grave-keeping note

27. Vertical-walled coffin

27. Vertical-walled coffin

I didn't expect this at all. I thought that Wan had nothing to do. It seemed that it was not so easy for Wan to come back.

"What about this?"

"I also tell you the truth. This thing is really difficult to do. Wan is the person walking on the road, or has approached the road, or on the head of the road. As for what she has reached, I don't know. If she is on the road, there is nothing she can do. If she is on the road, the hanging corpse is to pull her back, and she will definitely Cause something.

"Do you think it's a good idea?"

"Find the where the hanging body is, and then we will talk about other things."

"How to find it?"

"You go back today and take a look at the situation. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

We came out, Li Fu went home, and I went upstairs.

When I went in, Wan didn't look good and walked around the room, which was very uneasy.

"What's wrong with you?"

I pretend that I don't know anything.

Na Wan smiled at me and said.

"It's okay."

Na Wan sat down and was in a daze. I didn't bother her any more, but I looked at her with good eyes. The hanging corpse outside the window can still be seen.

That Wan fell asleep, and I also fell asleep. However, I didn't fall asleep. I've been paying attention to hanging corpses.

I don't know when she fell asleep. Na Wan suddenly shouted, and I sat down as soon as I sat down. Her face was pale and sweaty.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay. I have a nightmare."

I hugged Na Wan, and the corpse outside the window disappeared.

After dawn, I asked Na Wan to stay at the villa.

Then, I went to find Li Fu. He sat in the yard and I went in, he said.

"How about that yesterday?"

I told you the situation.

"In that situation, I'm afraid it's difficult to deal with this hanging corpse. On the road, just like us, she lost a lot of things on the road, so now she is the most uncomfortable time and she needs help."

"What should I do?"

"At night, go to the teahouse with me, wait for the hanging body to appear, and then stare at it."

At night, Li Fu and I sat in that position again, and the hanging body did not appear until midnight.

"Isn't that not upstairs?"

"No, in the villa."

"You are simply an asshole."

After Li Fu finished speaking, he stood up and left. I always understood that the hanging body followed Na Wan.

We arrived at the villa and didn't get close. We saw the hanging corpse from afar.

"It's hanging there. There should be nothing wrong, right?"

"The hanging corpse uses the corpse gas to hook the gentle, little by little invasion. Nine days later, Na Wan will return to the road.

My cold sweat came out.

When it was almost dawn, the corpse came down and moved very fast.

"Let's keep up."

The body went to the back mountain, and we followed.

"Don't be too careful. It doesn't know we follow it."

Li Fu and I followed, passed the mountain beam, walked west, and walked for another 40 minutes. We were about to get close to the tree burial. A little further north, it was the place where the left was stuck.

The hanging corpse disappeared behind a mountain stone. There was nothing there. I don't know where it got into.

"What's going on?"

"Don't worry, it's on the left and right, and we'll find it."

We didn't find it for half an hour.

"Don't look for it. Just stay here. It will go to find thatwan tonight, and we will see it appear somewhere."

At almost noon, the left card suddenly appeared. I was stunned when I saw Zuoka, and he was also stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that we would be here.

He said.

"Why are we here?"

I don't want to say that Li Fu is quick-mouthed, that's all.

"Hung the corpse!"

The meaning of the left card, that's understand.

"Do you know?"

I asked the left card.

"Of course I know. Hanging the corpse is hanging there like drying a big radish."

The left card is too easy to say.

"I'm afraid it's much more terrible than radish."

Zuo Ka thought for a moment and said.

"Maybe I can help you."

I was stunned for a moment, but Li Fu didn't say anything.


"I'm your friend. Since I'm a friend, I'll help you."

"I'll forget it. Let Li Fu come!"

I don't believe in Zuoka's ability, not his friendship with us.

"Left card line."

When Li Fu said this, Zuoka laughed. I stared at Li Fu. It seemed that the boy wanted to give this matter to Zuoka. He has always been like this.

