grave-keeping note

29. Broken water

29. Broken water

I only dived halfway, and I felt the water moving. Going further down, I saw that the gear actually moved. I dived up and climbed up and said.

"Second master, the gear is moving."

The second master was stunned.

"Didn't you meet anywhere else?"

"No, absolutely not."

"It actually started."

The second master is also puzzled. He looked at the water, and the water began to turn, from small to large.

The second master stood up and went up the steps. I also went up, and the water was slowly rising.

"What should I do?"

"Let's see what happens."

I know that if this gear mechanism is activated, it will not be a good thing. The organs in Shuiling are mainly water organs. Moreover, the water organs are quite dangerous, and I don't know what will happen this time.

The second master and I sat on the steps and looked at it. The water was still rising, and I knew the consequences of such a rise.

"I'll go down and have a look."

"You took off all your clothes, and the gears were dangerous and formed a water flow. Did you see that? Over there, it is the position in the east, forming a water flow. The water flow is expanding and forming a water flow system. Now you avoid it, go down early and come up early. There should be a stop switch below. If you can't find it, it will come up within three minutes, no more than four minutes. If the water flow is formed, it is a water flow mechanism, and the water flow is like a machine that can crush people.

I saw that the water flow was not in a hurry, but it was slowly forming a water system.

I took off my clothes, pricked it down, pricked it down, and looked for the mechanism. However, except for the gear below, I didn't see the switch to turn off the gear.

I went up, and the second master pulled me.

As soon as I went up, the water system formed, and I almost broke out in a cold sweat.

The second master threw the empty wine bottle in and entered the water flow. The water flow system could not see how dangerous it was. The wine bottle also kept following the water flow. What he understood was a back-shaped water flow system. Suddenly, the wine bottle burst, which shocked me and the second master, and the wine bottle became fragments in an instant.

"Do you see it? If people are in it, it will be the same."

"What should I do?"

"Wait, maybe there is a chance."

I'd rather not have such an opportunity. It's too dangerous.

The water stopped and I stood up.

"I'll go down and have a look."

"Sit down! You stopped watching, but in fact it's even more dangerous. It forms a more powerful water system below. If you jump down here, it is estimated that even the bones will become water and break to that extent.

I trembling.

"It's not that scary, is it?"

The second master said.

"Do you want to try?"

Is this a trial? Sometimes the second master can hit you on the south wall, and it's hard to deduct it.

I sat down and looked at the calm water, and I couldn't think of how dangerous it was below.

Suddenly, the second master jumped up. He moved too fast and made me trembling.

The second master looked up, and I also looked at the ceiling. In the middle of the ceiling, that is, the corresponding position in the middle of this pool, there was a bulging thing, the size of a fist, because it was not that convex, I really didn't notice it if I didn't look closely.

"That place, if you can meet the best, maybe it's the organ."

I took a look, and there was no such possibility at all. Even if there is a way, there is also a possibility of falling into the water, the consequences...

"I'm afraid there's nothing we can do."

"I mean, if the water sprays up and hits that place, I'm afraid you may not be able to do it."

What the second master said made me think about it elsewhere.

"I'll go into the water and have a look."

I jivered.

"Are you going to die?"

"Have you noticed the surface of the water? Although it is very calm, it is very regular. Every seven minutes, the middle part becomes a little lighter. It's just a circle. I think it should be an opportunity. I can only try it. There is no other way.

"No, if you have to go down, I'll go down."

"Oi, then you go down."

The second master didn't think about it, so he said.

I was stunned for a moment, and the second master smiled.


"What's wrong with me? You said it yourself. I didn't force you."

I stared at the second master, and there was nothing I could do.

"Remember, the color of the water becomes lighter. If you tie it down, you have to tie it to that position. When you come up, you should also swim down to the light color position. Obviously, you can't get it wrong."

I prepared twice, but I didn't jump. I'm not sure. If you can't jump accurately, you will die.

"Do you jump or not?"

The second master is actually anxious.

"If you are willing to jump, I won't jump yet!"

The second master stood up and wanted to take off his clothes. I stared at him.

I saw it and pricked it down. The second master said it correctly, and the shallow water was obvious. As I swam, it turned out to be a waterway. I suddenly saw a rotary switch. After I missed it, I couldn't see it. I turned back and saw the original position, only that position could be seen. However, it is actually in a dark water area.

I hesitated. If I go down, the consequences may not come out. Should I go up and ask the second master? I hesitated and decided to go on.

I was very fast, and the rotating switch was very slippery, and it opened with a slight turn. I returned to the light waters without any strange feeling. I returned, and then I was dumbfounded.

The light water is in the middle. I jumped down, but I can't jump up.

I hesitated for a moment. Before the second master spoke, I rushed over and went up.

The second master sighed and shook his head.

"What's wrong?"

"I'll ask you to wait for a moment. The light water is moving and will move to the side. It's good for you."

