grave-keeping note

31. Wall hand

31. Wall hand

I didn't expect it at all. Suddenly, the soul of the old turn floated rapidly, and it was too fast and ran around.

The yin qi actually wrapped the soul of the old crooked head in it.

"I'm sorry, old turn, you found it yourself."

The soul of the old crutch head was wrapped up by yin and entered the tomb.

"Find something to plug that hole."

I used something to plug the knocked hole.

"It's a pity that the old turn is gone."

The second master shook his head.

"This is life."

The old crutch died, and the second master was not happy. He seemed to see his future. He smoked a cigarette and kept staring at the opposite wall.

We are waiting for 13 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Actually, the second master and I don't know what will happen next.

I feel terrible and feel that I will survive at any time.

I slept with the second master and woke up at ten o'clock the next day.

I panicked.

"Second Master, I'm panicked and can't be panicked."

"It's okay. It will get better slowly. Don't think so much. It's useless. Deal with it if you have something."

The second master is very open-to- think.

It was not until 13 o'clock that the second master stood up and leaned against the wall. I knew that he was also uneasy.

Suddenly, a tomb exploded, which was not loud but scary.

The second master and I trembling, followed by the second and the third...

It's like two kicks during the Spring Festival, one after another.

It took more than ten minutes to stop. Except for the one at the thirteenth intersection, there was no complete grave.

The complete tomb in the middle turns, and the speed changes from slow to fast.

Then, a two-square-meter place in the middle is turning.

"That's the place."

After the second master finished speaking, I stared at the place. A few minutes later, a hole was opened. The second master and I walked over and trembling after reading it. Unexpectedly, I can't see the bottom. The things in the dark in my left eye are the same as the daytime, and I can't see the bottom.

I have always felt very terrible and extremely panicked about things that have no bottom. My legs were weak, and the second master stared at me and said.

"Go down."

"No, I won't do this nothing."

"If you don't go down, there is no other way. You don't have to think about it."

The second master threatened me. I didn't even feel this threat. This bottomless hole is the most terrible.

The second master ignored me, took out the rope and tied it to his waist, and then gave me the other end.

"Think about it yourself, will you go down or stay on it? You decide to go down and stay on it? It's not necessarily safe. If no one pulls the rope for me, you have to go down by yourself and support the stone wall with both hands. If you don't have the strength, you will fall down.

The second master said so much that he obviously didn't want to go down, and I would rather go down.

I said after I tied the rope.

"I'm up there."

The second master probably wanted to strangle me at this time.

I didn't expect him to go down, but more than three meters deep, the second master stopped. Obviously, it was to the end, which was impossible.

"In the end, this is actually an illusion, a visual error."

I didn't expect this to happen.

The second master looked down and touched it. He didn't know what he was doing. Suddenly, the second master shouted and sank. The speed was getting faster and faster. I knew that something was wrong. I pulled the rope hard, and finally the rope was gone. I felt the weight. The second master must have been hung up.

I pulled it up, and the second master was finally pulled up.

"No bottom hole, this time I really experienced it."

"What should I do?"

"I can't help it. I think I have to support the stone wall."

I looked at the muscles on my arm and didn't have any confidence.

I sat aside with the second master. He didn't say anything. He finished his decision and stopped talking.

I still decided to go down, holding the stone wall and sliding up little by little. In fact, I have the courage to break my mind. If something comes up below, I can't go up as fast as I can. I can only stand up.

I really don't know how deep the hole is. Ten minutes later, I looked up again, as if I saw a needle eye.

I almost broke down, but I persisted.

20 minutes, I arrived at the bottom.

In the end, I actually began to rise. I went and kept rising. I was dumbfounded. The second master was also stunned and felt that I was busy in vain.

"What's going on?"

The second master muttered.

"I don't know, it's really strange."

The second master sat with me. Anyway, I just want to sit, and my legs have always been soft.

The second master stood up and said.

"If this thing has weight, it will rise, and if there is no weight, it will go down."

Sure enough, the bottom began to fall.

"What's going on?"

The second master ignored me and lay on the edge of the cave to watch. He picked up the fragments of the grave and threw them down. Ten minutes later, the bottom rose again. It's really strange. I stood aside and watched.

The second master suddenly went to remove the things above a little, with words.

"There are words, Manchu."

The second master looked at it for a long time and said.

"What it says is that the blood of the extremely yin people is smeared on it."

After the second master finished speaking, he looked at me, and I knew that I was a very yin person. I took out a knife and cut my finger. Blood dripped on the bottom. After the second master took off the things on it, the bottom actually rose.

The second master jumped away and then looked at the roof. After the bottom rose to the roof, there was still a rise. In just a few minutes, the ceiling was opened.

The moment the shed was opened, there was light and people.

The second master and I were scared. From left to the corner, we looked up. The light on it was shaking. It must be some kind of oil lamp. It was normal that there was a bright lamp in the mausoleum.

