grave-keeping note

34. Wenguan

34. Wenguan

I stopped and looked back at the second master.

"Forget it, don't play with your life. I've calculated such a density. Almost no one can walk through it."

"Is there any other way not to rush over?"

"Try the other side."

I stood up and walked to the other side, and I came back in a moment. There was no dead end and nothing. I told the second master, and the second master looked at me and said.

"It's strange. How can it be a dead end?"

I don't know why the second master said that. The dead end is too normal and can be found everywhere. When I thought so, I felt something was wrong. This is Shuiling. It must be a problem to get a dead end.

The second master stood up and entered a dead end. I followed up. It's not big. It's just right for two people to go in. If there is one more, it won't work.

The second master looked at the stone wall, touched it, patted it, and finally shook his head.

I sat down against the wall, and the second master also sat down.

"There must be something wrong here. Take a good look."

Actually, I have seen it many times, but the wall, nothing, no change when touching, no response, I guess it's really a dead end. However, there is no reason why there is a dead end in this water mausoleum? There must be something wrong.

I can't figure it out, and I can't think of it. However, it is certain that there should be something wrong here.

I felt my buttocks move, and I jumped up at a height. The second master also jumped up and looked at the place where he had sat.

"It's moved."

I said.


The second master bent down to touch, and I also touched the place where I had sat. There was nothing but to be covered with a little heat by my body temperature. The second master looked at me and sat down again. I didn't sit down. It was not an illusion. It really moved. If a sword stabbed up at this time, it would be lively. The sword made me have a shadow in my heart. I always felt that a sword would release a sword on the wall at any time and pierced my fatality.

I looked at the second master, and he didn't seem to react and was not nervous.

"Second Master, isn't this a fun thing?"

"I know, we can't be stabbed to death by ten thousand swords, right? This may be a way. This place needs temperature. When it has temperature, it will move. Maybe this is the best entrance.

"I always feel that it's too evil. It's simply incomprehensible. It's simply impossible to use this method to make a mechanism. I don't know which bastard it was designed at the beginning."

"In those years, the people who designed this Shuiling were all high-ranking people. Everyone designed a mechanism. No one knew who designed what. These people are not simple people."

I admit this. These organs are life-threatening everywhere and can avoid one or the other. The second master and I have now gone to this place without death. It is also a great life and a great creation.

Suddenly, the second master was going down, and a stone slab under his buttocks went down. I looked at the second master.

The second master went down. There was really a passage. I jumped in, and the second master stood up and looked at the passage.

There is a row of bowls on both sides of the wall of the channel, with long lights lit, which are shaking and seem to be windy.

"Go forward."

The second master said something and walked forward, and I followed the second master closely.

The channel was more than 100 meters away. At the end, he turned left and the second master stopped.

"I don't know what's over there. Be careful."

The second master became more and more careful. He turned around. The second master shouted, ran back and bumped into me. I didn't see anything. I was scared by the second master's shouting, and I ran away.

At the other side of the passage, the second master gasped.

"A colorful statue."

I was stunned for a moment, just a colorful statue. What are you afraid of?

"Then what are you afraid of?"

"It's too scary. You'll know when you go and have a look."

I don't think the second master told the truth. It must be a scary thing. I don't move, and I don't want to go.

The second master sat down to smoke, and I looked at the second master.

Actually, if the second master is so afraid, it must be a scary thing. The second master has been a gravekeeper all his life. What hasn't seen? I'm afraid there are very few that can scare him.

The second master looked at me, and I understood what he meant. I still walked over there. I was so nervous that I was about to pee. At the end, I stopped, then shouted, jumped over, and then shouted again. It was indeed a colorful statue, but it was too scary. I had never seen such a scary statue. It was a human, but rather than a ghost, and the color was too ridiculous. .

The statue's eyes are blue, the teeth are seven up and eight down, with porcelain light, and the color of the face can be seventy-two. Anyway, it looks a little like peeing.

I was stunned there, probably scared to short circuit.

The second master came over and looked at me with a smile.

How's it going? I think this is the most beautiful statue in the world.

The second master is playing with me, this old lamp.

The second master pushed me aside and walked forward, striding without fear at all.

He went to the statue and looked at the one-person statue.

"It's so imaginative. This man must be an outstanding painter. I don't know who painted it, maybe some famous person in history."

The second master appreciates it. I look weird and has no beauty at all.

I turned to the back of the statue, and there was a small door, like a TM dog hole.

The second master also came.

"Dril through."

I lay down with a sense of humiliation.

I can't help thinking of "Crawl out and give you freedom..."

I was happy, and the second master was shocked.

"What's fun?"


"I'm sick."

I got over, and the second master followed.

Ten coffins, full of coffins, with bright colors on them. At first glance, the statue was made by a person.

