grave-keeping note

5. Black cloth shroud

5. Black cloth shroud

I sat in the grass and waited for Li Fu to see the dilapidated house, and there was no descendants in this family. Li Fu didn't come here for more than two hours.

"How did you come?"

"Didn't I tell you to look for it first?"

"I think it's better to wait for you to come."

Li Fu stared at me, saw that there was no one left and right, and then went in. I followed up. Li Fu went straight into the south room. It seems that he is quite familiar with this place.

There is a lock on the kang cabinet, that kind of old-fashioned small copper lock.

"Open it."

"There is no key."


I got on the kang, pulled it hard with my hand, and the lock opened.

"Open the cabinet door."

I opened the cabinet door, and there was something in it, something wrapped in black cloth, a long strip, about 1.5 meters, in the cabinet, and then there was nothing else.

"What is this?"

"I don't know. Open it and have a look."

I didn't think much about it. I pulled things out, pulled them to the kang, and then opened the black cloth little by little, wrapping many layers.

Li Fu has stood at the door. I didn't pay much attention. If I paid attention, I wouldn't do it.

The black cloth was most open. I looked at something a little dark, and then I screamed. A taller jumped off the kang, and Li Fu stood at the door and looked at me.

"What's your name?"

"That, that..."

"Isn't it just a mummified corpse? An old lady's mummified body, what are you afraid of?

Go to his eighth uncle. He clearly knows and doesn't know me. He just wants to scare me.


"A woman that the second master likes is a little similar to thatwan."

I was stunned and knew that the second master had a woman. However, he really hasn't heard of this woman, and even the second master has never mentioned Eji Village.

"How can it be a corpse? It's still in the kang cabinet."

"The second master is waiting for him to be buried with him after his death. He is a life-and-death couple, a living husband and a dead wife. If he can't be a wife alive, then he will die."

I trembling for a moment, and it seems that the second master is also a love species.

"What do you mean?"

"Find something. Of course, this thing is not with her. The second master wants to find it. Over the years, he has not found it. Today is an opportunity. So I asked you to come."

"It's not on her. You asked me to open it. What are you doing?"

"The second master hasn't found it for so many years. Do you think it will be so easy? Today is the day the old lady lost that thing, and it's also strange. Ten years later, she died on the same day, so this gave me a chance. The second master is a gravekeeper and doesn't understand some things about the wizard. You picked it up today.

"What do you mean?"

"The day the old lady lost something, ten years later, she died. It happened to be the day she lost something, and today is also ten years later. It's the same day to lose something and die. When you meet Santong, it's the day to find something. No matter what you lose, you can find it."

"Do you know what it is?"

"I don't know, you put the old lady's hand down."

I had a cold war, mummified corpses, not bones, this two-hand man.

"What are you doing? If the second master finds out, won't you break my hand?"

"With this possibility, when Santong meets, her hand will point to the direction of throwing things, and she can find it."

"You do this."

"You understand, I'm here to help you."

"I feel like you're on the kang."

"Do you do it or not?"

Li Fu is leaving.

I jumped on the kang, got the old lady's hand down, and sweated.

I handed it to Li Fu with my hand.

"When you take it, when you go out, that hand will have a finger pointing direction."

Out of the door, the old lady's food pointed out that the others were actually retracted, and I almost threw away my hand, which was too evil. Li Fu stared at me and said.

"Don't throw your hand away. If this hand sticks to the soil, it will disappear."

I held my hand and walked in the direction of my finger.

Eji Village is in a ditch in the mountains. When you go out of the ditch, you can go straight up the mountain.

Eji went up the mountain with pine trees. After entering, he climbed to the mountain. After climbing the mountain beams, he walked along the mountain beams. The path was like intestines and tortuous.

"What direction is this going?"

"If you follow this beam, you will go to the grave mountain."

Fengshan Mountain was not called Fenshan, but Baishi Mountain, and the stones there were all white. Later, the government assigned it and buried the graves there, which is called Grave Mountain. There are tens of thousands of graves there, one by one. There are people who burn the wrong paper every day. Because there are too many graves, several new graves can emerge overnight.

I've been there once. Looking at the bottom of the mountain, the grave bag makes you stand coldly.

People say that in the middle of the night, the mountain is lively, and there will always be voices coming out. They say that ghosts are talking. It's true or false. I haven't heard of it, but there are always evil things here that are true.

Some people come here to commit suicide every day. It's a very strange thing. If people are good, they come here to kill.

They said that they would find anyone who was short of ghosts. If there were fewer doctors, they would recruit a doctor, which sounded very terrible.

"Have you heard of the rumor of Fenshan? If they lack anything, they will recruit anyone. I think they must be short of wizards.

Li Fu said with a smile.

"That's for sure. There must be a shortage of gravekeepers."

These two things won't take advantage of your words.

The old lady's hand pointed to the other side of the grave mountain and looked at the nearby tomb mountain. In fact, it took more than an hour to walk.

When I feel very tired, I want to sit down.

"Don't stop, you can't stop when you come out, just like a coffin. You can't stop the coffin."