"What's wrong? I'm fine now."

"It's okay now."

After a while, my skin changed color, turned water color, and it stung, and I panicked.

"What should I do? Second Master?"

"There's nothing we can do, hold on."

I went crazy with anger.

"The switch is turned on, and the effect will appear in a moment."

The second master said, lit a cigarette and started smoking. Unexpectedly, he doesn't smoke the old drought.

The tingling is for a while. When it hurts, I jump and roll. It really hurts.

Suddenly, a large column of water spewed out and hit the bump of the ceiling. In a single moment, the column of water disappeared, and the water began to become a normal color.

"Go down."

"It hurts."

The second master threw it into the water at once. I choked a mouthful of water and got out of the water and wanted to pinch the second master to death. However, I found that I didn't hurt anymore.

"Come up, hurry up."

When I swam up, the bump of the ceiling suddenly collapsed, and then the quilt in the pool was sucked up, forming a large column of water, like a water absorption pipe, and the water in the pool was slowly decreasing.

"It's okay this time. After there is no water in the pool, we may find the entrance when we go down."

"It's more than 30 meters. If we don't go down at this time, will we jump down?"

The second master took a look at me.

"Do you have a long head?"

My second master and I went into the water and leaned aside. Half an hour later, the water was gone. We were under the pool, and the rotating mechanism was still there, and the gear had stopped.

The second master and I looked around and couldn't find the entrance.

"It looks like a bad thing. If there is no entrance, we can't go up."

I said.

"Yes! When I am, good ideas will turn into bad things in an instant.

The second master mocked me.

I ignored him and wanted to touch the twist. The second master shouted at me.

"Don't move."

I roared at him and didn't move.

The second master walked to the gear, and he looked at it for a while and smiled.

"Do you see that this gear is not only the power to form a water system, but also seems to be pulling something. Look here, there is an eye that has been worn. Obviously, something has been tied and produced tension."

I looked at it for a long time and understood it. I looked at the ground again. There was a pulled ditch along the ditch and walked to the pool wall. There was a small hole that could reach into my hand.

I want to put my hand in, said the second master.

"You are always so stunned."

I didn't stretch it out. The second master took out a flat shovel from his bag and put it in. He could only make a sound. The flat shovel actually broke, which scared the second master to death, "Mom!" With a sound, my cold sweat came down. If I put my hand in, then...

It hurts when I think about it.

After a while, the second master lay down and looked in. There was a knife that slowly lifted it up. There was an eye behind the knife.

"It should be tied the rope to the top, in both eyes, and then turn the gear to pull it up."

The second master took out the rope and threw it to the ground.

"Ty it up."

I have a lot of hands. How many hands do I have?

"It's all right."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm just analyzing. It should be all right."

This is to stimulate people, but I still believe in the second master.

I slowly put my hand in, very slowly. The second master looked at me and turned his head.

It's really okay. I tied the rope and tied the other end to the eye above the gear.

"Let's turn this gear together."

The second master and I turned the gear and didn't move, and the second master couldn't use tools.

"It seems that we have to rotate the switch and put the water down."

I took a look at the second master and felt that it was a little evil.

After the second master turned the rotating switch, the water from the ceiling rushed down, and I leaned against the wall tightly. The second master also leaned against the wall.

The water is rising little by little. When it rises back, the second master and I went up.

After the water was full, it stopped.

Suddenly, the water in the pool moved. This time it was a little evil, almost crazy, like something smashing into the water from a high altitude, constantly smashing, which made me thrilling.

It calmed down in an instant. The conversion was so fast that I and the second master were a little confused for a moment.

We just got used to it, and suddenly there was a huge sound.

"My heart!"

The second master shouted, so that no one could stand it. My heart has reached its limit.

A loud voice came, just like a "squeak" sound, just like trying to saw someone's heart.

I feel very frightened.

The sound sounded for five minutes, and then stopped, dead and quiet. This is really unbearable.

The second master sweated. Suddenly, again, the second master jumped up and was more than one meter tall and almost fell into the water.

The wall opposite unexpectedly opened and fell down.

I knew at a glance that it was the entrance. I took a look at the second master and said.

"You jumped really high."

The second master scolded me.

I jumped into the water and swam here, and the second master also swam over.

The wall seems to fall down, but it is actually a way to open it.

In the past, the ground turned out to be a bag, irregular, messy, big and small. It looked like it was man-made, and it was definitely not a natural phenomenon.

The second master walked unsteadily and almost didn't fall down several times.

I hold the second master.

"Is this also called the road?"

The second master muttered.

This hall has nothing except the uneven ground. In a square of fifteen or six meters, the second master did not leave and sat aside.

"What is this place?"

"Who knows? It's so strange."

The second master looked at those bags of different sizes and suddenly stood up and said that he stood up. It should be jumping up. I was probably used to it. I didn't move.

I don't know what the second master found. I looked around and there was nothing.