This is an authentic coffin, with high eaves, wide noodles, and a rich spirit. The second master walked over and looked around the coffin.

"It's really too delicate. A first-class coffin can't be built by the people, and there is no such master."

"Of course, this water mausoleum is an official mausoleum. Although it is a private official mausoleum, it is also the ultimate."

The second master looked at me and said.

"With progress, this gravekeeper will still be qualified in the future."

When the second master mentioned the gravekeeper, I got angry. I don't want to be a gravekeeper. I want to live a plain life with Na Wan. The gravekeeper will never be at peace all his life.

The second master saw that I was unhappy and ignored me. It seems very difficult for him to push a coffin lid. I helped push and pushed open a crack. The second master looked in and said for a long time.

"Come on, I can't see anything."

I looked inside and saw shoes, flower pot shoes, and half legs, fully dressed.

"It's a person, looking like a woman, can't see her head."

"Push over there and have a look."

The second master and I pushed the coffin open again and looked in, covering our heads with a golden square handkerchief.

"I can't see my face, I'm covered!"

"You can consider it."

The second master said with a bad smile.

"Go in? What are you doing in there? Does it make any sense? We're not here to do this."

"Sometimes you talk too much."

I ignored the second master. The second master pushed the coffin cover by himself and pushed it big. He climbed in.

I just think it's strange. Sometimes the second master does nothing reasonable. Like his people, he has no common sense. The second master called me. I looked in, and the second master actually lifted the golden handkerchief. I looked at that face and was stunned. Like a living person, it seemed to be smiling. I trembling. This woman is indeed full and average-looking, but she actually looks like she is alive. This is a strange thing.

"How's it going?"

"How about what?"

"Fresh corpse is so well preserved. If only you knew what method to use."

"Dead, no matter how good it is, it's meaningless."

The second master stared at me. He turned over and didn't turn anything.

"The coffin, there is nothing."

The second master handed me the golden square hand.

"Take it and give it to Na Wan. Why did you come out?"

I was stunned and took it for a long time to take it over. The gold wire on the gold silk square handkerchief was actually pulled out of pure gold, and this process was enough. However, I'm a little uncomfortable. This is a dead thing. Besides, we don't go on a trip and bring anything else. The second master's idea is sometimes very strange, or very psychotic.

I still put the golden square handkerchief in my pocket.

The second master jumped out of the coffin, covered the coffin, and then sat in the corner smoking, looking at the coffin and looking around. I also watched and looked for the entrance.

It's still like other places, with nothing. I feel tired. It's too boring to toss around like this.

We have spent twelve days in Shuiling. These twelve days have come, and it has been too much experience. I also want to be Wan. I don't know how she is now.

Suddenly, a coffin moved and moved. Unexpectedly, it changed its position with other coffins. After changing positions, it did not move. I leaned against the wall, and the cold sweat on my back made my clothes wet.

The second master looked at it with his eyes.

"It's interesting to change the position of the flag coffin and give birth to each other."

"What do you mean?"

"Everything is born and defeated by each other. This depends on the position, just like feng shui. If you stand in the right position, then it is mutual nourishment."

"Just like that year, our classmates stood downstairs in a row, and a flower pot fell downstairs, hit one of them, and died on the spot. Is that the reason?"

"Yes, yes, he stands in the dead seat. If he understands, he will definitely not stand there. It's like the choice of life. If you choose to die, you will be poor to death, no matter what your talent is."

"It seems that I just stood in the wrong position and followed the wrong person."

I said something, and the second master stretched out a foot and gave me a foot.

"What are you talking about?"

I ignored the second master.

The position of the flag coffin is changed every hour, and then the two coffins are exchanged, and then the coffins are exchanged. At first, I felt weird and scary. When I got used to it, there was nothing.

The second master sat like that and looked at the flag coffin.

"How long will you sit like this?"

"When you don't want to sit."

"I've had enough sitting for four hours."

The second master ignored me and just looked at the flag coffin.

When the second master suddenly jumped up and changed the position of the flag coffin, I saw a hole under the flag coffin. The second master did not hesitate to throw down the bag first, then jumped down, and then jumped down. I also jumped down.

After going down, I regretted it. It was just a hole and the flag coffin was covered.

"It's just a hole."

The second master looked at this well-like hole and something was wrong.

"What do you mean?"

"I think this is the entrance."

What do you think? I think it's a dead hole. It's so deep that we can't climb out.

"It's good to die here."

The second master was angry and I closed my mouth.

My second uncle and I sat foot-to-foot, just in such a big place.

The second master closed his eyes. I don't know whether he was tired or not. I sat there and felt a kind of uneasiness. There was always a sound. I didn't know what the sound was. It seemed to be nothing, just like an illusion. I was trying to listen. The more I was like this, the more I couldn't hear it clearly. The second master kept closing his eyes.