This is quite exquisite. No one will be comfortable with such a hand.

"Take it for a while."

"I won't take anything good."

Li Fu also knows that it is not a good thing.

More than an hour later, I arrived at the cemetery. After entering the cemetery, the old lady's fingers were moving, which made me trembling. I looked at my left and right fingers and walked forward.

Li Fu followed me, and suddenly he shouted.

I almost didn't scare me to death. This is Fenshan. You have nothing to do and shout behind you. If you don't feel dizzy, you will be scared.

I jumped and looked back, half of Li Fu's body was in the grave.

I'll go to his eighth uncle.

"What are you playing?"

"Whose grave is this? It's really a sin. It's all like this. I won't clean it up.

Li Fu crawled out and kicked the grave.

"I didn't do good deeds in my last life."

We continued to walk, and our fingers were still moving.

The tomb on this mountain is very large. It seems that the old lady is looking for a grave.

We turned for an hour, and the old lady's fingers were still moving. I didn't move, and my fingers pointed in one direction.

"It's been an hour, and it's not a good thing to turn around the grave mountain."

"You are too talkative, little gravekeeper, don't talk nonsense on the grave mountain."

I had to continue walking, and Li Fu suddenly stopped and said.

"Wait a minute."

Li Fu looked at a grave and stood there without a stone tablet.

"What are you doing?"

"This grave is a little strange."

"I can't see it, only you grave robbers can see it."

"Of course, this is called professional."

"Li Fu, you are really shameless and take shameless as an honor."

Li Fu didn't say anything and circled around the grave three times.

"Li Fu, don't do anything."

"It's none of your business."

Li Fu circled the grave three times. It was a circle grave. After three years, the ghost in the grave was trapped in it for three years. It seemed that there was something in it.

Li Fu stood in front of the grave and muttered something.


Li Fu turned around and left.

"What's wrong?"

"I just felt that there was something in Li's face, but it was fake."

"How did you see it?"

"The grave robbers don't even understand this kind of small grave. Do they still dare to go to the tomb and mausoleum?"

Li Fu's words are not wrong. If you can't steal this grave well, you will lose your life here, haunted by ghosts, and you will be crazy if you don't die for seven days.

He probably doesn't remember how many tombs and tombs Li Fu has stolen. He probably doesn't look down on this kind of grave. This can only be called a grave. The tomb has a tomb. If you can go down, there will basically be something and the family has some money.

Building tombs and mausoleums is a big project, and building houses is much more complicated and the cost is much higher. Generally, people can only be graves.

The old lady finally pointed her finger at a grave and stopped moving.

"That's it. Look, this grave is big enough."

"It's quite big. It looks like he died very early."

"I can't see it. Judging from the size, I'm afraid I can't see it."

"You know nothing."

Li Fu bent down and smelled it.

Can I smell something?

"You're not a police dog. It's useless to smell it."

Li Fu talked to me, took out a folding shovel from his bag and handed it to me. He took the old lady's hand and I began to dig.

Li Fu's bag has been carrying these things for many years. He is really a dedicated talent, and he is not afraid of being stopped by the police one day and turning over the bag.

The grave is big. It took almost an hour to see the coffin. It's a coffin, not an urn. Li Fu is right about this grave. It's quite early, at least before the cremation policy.

The outside of the coffin was coated with a kind of turpentine, but it was not rotten. Li Fu jumped down and handed his hand to me.

"You go up."

Li Fu took out his tools and pried open the coffin board. I was worried that if his family came at this time, the two of us would definitely be beaten to death and then burst into the wilderness.

Someone came up the mountain.

"Someone is coming."

"I came to the grave, I'm afraid of bullshit."

Li Fu is so bold. I really don't know if he has ever met anyone else when he did this.

Sure enough, he went to the grave, and Li Fu had already seen everything clearly.

The lid of the coffin was pried open, and Li Fu took out a flashlight to look in. I don't know what else is in his bag.

He looked at it for a long time and stood up.

"Only bones, nothing."

"What do you mean?"

"There may be digging the wrong grave."

I went to his eighth uncle's, and I still brought it to play like this? Do you think it's digging a hole to plant trees?

Li Fu came up and took the old man's hand. He watched.

"That's right!"

The old lady's hand has been pointing to the grave, no matter what direction you turn.

Li Fu jumped down again, got into the coffin, and came up for a long time.

"His MD actually pressed under him."

Li Fu holds a pedal ring in his hand.

"Just this thing, you bury the grave."

I didn't say anything. After all, Li Fu is for me.

After the grave was buried, the old lady's fingers also shrank.

We went back, put our hands back, wrapped the black cloth, put it in the kang piano cabinet, and left Eji Village.

On the way, Li Fu handed me the ring.

"This is for your second master. There are two points. One is that you have found this thing, and the other is an emotional attack. Your second master loves this person, but there is no way to marry him. You have to kneel down, cry heartbreakingly, and make him moved. Remembering his love in those years, he will help you."

I took a look at Li Fu.

"Thank you very much."

"It's a little serious."

Li Fu smiled and patted me.
