for death."

The driver grabbed my neck from behind, and I couldn't move, and I heard the sound of my neck bone breaking.


It was the gentle laughter, which was weird. The driver let me go at once, and I coughed violently. The black water witch was shocked.

"Na Wan, how can you laugh?"

"You made it simple. If you want to live, leave here immediately. I don't blame you."

The driver leaned against the wall, said the black water wizard.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. You can't laugh and say that you are on the road."

"Then come and try it."

I stood up and walked to Na Wan. I wanted to pull her hand, but it was empty. Na Wan looked at me and said.

"It's okay. I'll walk back and wait for me."

I nodded.

I didn't expect that thatwan would appear. In fact, sometimes, when I am in danger, she will appear, no matter what happens to me. This time, it's because of me. In fact, she can't do it at all.

This time, something else may happen, which makes me feel very painful.

Looking at Na Wan, she was originally the eldest lady, knowledgeful, gentle and kind. Who knows, now she has to do these things.

From the day I met Na Wan, everything has become more strange. The compound was lost and the tomb was lost. I don't know what kind of blow it was. She tried her best to protect the tomb, but in the end she didn't protect it. Now he thinks that Wu Nade, he sold the compound, which is also his idea. He can't protect the compound at all, so he has changed a method, which is really effective. However, since then, the compound has lost its tranquility.

So the tomb, the five virtues have nothing to do.

From the perspective of Nawan, she hates Wunade, the only descendant left by this family, who has no ability at all. However, she has nothing she can do. She wants to kill the five Nade. However, there is still no. She just hates iron and steel.

Nwan fell in love with me, but she didn't say why. If in that era, that house was a rich family, that Wan was the only girl in that family. The eldest lady of that family would definitely not like me. Even if she fell in love with that master, she would not agree. The door was right. What's more, the Wan was beautiful and literate. I really can't figure out who was worthy of that Wan. I don't know if there was anyone who liked it back then.

Now that the peak has turned around, I have come together and interpreting a life-and-death love. It's magnificent enough to think about it.

That Wan should have been bright at that time. It seemed that I could think of that Wan at that time. Of course, it would not be the young lady of a big family seen on TV, which was fabricated and not close to reality.

At this time, Na Wan took on another role, a role that a girl should not take on.

Now that Wan has lost so much, maybe the only thing left is love, and even this love needs to pay great pain to get it. Whether this is fair or unfair, there is no way to say.

I looked at Na Wan and didn't know if she could beat the wizard of the Black Water Man. The black water wizard suddenly appeared, which surprised me. I thought that the wizard should be a profession, how capable they are, and whether witchcraft is a manifestation of reality or exists. Some of the things made by Li Fu are indeed very strange and happen. Maybe that's a profession! The evil of wizards is what ordinary people think, and so did I at first. But after contacting Li Fu, I don't think that's the case.