"Well, thank you for trusting me. The hanging body will appear at night, and you don't have to guard here. We will gather here before dark. You will pass through here and reach the main gate of Tulun City."

The left card is finished and left.

After the left card left, I said to Li Fu.

"You are really good. You also believe in Zuo Ka in such a big thing."

"What are you afraid of? I will always do it. If he can't, I'll go again."

Li Fu's two-hand goods.

We crossed that road and arrived at Tulun City 20 minutes later. We found a place to eat.

When it was getting dark, we went to the rock, and the left card was already there.

After we sat down, Zuo Ka said.

"The hanging corpse will choose a yin number."

"What is a negative number?"

I asked.

"Except for nine, it's all negative numbers. It won't come out at nine o'clock. It won't come out at nine o'clock. Now it's eight o'clock, and it may come out."

We all stood up when we heard the sound of stones grinding together. I saw that there was a stone slab staggered on the stone wall behind me. Li Fu shouted.

"Wall coffin."

I was shocked, and the hanging body came out. Zuoka was not in a hurry. He took the leg of the hanging corpse with a rope, and he fell down as soon as he left.

Li Fu rushed over as a tall man and looked into the coffin.

"The vertical coffin is artificially chiseled and is very fine. This vertical coffin is facing the sun and absorbing the sun to stimulate the corpse. There are many such coffins in the wrong direction. After years, the body will move and come out of the coffin. Many families are empty graves, which is the reason."

"Where have those bones gone?"

"I don't know."

Li Fu was not angry, and there was nothing in the vertical coffin, which was probably the reason why Li Fu was angry.

The bone walked very slowly, fell down one step, got up again, and fell down again.

"What should I do?"

"Wait, when it fell down, it dispersed, then put the bone back into the wall coffin, left a piece, and threw it into the river. It will be like this for the rest of its life."

Zuo Ka said.

We sat there and watched, hanging corpses kept falling and getting up, and we couldn't walk 20 centimeters in one step.

Suddenly, Li Fu jumped up and rushed over, just a foot, with the body broken and scattered bones on the ground.

"Li Fu, what are you doing?"

I asked.

"Look here, I just felt something was wrong. It was running to a point. Look at this point, which is opposite a point on the wall coffin. This is a yang to yin point. During the day, the sun shines on the point of the wall coffin. At night, the moon shines on this dark point. At 20 o'clock, the yin and yang are delivered, and they complement each other and hang the corpses. When it comes to the yin point, it is the last fight. Its body is full of yang qi, and it is ready to turn into yang qi. Now it seems that it can't work, so it goes to the yin point. The yin qi upper body is a ghost corpse. Then the three of us will not die today, and it's hard enough.

I was so scared that Zuo Ka didn't know much about this.

Li Fu picked up a bone and threw it away, and the rest were put back in the wall coffin.

"It's all right this time."

I returned to the villa, and Na Wan had already slept. Probably these days, she hasn't slept well.

When I got up in the morning, the spirit was the same as before. I was relieved.

The second master came in the afternoon. He came here to want me and Nawan to move to Xinla City. After all, I am Xinla City, so Xinla City is still a little alive. Now Xinla City is full of old people, just like a tomb city.

I think of Na Wan, she didn't express her position. Obviously, she didn't like to go.

"Second Master, I will discuss this with Na Wan again."

After the second master left, I asked Na Wan, and she said she would listen to me.

I hesitated and returned to Xinla City. In addition to his meaning, the second master also had another layer that I was a gravekeeper. I should take over his shift and guard Shuiling.

I finally decided not to go to Xinla City. Then we went back to the teahouse and ran the teahouse every day.

It's good to live like this, but I have been to Xinla City more often. After all, I have to give the second master a comfort.

When two suns appeared in the sky, a month later, my second master and I sat in the yard drinking, and the two suns appeared, which made people hairy.

When the second master saw the two suns, he shook his head.

