grave-keeping note

17. Xiangmu

17. Xiangmu

The second master drank too much that day and slept in the villa.

When I woke up, the second master had already left. I saw tears on the pillow, and I was sad.

"I'm sorry, second master."

I muttered.

I started packing up and called a friend in Dalian. I don't want to go too far.

I finished collecting the things and sat there in a daze.

In the afternoon, I went to Xinla City and didn't go in. I watched the old people sitting in the yard from afar. This may be really fate.

When I got on the train, tears flowed out. I'm really sorry.

After arriving in Dalian, my friend came to pick me up, rented a house for me, and then took me to play for two days. He asked me to look for a job.

When I was looking for a job, I knew that in fact, I was already a person from another world. There are many things that I don't understand and many things I don't know.

I haven't found a job for a month. However, my heart calmed down and waited for Wan to come out of my world.

I'm surprised that my world can be such an old world. It's ridiculous to think about it.

I can't help calling the second master, and I won't answer anyone who calls me.

In this way, I feel lonely, and my friend is also an ordinary friend, which is also regarded as being benevolent.

It's not a small blow to me that I can't find a job. I stay at home every day and don't know when I can get out of the world. This is the most important thing.

My friend came and brought a lot of things, which moved me and immediately called to book a private room.

When we were drinking, the friend said.

"You are a gravekeeper, can you tell fortunes?"

I thought that fortune-telling and jumping god is Li Fu's work, but there is a chapter in "Spice Numbers", which is not called fortune-telling, but prediction. Probably this is what is usually called fortune-telling.

I hesitated for a moment.

"I can't tell fortunes, but what you're talking about, maybe I can know."

My friend said.

"I don't know what it is, a friend's business, so I'll call her right away."

My friend called and came in for half an hour. A woman was still beautiful, but she was not energetic. You could see that she looked like a godless woman.

She is a little nervous.

After sitting down, my friend said.

"This is my good friend."

I nodded.

"What do you say?"

"Can you be accurate?"

It seems that it is difficult to tell this matter, and I don't want to tell others.

"What should I see about this?"

My words made this woman hesitate.

"It's okay, say it!"

My friend said.

"That's what happened. My family lives on the first floor of Xinfu Community. I don't know what's going on. Last year, I heard the sound of wood breaking every day, and I didn't find many people to understand what was going on. As soon as this happened, my husband's temperament suddenly changed. He actually filed for divorce from me and ran away with another woman. He is not that kind of person, and my daughter doesn't talk to me about this kind of thing.

The woman cried after saying that.

"Don't cry, are you involved in something?"

"No, I work in the crematorium and the ashes are registered."

I didn't do anything. It's too normal. Maybe it's people's prejudice.

"It's a good job, leisurely and earns a lot of money."

"What's so good! I don't even have a friend now. None of them has anything to do with me. When they see me, they avoid it. I don't want to do this job, but if I don't, what should I eat? I don't have any other skills."

"It doesn't matter. We went to my house in the evening, and now we are full."

I chatted with my friend. At nine o'clock, we went to the woman's house.

The woman's house is not small. There is a small garden, a garage and a car. She seems to be living a good life. The salary in the crematorium is much higher than other jobs.

Entering a woman's house, it was very clean. At first glance, it was a clean person.

Women made tea for us. The tea is very ordinary. It seems that women can't drink tea.

"When will there be the sound of wood breaking?"

"It's usually after 12 o'clock in the middle of the night."

"Well, you get some beer and we'll continue to drink. You're busy with your business."

The woman bought a lot of beer and came back. My friend and I drank it. This woman knew everything very well and served us.

"Your husband ran away. That's not an excuse. If he loves you, he won't run away. Don't take this to heart. It seems that you are only 37 or 18 years old. Find another one. As for your daughter? I want you to call her and ask her to come back immediately. I don't think she will leave in the future.

The woman hesitated.

"Don't worry."

My friend said.

"Don't worry, he has a way."

Actually, my friend doesn't know me at all.

The woman called, and after a long time, her daughter agreed to come back to see her. In fact, her daughter lives at her grandparents' house, just two blocks away from here. However, this daughter just doesn't see her and says that she is unlucky. The child is like this, following the thoughts of adults.

The woman's daughter came back cold and looked at us without saying anything.

"Come here and sit with your uncle."

The girl is very beautiful. After she sat down, I said.

"Who loves you the most?"

She didn't speak and looked at her mother, and I understood that this was definitely nothing.

"You have the sound of breaking wood, and you think this sound was attracted by your mother. In fact, you are wrong. In a moment, your uncle will let you understand that it is not caused by your mother, and it has nothing to do with your mother."