However, there are people moving and voices. However, I can't hear what it is said.

The second master didn't move, and I didn't move either. I said it for a long time.

"Who is it?"

"I can't hear it. I don't know what to say. It's really strange that there will be someone."

The second master wiped his sweat, and then slowly leaned over and looked up. He couldn't see anything, only the figure, only the light was shaking.

Suddenly, the light news above, the figure naturally disappeared, and it became quiet. Death is the most terrible.

The second master and I sat in the corner, leaning against the wall on both sides, and felt safe.

"What should I do?"

I regretted it after asking, and the second master definitely said, go up.

"Go up."

Sure enough, and the person who went up must be me.

"How to go up?"

The second master took out a hook from his bag and threw it to me.

"Ty it to the rope and throw it up to see if it can be hung on something."

I don't know what else is in the second master's bag. I suspect that there will be condoms in it. I didn't dare to say that if I did, the second master would kill me with the axe in his bag.

I tied the hook and threw it up, but it hooked at once. I pulled it hard a few times, and there was no problem. I look at the second master.

What are you looking at me for? Go up."

I climbed up very slowly. In fact, I can climb up quickly, but I'm afraid that there is someone.

I still climbed up and couldn't die.

I probed and didn't see anything. Except for the tomb lamp with a long lamp in the middle, I think it's incredible. How could this happen?

I still went up and put my head down to say.

"Come up."

The second master really came up.

After he came up, he looked around a square hall, more than 20 meters long and seven or eight meters wide. There was nothing else but the tomb lamp I saw.

I'm sure, basically, at least it's safe now. I'm sitting in the corner and smoking, and I actually learned to sit in the corner.

I haven't smoked half of the cigarette yet. I felt that someone was pulling me. At that time, I was scared and didn't move. I looked at the second master, and the second master was stunned. I knew it, I was doomed.

If it's me, it's okay. If it's me, can I still live?

I jumped up and broke free. I ran to one side and looked back. There was nothing. Is it an illusion? If people are too nervous, they will have an illusion, which is an absolute illusion.

The second master didn't do that. He stood up, locked his eyebrows, and walked to that corner.

When he arrived at that place, he looked at it for a long time and waved his hand to me.

I hesitated for a moment, and I was worried that I would be caught again.

I leaned over, and the second master pointed to the stone wall and said.

"Do you see it? It's carved with hands."

That is indeed a hand, a thin hand, and should be a woman's hand.

"No, I saw a real hand. How could this happen?"

When the second master said, I was excited.

"Are you sure you saw it?"

The second master nodded. He stood up and looked around. Unexpectedly, he found that there were thousands of hands, different hands, all kinds of hands, covered with walls.

The second master fought a cold war, but I still saw it. He pretended to be calm.

"It's okay. Sit in the middle and light the light."

The Changming lamp is on a table and under a large stone wall. I think it should be filled with lamp oil.

I took out the lighter, my hands were trembling, and I lit the long light.

At this moment, those hands moved as if they were alive.

"Blow out, blow out."

The second master shouted, but it couldn't blow out at all, and it blew bigger and bigger.

The second master rushed over, took off his clothes, and rushed up. It was useless. His clothes were poor.

Those hands are dancing wildly, and the direction is towards us.

The second master looked at the long bright light in a franx.

"Second Master."

"Don't shout, and then you can call out your master's soul."

The second master is really scared.

We can only look at the changes to deal with them. Those hands are just stretching out and dancing, and they don't come over.

I went to his eighth uncle's and scared me to pee.

The second master put the moisture-proof shop and lay down.

"Sleep, it's okay."

This time he was fine, but I couldn't sleep. I hid there and felt that those hands would catch me at any time.

I still didn't hold on in the end. I don't know how long I haven't slept.

I fell asleep, and the second master also fell asleep.

When I woke up, I felt someone beside me. I thought it was the second master who woke up. I opened my eyes and saw the second master sleeping. I looked elsewhere. Someone was shaking and I couldn't see anyone. I howled and jumped up.

The second master stood up and had never seen such a sharp one, and then asked loudly.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

He was a little stunned, turned around, and it took him a long time to recover.

He saw the figure and couldn't see the person. Where did the figure come from? The second master didn't know. He stood there and said steadily for a long time.

"It's okay, it's okay, only shadow."

He is not so heavy that I really think it's okay. This repetition makes it clear that the second master just comforts himself and me, and it's not really okay.

There are more and more people, a little messy, and there are voices, like whispering, which can't be heard clearly. The more you listen, the more clearly you can't hear.

The second master's sweat flowed down again.

My second master and I can only do this.

The figure shook, as if it were doing something, but I couldn't see what it was doing.

This is really strange.

The second master said it for a long time.

"Find out where the shadow comes from first."

This is pure nonsense. I also want to find it, so that I can know how to come back. Where are these people hiding? Only shadows and people can't see people are the most terrible.