"There is an end to everything, just like human life. Sooner or later, it will come to an end."

He means other than lamenting that he is going to die. The second master finally said.

"When people are exhausted, the grass is exhausted, the tomb is at the end, the mausoleum has an end, and the second sun appears in the sky. It is the end of the mausoleum."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm afraid it's time."

"Didn't we lock the mausoleum, a hundred years?"

"When Eryang appears, it is the time of the sky. No one can do anything about it. The lockling is just temporary. The lock is open. Eryang appears in the sky, and the water mausoleum is bound to open."

I didn't expect it to be like this. I've never seen it, but I've heard that Eryang is in the sky, which is not a good thing, indicating that something is going to happen.

That day, the second master went to bed early. About Eryang Xiantian, TV reported that it was a natural phenomenon, once in a thousand years.

The appearance of the two sun also caused a moment of panic, and then experts explained this phenomenon on TV, and everything slowly became peaceful.

The second master has never liked to talk and always sits in front of the window in a daze.

Li Fu called me and said.

"I'm afraid something will happen to Eryang."

"What's the matter?"

"I don't know, but I don't know."

"Come out and have a drink!"

We went to the ancient city, sat opposite the teahouse, drank, and came out from time to time to sit at the door to look at pedestrians.

She saw me drinking with Li Fu and came upstairs. She sat down and said.

"If the days are always like this, how nice it is."

Li Fu said with a smile.

"It will. It won't be long before we will be like ordinary people."

Li Fu's words are a little illogical and a little wrong. Na Wan sat for a while and then went downstairs.

"Your boy's life is really good. That lady is the body of a daughter. At that time, it was so difficult for many people to take a look at that Wan. How many men took a look at that Wan, they felt it was worth it."

"It's not that serious."

"It's written in the book."

"That's what those literati made up, bullshit."

"However, it is true that Wan's death is a hundred miles of bone fragrance."

"You didn't smell it, but it was made up by those boring literati, and you are serious."

Li Fu laughed.

"Anyway, you are very blessed, unlike me."

Li Fu sighed after saying that.

That day, Li Fu and I went to Shuiling, and I said what the second master said. Li Fu also thought it should be a matter of Shuiling.

After sitting in Shuiling for an hour that day, we separated.

The second sun appeared all week, and the day was chaotic. A week later, it completely cleared up.

The second master has never been to Shuiling. He just sits in a daze every day and doesn't know what he is thinking.

In another month, we will enter the bitter cold days in the north.

The second master began to prepare things. Those things were very strange. It seemed that the second master was ready to enter the mausoleum.

A large backpack is placed in the corner.

"One nine into the mausoleum, three nine out of the mausoleum, ninety-nine mausoleum change."

The second master said, but I didn't understand what it meant. I asked the second master, but he sighed and didn't answer me.

It's nine, and it's snowing. The second master carried his bag and took me to Shuiling. I told Na Wan that it would take about 27 days to leave the mausoleum.

I have been carrying food for a month, and I feel hair in my heart.

"You can't go."

The second master said such a sentence.

I didn't respond.

In 1999, the lake has not been sealed, and the winter in the north has been a little abnormal in the past two years.

The second master pointed to the west side of the lake and said.

"If you go down from there, you will feel cold, but after entering the mausoleum, everything will be fine."

After we got to the west side and sealed everything, the second master slowly went down. After he went down, he roared in a muffled voice. Obviously, the water was very cold.

I followed, and the water was piercing, like ten thousand steel needles piercing into the bone.

Suddenly, diving down, the second master quickly found the entrance, and we went in for a few minutes.

"This is the outer mausoleum. We will find a way to enter the main mausoleum from here."

This is a side corridor of the outer mausoleum, one meter wide, and the corridor is circuitous. I don't know where it leads to. The second master and I changed our clothes and prepared to live here for 27 days. These 27 days are not easy. Fortunately, the mausoleum is warm, much higher than the temperature outside, and we feel very comfortable here.