The girl didn't speak and was a little scared. She seemed to be really scared. I walked in the room with a beer bottle. The house is very big. Because of the high shelf, I also got a second floor. I went up to the second floor. Obviously, it was a girl's room, which was very clean. It seemed that women cleaned every day.

I turned around and sat down and said.

"After a while, the sound of broken wood sounded, and I'll tell you what's going on. Nothing happened."

My friend is a little suspicious that I am drunk. In fact, he has never believed me.

The daughter doesn't believe it either, and the girl seems to believe it a little.

I have a friend who said fortune-telling. I thought I was looking for something, someone, or something, and I made such an evil thing for a long time.

Just after 12 o'clock, there was a sound of broken wood. Girl "Ah!" With a sound, her face turned white. She threw herself into her mother's arms and suddenly pushed her mother away. She was contradictory. It seemed that the child's grandfather or grandmother didn't say anything good.

The sound is so weird that I can't tell where it came from.

"Where did it come from?"

"I don't know. No one knows. Many people can't hear it. When the police come, they can't hear it. There is nothing outside. There is only one when they enter the room."

The strange voice will "click" every few minutes. This quiet night is quite scary, but this woman has never left for a day. She said that it is not easy to come by guarding this family.

I stood up and walked down to the second floor. I have seen that the place where she uses pure wood is this place. Below is a bottom made of seven wide boards. I can't see the thickness of this board. However, it must be very thick, otherwise you can't bear such a heavy weight.

I looked at the seven boards and knocked on them. One board was very dark in color. At first glance, it was an old board. For decades, it was still so strong.

"Where did these boards come from?"

"It was the father of the child. I don't know exactly where it came from."

"Interesting, if you still want your husband to come back, I think he will come back soon."

The woman stared at me with big eyes and didn't believe it.

"Actually, we love each other. At that time, he picked me up and saw me off every day, even when the child was old, he was the same, but with the sound of broken wood, he was rebellious. He was actually a good man."

"Do you have his phone number?"


She looked at the child after she finished.

"I have it."

"Call your father and ask him to come over. No matter what the reason is, I have a way to make you live a happy life before."

The woman looked at me suspiciously.

My friend whispered to me.

"Brother, don't play too much. In the middle of the night, if you play too much, we can't end it."

"Don't worry, they will thank you for a lifetime."

The man really came and was stunned to see us.

"What do you do?"

"I'm his friend. He's her classmate. I'm here to tell you the truth."

"I don't need the truth. You brought these messy people here in one day. You caused trouble and wanted to involve us."

"Your words are really boring. No matter what happens, husband and wife should bear it together. Are you still a man when you run away?"

I stared at this man.

said after a few laps below.

"Where did you get these boards from?"

"I want it from a friend."

"I don't think so. These six pieces were asked from a friend. This piece should have come from another time."

The man was stunned and said for a long time.

"Yes, this board was taken from my classmates. When I decorated it, she said it was useless and gave it to me."

"It's the female classmate you are with now."

The man was stunned again.

"How do you know?"

"I guessed."

I'm not angry.

"Well, find something, get this board down, and I'll take it away."

The man was stunned, and the woman almost believed me and found something. My friend and I took down the board with me. Seven inches, I was stunned and didn't expect it.

"There is something wrong with this board. After taking it away, we understand that we can just buy a new board and replace it."

"Are you sure it's the problem with this board?"

"This is a loud board. This is a kind of board abroad. It can sound and break. Even if it rots, it will also make noise. That's why. Your female classmate must know that she intends to do this. This female classmate is actually your common classmate.

The man was stunned.

"She wants to hurt me?"

"No, she fell in love with you. You are so kind to your wife. Your wife told me these. He said that you were so nice. This female classmate wanted to get you, so she used this trick. She knows everything. You can call immediately."

Men don't believe it at all.

"You talk nonsense. She loves me. I love her. She won't do this."

"You call."

The man really called.

"The board you gave me is loud wood?"

There was no movement for a long time, and then there was a cry.

"Yes, I did it all."

Then I hung up the phone.

"I'll find her."

"Forget it, she has left home now and will never see you again, and you will never see her again. The past will be over."

The man knelt down for the woman, and his daughter jumped into his daughter's arms and cried.

When my friends and I left, the three of them hugged each other and cried bitterly.

Let's come out, my friend said.

"You're so awesome. Is this really loud?"

"Let's talk about it later. Find a nightclub and toss around in the middle of the night. I'm hungry."

" resisting this board?"

My friend laughed loudly.